


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday January 14, 2004

Email with mom

     1:21pm  I just called Reuben, the walking stick guy. I told him I had shown up and nobody answered the door. He said to come by any time before five. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go over there and look through his walking sticks.

                   I really should go to the dentist today. Maybe that's what I'll do.

     1:30pm  Joe gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:38pm  I forgot to tell you what I did this morning. I got a good night's sleep. Man, I was really tired. I got on Sam's computer and updated all my stuff. I did a lot of work on my email stuff. I logged it all. All my emails from my Linuxmail account. Ever since 2002 I've been logging my stuff.

     1:50pm  Andy is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:06pm  I just got off the 92 at the hospital. Man, I started my presentation on the bus with some people. This other dude popped his head up and wanted to listen. When the other people I was talking to got off the bus, I tried telling that dude my stuff. He wouldn't listen to me at all.

     2:07pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I am on my way to try and score me some Boosts.

     2:47pm  I got on the 603 going towards UTSA.

     3:10pm  I just had a badass presentation on the bus. I told my whole story to these two kids in the back.

     3:18pm  James hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the hotel here next to West.

     3:22pm  I'm walking to West now. I'm going to go to the parking lot by the 7000 building and ask someone if they'll give me a ride to Parkwood to go check out the walking sticks.

     3:54pm  I went to the stop sign and started flying my thumb. Before I knew it, Oscar pulled over and he's going to give me a ride to Parkwood. I appreciate it, bro.

     4:07pm  Man, I am calling the shots again. I had told myself, "I'll go to the parking lot and get a ride." I went to the stop sign and first guy that passed stopped and gave me a ride to Parkwood.

     4:32pm  I went over and looked at the walking sticks. I gave Reuben my presentation but the bastard didn't hook me up. Stingy ass. He's got tons of walking sticks. I'm trying to bring world peace, damnit. It's a stick of wood. Anyway, I saw that he had a badass stick. It has a compass on top. I asked him how much and he said he would sell it to me for $28.

                   God-damn. I'm going to spend a whole thirty bucks on a stick of wood. I gotta have it, though. I want to learn my directions. I had told him, "If you are not willing to donate it, then can you give me some credit until January 24th, when I get my first check?" He didn't even think about it and said, "I don't do that."

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I got off the 609 over by Braun Road and Tezel. I can walk down Wickersham to my mom's house from here. I'm going to see if anybody's home. It might be too early. I'm going to go say hi to my mom. I'm in the neighborhood. I might as well. It's a good walk to get there.

                    I hope she's still not mad at me.

                   Oil well.

                   Dude, Reuben wouldn't even extend me some credit. Screw that. He was probably thinking I was trying to bum stuff. He all told me, "No, I don't usually do that."

                   I had told him right off the bat, when he opened the garage. I told him, "Do you have time for a really interesting story?"

     4:53pm  I'm walking down Wickersham and a high school bus just passed. I heard some kid yell out the window, "Where the weed at?" I yelled back at him, "My name is Victor! I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace!" I heard him say, "Badass."

     5:15pm  Dude, that was awesome! I was walking to my mom's house and this kid in a bus asked me where the weed was at. I told him what I was going to do and him and this girl ended up getting off at the next stop. I walked up to them and told them, "Do you have time for a really interesting story?" They asked, "Is it about legalizing weed?" I told them yeah and they listened to all my shit. Well actually, the dude was pretty ignorant, but the girl was captivated. She listened to me like crazy. It got to the point where I was just talking to her. I had only her eye-contact, not the ignorant dude. The dude who wouldn't listen to me said, "I don't mean to interrupt you, dude(then don't), we gotta go pretty soon." I asked them if they had email addresses and bam, I got them.

     5:24pm  Nobody is at my mom's. I'm going to go for a walk in my old neighborhood.

     5:39pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette. Just walking down the street. I tried to tell him my ideas. I told him, "I will tell you exactly how I plan to do this if you  are willing to listen." He asked, "Well, how long will it take." I told him, "About ten minutes." He said, "That's too long."

                   Thanks for the cigarette, anyway.

                   Dude, I can't quit smoking. That's one of my bridges to talk to people.

     6:05pm  I just borrowed the phone at the Miljacks. A couple houses down from my mom's. There's my mom right there, actually.

                   There's my sister, Laura.

     9:16pm  I forgot to tell you I'm at Sam's. My mom drove me here. I came in and told Sam I had some goodies for him. He came down to my mom's car and helped me grab my seventeen inch computer monitor that my mom had been using. I brought my card playing table that I've used for a my computer since forever. And I brought my chair, that my mom had been using for her computer. It's damn comfortable.

                   Sam is contemplating leaving his setup on the floor. He's going to try out the table, first. He's going to check it out after he's done encoding a movie. Sam encodes movies all day.

     10:55pm  I forgot to mention that earlier, when my mom saw me taking my monitor, which I've let her used the whole time I was gone, she said, "Why don't you give Sam the other one? The fifteen inch?" I looked at her and said, "Umm, because this one is bigger." She came out and said, "You said you had given it to me." I told her, "No, I didn't mom. You are lying. Don't put words in my mouth." She's all trying to keep it. See how affixed she is to material possessions?. She doesn't have a working computer right now, so she doesn't need it anymore. It's getting fixed at her school, so she says, but there's nothing wrong with her computer. It's old, like her.

                     I should have told her, "It's because Sam lets me crash at his house."

     11:41pm  I brought home some presents for Sam. My table and my chair and my monitor. He just hooked it all up.


Haha, there's a can of Boost on the counter.

Next day..

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