


San Antonio, TX

Sunday January 4, 2004

     11:25am  I am leaving Sam's apartment.

                     Earlier this morning we were watching Tank Girl, but that movie got really stupid. I'm hungry. I'm going to go find something to eat.

                     I got eight dollars.

                     Okay, I walked to the Shipley's Donuts and bought me a cinnamon roll for ninety six cents. That sucks. I'm going to go to the bus stop and wait for the bus and eat my cinnamon roll.

     12:11pm  Dude, I went downtown and my water bottle was empty. I went inside the Greyhound station to get some water. This bitch cop. Remember last time I told you that they came up to me and told me to get off the property? They said I had been panhandling. I wasn't, someone was giving me a cigarette. The Greyhound station has always been my downtown restroom resource. Well, I went in there to get some water today and she came up to me and said, "Didn't I tell you never to come back here again?" I told her, "I was just getting some water! The lady behind the counter even gave me a cup to go fill it up. That's all I was doing. They don't mind." She said, "Well, you're trespassing. Come with me." They took me to this little room in the back and the bitch told me she had to get the other guy. That big black dude from before. He came back and told me, "Didn't we tell you never to come back, and now you're here?" I told him, "It's a public business! I just came to get some water." He told me I was going to go to jail! After a long pause he says, "Actually, I'm not going to do that today." Dumbass was all trying to scare me and shit. He even looked in my blue bag. He was all, "Am I going to find anything I shouldn't in here?" I told him no, to go ahead and look. I don't have anything to hide. He looked through it and then set it back down. Dude, these unprofessional cops. They didn't even pat me down. How dare they look in my bag without checking my pockets first. I had a sack of weed and my pipe in my pocket. Stupid cops. Oh yeah, and while he was standing there lecturing me, he grabbed my Nalgene water bottle I was holding. Attached to the loop I always kept a keychain with my Victorinox Swiss Army knife and p38 military can opener. He removed the keychain from my bottle and told me, "Oh, this is private property. I am confiscating this." I told him, "Okay, when will I get it back?" He told me, "You won't. It will be destroyed."

                     God-damnit! Fuck the police!

                     I bet you it's because I look like a hippie. Now I am 86'ed from the Greyhound station. I can't use the bathroom there anymore.

                     That's such bullshit. I've got a hell of a complaint to make. They took my knife. I have to type this up.

                     Oh yeah, I never told you. Earlier I went and smoked out these two guys under a bridge downtown. I told them my entire story and they listened to me.

                     This pisses me off! I lost my knife. Kati, my temporary girlfriend in Arcata gave it to me. It had my name on it, Victorinox. Just like my watch. Ugh, stupid pigs. I want to get that stuff back.

     1:20pm  I feel like my rights have been violated. I've walked around downtown hoping to see a cop so I can go talk to one. I don't know the non-emergency number, so I'm just going to call 911 and ask them what the non-emergency number is. I'm going to make a complaint. I'm going to get my shit back. I miss my knife.

     1:44pm  This sucks. I called 911 and asked them for the non-emergency number. The lady told me, "Well, you'll just get us anyway, so what's the problem?" I was trying to tell her my story, but she kept saying, "Get to the point, get to the point." She asked for my name and stuff and I told her, "You know what, I'm just going to wait until I see a police officer and talk to him in person," and just hung up on her.

     2:35pm  I just had the greatest presentation with these guys at Travis Park thumping their bibles. When I walked up to the park I noticed this one kid yelling bible scriptures and preaching. No one was gathered around listening(hehe, and people think I'm crazy). The minute I saw them I thought to myself, "Oh, I'm going to tell these kids my ideas eventually." Well, after he stopped yelling at no one for a while, him and his friend walked up to me. I tell him, "Hello, can I tell you a really interesting story?" He agrees and listens to my entire platform. He smiled and told me, "I wish you luck."

     2:45pm  Mr. Chavez driving the #5 to North Star hooked me up with a courtesy-ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:52pm  Man, that was a great conversation. I had an excellent presentation with the bus driver. I actually did what I was planning on doing. Getting on and asking for a courtesy ride and telling my story to the bus driver. I told him, "I was just testing you. You passed."

     3:06pm  The bus stopped in front of Cici's Pizza. I thought, "Hmm, I'm kind of hungry." Ahh, I'm not going to go ask for free food. I got money. I'll spend all my money, then I'll be able to ask for free food.

     4:10pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what happened. After I ate, I came around the corner and sat down and smoked a cigarette and smoked some weed. I see this girl walk by. She's Mexican. She's kind of cute. She's got shaved eyebrows. She walks by and I tell her, "Hey, want a hit of weed, sister?" She goes, "Yeah, sure." She sits down and listens to my whole story. She was on her way to go buy some beer. She's twenty one. She said she'll be right back. She told me she just got to San Antonio like two weeks ago. Man, I just want to show this bitch around.

                    I didn't mean to call her a bitch. I'm sorry.

     4:50pm  I jumped on the #4 bus when it came. I couldn't find my weed after I jumped on another bus. I got off and went back to the spot where I met that girl. I didn't see the weed anywhere. It turns out I had it in my pocket the whole time. But, when I had gotten off, I left my pack of cigarettes on the bus.

                   Ever get that dumbass feeling go through you sometimes?

     5:07pm  I ran into Fernando. See, I got off the bus right before it goes around the mall and comes back to the transfer point. I hit Fernando up for a cigarette and he tells me, "You smoke weed?" I told him yeah, and he asks me if I wanted to smoke a joint. We came over here in this little corner by some building and we are smoking some weed. 

     5:18pm  Fernando gave me another cigarette. Badass.

                    I didn't get this dudes name, but he gave me a Port, a candy cane.

     5:30pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I jumped on the 551, the looper to Crossroads.

     5:52pm  I just walked up to the Jack in the Box by Crossroads Mall. I'm going to get me a burger. I'm hungry. And I got money. I want to get rid of it.

     6:00pm  Remember to mention that the girl Shilch at Jack in the Box is quite pretty. She's got a beautiful smile.

                   Before I forget it, let me tell you this. This morning, I had just walked up to the Greyhound station and asked if I could get my bottle filled up. The lady said yeah, sure and handed me a cup and told me to fill it up. She didn't mind that I was asking. Then the lady cop, the bitch came up to me and asked me, "Didn't we tell you not to come back here?" I told her, "I'm just getting some water." She said, "That doesn't matter. Come with me." They took me to this little room. Then she called the other cop. The other dude who had been there before. He started getting in my face, "We told you not to ever come back here." I told him, "Man, I was just getting some water. They were going to give me some. They didn't care. Why do you?" Then they told me, "It's a felony. It's trespassing. This is private property. We're going to take you to jail." The chick had taken off. I ask him, "So, you're going to take me to jail?" He told me, "I have to wait for my partner to come back and see if she agrees." He was holding my water bottle and he unhooked my knife and can opener and took it off. He told me, "Alright, we are going to keep this." Startled, I told him, "What for?" He said, "We are keeping this since you were trespassing and this is private property. Then we're going to confiscate it." So, they kept it.

                   What a dumbass. He didn't even pat me down. If he had he would've found my pipe and weed. Dumbass cops. Very un-thorough and unprofessional.

                   I'm going to try and fight this shit.

Next day..

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