


San Antonio, TX

Sunday January 9, 2004

     7:35am  I am waiting for this side of the tape to run out. Let's see, I woke up this morning and my mom was on the computer. I cleaned up the whole kitchen. Swept and mopped and everything. I might walk all the way downtown today. I told you I wanted to do that one of these days. It's Sunday. I'll get a lot of publicity. I think I'm going to walk downtown today.

                      This side hasn't run out yet. Ahh, I'll just fast-forward.

     10:00am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I decided to leave for the day. I left my mom's house. I already got to the Citgo. I'm going to walk downtown.

     10:27am  I walked Old Tezel to Guilbeau to Mainland and I just walked all the way down Mainland to Rod's Quick Stop. Or where Rod's Quick Stop used to be. It's some Habib-mart now. I'm going to look for a cigarette.

     10:30am  I just realized the power line trail close to my mom's house will take me all the way to Bandera. I can hop on it at Wickersham, real close to my mom's. I learn something new every day. Cool, I have a new way to walk home today when I'm walking back from downtown. Yeah right, I'll catch the bus home.

                     I walked the power line trail and it goes to Heath Lane. I'm just going to keep going straight along the power lines. Well, they built a school here that's in the way, but I'll go around it. In the woods.

                     I ended up on Low Bid Lane. Heath Circle and Low Bid Lane. This new neighborhood that's running parallel to the power lines is Coral Springs. I can't believe I hadn't walked that power line trail before. It's awesome.

     10:43am  I ended up at some construction yard or something. There's all these big cement things stacked up. I'm just going to walk around it.

     10:44am  I think this is the place where Bob worked construction a long time ago.

                     I hopped a barbwire fence and I'm walking in front of the construction place now. There doesn't seem to be anybody here. There's all these highway parts stacked up everywhere.

                     The name of the construction place is North American Precast Company. 6949 Low Bid Lane.

                     I'm going to get back on the power line trail and see if it does eventually go to Bandera. It's running East, which is the right direction to Bandera.

                     I should tell bible-thumpers, "Hey, everybody has their own path to love. If you find Love through God and Jesus, then so be it. I don't want you to think any different. But, I've found my own path, so don't even think of telling me how to think or live. Mind your own business."

     10:57am  Alright, back on the power line trail.

     11:02am  Passing a sign that says, "No fishing without permission from Buck Heath." There's a Heath Lane pretty close to here. Some guy named Buck Heath used to live out here. Maybe I'm trespassing, hehe.

     11:14am  I was walking along the top of this cliff wondering how I was going to get down. I just got down right now. It's like a humongous washout. Like a natural ditch. It's just rock everywhere. I kind of got off the power line trail, but I'm going to walk this dry creek-bed.

     11:17am  I just came across a dad and kids out here four-wheeling on the dry creek bed.

                     I'm pretty sure I'm going in the right direction. I'm going to go to the Diamond Shamrock and bum a cigarette. I just had a great hike. I'd never been through there before.

                     Cool, right here on Grissom and Timberhill I'm going to go hit up Elizabeth's Mexican food for some gasoline for my stomach. I'll tell them that I'm going to walk to el centro today.

     11:37am  Jesus is hooking me up at Elizabeth's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:39am  I scored at Elizabeth's! Right in front of all these Babylonians. This black dude sitting there even commented on my walking stick and struck up a conversation. They hooked me up right there in front of everybody.

                     Jesus even gave me a soda!

                     I ate a couple tacos and took off walking. I was walking down Grissom and I saw some dude about to leave in his truck at Shadow Valley Apartments. I walked up and hit him up for a cigarette for my third taco. He pulls out and he tells me, "Hey man, didn't I see you in Travis Park one time?" I told him, "Yeah, that was me." He hooked me up with a cigarette. It's the stick, it's the stick.

                     Love, I am all out of marijuana now. Can you provide me with some more, please?

     12:17pm  I just finished eating at the apartments on this little bench. I took my very last hit of weed and I smoked that cigarette. Thank you, Love. Thanks for letting that happen.

                      I cut through this ditch by some neighborhood and I'm going to get back on the power line trail.

                      I'm walking along this other big concrete ditch going along the power lines. There's some graffiti over here that says "POT" real big and has a marijuana leaf. It says, "Smoke herb. Made by God." I need to get another camera now that I am walking again.

     12:35pm  I finally hit Bandera. I'm going to keep going straight along the power lines. I don't care where it goes.

     12:45pm  The power line ended up at some fence at Sun Hollow and Sun Creek. I am going to have to get around. Cool, there's a tower up here.

     12:49pm  Guess where I am. I ended up at the power station on Evers between Wurzbach and Huebner. Over by Forest Oaks Apartments.

                      I'm going to walk to Planet K and bum a cigarette.

     1:09pm  Will hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Planet K. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:22pm  I just booked it down Evers and went underneath 410. I'm passing Pat Neff Middle School now. My older sister Diana went there.

                   Damnit, I should be walking South. I've been walking the wrong way. That sucks.

     2:10pm  I'm on Bandera now walking South.

                   Cool, there's a Sticks and Stones Natural Healing Shop here. I have to stop by sometime and tell them my story. It's closed right now.

     2:11pm  Daniel me dio un cigaro en Texas Tires. Te lo agradezco, Daniel. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                    Cool, I had just walked by and gave that guy the peace sign. I asked him if he had a cigarette. He said, "Hold on." He came back and gave me two! 

     2:22pm  I stopped to rest at the bus stop over on Woodlawn and Bandera. I'm going to walk Woodlawn into town.

     2:32om  Passing the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. 2718 Woodlawn. Some religious building. I don't know.

                   Right next to the Assumption Seminary.

                   They think they know what's right.

                   They assume they know better.

     2:37pm  Passing Woodlawn Lake on Josephine Tobin Street. Maybe I'll walk that.

     2:52pm  I saw some kid playing with a badass radio controlled glider with a little propeller in the park right here. I stopped to look at it. It ended up crashing real close to me. I went and got it and the kid was all, "Sorry, sorry." I told him, "You didn't do anything. I was watching you. You were doing really good." He told me, "Oh, thank you so much for saying that!" He ran back to his mom and told her, "Mom, he said he was watching! He said I did good!" Hehe, little kids love me.

     3:02pm  I passed by some big church on Culebra and Zarzamora.

     3:20pm  Walking underneath I10. On Culebra.

                    I stopped in front of the DeWalt on Culebra and Brazos to switch out my tennis ball. It had worn out.

                    I'm on one of these Titanium balls now. These last me a long time. Brand Wilson, I think.

     3:23pm  I hit a train on San Marcos and Culebra. When the train passes I'm going to hit Fredericksburg and turn right. There's a big billboard for Horizon Wireless that asks, "Which network do you want?" Hehe, everybody is going to want my network.

                   Walking down North Flores right now. I'm almost downtown. Man, I'm going to walk all the way downtown.

                   I'm going to stop in M.K. Davis Mexican Food and see if I can get me some grub.

     3:45pm  Roland is hooking me up at the M.K. Davis. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I got hooked up! I'm going to walk to Travis Park now and eat my reward for walking downtown. The guy was all, "I don't want my name on that." I told him, "Too bad. With the Internet I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace," and just walked out. Hehe.

     3:50pm  Guess who I just ran into at the stop sign crossing the street. Some guy pulled up in his truck and he said, "Do you know me?" I told him, "Maybe, I talk to different people every day. Where have I seen you before?" He told me, "Jesus, from this morning!" From that Elizabeth's Restaurant. How awesome. I told him I've been walking ever since. I showed him, "I just got hooked up again. I just walked all the way downtown."

     4:02pm  Oh, and I was walking down the street and I see this short black dude in the distance. He yells out, "Oh, is that a mirage?! Is that who I think it is?" Some black dude I knew from Travis Park. He asked me, "Where have you been, man?" I showed him my list and gave him an update..

     4:07pm  Travis Park. Destination. Mission accomplished. I walked downtown today. Just like I said I would.

                   I'm going to go yell at these bible thumpers preaching in the park. Actions speak louder than words. Do something already.

     5:04pm  I met up with James from James and April(4-2-04, 8:27pm). We're walking to the Sam's Shelter to get a joint. He said he's in real bad pain so I'm going to smoke him out.

     5:32pm  The coolest shit happened. See when I was walking with James I told him, "I bet you somebody there will smoke us out." This dude Bear did. He had a white beard and did a really cool card trick. He smoked us out. I had given James my two dollars because he assured me he would score me a really fat joint. After we got smoked out I was glad I was going to get the whole joint to myself. I asked James for it and it turned out to be a little pinner with more seeds than weed. Your typical Sam's Shelter scam joint. Now I'm walking back to Travis Park.

     5:52pm  Oh yeah, I walked up to the Travis Park and I was right there in front of the sidewalk where the buses stop and Ori came up to me. I have her email address( I ran into her. I showed her my list and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Ori. She asked me, "Are you still doing what you were doing last year?" I told her, "I can't stop." Let me look her up. 2-19-04, 7:03pm

     6:13pm  What's up with your dad, James?

                    James: "Oh, he just got out of prison. I got bit by a spider, got rejected from the hospital. That just shows the lack of generosity here. San Antonio sucks. Everybody's been getting me high though. I've smoked a lot of weed. Nobody will give me a pain pill, damnit. This spider bite hurts like hell. Other than that I am doing alright. I've been smoking a lot of weed."

     6:14pm  The 91 is hooking me up with a ride.

                    Be sure to bold out the part in slave.html where it says, "effort as physical beings."

     7:12pm  Mr. Feliz hooked me up with another ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:35pm  No-name hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the mall. I appreciate it, nobody.

     7:40pm  Oh yeah, at the hospital I ran into that really pretty black girl I talked to the other night. She told me, "I told my mom about you." I asked her, "Did you tell her I was going to get marijuana legalized?" She told me no and I said, "You have to tell her that part." When she left I gave her a hug and everything. I told her, "Thank you so much for listening to me." She said she was always willing to listen.

                   I'm at the Walmart. I'm taking the nature hike home. I can't believe I walked so much today.

     8:24pm  I'm at the Exxon at Bandera and Braun.

     8:32pm  I came over to the Exxon and my friend Matt hooked me up with a cigarette. He still works here. He's got a funny hairdo, hehe. He came up to me and said, "How are you doing on cigarettes?" I told him I walked all the way downtown today.

     8:35pm  I'm walking to my mom's house now.

     9:00pm  I am getting to my mom's house. Man, I walked my ass off today. I feel great.

     9:45pm  I just got out of the shower. That was a great shower. I feel great. Oh yeah, the minute I opened the door I saw my mom on the computer. Exactly where she was when I left this morning. Playing this stupid pinball game she's so addicted to. It like takes no skill whatsoever. My little eight year old nephew has a higher score than she does on it. All it is, is a ball that bounces around real slow and breaks up a big block. I bet she was playing that all day. She told me in her complaining voice, "Oh, I just got home." Earlier I overheard her tell my little nephew that they were going to clean the house today. She didn't clean up the house at all. This morning I cleaned up the kitchen all badass while she was on the computer playing her game. I even swept and mopped and everything. This morning after I cleaned the kitchen I had asked her, "What more of the house did you have to clean? I'll help you." She said, "Oh, I just have to do my room." Then when I came home tonight I asked her, "Did you get your room cleaned up like you wanted to?" She took a second to answer and then said, "I'm still working on it." I bet she didn't do shit.
                   I was hoping to maybe get a little time on the computer and type up some stuff for my webpage. You know, just let it evolve a little. I guess not, though. I guess I'll just crash out since I walked all day.

Next day..

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