


San Antonio, TX

Thursday October 24, 2002

                   Man, today I had another badass day. Yesterday I was all bummed out. In the morning, I got a call from my "friend" Robert. I'm not sure if I told you about the friend I had made Andrea a couple nights ago. A few nights ago I was messaging everyone individually in the San Antonio chatrooms and asking them permission to send them my mails. I was talking to this girl who seemed to agree with everything I said. She asked me if I knew where to score some weed and I helped her out. Lucky for her she didn't live too far from me. I called my friend Bob only to find out his phone was disconnected. We drove to Bob's house hoping he was there. No one was home so she drove me back home. We really hit it off and, once again, I thought I had made a friend.
                   The next day around noon I called her and asked her if she wanted to try again. She said sure and we went over to Bob's house. When I got there, the door was open and Bob was crashed out on the floor. I woke him up and asked him, "Hey, do you have any marijuana for sale?" Bob woke up and told me no. I asked him if he had sold it all and he said yes. I told him, "Because I met this girl online who wants to buy some." He asked me if she was there, and I told him she was waiting out in her car. He quickly changed his tune and said, "Oh yeah, I got some." What a liar, huh.
                   I went to Andrea's car and told her to come inside. She met Bob and Carlos and as soon as she went to the bathroom Bob asked me, "Can I fuck her?" I was a bit disgusted and told him that I was the wrong person to ask. She came out of the bathroom and Bob pulled the weed out of the freezer and weighed out a half ounce. Bob and Carlos started shooting darts and eventually convinced Andrea to. After a while I got really sick of being there and started hinting to Andrea to leave. She seemed to be enjoying herself, so she put me off. Finally, when we were in the car to leave I told her she shouldn't trust Bob. That he's a big liar. She told me she wouldn't just because I had warned her. Then I felt it only fair that I tell her how Bob asked me if he could have sex with her. I didn't want to see her get screwed over by Bob. She seemed shocked and told me that she wasn't that easy. I told her how Bob had this beautiful girlfriend, but he cheated on her every chance he could get. She seemed appalled.
                   That night neither of us had anything to do, so we went on a really nice drive in the hill-country. It was a blast. We listened to this awesome tape I had made for her car and smoked out. She seemed so cool and I really thought I had met a new friend. I had already decided that I wasn't going to pursue anything more than friends with Andrea. She was so cool that any romance would only risk our friendship. After about an hour of driving she told me she was tired and wanted to go to bed, and drove me home.
                   Well, the next morning Bob called me up. He thanked me for bringing Andrea over and told me he had sex with her last night. I totally didn't believe him. Like I said, I trust Bob about as far as I can throw him. I thought he was making it up. He then told me, "Did you tell Andrea that I had asked you if I could fuck her?" I was stunned. How would he know that if Andrea didn't tell him? Hmm, so maybe Andrea did fuck Robert.
                   That really brought me down. I know I said I didn't want a romantic relationship with Andrea, but she seemed like she was a trustworthy friend. If she had just been honest with me and expressed her interest for fucking Bob to me, I wouldn't have been so upset. It's not like I wanted to have sex with Andrea or anything, but she straight out lied to me. She told me she was going home to sleep, but actually went over to Bob's to fuck him. I immediately lost all the respect I had for her. Bob is a male slut. He'll bone anything that moves. I had told Andrea that, but it seems like she didn't care even though she had made it appear otherwise. Why must people lie so much? There I was depressed, thinking I couldn't trust anyone. I wrote Andrea an email telling her I wasn't positive what Bob had said was true, if she could confirm anything. Still no reply, so I can assume it happened. I was loathing my mom's house and felt like hitchhiking out of town.
                   The next day I talked to my friend Andres on the computer and told him what happened and how I was so bummed out. Later on, he came over and we talked about it. We drove to his house and I asked him if he had anything to munch on. He told me he would make some French toast, to my delight. I told him how crazy I was going living at my mother's. He told me to just hang in there. I then asked him if he had a spare dollar I could have for bus-fare tomorrow. That I had to go downtown to the municipal courthouse to talk to them about getting my no-insurance ticket on the U-Haul dismissed. He said sure and gave me a dollar. Boy, did I put that dollar to good use. I had him take me back home and told him goodbye. Of course, someone was on the computer when I got there so I went out for a walk to kill time. I was gone for an hour or so, came back and my mother was still glued to the computer. I crashed out for a couple hours and when I awoke the computer was free. I jumped on it. I stayed up until about four in the morning sending out my emails. I woke up the next morning at around eleven and checked my email, took a shower and raided the pantry for food. The only thing I could find was a package of Ritz crackers which I put in my pocket for later.
                   Just then my twin sister got there and she barged in the room and said, "Hey, I need the computer." I told her I was busy and that she'd have to wait. She got this big attitude like she owned it or something. She just recently moved to stay with her friend because she couldn't handle being at my mom's with all the people living here. Oh, but she comes over every day just to use the computer. She told me, "I need it now." I responded with, "Tough-shit, you're going to have to wait, just like I do anytime I need it." She said, "You've probably been on it all day and I just need it for five minutes." I told her, "Five minutes my ass. You say that every time and stay on it forever. You're just one big fucking liar, Laura." She yelled, "Listen, you don't have to talk to me like that!" I said, "I don't have to do a lot of things that I do, Laura. Just like your lazy ass doesn't really need to use the computer. You may want to, but you're just going to look for guys because you can't score in the real world." Ooh, she got mad and went to use the phone to call my mother and tattle on me, I'm guessing.
                   I looked at the time, grabbed my walking stick and walked to the nearest bus stop ten minutes away. When the bus came I paid with Andre's dollar and got a transfer from the driver. I rode the 622 to Mystic Park where all the buses meet at fifty of the hour. I then transferred to the 605 that went to Medical Center. I ate some of the crackers on the bus, but I was still hungry. When we got to the transfer center at the hospital I got the impulse to go up to the sixth floor of the hospital, where I had been after my second head-injury and go see if I could swipe me a couple Boosts. Boosts are those liquid nutrition shakes packed with calories. I rode the elevator up to the sixth floor and stepped out. It seemed pretty empty and I made my way to the nourishment room. I grabbed two cans of Boost and loaded the pockets on my shorts.
                   I went all the way back to the buses and drank one. Ahh, not hungry anymore. I had to catch the 92 downtown and it ran every twenty minutes. Before I knew it there was the bus. I gave the driver my transfer and gave him fifteen cents more for another one. It took us about thirty minutes to get downtown, but I finally made it to the municipal courthouse. While on the bus over there I had doubled-checked that I didn't have any weed in my wallet or anything because you have to empty your pockets out at the courthouse. A few days ago Andrea had given me a little bud when I scored for her, but I had misplaced it. I was scared that I had lost it in my mom's house somewhere and that she was going to find it and bitch about it. I had no idea where it was. I checked all the slits in my wallet just to make sure it wasn't in it. That's all I needed, to go to court and get thrown back in jail. When I walked into the courthouse I emptied my wallet in a little receptacle and took my water bottle off. Some guard told me I couldn't take my stick into the courthouse even though I have in the past. They took my stick and gave me a ticket so I could claim it on the way out.
                   I don't know if I've mentioned my water bottle, but it's my pride and joy. It has a cool strap so I can wear the bottle anywhere I go. The water in it is energized. It has a magnet around the carrying-pouch. I can also drink any tap water safely because it has a built-in filter. Right when I put my bottle down in the x-ray conveyor thingy at the courthouse I realized where I had stashed my weed. I had stuffed it into the top of the carrying pouch! I freaked, grabbed the bottle and tried to think of an excuse to leave. The guard gave me a strange look and extended his hand to me. I thought, "Oh well, It's only a little weed, if I get caught I can probably talk my way out of it and tell them it was my friend's bottle, or something." I handed the bottle to the guard, and he just put it down on the table on the other side. I walked through the metal detector and he handed the bottle and my wallet back to me. "Badass, I just got into the courthouse with weed!" I thought. What luck.
                   I walked to the place where people go and pay tickets. Right when I walked in some guy told me to take my hat off. I told the lady behind the desk that I needed to talk to someone about getting a ticket dismissed. She had me fill out a little paper and told me to sit down and wait. I hate sitting down so I paced around the room. I took a drink from my bottle and another guard came up to me and said I wasn't allowed to drink in the courthouse. I told him it was just water, but he said just not to drink it. Oh well, stupid rules. It wasn't long before they called my name and told me to go to a room labeled Court 1. There was a line of about ten people, which I got in. As I stood there I heard the lady telling everyone the same thing, "Do you have the money to take care of this now?" Money shouldn't make crimes okay. What a monkey-business.
                   It was finally my turn and I told her I didn't have money. I told her how I had gotten a no-insurance ticket on a U-Haul truck I had rented, which I later found out had insurance the whole time. She told me to put my paper on the tray outside and talk to the prosecutor. The prosecutor called me and told me I needed to go back in the room and get a court date. I went back into Court 1 only to see that the line was huge now. "Damnit," I thought. I got in line and somebody else told me that if I had already seen the prosecutor I could stand in a shorter line with only about five people in it. I was thrilled. I got in line and some other people came and got in the back of the big line. I asked this guy in front of me if he had already talked to the prosecutor and he said he had seen him twice already. I told him to come in the shorter line I was in and he was happy. When it was finally my turn I spoke to some judge who sent me over to a different room where I got my court date. November 19.
                   I leave the courthouse and while I'm walking past the UTSA downtown campus I hear someone calling out my name. It was my friend, Jesus. I had met Jesus at Travis Park one day. He is always hanging out downtown. If I were to guess I would say Jesus is about thirty or so. We shook hands and he said hello. I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was looking for a restroom. I didn't have anything to do so I walked with him and we entered the college. He asked me if I wanted him to hold my walking stick. I asked him, "Well, would you like to see it? Because it's not like its heavy or anything." He told me yes and I handed it to him. I told him, "Just don't steal it, Jesus. I love that stick." I was joking around. He was acting kind of funny just holding the stick and I felt like he might take off with it. I told Jesus I should be going, that I was going to miss my bus. He handed my stick back and I went to catch the bus.
                   I usually keep a tennis ball on the end of my wooden stick for grip. After a while the ball wears all the way through and I need to replace it. In the house across the street from Carlos' where I had gotten all those free clothes I had also found like nine or ten tennis balls. The one I had on the stick was about to wear all the way through, so I thought I'd catch the bus over to Carlos' and put a new ball on my stick. I could've ridden the 92 all the way to Medical Center again and then wait for the 91 to go to Carlos', but I remembered I had that little bit of weed on me and my day had gotten better. I wanted to smoke a little. I got off at Travis Park where I was sure I would be able to bum a cigarette. I looked around and no one was smoking so I started walking around the park, which is only a city-block big. As I was walking I passed these guys hanging out at a bench at this one guy smiled and said what's up. I didn't recognize him but I returned the hello. I asked him if he had a spare cigarette I could have and he said no and mumbled something about bus-fare. I walked off and this old dude who was sitting with them yelled something at me. I said, "Excuse me?" and walked back over there. He started bitching at me because last time I was there I had bummed some change for bus fare and never paid him back. He was pretty upset and I told him, "Hey, I plan to pay the whole world back soon, just you wait." He didn't say anything and I walked off.
                   I went back to the front of the park and spotted someone smoking. I asked for a cigarette and was given one. The cigarette hadn't been packed so I hit the filter on the wall to get it packed. When it had a good little space at the top of the cigarette I got my little sack of weed and emptied it into an empty tobacco pouch I had, so it would seem as if it was just tobacco. I loaded a little bit into the tip of the cigarette. When I smoke I only take it one hit at a time. I don't need to get stoned off my ass, just open my mind a little. And if you use it that sparingly, it'll last you a lot longer.
                   I caught the 92 bus. I was going to catch it to Medical Center and catch the other bus to go get a tennis ball at Bob's. About five minutes after getting on the bus I thought, "Hey, this passes right by my old roommate Sam's place, maybe I'll stop and say hi to him. I can show him my FTP server and prove to him how my ideas are possible." Sam thinks I'm crazy too.
                   I was hungry by then, and Sam's apartment just happens to be right in front of the Shipley's Donuts where they always hook me up for free. I was hoping the same girl was there. I got off the bus and walked into the donut shop. The same girl that always hooks me up wasn't there. This other girl Priscilla was. Priscilla is cool too and has hooked me up before. I told her hi and how I was having a really good day. I got all manic on purpose, trying to freak her out. "I'm going to eliminate money, bring world peace, and save the planet. Wanna make my day a little better?" She said sure, and asked me what I wanted. I asked her if two cinnamon twists and a Bavarian cream-filled would be a problem and she told me no and put them in bag. I was really hungry, so I asked her if I could get an extra Bavarian "for my friend." She smiled and hooked me up some more. Ahh, free shit is so cool.
                   I walked across the street to Sam's apartment with donuts in tow. I got to his apartment and knocked. He answered and told me to come inside. I offered him a donut but he was already making some vegetarian meal. "More for me," I thought. I ate all four donuts. I was hungry. Sam had bought all these upgrades for his computer and was pretty excited. I bummed a cigarette off of Sam and spiked it with a hit of weed. I asked Sam if he wanted me to spike one for him too and he said no. I told Sam I had something very important to show him, if he could get on his computer. He told me okay and I had him pull up his browser. He asked me, "Oh, you have a webpage now?" I told him, "You can say that, but it's the most simple webpage out there."
                   I told him the address and had him log onto my hard drive. "Okay, Sam. When you have time I want you to read my stuff. Let me show you how crazy I really am." Sam has always doubted me and I was hoping I could knock some sense into him by actually showing him how I plan to follow-through on my goals. The smart man backs his shit up. I looked at the time, it was like six twenty five. All the buses that go over close to my mom's house are at University Hospital at around twenty of the hour. I was going to jump on the 92 in front of Sam's that would get me to the hospital way before twenty of the hour. I told Sam to read up and to try not to get too excited. I left to catch the bus and luckily it came right when I got to the stop.
                   I arrived at the hospital and was able to catch the last bus headed to my mom's at seven twenty. When I got on the 620 I didn't think I was going to need another transfer since this was the last run of all the buses that go out to the part of town and I would have a two mile walk when I got there. To my surprise when we got to the meeting point I saw the 622, the bus that takes me closer to my moms, there. I asked the driver if he had one more run and he told me, "Last one." Badass, I didn't have to walk two miles. I got off at the elementary school and walked the ten minutes to my mom's house. It was already dark. When I got there, my mom was asleep and my older sister Diana was on the computer. My sister Diana told me, "Umm, I still have to use the computer for a lot longer. I'm filling out applications for jobs." I then asked her if she had a cigarette and she told me she didn't. "Do you have a couple bucks so I can buy some tobacco and roll some cigarettes. For you too." She told me she was broke. I told her, "Well, I'm going to walk up to the gas station and bum change until I have two dollars. I'll be back with cigarettes." She laughed and told me okay.
                   Off I went walking again. As I was walking to the gas stations over by the highway I passed a baseball field where these people were playing. I walked past the field and walked into the Texaco where I knew people. My friend Matt wasn't there, but Lisa was. I told Lisa, "Hey, I walked all the way over here to buy some Bugler so I could roll me some cigarettes, but I left my money at home. Is there any way you can extend me some credit on some tobacco and I'll pay you back?" She told me she wished she could but that she was on camera and didn't want to risk it. I told her thanks anyway, and that I would be back soon with some money.
                   I walked outside the Texaco and asked like two people for spare change and they both told me no. I walked across the street to the Diamond Shamrock. As I passed the thing where you get air and water for your car I asked some guy filling up his tires for some spare change. He told me he had just brought the fifty cents for the air. I told him thanks anyway and he smiled. I walked up to the entrance and spotted this very attractive girl coming out. I smiled at her and hit her up for some change. She smiled back and gave me eighty five cents. Ooh, she was pretty.
                   A thing of Buglers is like a dollar eighty three at the Texaco. I was halfway there. I walked back across the street and went to the entrance of the Texaco. Just then some man walked up to the door and I told him my story of forgetting money to buy cigarettes. He smiled and told me, "Yes, but you must do something for me first." I asked him what and he said, "Let me pray for you," and asked me my name. I told him to go right ahead and he started praying, "Lord, please look over Victor and even though this money I'm giving him is for something you don't approve of, forgive him, for he knows not." Then this nice man gave me a whole dollar. I thanked him and told him he was very generous. He smiled and proceeded to leave. I told him to drive carefully and he said, "Thank you, god bless you."
                   I had enough for cigarettes now all thanks to generosity and goodwill. I walked inside and handed Lisa the money and she laughed like she couldn't believe it. I got my tobacco, went to the table outside and rolled a cigarette. Spiked it too. As I was walking back to my mom's I passed the baseball field and got the impulse to go watch them play while I smoked a cigarette. I sat down on at the benches. They were playing slow-pitch softball. There were people of all ages playing and it actually looked kind of fun.
                   As I was sitting there smoking this little girl and boy came over and started talking to me. "Nice stick," said the little girl. I told her thank you and she immediately started telling me corny jokes. I laughed heartily at all of them just to make her feel good. She told me how she was in gymnastics, basketball, baseball, running and a whole lot of other sports. Her little brother, he must have been, joined in on the joke-telling too. It was really cool hanging out at the ballpark making kids laugh.
                   Dumbass me, while I was getting my lighter out of my pocket I grabbed my empty pouch of tobacco(which I had put the tiny bit of weed I had left, remember) and went and threw it away in the trash can. I was contemplating rolling another cigarette, but I decided against it because those little kids were still in front of me talking to me. I'm sure their parents wouldn't appreciate me showing their kids how to roll cigarettes. I just got up and told those kids to have a good night and be careful.
                   I walked all the way home and rolled another cigarette. Then I went to go grab the tiny bit of weed that I had left when I realized I had just thrown it away at the ballpark. "Shit," I thought. Screw it, it was like ten twenty five, the computer was in use and I had absolutely nothing to do. I walked all the way back to the ballpark and retrieved the tobacco pack out of the trash can. I walked my happy-ass back home and emptied out the shake onto the table. Dude, there wasn't barely any at all. Maybe enough for one hit. Well, at least I got some exercise and killed some time. I went to the back porch and sucked the cigarette down. When I was done my older sister was still on the computer. She told me, "You might as well go to sleep and I'll wake you up when I get off." I told her, "Okay, but be sure to wake me up because I have to write about the great day I just had." She agreed and I crashed out on the bed. When she finally woke me up, it was four in the morning!
                   Geez, so here I am, writing this paper on my day yesterday. My mom woke up around six and came to bitch at me some more. "Victor, when Laura comes over to use the computer, let her use it." I told my mom, "Why should I? I was busy. She doesn't own it, nor does she even live here. She's just using." My mom got all mad and starting yelling at me, "You don't contribute either! You don't have a job. Laura sometimes gives me money to help." I told her, "Yeah, we'll see how little I contribute when I get everyone out of debt." My mom said, "You keep saying that but I need help now, not later." Impatient people suck.
                   My mom stormed off and I got busy typing up this dissertation. Now my sleep-schedule is messed up. Oh well. I'm not tired. I'm going to get on AOL and send my mails out some more. Peace.

- Victor

Next day..

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