


San Antonio, TX

Thursday February 19, 2004

     4:27am  I just woke up. I'm back on my schedule again. Going to bed early and waking up early. I'm going to get dressed and go for a walk as usual.

     4:55am  I am leaving my mom's house. I just realized that this tape is about to run out. Since it's still dark I stopped over here under this light and I'm going to see when it runs out. Okay, blah, blah, blah. Oh, I had two bowls of cereal this morning. I'm all ready to go. I'm not hungry at all. I woke up early again. I'm going to go hit the trails. I'm back on my schedule. I rested my feet yesterday all day. Yesterday was a pretty lazy day for me. I wonder what, if anything will happen with me and Heather. This should be interesting. I'll let you guys know. I'll keep you updated. I'm still waiting for this thing to run out. I wonder how much longer it's got until it finishes. I'm just going to take it out right now. I'm just watching it spin.

                   I switched out the tapes right now. I'm going to walk to the platform for the sunrise.

                   I want to see if I can get a picture of any of the birds flying by. This morning I woke up early, like 4:30. I had some productive time on the computer. Setting up the links to my pictures and stuff. I've only done like the first twenty five pictures. I checked the weather and it's going to be another warm day today. I am glad I'm not wearing my scarf because my tattoo is visible. I need to get a haircut and clean up the back of my neck. Last time I shaved my head was at Sam's apartment with his clippers and I didn't clean up the fuzz in the back. I should go by his place and ask him if he minds if I shave my head real quick.

                   I think I am going to tell Heather, "Ok listen, Heather. I am really not looking for a girlfriend. I'm looking for a traveling partner. I don't think you'd be willing to make that sacrifice. Umm, I just want you to know that I think you're really hot and since the minute you gave me a kiss on the cheek at the park and ride and every time I think of you after that, I get a hard on."

     7:02pm  I reclaimed that tennis ball I stashed in the concrete block a couple days ago.

                   I'm going to go to the Exxon and check the ashtray. I think I deserve one.

     7:10am  I'm at the entrance of the park. I'm going to miss the sunrise. I won't get to the platform in time.

                   I'm at my little hideout. The platform. It's really weird. It's all bright outside but the sun's not out yet. I don't see it. I was going to get a picture of it. I'm going to smoke some weed. Man, I can't stop thinking about Heather.

                   I'm all paranoid so I stopped jerking it on my platform. There's just a big open view, not that anyone is looking. I'm all paranoid the feds got a camera on my little post here. 

                   Ahh, the feeling's passed. It'll be back though. Because Heather is hot.

     7:31am  It's really weird. I wonder where the sun is. The sky is all lit up. That way is East, I'm sure. I don't see the sun anywhere.

                   Oh, I hear somebody else walking down there. I'm going to ask them if they want to smoke a bowl with me. Maybe it's a hot chick. Ahh, it's somebody walking their dog.

     7:41am  I thought maybe the clouds were so thick that they would be blocking the sun out altogether, but no. It would be brighter in one part of the sky. I don't get it. It's already 7:41 and the sun's not out yet.

                   I'll tell Heather, "Listen, I'm not looking for a girlfriend. A long-term relationship will be my reward for bringing world peace. I have to do this first before I can settle down. But, I want to be completely honest with you and let you know that every time I think about you I get a hard-on. If that offends you I'm sorry, but like I said before. I am only human. And you're hot."

                   I wonder how she'll react to that. I really don't have time for a girlfriend. Especially not one going to Career Point Business School learning how to work for money. It won't work. It just won't work.

                   But you'd be one hell of a prize mount for this Victor, hehe. I'm terrible.

     7:48am  I'm down from my hideout. I'm walking to the Walmart. I just walked behind Heather's house. I'll tell her, "I don't have time for a girlfriend. I have very important work to do. I just wanted to know if the attraction was reciprocated at all. Do you want anything from me? Remember, it doesn't hurt to ask. What do you want from me? If anything."

     8:05am  I just walked by lots of deer! Like a big herd of five deer. I'll tell her, "I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I am looking for a traveling-partner or a good friend."

     8:26am  I relieved myself at Snarlwood.

     8:47am  I am leaving Snarlwood.

     8:50am  I am by the other cliffs. Over by Smokestone. By the rope swing I took a picture of.

     8:56am  I just had a funny thought. Be sure to look up yesterday when I rested all day long and stayed on the computer and didn't walk at all or tell my stories or anything. Find out if before that, it had been seven days before I last rested. It'd just be really cool.

                   On the seventh day I rested.

     9:00pm  I just took my NOFX hoodie off.

     9:05pm  I'm going to go underneath Bandera. I didn't even go to the Walmart, man. I didn't have any money. I'm going to try to circle back around to Village in the Woods, where I used to ride my mountain bike. It's all neighborhoods now. I should get a map off the Internet so I can show you people where I'm going. I'm going to try to loop all the way back around to my mom's house.

                    I just took a picture of Bandera. I'm going to go underneath it.

                    I think this is Leon Creek. Oh no, it's not.

                    Oh yeah, in that picture I took I think you can see the sign for Tio's Mexican Restaurant. I've been hooked up there before(2-3-04, 10:47am).

     9:14pm  Damnit, I just realized that I locked the back door to my mom's house. I shouldn't keep going all the way to my mom's house if I can't get in the house. I'm going to go to the Walmart and use the courtesy phone and call Heather.

                    I went out the front door this morning. I told my mom, "Bendicion," and left before she did.

     9:30am  I'm walking down Bandera towards the buses at Mainland and the Walmart. I was thinking about going to the Tio's place, but I'm not that hungry.

     9:32am  I'm passing the Alamo Laser Wash and I found somebody's portable phone on the ground. Not a cellphone. A portable phone. A cordless.

     9:37am  I'm at the buses now. I gotta find out what the letter of the day is.

                   The letter of the day is N. I got two N's.

                    Jumped on the 610 going to Medical Center. I'm going to go downtown to Travis Park and see if they're selling hotdogs. I'll get some spare change for one. Then I'll go to SAC on a full stomach.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go call Heather and see what she's doing.

     9:48am  I let her phone ring like three or four times. Nobody answered so I hung up and saved my change.

     10:30am  Domingo me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, hermano. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     10:40am  Oh yeah, I told some other guy working for VIA here at the hospital my ideas. I've talked to him before. He asked me, "So how many followers do you have now?" I told him, "I have over two thousand email addresses. Two thousand people who will listen to every single word I say." He said, "Wow, that's a lot." When he left he told me, "It's going to take a lot of walking." I told him, "I know, I am hard at work."

     10:42am  The 92 guy didn't give me a ride. Oh well, next guy. He was all, "Sorry, gotta get money somewhere."

                      I'm having a really good morning. I talked to people and told my story. Oh yeah, on the bus I was telling this black dude who was talking to some girl when I got on the bus. At everything I said this girl was all rolling her eyes at me and shit. I told her, "I want you to think I'm crazy." She snapped back, "You know what? You are crazy." I told her, "Don't you have to be crazy to make a difference?" She was all talking about getting engaged and saying that she wasn't going to be happy until she got married. I asked her, "Oh, so you're with this guy right now but you won't be happy until your married?"

                      Dude, this girl ends up having a boyfriend on the side too. I told her, "Man, you're the one who's crazy. The black guy she was with was all agreeing with me. He said, "You can't have a fiancée and a boyfriend on the side. Screw that."

     10:58am  The 91 driver didn't give me a ride either. Oh well, gotta try another one.

     11:09am  The 92 didn't give me a ride either. Man, no one is giving me a ride today.

     11:18am  Another guy on a 92 didn't give me a ride. Thanks anyway.

     11:30am  I saw this really pretty girl and I hit her up for a story. She said ok. She didn't react too much to any of it, but she listened to me. That's all I wanted.

     11:32am  Mr. Huerta is giving me a ride on the 92. I appreciate it, brother. 

                     Cory gave me a cigarette. When I tried logging his generosity he got all ignorant and said, "Ah, I don't want to know about it." He bummed a light off me, shit.

     11:38am  Damnit, I'm smoking again. That sucks. I won't get any more today. I don't know.

                     That bastard didn't' want to give me a cigarette. Right after he bummed a light off me. He was all trying to ignore me at first. I was walking up to him saying, "Excuse me," and he just kept walking. I finally got up in his face and told him, "Excuse me, do you have a spare cigarette?" He gave me one. I told him, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read," and he tells me, "I don't even wanna hear about it." Ignorant ass.

                     Thanks for the cigarette though, hehe.

     11:52am  This guy jumps on the bus and sees me and says, "Hey, what's going on?" I didn't recognize him. His name is Jesse. I met him a couple months ago. I asked him, "Have I talked to you before?" He said I talked to him a couple months ago on the bus.

     12:27pm  I'm downtown by the Greyhound station. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and spange up a hotdog.

                     I want to talk to the police today.

     1:30pm  Maria Huerta me dio cambio para un hotdog. Te lo agradezco, Maria. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

     1:32pm  Nick hooked me up with a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:45pm  I asked this lady for a cigarette. She looked at me and then looked away. I told her, "All you have to say is no. You don't have to be so ignorant."

     2:22pm  I ran into Fuzzy and Wynd in Travis Park. Wynd has a complaint to make with the cops too. Some discrimination thing. We're walking to the jail right now to go talk to the cops.

     2:53pm  I'm walking to the police station now.

     3:05pm  I came to the Municipal Court building. They told me I have to go to W Nueva and get a copy of the police report. Then go back there and file a complaint.

     3:14pm  Jose me dio un cigaro.

     4:03pm  I got some guy's email address.

     4:14pm  Monica is handing out pastries. Awesome.

                    Some guy: Look up Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine basically was the fore-runner, say like Moses to Jesus or something, to modern democracy. He wrote a book in the 1600's. He wrote multiple books. I don't know a whole lot about him. I do know that he was basically the seed of Western life as we know it. Which includes billions of people a lot of human rights and prosperity. He could give you a lot of insight on your focus, as I understand it.

     4:17pm  Michelle hooked me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, Michelle.

     4:32pm  I jumped on the 90 bus. I saw some kids I want to talk to.

     4:43pm  I talked to those kids I wanted to talk to and got their email addresses.

     4:48pm  I got off the 90 at Woodlawn and Blanco. I saw some other kids over here I want to talk to.

     4:55pm  What was your name again? Nanos hooked me up with some water. I appreciate it, brother. He's from neighborhood Kenwood. PVK.

                   "This is Nanos from Barrio Kenwood." He just wants to say a couple words.


     "Lord, you left me stranded and I don't know why.
     You told me to live my life, now I'm ready to die.
     I cry but I shed no tears, you told me you were dead(something something)
     But they're still coming at me, just missin'
     I feel like all you do to me is just listen
     I thought that I was special, cuz that's what you told me
     Stop actin' like you don't know me
     What did I do so bad that sent you away from me?
     Not only sent you away from me, but made you stay way from me
     God speaks, "My child, I am here as I've always been,
     It is you who wouldn't wait, now I'm back again.
     What did I say? Follow your word and be true.
     What did you do?"
     Well, what I wanted to do.
     What have you seen?
     What do you want?
     All I want is another chance."

     5:55pm  As I was walking off, I was telling Nanos bye. He told me, "Hey, you should try and eat something." I asked him, "Can you donate some gasoline for my stomach?" He called me back in the house real quick. He made me two bigass sandwiches. One peanut butter and jelly, one ham. He even gave me a couple sodas and some Ramen! Badass.

     6:37pm  Matilda is hooking me up with a dollar for bus fare. I appreciate it, sister.

     6:38pm  Man, I had an awesome time at that dude's house! He's a gang-banger. They were all cool with me. He gave me food and we smoked weed. It was badass. I am having a great time tonight. I'm going to keep walking now. I even got a dollar for bus fare. Umm, I'm going to tell these people at the bus stop my idea.

     6:42pm  Dude, I was hanging out with a real gangster and stuff. This guy Nanos just got out of prison. I told him, "Aren't you on probation? Why are you smoking weed?" He told me, "Because I don't care if I go back. Ha, I'm not going to work." He doesn't give a shit. That's hilarious.

                   When I had first walked up to him and this chick. It was weird. I just got the impulse to get on the random 90 bus. The bus driver gave me a courtesy ride. That was the deciding factor. I was just sitting on the bus and I look outside and I see this hip-lookin' chick standing outside with this Mexican dude. I dung the bell and got off the bus real quick. I walked up to them and said, "Hey, can I tell you guys a story?" The guy was all, "Yeah, sure." He was all cool with it. Dude, I made these friends. It was awesome. He hooked me up. He gave me food and let me hang out. We smoked some weed and everything was cool.

     6:45pm  I'm getting a toothache. I haven't gotten a toothache since I stopped smoking before. Now I started again and I'm getting a toothache. No more smoking. I quit again.

     6:50pm  I walked Fredericksburg all the way to Woodlawn. Cool, there's a bus stop here on Fredericksburg and the 92 runs every twenty minutes. I won't have to wait that long.

     7:03pm  I was walking to the bus stop on Woodlawn and Fredericksburg and I saw a girl and decided I'd try and tell her my story. The 90 pulled up and I asked the driver if the 90 still went to University Hospital because it used to. He told me no, but I got on the bus anyway so I could tell this girl my story. When we got to some intersection he told me, "Get off here if you want to go to the hospital." I told him, "No, keep going." He asked me, "Where are you going?" I told him, "Wherever I end up." Anyway, I got off with Ori at her stop. She's letting me tell her my story. How very generous of you. I really appreciate it. I just love telling my story.

     7:20pm  Man, I had me an awesome presentation with that girl. That girl Ori. She gave me a cigarette. Dude, I told her my whole story. She was just captivated. She was looking at me in the eyes the whole time. I just got off the bus with her and finished telling her my story. It was awesome.

                   Now, I'm on the 90 going to Ingram. Let's see how I get home from there. That girl's email address was That girl was real cute, too.

                   Man, I impressed the hell out of that gangster dude. He was all asked me, "Well, what about weed? You gotta pay for that." I told him, "No I don't. What's the point of having it if you don't share it? I get smoked out." He was all, "Man, you're right again." He gave me props, hehe.

     7:42pm  John hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:49pm  Oh yeah, time for an update. I finally got to Ingram. I thought the 610 might pass still, but the last one going to my mom's is at the hospital at 7:15 and would be at Ingram a lot earlier. I thought I could take the 534 to the hospital and catch the 91 to West and walk the seven miles. I'm a bit bummed because I'm not up for that walk. Maybe I'll go to West and get a ride all the way home. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

     8:40pm  This sucks. I got off the 534 without getting a transfer. I thought I might be able to catch the 604 to Babcock North, but I was five minutes late for the last one. I'm going to catch the 91 to West and call my mom from there and see if she'll pick me up. I can't walk all the way home. I've got a walking date tomorrow. In the woods with Heather.

                   Lawrence let me borrow his cellphone at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:56pm  I'm waiting for the bus. It's two minutes late already. David gave me like a quarter and pennies. I'm going to try and use that for bus fare. Oh, and I bummed a cellphone off this guy and he let me call my mom. I asked her if she could pick me up at West at 9:30 and she said sure. Of course she had to bitch a little first, but she finally agreed.

     9:04pm  The 91 just pulled up, dropped somebody off and took off without me! What the hell?! Ugh! Now I have to call my mom again.

     9:05pm  Warren hooked me up with some change for a phone call. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Badass, Warren said he's already been in my book before, last time he helped me(1-21-04, 4:03pm). That was the second time.

     9:10pm  Man, my mom is so dumb. I just called her on the cellphone with the fifty cents that guy gave me. She couldn't stop bitching. She was all, "I'm going to come get you from the hospital, but this will have to be the very last time this happens!" I told her, "Okay, mom. Hey, if it's such a big problem I can ride the bus to West and walk." She was all, "No, I'm going to come get you, blah, blah, blah." I told her, "Mom, you don't have to if you don't want to!" She all started yelling and stuff. She was all, "Okay, where are you going to be?" I told her, "I'm at the transit center at the hospital where all the buses come." She's been here a million times, but she said, "Oh, I'm not sure where that is." I told her, "Umm, it's where all the buses go at University Hospital on Merton Minter. I can't believe you don't know it. Remember where the Easter Seals is? You turn there." She said, "Oh, okay, so you'll be at the corner of Merton Minter?" Very frustrated I told her, "No, I will be in the transit center where all the buses go. Just drive through."

                    Ugh, I don't want to hear it when she comes to pick me up.

     9:15pm  I'm at the hospital waiting for my mom to come get me. On the newspaper stand I spot a headline on an Express News that says, "Scores die as Iran train exlodes." I'm reading, it says, "In Nashabor, Iran runaway train cars carrying a deadly mix of fuel and chemicals derailed, caught fire and then exploded hours later Wednesday in Northeast Iran, killing at least 195 people." "There are other reports that as many as 295 people died. However, the blast did injure 400 people and left dozens trapped beneath crumbled mud homes. Most of those reported dead were firefighters and rescue workers who extinguished the blaze outside Nashabor, an ancient city of 170,000 people in a farming region 400 miles East of the capital, Tehran. The dead also included top city officials, including Nashabor's governor, mayor and fire chief. As well as the head of the energy department and the director general of the provincial airways.

                    Umm, I think you should look this up on the internet. I'm not going to keep reading it. Whoa, it says that the blast was so powerful that windows were shattered six miles away. Holy shit.

Next day..

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