


San Antonio, TX

Monday January 12, 2004    

     7:48am  I woke up at Sam's today. I have to work today at two. Also, I'm supposed to go to that guy's house in Parkwood to look at his walking sticks. Hopefully I can get him to hook me up. I really should he studying for my work, but ahh, we got until Thursday, or something. Anyway, I woke up early because I went to sleep early. Now, I'm going back to Sam's apartment because I didn't have any Vitamin C. I'm going to go back, drink some juice and leave again.

     8:09am  I am at the hospital. The Medical Center Transfer Center.

     8:18am  Roy is hooking me up with a cigarette outside of the VA. I appreciate it, bro.

                   Roy is hooking me up with a light also! Badass. Thanks Roy. Take it easy.

     8:27am  I'm on the 604 now.

     8:49am  I rode the 604 to Babcock North. I'm going to go see if there is anyone home at Bob's and ask to use their phone. Then, I'll walk off to Parkwood from there.

     9:12am  I came up to Carlos' house and knocked on the door. His Miata is in the driveway, but I don't think anyone is awake. I saw my walking stick 

that I left here when I first got home on December 20. I had been meaning to take the twine off, so I can put it on the other stick I get. Maybe today, maybe not.

     9:29am  Tim came home. He let me go inside and take a shit. Bob wasn't there. They told me he had been at his parent's house for a couple weeks. His mom had died. Oh yeah, I tried calling Ruben, the walking stick guy. Nobody answered the phone, so I'm thinking they might still be asleep. I'm just going to walk up to Parkwood and go to his house. I wrote his address down in my pocket calendar over six months ago.

                   To walk there I am going to take a nature trail through the woods.

     9:50am  I came out of the woods. I am on Prue Road now.

     10:11am  I entered Parkwood and have been walking down Cedar Park. I don't know where Huntsman is, but I'll find it. I'm sure. I'm sure it hits the main artery, Cedar Park.

     10:15am  I stopped at the bus stop here at Cascade Oak and Cedar Park. In front of Scobee Elementary. I just stopped to rest my feet. I forget to rest when I walk through neighborhoods.

     10:34am  It turns out Cedar Park turns into Huntsman. I'm going to pull out his address.

                     13239 Huntsman.

     10:45am  I am here at the house. I am going to knock on the door.

     10:50am  I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. Me thinking it's like 10:45am and somebody should be awake. No one answered the door. I could hear rustling inside the house, so I knew somebody was home. I looked up and I saw a hand in the window directly above the door, on the second floor. They were looking outside to see who it was. I thought they would probably come answer the door now. I sat there and waited and they never did. I even rang the doorbell again. Their dogs were barking and everything. Man, what the hell? This is bullshit. I want my walking stick, damnit.

     10:56am  I walked off a little bit. I saw some guy getting into his car and I asked him if he had a phone I could borrow. He let me use his cellphone and I called Ruben's house. His wife answered and told me he wasn't home. She was probably the same person who's hand I saw. Anyway, she told me she didn't know when he would be home. So, I'm just going to patiently wait for the 609 until it comes. The bus stop is conveniently right in front of his house.

     11:25am  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I jumped on the 609. I was thinking maybe I'd hit West Telemarketing by noon. Maybe get smoked out at The Rocks. Ahh, I'm just going to go back to Sam's and get dressed for work.

                     What sucks even more is that his wife wouldn't open the door. I had to call her.

     11:53am  There's the 610. It'll take me to Medical Center.

                      I had someone take a picture of me 

at the hospital. Check me out in my telemarketing uniform.

     12:08pm  I was telling Ashley my story at the hospital and she gave me a cigarette! Badass!

     12:35pm  At Medical Center, I walked past the 92 and someone started banging on the window. It's CJ, that homeless dude I met way back in the day. He had shown me that cool bamboo forest close to Wurzbach/Fredericksburg. I jumped on the 92 and CJ told me he would smoke me out! Badass! CJ was with another homeless dude and they sent me off to the store to buy them beer. CJ gave me a five dollar bill. He told me to get him a 800 High Gravity and an Old Milwaukee for his friend. He said I could keep the change.

     12:40pm  Old CJ told me to go buy him some beer at the Coastal here. I need to get two Old English High Gravity 24oz and an Old Milwaukee 24oz for the other dude. He said he would hook me up with some weed, too. Awesome.

     1:19pm  I decided to get off when the 92 turns into Crossroads, because I am pressed for time. I can't wait at Crossroads while it comes back around. I took off walking for Sam's apartments. It's good exercise. I'm going to walk to Sam's apartment and put my uniform on, then head out to catch the bus again to go to West. I'm going to be a little late, but oh well. I was on time every day last week. It's worth it. I got stoned. I even have a hit left for my break.

                   Oh yeah, I ran into CJ at the hospital. He was banging on the door, so I just hopped on the 92. We got off at Medical/Fredericksburg. He had me go buy some beers for them. Then he came back and smoked me out. But, he was all stingy with his weed. He had told me how he had a big, fat sack of weed. I told him, "Well, since you have such a fat sack, can you spare a nug so I can smoke somebody out on my break?" He got pissed and told me, "Nah, it don't work like that. I got you high." Man, I even offered him my pocketful of change. Like $1.50. He kept saying, "It doesn't work like that." I hmmphed and told him, "Thanks anyway."

                    If I had that much I would have some to spare. I would willingly give him some.

     1:25pm  Whoa, that was awesome. I just walked by the Mazda dealership by Sam's apartments. This black dude working there saw me and yelled, "What's up, brother?" and started walking towards me. He asked me, "Are you still working on your voyage?" I smiled and told him, "Oh yeah, every day is a new chapter." I had told this guy my stories like over a year ago, man. He told me, "I always see you walking around."

                    That was so awesome! I'm famous!

     1:27pm  I am at Sam's apartments.

     1:48pm  I finally got out of Sam's apartment. I took my time. I ate my last peanut butter sandwich and changed into my uniform. When I walked out, the 92 was right there waiting for me. Perfect timing.

     2:05pm  There's a really bad car accident here. They got some guy on a stretcher. On Louis Pasteur. Right after you turn off Fredericksburg.

     2:14pm  Damnit, I missed the 91 going to West. I gotta wait until 32 for the next one to come. That sucks. I'm going to be all late, like an hour.

     2:18pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. Whoa, badass. He's giving me two cigarettes!

     2:22pm  That was awesome! That guy gave me two cigarettes. I only asked for one. I pulled out my recorder. That's what I'm going to start doing. I'm going to pull it out and then tell them, "I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it." Just so they see I am actually doing it. They will see I'm not kidding. Dude, I had a badass presentation with that old guy who gave me the cigarettes. It was awesome.

     2:29pm  The 91 came.

     2:49pm  Ashley listened to my story on the bus. She works at West too. She's going to give me her email address.

     3:01pm  I am at West. I'm an hour late. More than an hour, because it will take some time to get up there. I wonder if I'm going to get fired. Or maybe they'll make me reschedule a training class.

     4:20pm  I just quit West, dude. I quit that training class. I'm going to go talk to HR and see if I can transfer to Inbound and do that tech support project. If not, I'll just go to that InfoNXX place. That directory assistance place. They pay good there, I've heard.

                   I don't know what Sam's going to say. If he kicks me out, I'll go live on the streets. I don't know.

                   I got to The Rocks at 4:20 and who do I see? Alonso.


Good 'ol Alonso. He gave me some good hits of special weed. Kynd Bud, if I am not mistaken. Not shwag.

     4:41pm  I just walked up to the bus stop and I saw Joni, who I've talked to before. She gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Joni.

     5:40pm  I just came out of HR. Dude, the coolest shit happened. Nicolle, my old trainer, she hooked me up! She gave me a referral to HR. Man, without that I couldn't have gone and talked to an interviewer. I would of had to wait like thirty days. Guess what. I start again tomorrow! At three. Another training class. That's so awesome! Thank you so much Nicolle.

                   Shelton, as I am walking by the 8000 building at the top of the hill, he told me hi and I asked him if he had a cigarette. He says, "For you, I do." He pulls one out of his pocket and hooks me up. I think he's given me one before.

     5:44pm  I just had this great presentation at the smoking cabana. They all thought I was crazy and walked off in the end.

     6:00pm  I saw this guy Larry and he offered to smoke me out. I was at the smoking cabana waiting for six to get smoked out by Ernest and gang when they get off at break. Larry offered to smoke me out. We came to the motel right next to West and I rolled a big fat joint with my Randy's Wired Papers. Now, I'm all stoned.


                   Holy shit. I just thought I lost my tape recorder. It wasn't in my left pocket like it usually is. I freaked and told Larry I was going to walk back to the motel and look around. Luckily, it was in my right pocket, hehe.

     6:37pm  Ernest went on break and we came to smoke at The Rocks. We smoked a shitload of weed, like three bowls. Now, we're walking back and Ernest asks, "Hey, do you want a sandwich?" Ernest's mom makes damn good sandwiches.

     6:48pm  Oh yeah, I'm on the 91. Maybe I'll go smoke Sam out. Ernest hooked me up with a full bowl.

                   I just got off the 92 in front of Sam's. I'm going to go surprise Sam. I'll tell him, "Hey Sam, guess what. I quit my job today." Hehe, it's going to be funny.

                   He shouldn't freak. I just got a day off. I start work again tomorrow. He might give me some shit because you only get $5.15 for training. But, I don't give a damn. Dude, I have been living comfortably with no income. $5.15/hr is luxurious to me, hehe. I'll be sure to put that "hard-earned" money to good use, hehe.

                   Man, that's so awesome. I got a day off.

     7:34pm  Whoa, Sam's not home. That's weird.

     8:47pm  Sam finally came home. He didn't freak out. He would have if I had just told him I quit and not explained myself. I was bored at Sam's. He got on his computer. Man, Sam cooked me an awesome meal! We got some clam chowder the other day at the grocery store. He made me some rice with clam chowder. It was delicious. Anyway, I'm going to go play around on the bus. I'm going to go downtown. Ernest had told me to go back and meet him at ten, when he got off work, but I don't think I'm going to.

     8:54pm  I am on the 92 heading into town. I just had an awesome presentation with this lady. She had a shirt that said, "UPS - United Pot Service." I went up to her and asked her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She said sure and I unloaded on her. She was nodding her head up and down the whole time. 

     9:05pm  I'm downtown.

                   Had another great presentation in Travis Park.

                   Oh yeah, I talked to this cop earlier. Some cop on a mountain bike. I explained to him the whole situation at the Greyhound station last week. He agreed with me saying, "Yeah, they should not have done that." He asked me, "Do you want to file a report?" He told me he had to go do something and I told him I would be in Travis Park. He said he'd come meet me later.

     9:37pm  Anthony is hooking me up with a cigarette in front of Travis Park.

                   Oh yeah, that mountain bike cop I talked to, his last name is Alvarado, I think.

                   Damnit, I told him I would be at the park and he never came back. I can't make my report. Let's see if I see another cop. I'll flag him down.

     10:22pm  I just talked to Officer Jeff Scott. He helped me out a lot. He told me, "No, that's not right." He told me that they did not have the right to search my bag. He told me, "Man, all they are is security guards." Haha, they're just stupid rent-a-cops. Anyway, he told me I should go talk to the church by Travis Park. He told me they helped a lot of people with legal issues. He said I should talk to Crimestoppers. He also suggested I contact the media. That's what I'm going to do!

                     He made a report and everything. I have a case number.

     10:25pm  I am down on The Riverwalk.

     10:30pm  Miguel is giving me a cigarette here on the sidewalk. I appreciate it, brother.

                     That was cool. I talked to that guy in Spanish.

     10:54pm  Tim me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco.

     11:19pm  I just ran into Josh, or Josue who I knew from years ago! From back in middle school/high school days. Back from when I hung out with Stevie Long, my old friend when I was little. What a small world. Oh yeah, he's going to let me crash at his place tonight. Awesome.

     11:26pm  Man, I can't believe I ran into Josue! I used to hang out with Josue like in the late 80's. See, when I was younger I had this friend Stevie.  I hung out with him for years.  Stevie's dad was a lawyer and had taken in a Mexican youth to work for him doing odd jobs. Josue was that dude.  Anyway, back when I got my settlement from my first head injury, Steve asked me if he could borrow $250 because he lost his dad's cellphone.  Since I was sitting on thousands I agreed.  Bastard never paid me back.  Haven't heard from him ever since.
                     Anyway, Josue and his friend were all talking about getting beer, but they didn't want to walk to the store. I told them, "I'll fly if you buy, and I don't even drink beer." That's what I did. They wrote down the code to the apartments and what apartment they lived at, and I took off for the beer. That's what I'll do.

                     Dude, I was just walking around downtown and I went up to Josue and his friend and asked them, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" I got into my scripts and Josue asks me, "Hey, do you know Steve Long?"

     11:37pm  I walked up to Lucky's to go buy them some beer. It ended up being closed. So, I'm back at the apartments. I rode the elevator up to the eigth floor where they live. Cool, they're going to let me crash. Awesome.

     12:09am  Here's Josue's friend Rob: "My name is Rob. I'm in a band called Arma Musical. It means, "musical weapon." It's reggae in Spanish. I just bought homeboy, Victor a shot. He's going to share his story with us."

     12:30am  Here's Josue: "Hi, my name is Josue Rodriguez. Estoy en el pinche bar de Texas Tea. San Antonio, Tejas. Aqui en la Broadway. I'm a stagehand. I do sounds, lights, rigging production for Upstage Center, Incorporated puro Tejas, holmes. San Anto crew only. I did a Rock the Mike tour with 50 Cent Jake, JZ, Busta Rhymes, Snoop Dogg and a bunch of other people. We were on a 3-day tour. We kicked ass. We did video. Memo did video and they loved us.
     This girl was so wonderful, man. Elena Jackson. In the MTV Music Awards, at the end Eminem says, "Thanks to everybody and thanks to Elena!" Man, that must have been the same Elena! She said she did video for Days of our Lives. She did video for American Idols and a couple of Eminem's stuff. That's cool.
     Man, I've done all of them. I did Metallica, dude. I've done Ozzfest like three or four times. I've done Warp Tour. I hung out with NOFX, Bad Religion. (I say, "No shit?! Dude, I need to talk to El Jefe. Do you know their email address?"). I don't know their email . . but I got a picture. I met Rancid. I met The Casualties.

     12:40am  I just took a picture of Rob and Josue.  

                     Be sure to download Common Ryder. The lead singer and guitar player is the same from Operation Ivy.

     1:50am  We came over to Josue's friend's who lives in a badass studio apartment. Cool, Roger gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     2:18am  Jesse is passing around a pipe.

                   What was your name? I'm sorry. I keep forgetting. Jesse is being generous with his pipe. Jesus.

                   I was looking at the posters Jesse had around his studio. Be sure to look up, "Tomorrow's World Government Structure."

                   Look up Haile Selassie the First.

     3:00am  Look up Bum Fights on the Internet. 

     3:37am  I'm back at Josh's.

     3:44am  I begged Josue to tell me the NOFX story again.

                   Josue: "Yeah, we did the Warped Tour in 2002. Right before they came out on stage. Fuckin' assholes. There was some chick up on stage wanting to show everybody her tits. He saw her tits and told her, "No, I'm married." Fuckin' fag. So I went up to him and asked him, "Hey, can I take a picture?" and held my camera up. They threw their hands forward giving me the finger and I took the picture. The flash didn't go off, so I asked them, Can I take another one, just in case?" They were all goofy, like they always are. Jefe's hanging out in the back. He was with some girl. I went up to him and said, "Hey Jefe, can I take a picture?" He ignores my question and tells the girl, "All of a sudden, I sit down and all these guys want to take pictures of me." I tell him, "Si baboso. Ni que tu eras tan buenota con tu pinche gorda." He didn't understand what the fuck I was saying. Fuckin' poser."
                   Victor: So they're assholes, huh?
                   Josue: Except for Melvin . . . and Stinky. They're the shit, dude. But Fatty and Jefe, they're assholes.

Next day..

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