


San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 10, 2004

     10:00am  Sam is being cool and doing laundry. He's doing two loads of his own stuff. Mine too. I want to go to UTSA and see if I can use their computers for free like at UC Berkeley and HSU. For some reason, I think you have to be a student.

     10:06am  I'm at Crossroads. I rode the 92.

     10:41am  I came over to get on the 94, to UTSA. I told this guy JR my ideas. I'm back to work.

                     I smoked a cigarette this morning and that's all I'm going to smoke.

     11:00am  I am at UTSA. I'm going to be looking for the John Peace Library.

     11:04am  Damnit, the library is closed today.

     11:11am  The 609 pulled up. I'm going to get on that.

     11:21am  I just got off the 609. I noticed that it was going to go on the other side of 1604, over by Andrea's house. Andrea, the girl who gave me that forty mile jump to Comfort, TX with my friend Bob. Since it's Saturday I am going to walk up to her house and knock on the door. Maybe she's home.

     11:26am  I rang Andrea's doorbell and nobody answered. I'm going to walk around.

     11:54am  I was walking through some apartments and I asked this girl Anna if she could spare a hit cigarette and she hooked me up. Thank you, Anna.

     12:19pm  I got to tell Anna my story! The girl I got the cigarette from. On the ground, I saw a good snipe and asked Anna if she minded if I had it. She went, "Nah, I'll get you a fresh one." She gave me three cigarettes! That's awesome!

                     She told me that whenever I go to Silver City, NM to look up Elissa Bell and Molly Walker. And Jessy Bell. Everybody knows them.

     12:24pm  I hope the bus comes soon. Man, it's cool. I walked into those apartments to kill time for the bus to come. I bummed a cigarette off that girl and bam, segway into my ideas. She ended up hooking me up. So, I smoked two more cigarettes which I know was breaking the rule, but I deserved that, damnit. She agreed with me. Hopefully, she'll talk about me. And I got free cigarettes.

                     I've got two extra ones in my ears, but I'm going to give them away. I don't want to smoke any more.

     12:32pm  That girl's email address is

     12:33pm  I can certainly assume that I have missed the bus, so I'm going to start walking. I was thinking about standing here on the sidewalk and sticking my thumb out as the college kids drive by. Maybe I'll do that for a little bit.

     12:40pm  I came to the Shell gas station. I'm going to take a shit. Oh yeah, I gave away my two cigarettes away too. I went up to the counter and I asked the kids working if they smoked cigarettes. They told me yeah and I said, "Here, you can have these. Some girl gave me three and I'm trying to quit." I'm going to see if I can tell these guys my story on the way out.

     1:07pm  I told the guy working at the Subway inside the gas station my story. He listened to me. I'm back on task. I am working.

     1:11pm  Bitch 609 bus driver. The bus came going the other way around. I ran up to it at the stop light, but the she wouldn't open the door and let me get on. She drove off and I gave her the finger.

                   I picked up a snipe and I am smoking. I suck, literally.

                   I'm cheating.

     1:17pm  The 609 came back around and I am on it. When I got on the driver told me, "Did you give me the finger earlier?" I told her, "Yeah, because you didn't let me on. That's what you got."

     1:32pm  I got off the 609 at Prue Road and Cedar Park. I'm going to go walk to Bob's neighborhood, Babcock North.

     1:44pm  I walked Cedar Park some ways and now I'm going to find a way to cut into the woods that connect to Bob's, that connect to my hideout. Maybe I'll find some kids smoking weed out here. It's happened before.

     1:54pm  I spotted these two kids carrying BB guns.

     2:00pm  Those kids didn't have any marijuana, but I told them my platform.

     2:08pm  I'm in Babcock North now. I'm going to walk and see if Page is home. I never updated her. Page is that girl who gave me a ride to Midland back on June 14, 2003.

                   Cool, there's the car with all the cool band stickers. I'm going to go knock.

                   There's like four cars here and nobody answers the door. I'll go try Bob's.

     2:37pm  Bob wasn't home, but Carlos and his ignorant girlfriend Anna were. They gave me a ride to West Telemarketing. They are going to the Southside and dropped me off here.

                   I'm going to go check The Rocks, like I always do.

     2:41pm  I got on the 91.

     2:56pm  The 91 stopped at the hospital. I'm going to go see if I can score some Boosts.

                   Whoa, the elevator that goes up into the hospital opened by itself when I walked up to it. Things are going my way already. I wonder how many Boosts will I get.

     3:01pm  Man, I scored phat at the hospital. I snagged me seven Boosts!

     3:18pm  I forgot to tell you I am on the 92. Man, I called that shit at the hospital. As soon as that elevator door opened for me, I knew I was going to score. I just went up there, walked in and out. Easy as pie.

     3:22pm  I just got off the 92. I'm going to walk to Sam's.

     5:02pm  I am going to go on a mission with Sam. I was sitting on Sam's computer and just then the floor fan that he has constantly cooling his computer turned off by itself. We're going to go on a mission and buy another fan for the computer.

                   Sam's special cooling system.

     5:03pm  I just took a picture of the view of downtown San Antonio from Fredericksburg Road. Over by Sam's house. It's always seemed to me, when I look down there, like the Emerald City 

from the Wizard of Oz.

     5:50pm  We rode the 92 to Crossroads and walked to the Super Target they built here recently. Sam got his fan and now he's going to hook me up with a Frappucino from the Starbucks here.

                   Okay, let me think. How many cigarettes have I had today. I had one this morning that Sam gave me. I bummed one off that girl when I was walking through those apartments. She gave me three and I gave two away. That's two cigarettes so far. I picked up a menthol snipe at the gas station right before I got on the 609. Then I smoked one in front of Big Lots. That's four for the day. I'm thinking it's the weekend, so I'm allowed to smoke, I guess. I wanted to smoke a cigarette to this Frappucino Sam just bought me.

                   Man, if excuses were money, I'd be rich, hehe.

                   Okay, I'm going to smoke one a day on weekdays and up to five on weekends.

                   That's assuming Sam will let me have another one.

     7:45pm  I changed my mind about staying at Sam's. He was going to watch some Japanese movie and I would be bored. Oh yeah, it was cool. He treated me to some Starbucks. I went and helped him with his fan he got. I felt like the night was still young. I'm going to go downtown to The Riverwalk and go talk to somebody. Tell my stories.

     8:32pm  I am on The Riverwalk. Let's see what happens.

     8:50pm  Justin hooked me up with a cigarette outside of this place by The Riverwalk.

     9:00pm  I'm just walking around downtown San Antonio looking for people to talk to.

     9:02pm  I just ran into some guy I've talked to on the bus. I walked by him and he said, "Hey, Victor." I turned around and asked him, "How did you know my name?" He told me we had just talked on the bus. Oh duh. I forgot, hehe.

                   Hmm, it's Saturday and it's all crowded. I'm going to ask for spare change for a joint and see who I can tell my story to. This should be fun.

     9:18pm  Joe hooked me up with some change in front of Travis Park. I appreciate it, bro.

     9:59pm  Encina is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it.

     10:15pm  Debbie hooked me up with a cigarette. She listened to my story, too.

     10:32pm  Greg is hooking me up with some change for a joint. I appreciate it, bro.

     10:38pm  Sunshine and Sunflower are hooking me up with some change for a joint. I appreciate it, sisters. Weird. Sunshine and Sunflower. Those two wingnuts from California. Sunshine from Berkeley and Sunflower from Arcata. What a coinkidink.

                      If I'm ever in San Marcos look up a guy named Joe Patack. Willdo.

                     Cool, that guy listened to my story and he gave me a cigarette. Awesome.

     11:00pm  I just had an excellent presentation and got some email addresses.

     11:40pm  The 92 bus driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride. Saturday night lineup.

     11:54pm  After I told the bus driver my whole story, I came to the back of the bus and asked all the people back there if they wanted to listen to a really interesting story. They all listened to me a lot. I gave them my card with my email address on it. Sweet.

     11:57pm  Man, what a stupendous bus ride home! That was awesome! I am hard at work. I'm all stoned. I busted out with my scripts. I told the bus driver everything. Everyone listened to me. I told him, "I could talk your ear off, but you probably want to do your job." He stopped me and said, "No, I don't mind. I don't mind." I told him all my stuff and when I got tired, I went to the back of the bus and told all the brothers back there my stuff. This one dude was all asking me, "So what do I do?? I can find this on the Internet?" I asked him if he had an email address, but he didn't. I gave him one of my cards with my email.

                      Tonight went just as I planned it. I called all the shots. I had told myself I'd go downtown. That maybe somebody would smoke me out. I thought I would go talk to people on The Riverwalk. It was so crowded I decided I'd start asking for spare change for a joint. I had some great presentations. People hooked me up. I recorded it all. I'm having a blast.

                      This is my town.

Next day..

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