


San Antonio, TX

Friday January 7, 2005

     9:55am  I am just amazed at all the stuff I have in my mission box. I have eleven, twenty seven exposures each, cameras with pictures of San Antonio before I left for my trip this year. I have yet to develop five that I have of my last trip that I took. I want to develop those first. When I get all my cameras developed I'm going to have all of 2004 documented.

                   Oh yeah, then I was looking in the drawer where I dumped all my tapes one by one on that big typing-spree I just had. I'm going to count how many I've got here. Hold on. Let me count.

                   Oh yeah, and my older sister, for Christmas she gave me a six-pack of ninety minute Sony microcassettes. I have so much medium. I haven't been logging that much anymore, because I've been working on the computer so much. Now my mom is bitching every chance she gets. This might be my sign to leave or to just follow through already. I'm still playing with the idea of letting it loose as text. Until I finish up with the pictures and everything. Just to have something floating around out there of mine, priming the world for when I finally put up my completed site.

                   I need to make it permanent first.

                   Maybe I'll just hand out CD's to get it out. Screw emails.

                   San Antonio is where it all starts.

                   This thing is going to be awesome.

                   Nobody is going to know because I'm not going to tell anybody. I'll just hand them out.

                   I was looking through the backup I'm making. As of now, January seventh, which is today, I have 653 days logged. 653 mm/dd/yy.html files. I have a couple days I have extra loggings for. That's a shitload.

                   I have a two year old near-perfect memory.

                   On pictures I have a total of 472 pictures for my webpage so far.

                   Twenty two cassettes total that I've typed up. Wow, twenty two. Ninety and sixty minute ones. I recorded over some of them more than once. See, because in my travels whenever I filled up a tape, all I had to do was type it up and I could tape over it.

                   Right now, at my disposal I have nine blank ninety minute tapes. That's like a year's worth, hehe.

                   I think I'm going to walk out to Leslie Road. I'm going to take a shower first.

     12:21pm  I forgot to tell you. I think I'm going to walk down Leslie Road today. To that Walmart they built over there by 1604. I have my walking stick and everything. I don't care. I have to go make my presence known there. In the near future I plan on taking the walk all the way out there to develop the rest of my film. I'm going to stretch right now.

     12:52pm  Jacob hooked me up at the gas station on 1604/Braun. He gave me a $1.99 burrito for $1.07. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I just got a hair up my ass to walk out to Leslie Road. I don't know what's going to happen to me. Maybe something cool is going to happen. I don't know. I shouldn't expect it.

                   I'm giving the peace sign to all the cars passing by. Everybody is waving back.

     1:11pm  Passing in front of the Lutheran cemetery they have here. I wish I had a camera. I wish I had some money so I could buy me one at the Walmart. I'm just walking out there for the exercise. Oh yeah, I got hooked up at the Taco Cocina at the Shell station. Not even by the Mexican ladies. This white cashier working in there. I was waiting in line and he was looking at me. I was going to pay. I wasn't going to ask for free food. I got a big pocketload of spare change from Leo's last night. He was all making comments about my walking stick and everything. I handed him the burrito and he says, "How much are those?" I turned around and asked the Mexican lady. She told me they were $1.99. I turn around and tell the cashier guy all smiling, "They're a dollar." He smiled and told me, "$1.07." I logged his generosity. I have a big burrito for only one dollar. Now I'm walking down Leslie road. By the cemetery.

                   I feel great. I have my stick and everything today. Everybody waves back at me.

                   I walked by the Wild Animal Orphanage and I saw some hip-lookin' kid shoveling manure in a dumpster. I walked up to him and said, "Hey, wanna smoke some weed?" He tells me, "I'm already high. I got some chronic." I told him my intro and platform and told him, "I would tell you exactly how I plan to do this, but I see your working shoveling shit and I don't want to bother you." He insisted that I tell him, but he was way ignorant and I just ended up walking off. I told him, "I'm going to go. I have a world to save. You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does."

     1:26pm  Right after I left that dude I saw this old guy walking towards me smoking a cigarette. I hit him up for one and he gave me one quick. When I asked him his name he said Victor. I told him, "Oh cool, I'm Victor too. What's up, brother?" Everybody gets credit, Victor.

                   Oh yeah, I had walked up to the Wild Animal Orphanage and there was some guy shoveling shit. I tried to tell him my story but he was ignorant as hell. I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy and will be telling all his friends.

                   I changed out my tennis ball.

     1:56pm  I'm walking down Leslie Road looking around. Babylon has totally raped the country out here on the outskirts of town. There's this big, as far as the eye can see neighborhood out here now. Damn the urban sprawl. There's all these snooty asses driving their high-dollar death machines all proud of their lazy success.

     2:10pm  I'm at the Walmart. The parking lot, already. I'm going to go sit down somewhere and smoke the cigarette Victor gave me.

     2:34pm  I just left the Walmart. I went to the tiny little smoking cabana and took a hit of weed and bummed a cigarette off this Mexican dude who worked here. I logged his generosity and told him my intro and mission objectives. It's weird. It's the same exact Walmart as the one by my mom's. I walk in the door and look to the left and there's the McDonald's. It's a clone.

                   It's an evil clone.

                   Oh yeah and at the smoking cabana I told one guy there what I was doing. I told him, "Yeah, they know me at the other Walmart too."

                   I'm going to walk to Lean Valley. Six miles away.

                   They totally raped this corner of San Antonio.

                   Everybody's brainwashed out here.

                   I'm about to walk into Mas Tacos and score some food. Just you watch.

     2:42pm  Maria, en Mas Tacos is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit.

                   Calling the shots, calling the shots. Scored at the Mas Tacos. They gave me a big bag of stuff. Now I'm going to go find me a cigarette somewhere. Even though I'm not that hungry.

                   But, as little as I do this anymore, I want to do it as much as I can.

     2:49pm  Man, I have a full belly. I got hooked up badass at Mas Tacos.

     3:37pm  I am so dumb. I walked the wrong way again. I was going back to 1604. I just walked all the way over past the Mas Tacos. Way past the Mas Tacos.

     3:56pm  Man, I'm at the gas station here. the Diamond Shamrock. The sun came out. It got hot. I took some layers off and my bag's all bulging.

     4:04pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what happened. Over here by the Water Works Car Wash, I was walking down Culebra some more and I see these street kids. A guy and a girl with backpacks. They just got into town from Houston. They told me they had to walk through Houston, that sucks. They're from Alabama. They left like a week ago or something. I walked up to them and said, "Hey, do you guys want to smoke some weed?" The dude tells me, "I would love to, man." They had a badass dog. Part Great Dane, part Bloodhound. It was a little puppy. It was adorable. I got him high. The girl didn't smoke.

                   Whoa, weird, I'm walking and I see another Old Tezel Road. I walked it and I'm back on Tezel.

     5:45pm  Man, I walked Tezel all the way to Old Tezel.

     5:57pm  I forgot to mention I walked to the Citgo by my mom's house. I took a couple hits of weed and I'm going to ask someone for a cigarette. I'll smoke one then bum another for later. Hopefully my mom won't bitch. I should probably clean up the room I sleep in for brownie points.

     6:03pm  Brian hooked me up with a cigarette at the car wash behind the Citgo. He goes to St. Mary's Law. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    It was badass. I was walking by the carwash behind the Citgo and saw the guy who works there, who always gives me a cigarette. I wasn't going to ask him for another one. Then I asked that guy Brian washing his truck if he had a spare cigarette and he told me no. I walked back to the Citgo(exposing the tattoo on my neck). I gave up at the Citgo and when I walk back by the carwash that Brian guy tells me, "I might have a cigarette after all." He got me one. Cool, cool. I have a cigarette to smoke at home now.

     6:10pm  I'm back at my mom's house. Man, I walked all day. It's starting to get dark now. From 1604 I walked all the way to Culebra and walked Culebra all the way to Guilbeau.

                   Some excellent publicity. I was giving almost every car that passed the peace sign. So many people waved back.

                   I'm going to call my mom and try to guilt trip the cereal out of her. She probably hid it somewhere in the house. I'm hungry.

                   Man, my mom told me she returned the cereal. She's still all sore at me.

                   It was the same argument we've had before so many times. What is her problem?

                   I'm trying to save the world here, mom.

                   Today that guy shoveling shit asked me if I went to school. I told him screw college. I go to the school of reality. Where you learn the truth and it's free like knowledge should be.

                   When I bring world peace, I'm gonna to graduate, hehe.

                   But I'll never stop going.

     10:51pm  I didn't tell you. I left my mom's house. I'm going to walk to the Citgo and bum a cigarette.

                     Oh yeah, I overheard my mom on the phone actually considering about getting AOL. She was talking with one of her friends. She was all chatting with her friend bragging about all the stupid shit she thinks she knows. I remember my mom telling me in the past, "No, you can't have AOL on my computer! I forbid it!(1-28-04, 8:38pm)" She said, "I'm going to get one of those free CD's."

     10:56pm  Jim hooked me up with a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, Jim. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:12pm  Oh yeah, I'm back at my mom's house. I forgot to tell you. Back at the Citgo no Indian people were working tonight. There was this teenager girl working there. She was talking to this dude. So I took a couple hits outside and went in there and hit them up for my story. The girl had to work, but the dude told me, "Let me buy a blunt." He bought a cigar and came outside and he listened to my whole story. Odyssey and everything, dude. I blew his mind hopefully. He smoked his whole cigar to my story. He had told me, "Oh yeah, I had seen you before with your stick." Then these other two dudes walked up and one guy said, "I remember you from the bus." Hehe, even though I've been in hiding for so long, everybody still knows me.

     1:08am  I've had a pretty cool night. Earlier my mom was all bitching about the computer. She had this big attitude. She wasn't even using the computer and I asked her, "Mom, can I get on the computer?" She told me, "No, not yet." I watched Independence Day. It was alright. I thought I had seen it before but I hadn't. I stayed up and played a little Tetrinet. I'm going to go to bed now.

Next day..

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