


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday January 28, 2004

     8:18am  I woke up not that long ago at my mom's. I got a good night's sleep. I rested my feet a little. I got new socks on. I'm ready to walk again. I'm not going to clean up today. I am ready to go to UTSA. I'm going to go type up my stuff at the library. Hopefully.

                   I got a lot of stuff to type up. Let me check my money stash. I spent like all forty dollars yesterday. In the end I even bought me a hamburger.

     8:38am  I am getting ready to leave. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you my stupid mom, see, last night I offered to go buy a phone cord that she needed if she let me borrow her car. She was all, "No, no, I don't want to get the Internet." I told her, "You don't have to. I know my friend Kati's password to her AOL account. My mom goes, "AOL? Don't put that on my computer. The lady at my school told me not to put anything AOL-related on my computer." Pissed, I told her, "Mom, don't you think that I know better than your teacher at school? You're just paranoid. I just need to check my email." I just needed to get on the Internet.
                   Just to be certain I asked her, "So I can't get on AOL on your computer?" She told me no. She told me, "The way they put that computer is the way I want it." I told her, "Do you mean all that crap that's running in the background hogging your memory resources unnecessarily, you don't want me to fix that? Look, I have already uninstalled Outlook Express. What do you use it for? You don't use it." She all tried lying to me telling me, "My friend gave me a project to use it with." I asked her, "Mom, what is Outlook Express? What does it do?" She couldn't answer me and said, "I just want it on there." I got mad and asked her, "Why do you want what you don't need?!"
                  Oh yeah and last night I had gotten on the computer. They didn't have a phone cord, so I was just playing pinball. My mom came in all pissed and told me, "Oh, I'm taking the computer back to my school. I'm going to take it away." I told her, "Whatever. I don't care! I'll go type my stuff up somewhere else." Damnit. My mom is so trivial. Just like a little kid. So petty. See, last night I even told my mom, "Mom, I'm not mad at you. I forgive you. I can't blame you for not knowing better." Then she started complaining about something else. She is just always looking for things to complain about.

                  She's got the complaining disease. This house is also still a mess. Nothing has changed. After all these years, everything is still the same in her house. It's a big mess. I did her the favor of formatting her computer(12-23-03, 12:22am) before I left to Sam's. Before you could wade through the mess because she wouldn't ever clean. All because she was addicted to wasting time on the computer. She's so damn lazy. She's a packrat. She keeps junk everywhere. It's damn pathetic.

                  Why does she want what she doesn't need? Why does anyone?

     9:00am  I just realized I just wore out the little rubber stopper that walking stick guy put on the end of the stick. I only had it on there for like a day. Right now I am walking to the tennis court to see if I can find a tennis ball for my stick.

                  Hope I find a tennis ball. I'm at the tennis courts already.

     9:04am  Sweet, scored me a ball. Right when I walked up. It was on the other side of the fence, but I was able to reach my hand in there and grab it. Actually, I had to stick my stick in there and bring it closer to the fence.

                  Sweet, I was walking away when I notice three or four balls lying on the ground on the other side of the fence. Score. Thank you, Love.

                  Sweet, scored me a total of six balls.

     11:26am  I just got dropped off at Mainland by the Walmart where the buses stop. I'm going to walk to Smokestone where I left two beers yesterday. Bacardi lemonades. I'm going to drink one. Then I'm going to walk to Carlos' house and get my water bottle.

                  I'm going to go by Smokestone. I'm going to take a picture of it.

     9:40am  I have arrived at Smokestone.


                   Just took a picture of it.

                   Cool, there's two lemonades out here. I'm going to drink them.

     9:55am  I came over to Smokestone and drank a beer, smoked a cigarette and smoked some weed. I'm going to go for a walk and talk to somebody.

                   I'm going to hike all the way to Babcock North and get my water bottle back from Carlos'. Oh yeah, they told me Bob doesn't crash there that much. He's usually at his Dad's house. His mom died recently.

     10:26am  Man, this is a bigass trail system out here. I'm already in the park. I didn't even realize it.

     10:29am  I just took a picture of this little wall down by the creek.


                      It's a waterfall when it rains.

     10:41am  Man, I'm getting some good OP pictures today. I got this picture of this creek down by that wall.


                     There's this stagnant brown water.

     10:53am  I found that trail-garden 

                     that I described a long time ago in my loggings(4-9-03, 3:03pm). I'm going to take a picture.

     11:03am  I stopped at these dunes.


                     These little mounds people with BMX bikes ride on. I always thought it would be cool if you could get like four or five guys or girls with boots and just run around and do the jumps. I took a picture. To the right of the dunes is the pond 

where Bob used to fish at. I don't know if he still does.

                     This is right on the other side of Prue Road. Close to the bridge.

     11:21am  I just got to this part where kids shoot their paintball guns. It's cool. Little forts and stuff.

                     I am almost to Carlos' neighborhood. Babcock North.

     1:32am  I got my water bottle back. Carlos left it outside for me. I knocked on the door. Carlos and his girlfriend Anna were sleeping. Tim answered the door and told me nobody else was there. I told him later on. I'm going to walk to the Whataburger and eat. I'm hungry.

                   Dairy Queen, I mean. Not Whataburger. On Babcock/Springtime.

                   It sucks. All the doors at the Dairy Queen are locked. I see old people inside eating. The drive through is open. I'm going to walk through the drive through.

     11:57am  I finally got into the Dairy Queen. The door was just stuck and I had to pull hard. I ordered me an extra long chili cheese Coney. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat. Broke a five dollar bill.

     12:21pm  I smoked a cigarette after I ate my chili dog. I decided I was going to walk to Ryan's house. Down Babcock. Man, I've been walking all day. My feet are a little tender.

                     You see, I am trying to do the exact same thing Jesus tried to do a long time ago. Two thousand years ago. I'm trying to bring peace to Earth. So you cannot call me the Anti-Christ.

     12:40pm  I am at the corner of Pemoak and Babcock. I stopped at the bus bench here. They eliminated this route, so the signs taken off. I miss my Braun Station buses.

     12:58pm  Turning right on Welle's Way. Going into Welle's Manor neighborhood. Ryan's neighborhood.

     1:06pm  I am at Ryan's. I'm going to go knock on the door. Ring the doorbell.

     1:14pm  I walked across the street and sat in the shade and smoked a cigarette. Some guy came out to check his mail in slippers. I told him, "Excuse me, do you have time for a story?" He told me, "I really don't have time." I told him, "What are you in such a hurry for? You've got all the time in the world. You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." He did a double take, turns around and says, "Excuse me, what?" I repeated myself and gave him the peace sign and walked off.

                   Hehe, he thinks I'm crazy . . . just like I want him to.

                   Oh yeah, it turns out Ryan wasn't home. His mom answered the door and I asked her if Ryan was there. She got this really weird look on her face and said, "Ryan hasn't been here for months." I asked her, "What happened to him?" She just said, "He's just away." I asked her if he was in jail or something. She said no. She wouldn't tell me. I wonder what the hell happened to Ryan. Hope he didn't die or something. I'll ask around on AOL.

     1:30pm  I was walking up to the entrance of Ryan's neighborhood and all of a sudden I hear, "Victor!" It was this dude Walldeck who I met on the bus a long ass time ago(4-2-03). He was driving a car with some girl. He tells me, "Wanna smoke some weed?" I tell him sure and ask if I can get a ride. I asked them where they were going and he told me to Walgreen's. I went, "I guess I'll go there. Can I go?" He gave me a ride to the Walgreen's, so I'm back at Prue and Babcock. I'm thinking I'm going to walk to West now. It's like a forty minute walk. I'll catch the bus there.

                  After I smoke a cigarette.

                   I smoked out with Walldeck at Andy's house a while back. In Babcock North. Andy's family has moved out since then.

     1:37pm  I'm up walking to West now.

                   I give the peace sign to people driving by any time I'm walking. More than not wave back.

     2:10pm  I just got to West. Going to go to the smoking cabana and see if I know anybody there.

     2:13pm  Jason hooked me up with a cigarette in front of West. I appreciate it, bro.

     2:20pm  Brian Moreno just stopped by and said hi to me(6-14-03, 2:53pm). I haven't seen him in a long time.

     2:25pm  The bus driver didn't give me a courtesy ride. Aww.

     2:55pm  Brandy hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, Brandy.

     2:11pm  I jumped on a 92. I think I'm going to go down to Travis Park and air out my boots and my feet.

     2:26pm  I'm on the 92 and right before it goes into Crossroads I saw a Gold's Gym. Oh shit, that's the brand of wrist weights I had. I'm going to go check if they have any here, or they can tell me where to get them.

                   Okay, the guy told me that he didn't know what I was talking about in the Gold's Gym. I'm walking back to the stop to catch the bus when it comes back around.

     2:30pm  Back on the 92.

     4:15pm  Xavier hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I am having some good presentations in the park.

     4:54pm  I am on the 91 towards West. Didn't find anything to do in the park.

     5:58pm  Tiffany, I was telling Tiffany my story on the bus and she just up and hooked me up with five dollars! I didn't even ask. That's so awesome. That's very generous of you Tiffany. Thanks for proving me right.

     6:10pm  That was awesome! I had a good presentation on the bus. The girl even gave me five dollars out of the blue! Sweet.

                    I rode the 610 up close to Guilbeau/Old Tezel, close to my mom's. I have to get my warm shirt I stashed yesterday.

     6:17pm  I stopped and got some cigarettes at the Citgo. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and take off walking.

     7:05pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'm walking back to the bus stop. Back to the Citgo to catch the bus. I haven't told you that I have been playing around with the idea of taking off traveling again. Going back to Arcata. I have like six tapes full of legend I have to type up. I'm thinking I'll just go back to type up my stuff up at HSU and come right back. I can go stay at Kati's.

     7:12pm  I walked back up to Old Tezel and Guilbeau. I walked up to the bus stop. It's not supposed to come for like half an hour, I think. I'm going to stay at the gas station and smoke a cigarette.

                   I walked a shitload today, dude. I am addicted to walking. I'm crazy.

     7:25pm  Dude, this black dude just pulled up with his homeboy in a ritzy Mercedes. He went inside to get some water or something. When he went in he tells me, "Hey brother, do you need some change, or something?" I tell him, "Nah. Thanks anyway. Thanks for offering." I'm going to see if I can get him to stop and listen to me when he comes back. He wouldn't give me his name, but he offered me change. I had told him, "It's the thought that counts, brother."

     7:27pm  I walked up to their Mercedes and hit them up for a story. I just told them, "Hey, I just want to tell you what I'm doing." The other guy got pissed and said, "We don't want to hear your shit, man."

     7:37pm  I just switched out tapes. Man, I'm recording over an old tape I had. From back before I had even left for California. Oh yeah, these dudes got all mad at me. The guy who offered me some change earlier. He got all freaked out at me when I went up to the car. He was all, "Get away, get away." I told him, "Dude, I'm trying to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace." They just took off.

                   Right now I am waiting for the bus to go to the Walmart.

     7:47pm  Yeah, the 610 is coming.

     7:54pm  Badass, the bus pulled up and it was Mr. Cardenas. The really cool bus driver who always hooks me up with courtesy rides all the time. Before I even asked him he hit the admission-paid button right when I stepped on. Oh yeah, and I was telling him about my errands I was doing for the mission. He's all cool.

     8:05pm  I just dropped off all of my cameras to be developed. They said they wouldn't be ready today, but tomorrow at ten for sure. It's going to be like forty dollars or something. I think.

     8:40pm  I'm just walking around in the Walmart. I saw a sign that said, "Argus - dc1512 digital camera." It's like twenty dolalrs. Oh shit. 3 in 1 PC Web video camera. It's twenty dollars! Damn, that might be a good investment. Once I see how much it costs to develop all of my pictures.

     9:35pm  Man, I am worried about me smoking again. I can't find the willpower to just quit. I just bought me a new pack of cigarettes. My lung kind of hurts on the left side when I inhale. I'm thinking I should really quit. I keep falling back on that bullshit excuse I use that when I bring world peace I will be healed. But what if I get sick before I bring world peace? I still have work to do. Maybe I'll try cutting back. Make this my last pack and get back to bumming. Then slowly taper off.

                   Who am I kidding? I have tried this a million times. I just don't know what the hell I'm going to do.

     9:37pm  I'm up walking. I'm going to walk all the way home. Like two miles.

     9:50pm  Turning left on Lavenham.

     9:53pm  Walked up Lavenham to Queen Heights. Turning left on Queen Heights. I'm in Braun Heights now. The neighborhood.

     9:54pm  Turning right on Drayton Heights. Hopefully I'll see somebody outside. This is a high-class neighborhood.

     10:05pm  I walked Drayton Heights all the way to a cul-de-sac. I didn't know there wasn't an outlet, so I am walking back. I'm turning left on Murphy Heights.

     10:07pm  Turning left on London Heights.

     10:15pm  I crossed Tezel. I'm walking down some street. I wonder if there's a ditch. Hmm, I would have to walk all the way to King's Crossing to Old Tezel to my mom's. That would be some doubling back though.

     10:18pm  I came down the street and there's no access to the woods. No ditch or nothing. This sucks. I'm just going to sit here in this cul-de-sac. It's all dark and I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

     10:30pm  Oh yeah, I'm on Wickersham. I'm going to walk up to the elementary school and cut through the power line trail all the way to Wickersham again then go to my mom's house from there.

                     Everybody needs to demand their freedom now!

                     Okay, I'm walking down the power line trail through Braun Station. I'll hit Wickersham closer to my mom's. Interesting little walk.

     10:37pm  I hit Wickersham. Turning left.

     10:49pm  I am at my mom's.

Next day..

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