


San Antonio, TX

Friday February 20, 2004

     8:38am  Let's see, I woke up this morning at seven or so. My mom was leaving late. I thought she was going to call in. Man, last night my mom would not stop bitching. At every little thing she could think of. She was all on the phone with her friend moaning. All she does is complain! She's a walking, talking sympathy-plea. She was all, "Oh, I can't believe all this stuff happens to me." I told her, "You are the only one who can doing anything about it, mom." She just really gets to me.

                   Oh, and after she left she was all, "Oh yeah, be sure you take out the recycling." Dude, she recycles and she's so wasteful? What's the point, mom? Oh yeah, and last night I asked my mom if she had a blank CD I could have. She all took a long time to answer and she told me, "Oh, they're all at my school." Then after she left I walk in her room and there's a big giant spool on her dresser. I just grabbed one. Man, what the hell. My mom, she's a liar. It's like she enjoys lying. Why does she feel the need to? I'm her son. Last night when she told me they were at her school, I totally didn't believe her. I think you're full of shit, mom.

                   Oh yeah, I'm burning a CD for Heather.

     10:40am  I am leaving my mom's house. I'm going to walk to the Walmart and meet Heather. Let's see what happens.

     10:45am  I just realized I left my water bottle. I'm going back. That sucks.

     10:55am  I'm leaving again. I got my water bottle and my hoodie. My NOFX hoodie.

     11:02am  I'm walking by Braun Station Elementary. There are all these little kids playing in the playground next to the sidewalk. I am going to save these guys' world.

     11:08am  I stopped at the tennis courts across the street from the school. I snagged one. There were people playing and they hit it over. I went and got it without them seeing me. It's my spare one for after this one runs out. I'm walking the ditch behind the tennis courts.

                     Oh shit, I just walked face-first into a spider web! I hope the spider isn't on me. I'm swinging my stick in front of me as I walk. Scary shit.

     11:30am  God-damn, that's the third spider web I've ran my face into! Shit.

     11:34am  I just got to Guilbeau. I'm going to walk to Mainland. Where the buses stop. By the Walmart.

                     Oh yeah, this morning I punched a seventh hole in my belt.

     11:40am  I just took a picture of the this big water pipe break in front of the HEB watering all the dirt here. It's a big waste of water. There's all this water rushing down the street. Why don't they fix that already?

                    Wasteful Americans.

     11:49am  I just got to the Walmart parking lot. I'm going to walk to the bus stop. Hopefully Heather is already there.

     11:52am  I just got to the bus stop and Heather is nowhere to be found. I'm going to smoke a bowl and go inside and call her.

     12:04pm  This girl who works at Sonic came to the bus stop and I borrowed her cellphone and called Heather. Heather said she's all sick. "No, I don't want to go." I asked her, "Well, can I at least come over and show you my pictures? I burned a CD for you." She said, "No, no. I rather we hold off." I guess I'll call her tonight and see what's up.

                     It just figures, man.

                    The letter of the day is Ida and I don't have any I transfers. That sucks.

     12:21pm  I'm going to rest at Snarlwood, smoke some weed and eat some of my Muslblast. I had a another good breakfast at home. Total cereal and a peanut butter sandwich. And a glass of Tampico citris punch.

     12:36pm  I stopped and rested at Snarlwood. I left to walk to the park thinking maybe I could tell some kids my story. But then I remembered I had to check my email. I thought maybe I'd walk up to the Bandera Road Community Church and go see if I can talk to Andre again. He might've emailed me, so I need to check my email. I'm going to turn back and get a courtesy ride on the bus.

                    Oh yeah, I don't think I ever mentioned it, but yesterday when I went to the police station. I just got in there at the checkpoint at the door and started putting my stuff on the conveyor belt. Oh yeah, when I got there I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket and my bag of weed fell out on the floor! Oh shit! I picked it up real quick and put it back in my pocket. Dude, that's the second time I've almost got busted with weed at the police station(10-24-02, paragraph that starts with: "I went all the way back to the buses and drank one"). But then yesterday it happened again! It just dropped out of my wallet! Oh shit! Close call. What a crazy coincidence.

                    Mr. Grady told me no.

     12:56pm  Mr. Grady won't give me a ride. I think he's hooked me up before. As soon as I got on the bus he was all shaking his head. I told him, "That's alright. I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it." I recorded, "My Grady told me no." When I got off I was all, "I was just testing you, man. You failed."

                     Let's try the 88.

                     He said he couldn't either. Let's try the next one.

     1:02pm  Mr. Grady came back outside and told me, "Hey, you don't have any money? I'll help you out." Got a ride. Haha, I made him feel all guilty.

     1:03pm  Tony hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:24pm  Not only did Mr. Grady give me a ride, he gave me a transfer for the cause too! I appreciate it, brother.

     2:00pm  Tabitha hooked me up with fifteen cents for a transfer. I appreciate it, Tabitha. She listened to my whole story too.

     2:05pm  Corliss hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Drive carefully.

                   I'm at West Telemarketing. I'm going to catch the 522 to the library on Vance Jackson and Huebner, where I used to live and go check my email.

                   Oh yeah, I got on the 91 because I was talking to that girl. Anyway, I'm going to smoke another cigarette. Which is bad for me. I'm going to die. I'm just kidding. I won't die yet.

     2:28pm  I just had a badass presentation with this gay dude at the bus stop. He listened to my whole story and everything. He was all, "Wow, I'm enjoying this." In the end he told me, "Can I give you a hug, Victor?" I told him sure and he gave me a hug. He told me, "Good luck. You're a man on a mission. I really commend that." Yeah, on a mission for Love. I'm going to cross the street and wait for the bus in ten minutes. I'm going to go bum a cigarette.

                  Oh yeah, and I ran into Jason on the bus(1-22-04, 1:27pm). This one guy I scored some weed from the other day and he took me to his house and smoked me out.

     2:31pm  Michelle gave me a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, Michelle.

                    Haha, I got a cigarette and had a badass presentation. They all thought I was crazy, awesome. I'm going to wait for the 522.

     2:49pm  I just got off the bus at Woods of Elm Creek. My old apartments. Oh yeah, my bus stop.


                   I stopped so I could take a picture of my bus stop. I hope it came out good and not too dark.

                   Okay, the people I gave my old antique couch to don't live there anymore. Let me go see if John still lives here. He knows about my mission. I'm walking around my old apartments, I remember this place. I wonder if they'll see me at the leasing office and tell me, "You got evicted. We're going to call the cops."

                   I'm walking by my old apartment, 801. It was a badass nine hundred square foot loft. With Chasity.

     2:57pm  I walked to the grass back here, where I used to play with my dog, Stuart. I'm just going to chill out here and smoke some weed.

                   Oh yeah, these one kids wouldn't listen to me.

     3:05pm  I am walking right in front of the leasing office. I don't give a shit. I got big balls.

     3:07pm  I'm leaving the apartments. I'm going to walk to the library.

     3:09pm  I am about to enter the Edmund Cody Branch Library on Shenandale.

     3:22pm  I have absolutely no new email from anybody. That sucks. Oh yeah, I heard this dude giving some lady this pitch on how to make money. He all told her, "Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?" He was all telemarketing, hehe. I butted in and asked, "Hey, can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" I gave them my intro and mission objectives, but they wouldn't listen to me. I got the lady's email address though. The guy wouldn't give me his. I told him, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss."

                   He told me, "Man, if you do that third thing you're going to make a lot of people happy."

                   Not only will I get marijuana legalized, I will get it recommended!

     3:44pm  I'm still waiting for the 522. I just came out to the bus stop in front of the library and sat down. Every single car passing me I am giving the peace sign to. Makin' myself known.

                   Dude! I just had a badass presentation! I was just sitting there on the bus bench and all these middle school kids walked by from Hobby. I talked to all these kids! I had this big group of kids listening to me. Haha, when I told them I was going to get marijuana legalized like three or four little boys stuck their fists in the air and yelled, "Yeah!" This one stupid girl all yelled, "We're going to call the cops!" I told her, "You can do whatever you want, little girl. I'm going to catch the bus. Be sure to tell the cops I got on the 522." The bus pulled up right after.

     3:55pm  Mr. 2630 hooked me up with a transfer. Awesome.

                    I had so much fun with all those middle school kids.

                    And then when I got on the bus the driver hooked me up with a transfer just like that. Things are just going my way.

                    The stupid little girl with the cellphone that bitched from the beginning came over to me and asked, "What are you doing, anyway?" I told her, "I will tell you if you listen!" She turned around real quick and said, "I'm not listenin' to you!"

                    Oh yeah, then out of nowhere some little kid pulled out a camera! I told them, "And I want a picture of you guys, too!" I took a picture of all the middle school kids.

                    I asked that dumb little girl, "Have you always been that ignorant?" She told me, "Yes, I have! And I always will be!"

                    They were all asking me, "Are you a hippie? Are you a hippie?" I told them, "No, I'm a Victor."

                    Oh yeah, I told that girl, "You stupid little kid."

                    Ha, I just saw two cop cars. Ha, they're going for me. I all told the kids, "Tell the cops I got on the 522."

                    The bus pulled up right then, just in time.

                    Two cops I saw, they're probably going to talk to those kids. I am so glad I made my appearance at the library today.

     4:10pm  When the 522 got to almost to 410, all these other middle school kids got on. I had a whole bus full of kids. I stood up and said, "Hey, can I get you guys' attention?" But those kids wouldn't listen to me. Ignorant little kids, man. I got one girl's email address though. Pancha4ever.

                   I just got off the bus over on Vance Jackson and Lemur over by La Fogata Mexican Cuisine. Bienvenidos.

                   Whoa, there's a sign advertising some psychic advisor. Helps on all problems. Love, Health, Business. The Escondido Apartments are right across the street. I'm going to walk around and talk to people.

                   I bet you anything I'm going to be the talk at Hobby Middle School tomorrow. They're going to tell all their friends.

     4:12pm   I was just walking down the street and Yvette pulled to the stop sign smoking a cigarette. I asked her if she could spare one and she hooked me up. She gave me two! Awesome.

     4:20pm  Dude, it was so awesome how I just got the impulse to get off the bus right there. Then this girl pulls up smoking a cigarette at the stop sign and I asked her if she could spare one. She says, "Yeah, sure." She gives me two! I tell her, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it." I told her my mission-objectives and when I tell her I'm going to get marijuana legalized, she points to this weed leaf she had hanging from her rear view mirror! I asked her, "Do you want to smoke a bowl?" She said sure and made room for me in the passenger seat. Awesome!

                   We came to the mall so she could pay her cellphone bill. She's a Babylonian, sadly. I can help her out though.

     4:40pm  I just told this couple walking in the mall my story. They didn't listen to me, but I told them a lot of stuff. I told the guy, "I want you to doubt me, that I can do this." The guy said, "Actually, man. I'm kind of rootin' for you." Everybody is!

                   Ha, I'm in the mall, in the enemy's lair.

                   I'll plant the seed in every mall I go, haha.

     4:45pm  I started telling this other group of people who walked up. They were all listening to me. This older lady was all agreeing with me. The security guard pulled up and they said, "Oh, the security guard is here, we should probably take off." I went up to the security guard and told him, "Hey, I'm not asking for money, I'm just telling my story." He said, "That's cool, man. I wasn't stopping for you. I wasn't going to tell you anything anyway."

     4:52pm  I just talked to Kay from Turkey. He agreed with me. Awesome.

     5:13pm  Yvette stopped at some gas station over on Starcrest. She went in there and I saw her buying a lottery ticket. I told her, "The lottery is for people who are bad at math."

    5:30pm  Yvette came to where she works at Lack's Incorporated. Way over here on 410. I wonder if the looper bus passes.

                  Oh wait, I'm on Highway 35. Maybe I'll go to Austin.

                   I came to the bus stop here on the access road. I am enjoying my favorite past time while I wait for the bus. Just giving everybody the peace sign as they drive by. Everybody is giving it back.

                   I'm getting seen.

     6:32pm  I'm on the 551. I'll be at Crossroads in no-time. I'm going to try to be at the hospital by 7:15 to catch the bus home to my mom's.

                   I got to Crossroads and there's a carnival going on. I'm going to get me some courtesy rides!

     6:37pm  The guy running the Gravitron won't give me a courtesy ride. He said, "I work for the man."

     6:38pm  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Gravitron. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:40pm  It's weird! I'm in this maze. This glass house. Oh yeah, the carnie girl let me go in for free! I told her, "I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace. I'm going to prove that it's human nature to be generous. Can I get in for free?" She said, "Yeah, go ahead."

     6:44pm  The girl at the maze house let me in for free. I appreciate it, sister.

     6:48pm  Hahaha, my story is going to kickass! I just got tackled! When I came out of the maze house this security guard dude outside asked me, "What did you just do?" I told him, "I went in the maze house." He asked me, "Did you pay?" I said, "No, I asked permission. Go yell at your employee." Then some guy just lunged at me and tackled me to the ground! I didn't do shit! I need to catch the bus at 7:15 though. I'm going to call the cops too. I'm going to file a report! 

                   Some security guard guy at the carnival was all, "I'm going to call the cops." I told him, "Go right ahead. I hope you guys have a good lawyer, because I'm going to shut you down." He told me, "You're staying here until the cops get here." I told him, "No, I am not. I have a bus to catch. I haven't done anything wrong."

                   Oh yeah, I jumped on the 92 when it came. Then I realized, "Oh, I've got a complaint to make. I'm not going home tonight. I'm going to call the cops on those bastards." I'm going to go back to the park and ride and call the cops.

     7:08pm  I should've gone on the 92, man. I went and talked to this Balcones Heights cop who was parked in some parking lot. I told him the whole scenario and he asked me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I asked him, "What can I do?" He asked me if I wanted to press charges and I said, "Well, what does that entail?" He asked me, "Do you want to file a report? Only if you plan to press charges. Can you point the guy out?" I said, "No, he took off, but it can be found out." I said screw it and told the cop to forget about it.

                   I'm going to go say hi to Sam and see if I can crash there.

                   Yeah, earlier when I told the security guard that the lady let me on he was all, "You can't do that!" I was all, "Umm, ask and thou shall receive." I had told the carnies, "Call the police, hurry up. I want to file my report on you guys." One dumbass carnie says, "I am a policeman." I told him, "That's bullshit." I just walked off.

                   Dude, that's bullshit. Yell at the girl who let me in the maze. She even told me the right way to go. When I first went in the maze house I didn't know where to go. She told me, "You go in right there."

     7:20pm  I'm getting to Sam's. Let's see what happens.

     7:46pm  Fuckme is making me dinner. Thanks, Fuckme. Umm, I'd like to point out that I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow. I am not gay.

     8:06pm  I came to Sam's apartments and I thought, "Hmm, I'm going to go by that black dudes and see if he has his door open and say hi." He did and he saw me and asked me what was going on. I gave him the peace sign and he said, "Hey, come up!" We talked. He was all, "I am so glad to see you! I didn't know what happened to you. You just disappeared." I told him, "Yeah, I've been working on this mission all day every day." He asked me, "Are you hungry?" I told him, "Man, I can always eat. I walk for a living." He cooked me some badass goulash and biscuits that he made. Some gourmet good-ass black food. Good eatin'. I got fed. I'm full. Now I'm going to go say hi to Sam or see who else I can talk to. I'm going to catch the 91 to West and then walk the seven miles from there.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go get an after-meal smoke from Sam.

     8:15pm  Oh yeah, I went to Sam's for a cigarette. He told me, "I don't have any. Do you want to go buy some?" He gave me twenty dollars and I'm going to go buy him a pack of cigarettes at the gas station.

     8:21pm  I just got out of the gas station. The girl working there was all, "What ever happened to that book your writing?" I told her, "I'm still writing it. Every day is a new chapter." She said, "You walk around everywhere, don't you?"

                   I'm walking back to Sam's apartment. I'm going to bring him back his cigarettes and change. I just walked by this group of Mexican people and they're all laughing at me. Snickering and shit. They think I'm crazy.

                   Just like I want them to.

     8:25pm  I'm leaving Sam's again. I miss saying that.

     8:45pm  The bus driver gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. For the cause.

     8:57pm  I'm sitting here by the bus stop by the Denny's waiting for the 91. I don't know what time it comes. I'm sure the last one hasn't passed yet. I'm thinking that maybe I've had enough magical experiences in San Antonio that it's all enough to bring world peace now. I think I should go off traveling again. Maybe I should go look for Fawn Journeyhawk and put up my webpage. I don't know.

                   Oh yeah, and that Denny guy. I think that's what his name is. That's what his name is going to be. Yeah, when I asked him for his name he told me to call him Fuckme. I think he hurt himself when I asked him what his name was and he said, "Fuck me." I asked him, "That's your name, man?" He said, "That's the one I'm going to give you." He was all telling me, "Money rules the world. Once your shit gets up there, people are going to steal it." I told him, "Listen man, don't you realize that I want people to steal my stuff. If world peace comes, I will be happy either way. I don't care." I got into my whole rap, "I totally realize I might even be assassinated for having these great ideas, but not only would I die a martyr, because I'm not doing anything wrong, but my mission would be accomplished even sooner. My shit's already on the Internet(I told him). Imagine the publicity my death or disappearance would attract. Everybody would want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote. It would be totally worth it. I would die one happy man. One life to save millions. It'd be a sacrifice to benefit the all." He just nodded his head. He didn't know what to say. He said, "Jesus is going to happen. Jesus is going to come to you soon." I said, "All I have to call it is Love. That's the only name it really needs."

                   Today is Friday night.

                   Denny told me, "I tell all my friends about you. I talk to them a lot. I tell them that there's this guy who's really cool who's going to change the world."

     9:20pm  I'm at West. I'm going to walk to the smoking cabana and bum a cigarette. I'm going to go in the bathroom and put on my pants.

     9:27pm  I just changed my pants at West in the bathroom. I asked the security guard, "Hey, can I use the restroom?" He told me to leave my stick up front.

     9:35pm  Mark is hooking me and Sandy up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:41pm  Badass, I went to the smoking cabana and saw this guy named Seth. He was all, "I remember your name and everything, man. Victor Gruber. You gave me a card once." I asked him, "Did I tell you about my ideas already? I'm still going." I told him about my whole night tonight.

                   Hopefully I'll get a ride to Babcock from somebody coming out to their car. I want to go back to that gas station and get hooked up with a couple soups again, hehe(2-17-04, 10:48pm).

                   Oh yeah, at that carnival they were all, "We told you to leave!" I said, "I was trying to! I was walking away when I got tackled!"

                    Rolando gave me a ride to Babcock and him and Mouse are listening to my story.

     10:20pm  I'm here at the Chevron where I got hooked up with soups the other night. Rolando and his girlfriend listened to my story all the way through. I got passed the spirits part and everything. They gave me a ride to Babcock and now I'm going to get some free soup from this guy hopefully again.

     10:21pm  That guy who hooked me up last time wasn't working. I tried telling the guy working my stuff, but he wouldn't listen. He told me, "It wouldn't be fair to you because I am working and closing up." He didn't even give me a cookie. So, I'm going to start walking.

                      I'm going to go over to Carlos' house. It's Friday night. Somebody should be home.

     10:40pm  Ah, I'm not going to stop at Carlos' house. Oh yeah, my stick is still there, haha.

     11:20pm  I hiked all the way to my little hideout. The platform up in the tree. Oh man, what a beautiful night. Dude, I could've gotten Rolando to take me all the way to my mom's house. I just decided not to ask. I felt I needed to walk tonight. I've been smoking cigarettes and I need to compensate for that.

                     Hmm, I've got this project brewing. See, I'm out of weed. I got some more at my mom's house. I'm going to try and scrape up a resin hit. I don't have a pocket knife. I have those pliers that Maryjane gave me(2-7-04, second paragraph). They have a knife on it. I just scraped a resin hit out of my pipe. I'll explain the screen situation later.

                     I got me a couple resin hits out of my pipe. I'm a genius! Hehe.

     11:30pm  I didn't start special. Anybody can do what I'm doing.

                      I just became special.

     11:52pm  Man, I'm all stoned. I stopped at the little pavilion. They leave the lights on all night. I scraped up another resin hit. Now I'm all stoned. It was good.

     12:07am  Got to the Exxon. No cigarettes butts anywhere.

     12:42am  I'm just now getting to my mom's house. I had a good walk. I was raising my arms and everything. I wore out two tennis balls today walking.

     12:50am  Oh yeah, my mom was awake when I got home. She designed all these wedding cakes. I took a picture of it.

Next day..

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