


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday January 11, 2005

     8:17am  Today is January eleventh of the year 2004, I mean 2005. I'm going to walk downtown again.

     8:25am  I am leaving my mom's house. I could have sworn I had a tennis ball. I guess I'm going to have to find a tennis ball on my walk today somewhere. I'm sure I'll end up at some tennis courts on my walk. I'm going to walk Wickersham and hit the power line trail from there. Last time I walked straight to Mainland. It's going to be awesome. Maybe I'll walk it all the way down to Evers again.

                   All I had for breakfast was a chunk of this nasty fruitcake that my mom had bought. Not that much. It was a little chunk. I couldn't stand any more. I'm going to go see if I can score somewhere.

     8:36am  I am coming up on the tennis courts in front of Braun Station Elementary. Let's see if I can score a ball today.

                   I saw a ball on the other side of the fence. I'm going to have to jump it. Then I looked in the bush right here and there was a tennis ball in there. I'm not going to jump the fence. I got one ball. That's all I need. Thank you, Love.

                   I'm going to keep walking the power line trail.

                   Cool, I found me two balls.

     8:45am  Crossing Guilbeau Road. Crossing Guilbeau.

     9:03am  I just got to Rod's Quick Stop on Mainland. Well, it used to be Rod's Quick Stop.

                   The Indian dude inside didn't have a cigarette. I'm going to keep walking the power line trail.

                   Just got to Low Bid and Heath. I'm going to go in the woods right now.

     9:24am  Just walked through some business at 6735 Low Bid Lane. I just cut right through it. People saw me and everything. I'm just walking along the power line.

     9:27am  Passing the sign that says, "No fishing without permission from Buck Heath." I'm on Buck Heath's property again. I'm going to walk through it and go through the hole in the fence like I did last time. The day before yesterday, Sunday.

     9:32am  Oh yeah, I got to that big cliff, the big washout here. I can keep walking the trail to the place I got down.

     9:37am  I climbed down at the tree by the ditch. Now I'm walking on the big natural pavement. I wish I had a camera.

                   Last time I went through a dirt road off the dry creek-bed, but this time I'm going to go straight to Bandera. There will be different places to get hooked up with food there. Not Bandera, but Culebra. I think so. I don't know.

     9:46am  Going underneath Grissom Road. I'm still in the ditch. I'm not going to go up on the pavement.

     9:52am  Man, the creek out here is awesome. I walked up to an open sewer line manhole. I can see the shitty water rushing past down there. Nasty.

     10:04am  This turned out to be an awesome nature hike just because I didn't turn into the neighborhood like last time. This is an awesome hike. I wonder where I'm going to end up.

     10:17am  I ended up on some dirt road. I see a mailman coming.

                     Whoa, awesome. I ended up on this dirt road and all of a sudden I see this peacock! Like, a wild peacock. It was up in a tree. I really wish I had a camera. That's cool.

                     Oh shit, there's other ones. There's lots of peacocks out here. Three, there's four of them!

                     In the back of somebody's house right here there's like a pen, so I guess they're not wild.

                     There's peacocks everywhere. Like five or six. I guess they're pets or something.

                     The peacocks are at the end of Joe Ken Street. I'm over here by Mabe.

     10:25am  I ended up on Piper's Creek Road over by Culebra, or Grissom. It's a long street, I guess. There's a 403 bus stop.

     10:29am  Haha, I'm walking and I saw a piece of paper folded up on the ground. I open it up and read it and it says, "To Jackass from Maj." It says, "Dear Jose, don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't even look at me. I don't want to see you anymore. We are not friends. Just pretend that you don't know me. STAY AWAY FROM ME. You copied that "poem" from somewhere because when I got a note last Monday, you didn't even know how to spell "again." You don't even know what bliss means. So don't give me any of that crap. If you call me in the hallway, I'll just ignore you. Don't even make your friends tell me what you want to tell me. I tore up your stupid poem. P.S. I don't like all that mushy crap. I don't even like you. P.S.S. I like your friend that rides my bus." In big capital letters it says, "DON'T W/B!"

                     Haha, I like your friend that rides my bus. That's awesome. What a great Dear John letter I found.

                     I ended up on Culebra. All the way out here. I wonder how I'm going to get downtown from here. Let me look at my compass and go South. I have to turn left.

                     I need to find me a taqueria. A Mexican place. I'm hungry.

     10:39am  I stopped at the Racetrack/Diamond Shamrock now. I'm going to check their ashtrays for a cigarette.

                     I found a little tiny snipe.

                     Now I'm at the Exxon on Potranco and Culebra almost to Loop 410. I'm going to dig through their ashtrays if they have any.

                     No ashtrays.

     10:52am  The greedy asses at Wendy's told me no. They said, "No, it's corporate."

     11:10am  Whoa, I'm walking in front of Southwest Research Center. This big top-secret hush-hush place with a barbwire fence. I'm walking in front of it. I'm going to stop at this Triple S Express and check their ashtrays. I'm hungry.

                     No snipes in the ashtray. I'm going to keep walking. There's gotta be a Mexican restaurant soon.

     11:18am  Here we go. Lupita's Mexican Restaurant. I'm going to go hit Lupita up.

     11:20am  This greedy ass told me no at Lupita's. The grinch lady told me, "I'm not the owner. I'm just the manager." I told her, "I was just testing you. Your greedy ass failed," and walked out.

                     Cool, right across the street we have Hacienda Durango Mexican Food.

     11:23am  San Juana me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, San Juana. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

                     Oh yeah, I scored from San Juana. She gave me two tacos. 

                     If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

                     Jesse hooked me up with an after-meal smoke. Thanks a lot, Jesse. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:47am  Young hooked me up with a cigarette at the Roadrunner. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:48am  I had two big tacos. I sat down at the Roadrunner Food Mart/Grocery. At first I had bummed a cigarette for my walk. Then I bummed another one from Young. That's probably his last name.

                     I'm going to walk downtown, ha. I'm all stoned.

                     I'm saving the world with about ten megabytes of text, hehe.

     12:19pm  Just passed Memorial Street. My mom used to teach over here.

     12:33pm  I stopped and changed out my tennis ball. It wore out.

     12:36pm  Passing N San Felipe.

     12:44pm  I walked into Popeye's and took a piss in their bathroom.

     12:50pm  I'm going to sit down at Culebra and Glenmore and rest and smoke a cigarette. I'm almost downtown.

     12:56pm  I'm up from my rest.

                     Luis, en Mi Guadalajara me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, Luis. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                     Ask and thou shall receive.

     1:11pm  Passing Zarzamora.

     1:20pm  Passing I10.

     1:30pm  I just walked Culebra all the way to Fredericksburg. I'm almost downtown. I can't believe that. I feel great.

     1:41pm  I stopped at the M.K. Davis again to get some water.

     1:52pm  I was walking and some random guy on a bike stopped and talked to me. His name is Carlos. I met him at that party I went to(4-17-04, 11:30pm) earlier last year. I'll look it up. I met him right across Belden by the highway.

                   Now I'm going to walk to Travis Park and eat my tacos. My prize. Mi premio.

                   Turning left on Martin.

     2:04pm  Travis Park. I walked all the way to Travis Park again.

     2:33pm  This greedy ass had a whole pack of cigarettes and he wouldn't give me one at Travis Park. Hehe, I'm recording this so he sees me.

                   Oh yeah, and earlier the guy at the hotdog stand, not the owner, he's cool with me, but this fatass who works there. He saw me asking for a cigarette and yelled, "Tell him to get a job!" I yelled back, "I've got a job, you old man. Mind your own god-damned business." Then very loudly I started yelling, "Can I bum a cigarette! Spare change for a joint!" That dude's a dumbass. I'm going to mess with him and give him the finger every time I see him from now on. Hehe, I called him a panson.

     3:13pm  Fernando me esta dando un cigaro en el parque. Te lo agradezco, Fernando. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     3:24pm  This greedy ass driver wouldn't give me a transfer.


     4:15pm  Ray, who I told my story to volunteered me a dollar for the bus. Because anytime a bus would come I would put the story on pause and say, "Let me go see if this guy will hook me up with a transfer." Ray hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:47pm  I had a really good presentation on the bus. I talked to this girl. I told her my stuff in Spanish. This really pretty girl Rita from Mexico. I'm at the hospital now.

     6:38pm  Sean hooked me up with two cigarettes at the Citgo by my mom's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..

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