


San Antonio, TX

Saturday February 7, 2004

     4:10pm  I have a been long gap today. My batteries ran out. Sorry, guys. I had me another magical day. It sucks that I didn't have my tape recorder. This morning I just took off walking from my mom's house after I ate a bowl of cereal and two scoops of Muscleblast 2000. I walked everywhere. I walked down to OP Schnabel and walked around in there for a long time. I was going to walk all the way to West Telemarketing. Let's see. I walked to OP Schnabel and talked to a couple people there. I remember I talked to these kids under the bridge and they listened to me. Everybody knows me. I walked over to Johnny and Katie's house. They ended up not being home. Then I went back to Babcock North and went to the 604 bus stop on Springtime.
                   I was getting into my story with these two girls, when all of a sudden this big white truck pulls up. There was a pretty Hispanic lady in it and she motions me over to the truck. I walked up to her and she started asking me questions. She asked, "Your name is Victor, right?" I told her yeah. She said, "Are you waiting for the bus?" I told her yeah. She said, "I've seen you around and I like your style." I asked her, "Can I tell you what I'm doing?" She unlocked the door and I got in her truck. I told her all my stuff. She volunteered me like ten dollars! She asked me, "Oh, do the cops ever mess with you?" I told her how the security guards at the Greyhound station had just stolen my Swiss army knife. She handed me this badass tool and goes, "Here, this is for you." It's an awesome tool that'll fit on my belt. It says real big, "Endeavor." It's a badass tool. It's a wrench with all the blades I need and to top it off it has a universal socket that attaches to it that will fit any size head. It's MacGyver shit, really. It's so badass. Guess what her name was. Maryjane! She told me, "Yeah, nobody wants to hear the truth and that's what you're telling them."
                   Maryjane gave me a ride to West Telemarketing. I got my very last check from West. It was like eighty six dollars. I didn't think it would be that much. What a surprise. My training check. Hehe, that's so cool how I got paid and I'm not working, ha.
                   I walked to Medical Center with this one annoying dude. We got off on Medical and Fredericksburg and walked all the way to the hospital. Not that far. I ended up buying five dollars worth of weed from him. I caught the 610 eventually. I was telling everyone my story while I was waiting for the bus. I talked to these guys on the bus and offered to smoke them out. They were all listening to my ideas. I've only taken a couple drags off people's cigarettes and stuff. I'm doing real good.

     4:45pm  Mr. Straight is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:30pm  I came to the Walmart and I'm on the 88 bus going downtown now. I asked this kid Sean if he wanted to hear a story and he listened to me. He told me that next time I take off traveling to tell him and he and his girlfriend would come. I'm getting his phone number 313-3879. Cool, I'll give you a call if I take off.

     5:54pm  Man, I told that kid all my stories. Man, I've been talking to so many people today. Just going up to people and asking them. They're not interrupting me. I'm getting my message heard good. I'm all rehearsed and everything. I jumped on the 88 and we're going downtown. We're on Culebra. We just passed Zarzamora. We just passed a Church's. I don't know what I'm going to do today. Have some fun. I've got some money. I'm going to go downtown and smoke some people out.

     6:09pm  I just got off downtown. I'm walking Saint Mary's. Just walked over the river. By the Catholic Rectory.

     6:20pm  I came to Travis Park and bought me a hotdog. I'm going to walk down to the Riverwalk and see who I can smoke out.

     6:30pm  I've got ten dollars in my wallet and three twenties in my bag.

     6:53pm  I just took a picture with Kayla, Kendall and Candice on the Riverwalk. Jennifer took the picture with my camera.

     7:10pm  I'm just walking around downtown. I'm off the Riverwalk. I'm up on the street. Over by Alamo and Market.

     7:35pm  Dawn, not only listened to me, she gave me a cigarette as well. I know I had quit smoking, but I think I deserve it.

     8:09pm  Sprinkles gave me a cigarette in front of the Alazan Sports Bar. I appreciate it, Sprinkles. She even gave me a light.

     8:21pm  I had a big session with this girl Sprinkles in front of the bar. She didn't agree with me. She's all in the military. She didn't agree with me one bit.

     8:24pm  I just walked by and some girl yelled, "Hey! I found Waldo!"

                   Okay, I smoked one cigarette tonight. That's all I'm going to smoke.

                   Two I think.

     8:54pm  I just had a good presentation with this black guy in the corner. Told him my whole story and everything. I got his email address.

     9:02pm  I tried telling some people but they were ignorant as hell. She didn't let me finish at all. I'm going to go to Travis Park and see who I can talk to.

     10:26pm  Thomas is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, ma'am.

     11:12pm  Sianna gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

     11:20pm  Ahh, I got my third cigarette. This girl Sianna listened to me like crazy. I'm going to take off walking now. I'm bored. I'm at West. I'm going to walk to Jim's and hang out there for a bit. Tell the people in there my ideas.

     11:37pm  I changed my mind about West. I'm going to leave. I'm going to walk to Wurzbach and go to the IHOP on Wurzbach. This girl I met on the bus told me to stop by there sometime. I forgot her name or what she even looks like. I'm going to go see if they'll hook me up. Since I've got that ten dollar bill, I was considering spending it at Jim's, like buying something to eat, but I changed my mind. I'm going to go to Denny's and see if I can get hooked up there.

                     Oh yeah, I put on my thermal bottoms in the restroom at Jim's.

                     I'm walking down the access road down I10. I am going to walk the whole length of USAA. It's over a mile, I think.

Next day..

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