


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday January 13, 2004

     8:30am  I woke up at Josh's. I crashed out on the floor. I had such a blast last night, man. All this fun just fell in my lap. We went over to some guy's studio and a bar where Josh told me some stuff about NOFX.

     8:35am  I came down the elevator from Josh's floor. I just realized I left my poncho and rainbow scarf at his place. So I went all the way up there and got it back.

                   Walkin' around downtown in the morning. It's beautiful down here. It's a magical city.

     8:53am  I walked over to the Travis Park Church. I want to talk to somebody about what the police talked to me about last night. About the cops at the Greyhound station. I came by and there's a big group of homeless people here. I guess they're waiting for food or something. If I could get some free food that would be cool, too.

     9:00am I stopped at the church and talked to this lady. She told me they had legal aid on Sundays at nine in the morning. So, that's when I'm going to come back and talk to somebody about my case.

                  Rick is hooking me up with a cigarette in front of Travis Park. I appreciate it, Rick.

     9:07am  First cigarette of the day. The guy I got the cigarette from listened to all my stuff. He was all, "Right on."

     9:47am  I am at Sam's already.

     11:16am  I am leaving Sam's. I'm going to go off towards West and see if I can get smoked out.

     11:21am  I walked up by the Pizza Hut right next to the World Car Mazda, where I talked to that guy the other day. Was it yesterday?

     11:37am  Anna gave me a cigarette outside of the bus station. I appreciate it, Anna.

     11:49am  I got on the 92. The guy had like a four minute wait. He was eating lunch. I said screw it and jumped on the 603 that had pulled up across the street. I'll just ride that to Fredericksburg and Huebner and just walk to West. It's like a block away.

     12:08pm  I just got off the 603 at the intersection of Fredericksburg and Huebner. I'm going to walk to work. Walk to West. I don't have to work just yet.

                     I'm going to walk into Jack in the Box and take a piss.

     12:10pm  I just took a piss. I went in the bathroom and some guy farted. He was standing at the urinal. I walked into the stall to take a piss and I told him, "Bless you." He laughed and went, "Thanks, man."

                     I just gave some guy on a motorcycle the peace sign and he gave it back. Cool.

                     It's so ironic that there's a police substation right next to San Antonio's drug capital, West Telemarketing.

     12:34pm  I ran into Larry, from yesterday. He had a couple hits for us each today. We got a good buzz going.

     12:36pm  Larry hooked me up with another cigarette. Badass.

     12:45pm  Mikey hooked me up with his cellphone so I can call(I don't remember who I called). I appreciate it, brother.

     12:54pm  Man, I'm having some great presentations at the smoking cabana. I just got like two or three people's email addresses.

     12:57pm  I just ran into Irene, some lady who worked with me on the AOL project years ago. I asked her, "Hey, did I ever tell you what I was doing?" She says yeah. "Get marijuana legalized and bring world peace?" I ask her. She goes, "Uh huh." I told her, "Well, I have been hard at work. I just got back from a six month tour out in California."

                     I am so known.

     1:00pm  Miguel is hooking me up with another cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was awesome! Miguel, who is in our training class too, came up to me and told me, "Hey, Ernest told me to tell you to meet him over at The Rocks." I said, "Oh, he's already seen me?" Miguel said, "No, he told me if I saw you to tell you." That's what I was waiting for. I knew if I came to West early Ernest was going to smoke me out again. Badass. I'm calling the shots once more. I'm going to go hang out at The Rocks.

     1:06pm  There's Ernest. Just as planned.

     1:17pm  Me and Ernest are out here smoking weed. He's telling me about our trainer Nicolle. He's telling me all these good points about Nicolle, which I totally agree with him about. I just want Ernest to recap what he just told me, so Nicolle gets credit for being so cool.

                    Ernest: "I just think that Nicolle's work-ethic and whole social thing are great."
                    Victor: "We love you Nicolle. Nicolle with two l's. Nicolle is cool. She talked Spanish to Ernest. Ernest is always accusing her of making racial slurs(in jest)."

                   Hey, maybe I should ask Nicolle if she wants to go traveling with me. Hehe.

     2:05pm  I just took another picture of Alonso at The Rocks.


                   With his pimp suspenders.

     2:13pm  Alonso just gave me two hits of some KB! Some badass bud. I'm talking to him about how West is such a magical place. The Rocks is just accepted here. People know about it, I am sure. It's here for a reason.

     2:50pm  I'm in the breakroom now. Waiting until three.

     3:53pm  Dave gave me a cigarette on a quick smoke break we took.

     8:17pm  This is awesome! I just switched projects! Guess what, I scored me an easy ass project. I'm going to be a survey-taker. Not only do I get off pretty soon tonight, but I will have tomorrow off too!

     9:10pm  Man, I had a good day at work. Not only did I get the surprise of getting on an easy ass project and not on some complicated shit like that Earthlink project, but I also got off kind of early tonight and I met this beautiful girl from Puerto Rico. In the training class. She's a beautiful Puertorican princess. I forgot her name, but I wanted to take a picture of her so bad. Next time I see her I'll ask. Not tomorrow though. I get a day off tomorrow! 

     9:21pm  I'm getting on the 91.

     10:08pm  I just got off the 92. I'm going to walk to Sam's.

Next day..

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