


San Antonio, TX

Thursday January 6, 2005

     8:05am  I just woke up. Let's see. What do I need to do today? I don't know.

     11:21am  I'm all layered up and I think I'm ready to go on my walk. It's cold outside, man. Hella-cold. Brrrr.

     11:50am  I walked down Braun Road to the Exxon and got some water. I'm going in the park now. I'm not in that much of a hurry. I'm going to take one of the trails by the entrance. I'm going to take the right trail.

                     The sun came out and I have too many layers on. I'm going to stop here and stash one of my sweaters. I'll get it later.

     12:15pm  I stopped to rest. I'm all the way out here by the golf course.

     12:34pm  I got to some neighborhood.

                     The street I ended up behind the golf course was Stonykirk. I'm over here by Stonykirk and Rochelle. Turning on Rochelle.

                     It's Stonykirk I turned on. Not Rochelle.

                     I'm going to end up on Abe Lincoln.

     12:47pm  I walked Stonykirk all the way to Hollyhock Drive. Turning right.

                     Whoa, there's a big radio antenna by Hollyhock.

                     Weird, I'm coming up on Abe Lincoln again. I'm going to go right past it. Again. Straight on Hollyhock.

                     Hollyhock turns into Oxford Trace.

                     It's the KCOR radio antenna.

                     It's weird, I'm coming up on Rochelle again. That's crazy. I've been walking in one direction. Turning right on Rochelle.

     1:03pm  Passing Mary Todd and Lincoln Park Neighborhood.

     1:04pm  Cool, I ended up by my old church out here. The church my mom has always gone to. St. Brigid's. It's all remodeled now.

     1:12pm  I completely went in a circle! I can't believe this.

                     There's the golf course again. There's the antenna from OP Schnabel! Ugh, I can't believe this. I thought I was going to walk to Medical Center. I guess now I'll cut through the woods to the Walmart and catch the bus. I can't believe I went in a complete circle.

                     There's Rochelle and Stonykirk again.

                     There's like two pretty deer in these people's yard here.

                     I was walking next to this part and it felt like Deja-Vu.

                     I'm in the woods. Speed walking in the woods.

     1:37pm  I just passed the wall by the Walmart. Right before the bus circle. I think I'm going to sacrifice a dollar for a double cheeseburger.

                   None of the drivers will give me a transfer, that sucks. I called one a greedy ass.

     1:45pm  Amy hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Walmart. I appreciate it, Amy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:06pm  There's the 610 to Medical Center.

     2:32pm  The 92 hooked me up.

     2:38pm  I had told myself that I was going to go to Santa Fe Apartments, where Sam lives, and get weed somehow. I've got three dollars. I was going to see if Teo was home. He wasn't so I just decided to walk around the apartments and ask cool-looking people. I walked like four laps and then I asked this one dude if he knew where I could buy a joint. Lorenzo. They call him Leo. I asked him if he knew where I could get a joint and he told me no, but that he was looking for some himself. He told me he was doing laundry.
                   Then this other dude I asked showed me some chicks' apartment. When she answered the door she asked me how much I wanted. I told her I only had three dollars and I just wanted a joint. At first she said, "You want a twenty sack?" I told her, "No, I want a joint." Like twice she asked me if I wanted a twenty sack. Then I walk off and put two and two together. I remembered the Leo guy saying he was looking for some and that he was doing his laundry. I walked to the laundromat and he was there. I told him I could get him a twenty sack and we walked to his car and he gave me seventeen dollars. I go back to that girl's apartment and tell her I had twenty dollars. She takes the money and gets it for me and mission accomplished. I got stoned. Leo told me I had talked to him a long time ago. He said, "I am so surprised. I never thought I'd see you again. But hey, rock-on."

                   His email address is

                   Look at all this awesome synchronicity. Right before all this happened I went like on a ten mile walk. I got lost and ended up doing a whole complete circle and everything. I ended up back at the Walmart and got me a burger. Then I had told myself I was going to go to Medical Center and then catch the bus over to Sam's and go by Teo's apartment and see if he's there. He wasn't home and I went walking around like two or three laps and I spot this guy and ask him if he knew where to buy a joint. He said no, but he was looking for some. Then I asked some other guy and he took me down to this girl's apartment. She wouldn't sell me a joint. She kept saying, "You want a twenty sack?" Then I remembered, "Oh, yeah. That guy! He told me he was doing laundry. Let me go check." Sure enough, he had money and I got stoned. Mission accomplished.

                   Ain't it cool how things works out for me? What great synchronicity.

                   On the title page of some part of my webpage be sure to put, damnit, I forgot what I was thinking.

     5:42pm  I had a fun time at Lorenzo's. He hooked me up with a nickel sack's worth of weed. He even gave me spare change for bus fare. Awesome.

                   Benito: " Benito, that's my name. Umm, give me a ring, dude. Let me know. Drop me a line. Let me know what your plan is and I if I can help."

     7:07pm  What a magical day I've had today. I need to make an update. This Lorenzo guy is gay. When we took a couple hits off my one-hitter in the laundry room I told him my line, "I might be the happiest man in the world, but I'm not gay. I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow." After that I told myself I was going to walk to University Hospital. As I was walking in front of a bus stop the 91 pulled up. I thought, "Cool, I'll walk it if I don't get a courtesy ride." Sure enough, the driver hooked me up. Then I sat down on the bus and this dude Chris asked me if I had any weed. I tell him, "Sure, I'll smoke you out." We were on the 91 on the way to the hospital. I was planning on catching the 610 to my mom's, but then I met this dude and told him, "We'll go smoke at The Rocks at West." I smoked him out and I told him my story. Everybody listened to me today. Oh yeah, and that gay dude from earlier, he listened to all my stories.

                   It was cool, I was walking to the smoking cabana at West and this black security guard was in there and he tells me, "What are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to be on company grounds." I laughed and told him, "If you want me to stop coming here then have the buses stop coming here. This place is one of my pit-stops on my walk home. I'm going to go use the smoking cabana. I am utilizing the resource." I had a good presentation with this one kid who was out there on break. He wouldn't listen to me. He was all proving me right.

                   Man, if that 91 hadn't pulled up when I was going to walk to Medical Center, none of this rollercoaster of chains of events that just happened, would have happened. Little shit like that, man. I was ready to walk to the hospital and catch the last bus home at 7:15. Then all of a sudden the 91 pulls up! Oh shit! I might as well get on it. That's where I met Chris. Chris still thinks we need money.

     7:45pm  I walked down Prue to Babcock. I went in the gas station where they have a Subway and asked the dude, "Hey man, will you hook me up with a sub for the walk home?" He asked me what I wanted. I told him to surprise me. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


                   Man, that's so awesome! I just scored at the Subway! I didn't even give him the 'ol gasoline for the stomach line. I told him, "Hey, will you hook me up with a sub for the walk home?" At first I had gone to the Pizza Hut and asked for mistakes and they told me, "Not today."

                   After I told that guy in the Subway my story, he told me, "I just don't know what to say."

                   I just got to thinking. It really sucks that I have to type up all those email addresses. All this time I have been on this mission collecting email addresses, I should have just let people tell me what their email addresses are on my recorder. It would already be typed up and I could like do a search for "@" in the text files to collect them all.

                   Ugh, and I could have them spell it out and everything to make sure I get it right. Because I can't read them sometimes.

                   Damnit, that sucks. I regret that. Mistake.

                   I'm walking on Country Horn right now. I didn't go straight down Prue. I even have half a sub in my bag for later. That guy hooked me up. I didn't even have to give him my gasoline for the stomach line. Anyway, I'm walking in this neighborhood parallel to Prue. I'm just walking towards the antenna in the woods. My beacon.

                   I'm going to walk to the park. I'm going to try and find the place where I stashed my shirt earlier today.

     8:05pm  Turning left on Country Dawn.

                   This sucks. It ended at a cul-de-sac. No access to the woods.

     8:15pm  Back on Prue Road. Man, I've been going in circles all day.

     8:17pm  Let's try the next neighborhood. See if there's an outlet to the woods.

     8:24pm  I am in the woods now. I'm in the woods.

                   I just went up the cliffs. I haven't in a long time. Man, these are cool trails along  the cliffs. I should get pictures of them.

     8:47pm  Wow, I ended up right where I stashed my shirt. I didn't think I'd find it at night. I knew it was on this side of the park. I had gone on the right trail when I walked in earlier today.

     8:56pm  I'm over at the entrance to the park. Over by the big GRASS sign. Man, I just love that that sign is still there. I dread the day when that billboard says Clear Channel on it. That would hurt me so bad.

                   I just got to the Exxon. There's two cops inside. I'm going to stand out here and eat the other half of my sub right in front of the cops.

     9:45pm  I walked home. My mom still hasn't learned. She is still complaining about how slow her computer is and is convinced it's my fault. I tell her, "It's because it's old, mother! It's really old. It's because you have a 4gb hard drive, mom! It's because you still use the telephone for the Internet! Of course it's going to be slow. I thought you'd be used to it by now." She comes up with some bullshit like, "Oh, well when I got it back from my school, blah, blah, blah." I told her, "Mom, sometimes there's a lot of people on the Internet. It's not going to be the same speed all the time. It's not always going to be fast." So she decided to take it away again. Hmm, how many times has she done that? I told her, "I don't give a damn, but you can't take it anywhere until I get all my work off your drive."

                   Ugh, damn the ignorance in this world! She's under the stupid delusion that if she takes it to her school all her problems will be fixed. I flat out told her, "Mom, if you want your problem fixed get Roadrunner again or get a new computer. That's as simple as it has to be."

                   She was all, "I'm going to cut the Internet if it's that slow." I told her, "Mom, you pay for cable YT and you never watch it." She said, "I watch TV! You don't know that. I have a TV in my room and I watch it." I told her, "I never see you watch TV. You are never here to warrant paying for cable TV!"

                   Oh yeah, and when I first walked in the kitchen I saw that she brought me home a big bag of cereal. I smiled when I saw it. I told her, "Aww, thanks." She stormed off into her room and I went to go pour me a bowl, but she took it with her. Like a little kid. She had even noticed me smile when I saw it. Then she started bitching about the computer and she took it away from me because I told her the truth. That's my punishment for being honest. Then she noticed all the CD's I had got at Best Buy and she said, "Oh, did you buy those so you can get your stuff off my computer? I'm going to take it to my school." I told her, "Why, so they can charge you fifty dollars to format it when I could do it for free?" I told her, "I don't care, mom. Take it!"

                   Bet you ten bucks she doesn't.

Next day..

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