


San Antonio, TX

Sunday January 11, 2004

     10:45am  I woke up at Sam's. I woke up at ten, late. I ate breakfast. Man, I'm really loving this eating right stuff Sam's got me doing. He bought me some Total cereal. I had a bowl this morning. He also got me a jug of juice which I just drank a cup of for Vitamin C. What else did I have?

                      That's about it. I've got a Boost in my pocket.

                      I feel so charged. It's true.

                      And Sam smokes a shitload of cigarettes. He chain-smokes. Like two packs a day, or something. Sam tells me that cigarettes leech all this stuff out of your body and if you replace it, you'll be alright. He might be right. Like I always say, if you take care of the body it takes care of itself. I'm going to catch the bus downtown now.

     10:52am  Mr. Mathis is hooking me up with a courtesy ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:18am  I got off over by the library. I was going to go check my email, but there wasn't an empty terminal. I don't want to wait. The sun's out. It's a beautiful day. I'm going to go smoke somebody out.

     11:20am  Oh yeah, I never told you. Mr. Mathis, the bus driver, when he pulled up in front of Sam's apartment, I did my whole test thing. I asked him, "Can I get a courtesy ride downtown?" He told me, "Yeah, sure. Come on." I got on and I told him, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it. Thanks a lot." He told me, "What goes around comes around." I say, "Exactly." I pulled out my January Big Pass and I told him, "Hey man, I was just testing you. You passed." I told him all my stuff and blew his mind. I got his email address. It's I think. He agreed with everything I said. It was awesome.

     11:27am  Came to Travis Park. I'm just walking around looking for a cigarette. Nobody's got one.

     11:35am  I asked this dude in the park if he wanted to smoke a bowl and he said sure. We came about a block away and sparked it up. Just then, this dude Rick pulls up and asks us if we want any beef jerky. I appreciate it, brother. Drive carefully.

     12:08pm  I went back to Travis Park. Oh yeah, when I smoked with that guy this other dude drove up and gave us two big bags of beef jerky. The other dude didn't want any, so I got both. So, since they were kick-downs, I went back to Travis Park and started sharing my wealth. I fed the people in the park. Lunchtime. Everybody grabbed some and was grateful.

                     Then, when the 92 pulled up I asked the driver for a courtesy ride. He told me no. So, I showed him my pass and got on anyway.

     12:26pm  What was your name? Vanessa and Elena, on the 92 heading back towards Crossroads. I told them my story. They actually listened to me. Then, out of the blue they offer me a cigarette and a Starburst candy. Badass! She gave me three!

     12:35pm  I just got off the 92. I told those two girls my story. Well, only my platform. I didn't have time for the big odyssey story. I got their email addresses. We were by the Deco District HEB, by that cool hippie neighborhood. I had a whole joint on me and I got the idea to go walk around that neighborhood and see who I could smoke out.

     12:38pm  I just took a picture of this hippie neighborhood 

with the pretty palm trees at the corner of Vollum and Mary Louise Drive.

     1:18pm  I walked around the hippie neighborhood for a long time. Nobody was outside smoking or anything. I saw some kid at the Jack in the Box with a skateboard. Since I don't have a lighter I asked him if he had one. He said he didn't have one. I saw some other young dude who's daughter was running around outside. I crossed the street and asked him since he was smoking a cigarette. He hooked me up. Well, the apartments this guy was in front of, I recognized. I had been to these apartments before. Back before, like over six months ago I had talked to some old lady and told her my ideas. She had given me a big dinner and everything. I even remembered what apartment was hers. I'm going to go and say his to this lady again.

     1:52pm  Man, that was badass what happened. I went up to that ladies apartment and I knocked on the door. Some lady answered it and cracked the door. I told her, "Hey, do you remember me? I talked to you and told you about my ideas. A long time ago?" She told me no and I asked her, "Did you just move in?" She told me she had, not too long ago. So it was the lady who lived there before who had fed me. I thought for a second and asked her, "Hey, do you want to smoke a joint?" She said yeah! She told me to hold on a second and went back inside. She came out eventually and we went for a ride in her truck and smoked some weed. That was cool! I made her day. She had told me, "Thank you so much. I'm going into work." Awesome.

                   Now I don't know what I am going to do. I guess I can go back downtown.

                   I want to go to the Northeast today.

                   Oh yeah, I've been smoking cigarettes today. Umm, I can't quit. I can smoke all I want on the weekends. That's how I'm going to do it.

     2:10pm  I talked to these girls on the bus and told them my ideas. This girl Genevieve volunteered me the rest of her Jack in the Box shake(even though she's not supposed to have it on the bus, hehe).

     2:30pm  I came down to The Riverwalk. This is awesome. They have these heaters out here now. They look like lamps, but they're heaters.

     2:57pm  I stopped and remembered I had a banana in my bag. I went to grab it and found it got all squashed inside. It's all juicy now in my bag. I had to turn it inside out and wipe it on my army pants to get the banana juice off.

     3:40pm  I'm back at Sam's. I rode the 92 to Sam's. I'm tired. I walked a lot today. I'm hungry too.

     6:36pm  I'm out at the bus stop waiting for the 92 again. Let me tell you what I did at Sam's. I just chilled out and rested. Sam cooked me a meal. I didn't even ask him. He just handed me a plate with all this vegetable and pasta. Man, Sam's cool. He is one of the greatest contributors to my mission. Next to Kati. Anyway, I went out to the bus stop. Oh yeah, I wanted to see if I could get some weed. Right when I stepped outside Sam's apartment I smelled it. Ahh, somebody's smoking. I went downstairs on the bottom floor and there were these kids, this black dude and these other kids out smoking a cigarette. I walked up to him and said, "Hey, can you guys spare a hit?" He all looked around and handed me the roach. He said, "Yeah, you can have it." Then the other guy next to him said, "Hey, you work at West, right?" I came to the bus bench and loaded my pipe. I had a little bit left in the cap of it. I loaded up a good hit. That roach they had given me. Now I'm going to go downtown and see if I can get some more weed, yeah.

                   I'll tell people my ideas, yeah.

     7:18pm  I was downtown and I saw some guy hitting a pipe on the sidewalk. I went up to him and asked him if he could spare a hit. He told me it wasn't his. It was this girls' I knew from Travis Park. She handed me the pipe and gave me a hit. I asked her, "What's your name?" She goes, "You know my name." I tell her, "No, I don't. I talk to everybody every day." She told me, "Smokahontas," and everybody started laughing. That's not really her name, but that's what I'm going to call her from now on. Smokahontas was cool enough to give me a hit. Thanks, sister.

                   I called that. I told myself I was going to go downtown and get smoked out.

                   There's not too many people out today, so I can't be asking for spare change for a joint. If I see anybody, I will though. Hehe.

                   I'm going to go to The Riverwalk.

     7:20pm  Oh yeah, and I walked by the Greyhound station and I really had to take a piss. Hold on. I'm going to see if I can take a leak at the Centro place. At the Greyhound station I saw those two cops again. I just kept walking. I was going to walk in and use the restroom, thinking it was Sunday and they shouldn't be working. But alas, they are no-life losers, so there they are.

     7:27pm  I'm over here at Travis Park. Downtown is dead. I'm going to jump back on the bus.

     7:49pm  Oh yeah, I got off the 91 at Williamsburg. I'm going to walk to the Taqueria Puro Jalisco. I've scored there before, but I'm going to go buy a taco this time. A fajita taco. I have a dollar. They've hooked me up, so if I got money, they get my business. It's coming back to them, just like I told them it would.

     7:55pm  Dude, I walked into the Puro Jalisco Mexican restaurant. I pulled out my pocketload of change and I told that lady, "I only got $1.50 in change. What's the fattest taco I can get for that?" What's the most food? I'm hungry." She asked her manager and they talked about it. She came back and asked me, "What do you want?" I said, "I don't know. Like a fajita taco or something." I put all my change out on the counter. To my surprise, she shook her head. They're hooking me up! Badass! I didn't even ask! I was willing to pay and everything. They must've remembered me from last time.

                   Dude, I had the money out and everything!

                   Now, I'm going to walk to Sam's and bum a cigarette off of him for my after-meal smoke. After this taco.

                   Oh, I don't know if I told you or mentioned it, but earlier I was looking through my pocket calendars, calling people's numbers I found. I was actually able to remember Chris' phone number. My old boss Chris, the architect from Bulverde. I called him. See, last time I talked to him, months ago, he was having all these problems with his wife. He had actually moved out of his own house(which he designed out in the country on his property) and went back to live with his mother for the sake of his two daughters. His mom lives in San Antonio. This dude is a forty two year old architect. His daughters are his priority, not his soon-to-be ex wife. What a fatherly sacrifice. I commend you, Chris. Dude, his wife doesn't deserve such luxury without him being there enjoying it too. Chris sold out, too. He had to go work for a company. He's not self-employed anymore. It's a sad story. But he is one of the most responsible persons I know. I mean, this guy slaved away for all the wealth he acquired and now he can't enjoy it. He has to live at his mother's. I can't believe it. He told me, "Yeah, I'm stuck in the money trap." I asked him, "Would you want to hang out and smoke sometime?" He said sure, so I'm going to hang out with Chris again. The best father-figure I've ever had.

From: Jess Gibson <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 10:40:19 -0800 (PST)
Hey u rock with your vibe keep it up and spread the love


Next day..

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