


San Antonio, TX

Friday October 25, 2002

                   Whew, today kind of sucked. It was raining so I didn't go riding the bus. When I woke up like at eleven I was actually able to get on the computer for an hour or so. Then my older sister woke up and kindly asked me if she could use it and I let her. I was wide awake and not tired at all even though I had only slept like four hours. Boy, was I bored. I scrounged around for something to eat and only found some crackers. I was basically home bored all day not doing anything.
                   I would've done chores or something, but I was feeling down because I was at home doing nothing and it was raining. If I had all my stuff that's still in the U-Haul storage place, which I'll get back when I pay them some money, I could handle the rain much better. I have these Nike sandals that are like open-aired outdoor shoes with a good grip. I also have a rain poncho I had bought for five dollars at the army surplus store. Before, when I left and it rained I went walking everywhere and stayed dry. I would go walk through the low-water crossings and splash through puddles. Wups, that's another story.
                   I bummed around the house all day. At night is when my night turned interesting. My good friend Andrea called. I had just met her the other day and scored her some weed from my friend Bob(10-24-02). I usually don't answer the phone at my mom's because it's usually never for me or it's some telemarketer. I answered it tonight because I was just pacing around the house bored. To my surprise the voice on the other end asked for me! I asked, "Who is this?" and she told me. It was Andrea. She asked how I was doing and I told her I was a bit bummed out. She asked why and I told her how I had received a call from Bob and he told me he had sex with her. She told me, "Oh, he's lying, don't believe him." I told her how Bob had told me that she told him that I told her Bob had asked me if he could fuck her. Whoa, that last sentence was weird, hehe. Bob also told me she had gone over that night after we went driving around the hill-country. When she had supposedly been tired and going to sleep. She said that she did in fact confront him about him asking me but they never did anything.
                   I felt relieved and told her, "Whew, that takes a load off of me, thanks. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone and we seemed to be such good friends. It just sucked." Andrea asked me what I was doing tonight and I told her, "Jack shit. Wishing I could get out of this hellhole." She told me she was sorry and said that she would've called me sooner but she couldn't find my number. Then she asked me what time was the latest she could come over. I told her whenever, that it would be cool if she wanted to. Then she said, "Okay, I'll be over in like fifteen minutes." I told her rad and we hung up. Then I thought, "Why did she ask me how late she could come over if she was coming in fifteen minutes?" Hmm. I told my older sister whom I had talked to about all the supposed happenings between Andrea and Robert. She suggested I tell Andrea, "Listen, I won't lose any respect for you if you did have sex with Bob. What I would lose respect for you over is if you lied to me." Brilliant I thought.
                   Something else didn't sit right with me though. Andrea told me that she had confronted Robert. Now when could she have confronted Robert with me not being there? And how could Bob have known I had asked her unless she did in fact go over there after we drove around that night. Hmm. Before I knew it, Andrea was at my door. I answered it and told her to wait while I grabbed my water bottle. I asked my older sister if I could borrow her key and she told me okay and that my mom had said something about needing to make a key for me. It's about time, eh. How long have I been living here now? Off I go with Andrea. I asked her, "So, do we have a destination or are we just going to drive around again." She told me she had to go to the Texaco gas station. We pulled up to the gas station and she asked me if I needed anything. I told her I was fine and she said, "Okay, I'm going to buy some cigarettes. What kind do you want?" I told her, "It doesn't matter, I have my rolling-tobacco." She said, "Oh, I want to buy you some so you don't have to roll them." I told her, "Get whatever you want and if I'm feeling lazy, I'll bum one off you." She persisted in making me choose so I told her some Marlboro Reds. She went inside and paid for the cigarettes and a carwash. She came back to the car and handed me the pack of cigarettes and said, "Here, you can have those." I thanked her but wondered why she was being so nice to me?
                   We pulled back and headed for the carwash. When the car was being washed, I gave her the line my sister suggested. She quickly denied it again and I told her, "Hey, it wouldn't be the end of the world if you slept with Bob. You're only human and sex feels good. Supposedly Bob has a big one that he's always bragging about. Just be honest with me, Andrea." I could see the look of guilt come over her face and she blurted out, "Ok! I did sleep with Bob, and he doesn't have a big dick." She was all pissed off at herself and swore never again. She told me he was the second person she's slept with in two years and that it was a mistake. I thanked Andrea for being honest and not to worry about it, that her honesty made up for her misjudge. I felt like she was really sorry that she not only had sex with Robert, but lied to her good friend also. I patted her shoulder and told her, "I forgive you."
                   We drove to the hill-country again and the roads were slick. At about ten thirty she asked me what day it was and I told her. She said, "Oh damn, there's a cool Rock-a-Billy show I wanted to go to. My friends back in Montana had told me I should see this group. I'm not sure where it's at though and we'll need money if we want to go." I told her I didn't have any cash and she realized that she didn't either. She decided to go back to her house and ask her parents for some money. She agreed to spot me if she got any. We drove to her house and went inside. She lives in a beautiful, modern home outside Loop 1604. We walked inside and she went to the computer room and turned on her laptop. She was going to find out where that show was on the internet. She couldn't figure it out online so she called information and asked them for the phone number to the bar that band was playing at. She got the address and went to go get her makeup. She had this little furry white dog I started playing with. It was real cute. As I stood in the kitchen waiting for her I read a good quote on a fridge. I quickly grabbed my pocket calendar and jotted it down. It was a bible quote, "Hurt not the Earth. Neither the sea, nor the trees. Revelations 7:3"
                   When she came back, she had a twenty dollar bill in tow. Cool. We got in her car and drove Loop 1604 to Stone Oak smoking the whole way. Neither of us had been to this bar before so we didn't know what to expect. We walked up to the front and paid the cover and entered. Wow, this place was like a time-warp. It was real hip. They had this cool young band playing old style music with a big bass-cello, two guitar players and a drummer. It was really cool music too. You couldn't really understand the words but you didn't need to. The music was just pleasing to the ears. It was laid back, chill-out music. We were on the wealthy part of town and the place seemed really prestigious. Everyone else there just looked cool. I felt like I was way out of my league hanging out there.
                   Andrea asked me if I wanted something to drink and I said okay. She asked me what and I said, "Surprise me, I don't care how it tastes. Just a shot of anything." The drinks were really expensive so we didn't tip the guy. We sat down at a table and starting telling all kinds of stories of stuff that's happened to us. I was having a blast and it seemed like Andrea was too. This was just what I needed for my shitty day.
                   Okay, it's like three thirty in the morning, I'm going to go smoke a cigarette and come back and try finishing this paper. Okay, I'm back.
                   At around midnight, she wanted another drink and said she would have to go out to the car and get some change. I offered to go for her since I don't mind walking and she said thank you. While I was walking out to her car I passed a cute girl and she asked me in a weird accent, "Do you drive a black Dodge Viper?" I told her no and kept walking to Andrea's car. I grabbed the change and headed back to the bar. When I passed the girl again she asked me again if I drove a black Viper. I told her no again and she asked me if I was Indian. I told her I wasn't but that when I had a beard not too long ago, people had called me Bin-Laden. She laughed and I asked her where she was from. She told me she was from South America, but lived in New York. I asked her if she knew Spanish and she did, so I started talking to her in Spanish. It's weird, I have lived in San Antonio since I was three but my mom never let us forget Spanish. I don't feel like my Spanish is too hot, but when I'm talking to other Spanish-speaking people it naturally comes back to me and I even use a Puertorican accent.
                   I took a drink from my water bottle and the South American girl asked me what I had in there. I told her it was just water and she said that if it were her bottle she wouldn't just have water in it. Ahh, she was drunk I figured. That explained a lot. I ended up talking with her for like ten minutes and forgot all about Andrea's change. I saw Andrea come out and I apologized. I told the girl goodbye and went to Andrea's car where she was sitting in the driver's seat getting more change. I told her all about the weird girl and she was like, "Why would she think you drove a Dodge Viper?" We went back in the bar, sat down and enjoyed the music. While we were sitting, this other girl leaned over and asked us how we were doing tonight. I told her, "I'm the happiest man in the world." She asked me why and I told her how I planned to eliminate money, bring world-peace and save the planet. She was skeptical from the beginning, but listened to my shpeel. She asked me for my website and I wrote down my email address on a napkin and gave it to her. Hehe, real-life spam.
                   Let's see, what next. Oh yeah. We went back out to the car like at twelve forty five. We smoked and decided to leave since the bar was closing at one. We drove home listening to the cool tape I had made her the other night which she just loved. She drove me to my moms house and I gave her a big hug and told her I had a blast tonight. She agreed and hugged me back. I got out and she left.
                   Wow, what a great end to a sucky day. I feel like I actually have a friend out there who doesn't mind me being myself. Happy day.

- Victor

Next day..

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