


Oyster Bake!

Saturday April 17, 2004

                   Matt gave me a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:57am  Oh, I got smoked out in the park. Then this bible-thumper came up on a bike and started preaching. We came to the Greyhound station. What was your name again? I'm going to catch the bus with David to his house. We're going to smoke some weed and buy some weed off some guy. I'm going to come back and try to hit Sunken Gardens today around two or something.

                   Cool, David's hooking me up with a bologna sandwich! He just got two.

     9:48am  We rode the #14 bus over to Perrin Beitel and Nacogdoches.

                    To get some marijuana.

     10:06am  See, David's got like a whole hour and half before he can call this guy and get some weed. I asked him, "Hey, can I get another cigarette off you?" Even though he bought a pack and gave the whole pack to some guy. He had given me one earlier. He just gave me three!

     10:51am  Caught the #8 bus to Sunken Gardens. Oh yeah, that guy who recognized me from West. He told me, "Yeah, you told me and my friends that story. What are you doing, man?" I told him, "Same 'ol thing. Savin' the world." Oh yeah, then his friend on a cellphone gave me a cigarette. I forgot to get his name.

     12:02pm  I got off on Mulberry and North St. Mary'. I'm going to walk to the Sunken Gardens.

     12:10pm  Virginia hooked me up with fifty cents so I could use the restroom. At the Mexican restaurant.

     12:14pm  I just got out of the restroom. I asked them, "Hey, don't suppose you guys could hook me up with a bean and cheese." They said, "Nope, sorry." Alright, thanks anyway.

                     This one girl told me, "Oh, you're here again?" I said, "Yeah, I have to make an appearance. It's Fiesta." There's a big sign that says, "Bathroom fifty cents." I said, "I don't have fifty cents." Virginia pulled out fifty cents and gave it to her.

                     Whoa, I just found out admission is nine dollars to get in Fiesta. I told them, "I'll be back."

                     I'm going to go try and sneak in the hole in the fence.

     12:28pm  I'm in! I'm in!

     12:35pm  Officer Ramon let me off with a warning. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     Welp, got kicked out. I'm gonnna spange up nine dollars.

     12:42pm  Mike gave me a dollar for my ticket. I appreciate it, Mike. Everybody gets credit.

     12:57pm  This is awesome. I am spanging right next to the cops. They're not telling me shit.

                     Like I said, I have the biggest balls of them all.

     1:06pm  Oscar gave me some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    Sweet, I did that right in front of a cop, too. He didn't tell me shit.

     1:11pm  James hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Sunken Gardens. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:20pm  Shara gave me some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, Shara. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   CSK hooked me up too. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I need $6.50 more.

     1:29pm  Evans, the officer offered me a taco!

                   Oh man, the cops even fed me! I'm sitting here spanging the crowd. I have two cops on either side of me and I'm still asking people for spare change. He gave me a taco!

     1:37pm  Marielena gave me a dollar for my ticket. And Lynn gave me another dollar. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Cool, $4.50 to go, man. That girl told me, "Nice pants."

                   Oh yeah, the cop came up to me and asked, "Hey, how was it? The taco?" I told him, "It hit the spot, man. Gasoline for the stomach. Thank you."

                    The cop just came up to me and said, "Man, working here is a pain in the butt." I told him, "Yeah, everybody wants to park here and there. Do you see how much cars complicate things?"

                    The cop is all small-talkin' with me while I spange right in front of him. I love this, man. This is my town. They know who I am.

                    They know I'm San Antonio.

                    $3.88 to go.

     2:19pm  I just went up to the cops and said, "Hey guys, I just want to thank you for the leniency. You guys know what I'm doing. I have some important work to do here."

                    Hehe, they know.

                    Actually, one of the cops just came up to me and said, "I think I have a dollar on me." He hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I'm one step closer.

                    Edgar hooked me up, in case I didn't record it. With a whole dollar.

                    That's so awesome! The cop gave me a whole dollar.

                    And a taco earlier!

     2:34pm  Somebody finally made a complaint about me asking for money. The cop who gave me a dollar came up to me and said, "Hey man, somebody already made a complaint." I told him, "Alright, I'll see what else I can do."

     2:37pm  I was walking off and I asked Ruby if she could hook me up. First she told me, "Let me go get my ticket and I'll give it to you." I told her not to worry about it, that I almost had the nine dollars. She gave me some change. I appreciate it, Ruby. Everybody gets credit in my game, thanks.

     2:40pm  Keen, I asked him for thirty cents and she gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:46pm  I just got in! Ask and thou shall receive.

                  They made me leave my stick in front. That sucks!

                  The cops who had kicked me out just saw me. They said, "Hey, I thought you didn't have any money. Do you got your ticket?" I told them, "Yeah, want to see it?" They said, "I thought you didn't have any money." I said, "I didn't. I got some though. Ask and thou shall receive." He nodded his head.

                  Brad hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Sunken Gardens. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:08pm  I'm going to skip this joint. I took a picture of the crowd and I'm going to leave.

     3:10pm  I took another picture.

                  Dude, I just realized I lost my weed bandana. This sucks. I'm going to backtrack.

                  Cool, I see my bandana. It's on the sidewalk. Nobody took it.

     3:32pm  Mr. Alvarez hooked me up again. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Just got off downtown. Pecan and St. Mary's.

     3:43pm  Rafaela hooked me up a dollar and a dime for my hotdog. I appreciate it.

                  I saw a black dude with a hat on opening a brand new pack of cigarettes. I asked him for one and he said, "I don't have it. I don't got none." I told him, "Man, you got it right there." He said, "Well, I can't spare any." I said, "You greedy ass. Don't you know it comes back?"

     4:22pm  Marcus hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     4:44pm  I finally got smoked out at Travis Park while I was waiting for a bus. Shit, I'm trying to remember this guy's name. I talk to so many people every day. Chavez was his name. Chavez smoked me out. He even let me keep the roach for later on. For the Oyster Bake. On my way to save the world.

     4:55pm  5512 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     5:07pm  I just got off the 91. Ms. 5512 was cool. She was cute, too. I just got off the 91 at Fredericksburg and Woodlawn. I'm going to catch the 90 to the Oyster Bake at St. Mary's University.

     5:16pm  Mr. Diaz hooked me up with a ride to the Oyster Bake. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game, thanks.

     5:20pm  When I was testing the bus driver, these two girls recognized me. Sherry and Cindy. I talked to them at Travis Park one time and they saw me at the carnival. Thanks for making contact.

     5:22pm  I just took a picture for Sherry and Cindy.

     5:29pm  Just walked in the Oyster Bake.

                    I'm at the Oyster Bake now. I took off my knife and put it in my bag.

     5:32pm  Eric gave me some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Ha, I'm spanging in front of cops again. They're right over there on motorcycles. In plain view of me. I'm standing here at a bus stop. If they come up to me I'll tell them I'm just waiting for the bus.

                   I gave them the peace sign as they walked by.

     5:39pm  Brother Greg is hooking me up with some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Brother Greg gave me a whole five dollars! I appreciate it. It'll come back to you. I promise.

                   Buddy gave me another five dollars!

     5:43pm  Victor is in full force today. I'm asking every single person that walks by. I don't give a damn if they think I'm crazy. I don't give a damn if the cops are standing right there. I'm going to do this.

     5:47pm  Some guy just gave me a cigarette. I didn't get his name.

                   Man, nobody is hooking me up right now. Here come the cops.

                   They just drove past me.

     6:13pm  Barry hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     6:15pm  These kids in this car just drove past me. I asked them, "Can you guys spare any change?" I gave them a peace sign. The driver said, "Oh, you're the long-distance walker, right?" I said, "That's right."

     6:21pm  Ferris Fanning and Alex Perez hooked me up with some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit in my game. Thanks for proving me right.

                   Two dollars more. I got two dollars more.

     6:24pm  Alex hooked me up with a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    I hate it when people walk by and I ask them for spare change and they say, "No, no thank you." I tell them, "I didn't offer you anything."

     6:35pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     6:45pm  I just counted and I need six dollars to have fifteen.

     6:47pm  Some guy gave me a cigarette. I didn't get his name. He just walked by.

     7:00pm  Jessica hooked me up with a whole dollar. I appreciate it Jessica. Everybody gets credit.

                   I just need five now.

     7:08pm  Juan gave me a whole five dollars! I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

                   I'm in! That's all I needed. Sweet! I'm going to the Oyster Bake.

     7:18pm  Cia hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. We're standing in line for the Oyster Bake.

     7:29pm  I'm in, I'm in. They let me keep my stick! Awesome, awesome. They stole my pipe though. They were all, "That's drug contraband." I told them, "Well then shouldn't it be illegal to sell them?" He said, "We're working on that." I told him, "It's never going to happen. Ever."

                   He told me, "You're not going to get that pipe back." I said, "Oh well, seven dollars.  I can just ask for spare change."

                   They even took my utensil kit. My silverware.

                   I just got an idea. I'm going to go back where they took my shit. They didn't let me keep my universal socket thing. I am worried about that, because I might not get that back. I'm going to go back there and tell them, "Hey, can I leave and come back? I'm going to go knock on somebody's door in the neighborhood and ask them if they can watch my tool for me. It's really important."

     7:42pm  I just ran into some other guy who recognized me. He asked me how I was doing and I told him, "I'm the happiest man in the world."

     7:43pm  Man, fuck the police. They told me, "Oh, we're not going to baby-sit your stuff. If it's here when you get out you get it back, but if it's not it's gone." Screw that. I told them, "My mom gave that to me as a birthday present(I lied). It has a lot of sentimental value." He said, "Oh no, you're lucky we're letting you in with your stick." I told them, "And I appreciate that. Can you give me a time when you guys are going to leave so I know to come get it back?"

     7:52pm  I just took a picture of this big crowd.

     7:56pm  I took another picture.

     7:59pm  I walked by some guy and he told me, "Hey, that's a nice stick." I told him thanks.

                   Some guys who had seen me earlier when I was spanging went, "Hey, you got in! Congratulations." I told them, "Yup, the universe provides."

                   I heard some lady say, "Hey, there's that guy again."

     8:09pm  Mark hooked me up with an American Spirit here at the Oyster Bake. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:55pm  This girl just stopped and said, "Hey, you were at the Bob Marleyfest, right?"

     9:26pm  What was your name? Rafael gave me a cigarette here at Oyster Bake. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game. Thank you.

     9:52pm  I just took a picture of the biggest crowd I've seen all night.

                  The whole town is here.

                  I'm going to go pretty soon.

     10:15pm  These girls came over here by exit three and asked me, "Hey! Did you go to Marleyfest? Can we take a picture of you?" I told them, "I am everywhere."

     10:22pm  I'm leaving. I got my universal socket back, whew. I got my Silverware and the little knife I got in Arcata for a dollar. I got it all back.

                     Now I'm going to go catch the bus.

                     Oh yeah, and another thing I meant to bitch about. They didn't have any water anywhere. Well, you could buy water, but that's it. Not even a water fountain. This big mob of people, the whole city of San Antonio was here and they didn't have any water fountains. Screw that. Isn't it obvious how evil money is?

                     Water is free.

     10:39pm  What was your name? Jose BriseƱo is hooking me up with some water and a ten dollar bill! Sweet, I can buy me some food now. Gasoline for the stomach so I can keep walking.

                     That dude Jose was all drunk. I started telling him about my stuff and he started ranting about Jesus. I told him, "I don't believe in God . . . I believe in Love." He said, "What? What? Give me the ten dollars back." I said, "Okay, I guess I'll go hungry tonight." He gave the ten bucks back real quick. I got ten bucks, awesome. I can buy a pipe again tomorrow.

                     L35-AKZ. This girl just drove by in a car. She honked and pointed at me and said, "You were in my dream!" Oh damn, that's crazy! Maybe it's the same girl that told me that a while ago(1-22-04, 5:32pm).

                     No, that wasn't her at all. I know it wasn't. That's awesome.

     11:11pm  Ferris Fanning: "I'm giving money to this gentleman right here. I give money to give money, but the true question is do I give money from the bottom of my heart? Or, do I give it to appease myself and my own soul? That's it. That's all I wanted to say."

                     You don't know the answer?

                     Ferris: "I haven't figured it out yet."

     11:12pm  Alex Perez: "What we do is never understood, but always praised and ensured. People can be doing stuff and they won't praise it because it's logical, but people don't give a damn and don't understand it. They put it away and say, "You know what? Screw it, we don't believe it."

                     They turn off their ears.

                     Alex: "Exactly, they turn off their ears to society, which is bullshit. That's why our society is so messed up."

                     I'm going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses.

                     This girl there: "I hear what you do and not what you say."


     11:30pm  I met up with these really cool kids who invited me to some party. It's really good because the last bus passed already.

     11:50pm  We just stopped at Mesquite and Haze. Somebody's house. Party

     12:45am  Man, I had two beers and I'm all drunk. Goes to show how much I drink. I'm having a great time, man. I ended up at a party.

     12:59am  Noel is hooking me up with a cigarette here at this party. Look where I just fell into tonight. That's so awesome, dude.

Next day..

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