


San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 17, 2004

     8:15am  I am leaving Sam's. It's Saturday morning. I'm going to have some fun. Hopefully some cool shit will happen to me.

     8:43am  I am on the 92. I'm going to go to Planet K first and buy me a screen. I got a quarter from Sam. I'll go to Medical Center and catch the 534 to Wurzbach/Evers.

     8:48am  I got off on Wurzbach and Evers and walked to the Planet K. They're probably closed. It's early.

                   Planet K opens at ten. Damn.

                   There's a Mexican food restaurant right here. I'm going to go hit them up for free food.

     8:53am  Sylvia me esta dando gasolina para el estomago.

                   Sweet, scored at the Mexican place. Awesome. Calling the shots again.

                   I have to wait until ten. I don't know what I am going to do.

                   She even gave me a Coke. Awesome. Let me find me a cigarette.

                   The restaurant is Tia Loli's Cocina Mexicana.

     9:14am  I walked to The Willows apartments that are close by. I was walking around looking to see if anyone was smoking outside. Nobody was. I walked to this big field in the back. There's a couple benches so I sat down and ate. Now, I see a gas station on the other side of the field. On Evers Road. I'm going to walk over there and see if I can get a cigarette. I got my soda still. I haven't opened it.

     9:25am  I walked into Hair Works Beauty Salon and Spa. Nobody has a cigarette there. There's a Discount Tint and Alarm place across the street. I'm going to go ask the people in there.

                   Nobody's got a cigarette for me.

     9:29am  Olivia hooked me up with a cigarette right in front of The Willows. I appreciate it, Olivia.

     9:30am  Man, I got a long time to wait for the Planet K to open.

     9:40am  Somebody's inside Planet K, but they're not open yet. I walked around the corner to take a piss and some dude comes up to me and asks me, "Know where I can score some crack?" I told him, "Nah man, I don't do drugs. I smoke weed. Got any?" He said, "No, I'm just looking for crack." I told him sorry. He asked me if I had any cigarettes and I told him no.

     9:44am  I'm standing here in front of Planet K waiting for it to open. I saw some dude at some car dealership next door. He was outside drying off his cars. I was bored, so I walked up to him and said, "Hey man, I'm looking for something to do to kill some time before ten. Do you need any help?" He said, "No, I'm just drying these cars." I told him, "Just in case. I'm bored." He told me thanks anyway.

     9:52am  I am reading the sticker on the door at Planet K. It says:
                   "Planet K. Pledge of resistance "NOT IN OUR NAME" We believe that as people living in the United States it is our responsibility to resist the injustice done by our government in our name.
                   NOT IN OUR NAME will you wage endless war. There can be no more deaths. No more transfusions of blood for oil. NOT IN OUR NAME will you erode the very freedoms you have claimed to fight for. We pledge resistance. We pledge alliance with those who have come under attack for voicing opposition to war or their religion or ethnicity. We pledge to make common cause with the people of the world, to bring about justice, freedom and peace.
                   Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real.
                   Join the NOT IN OUR NAME project to span and strengthen resistance to our governments course of war and repression. It's the wool that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Thousands of Iraqi's, Afghans and Americans maimed and killed. Thousands of U.S. immigrants and even U.S. citizens rounded up, detained and deported. An Orwellian police state of homeland security, patriot acts, military tribunals and Internet spying. They say it is a war to combat terrorism, but no Iraqi ties to 911 were ever proven. They said it was a war to disarm weapons of mass-destruction, but no weapons of mass-destruction have been found. They said it was a war of liberation, but U.S. troops guarded the ministry of oil and shot protesters while the Iraqi national museum was plundered and the national library torched. Now they say it is a war to bring democracy to the people of Iraq. While the U.S. military appoints a government that the Iraqi people have little say in.
                   All we are offering is the truth. The entire Bush doctrine of endless war and repression is wrong! We pledge to resist the injustices done by our government in our name.
                   Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real. Join us."

                   Oh yeah, if you haven't figured it out Planet K is a head shop here in San Antonio. You know, where you can come buy all your "tobacco" products. Like those nifty tobacco water and smokeless pipes. God forbid you call them bongs or sneak-a-tokes, hehe.

     10:27am  David hooked me up with a cigarette. He listened to my story, too. I appreciate it, brother.

                     That was cool. I got the screens, just like I set out to. I got to tell people my story. That dude from the Planet K, I impregnated him.

                     I got until 54 to wait for the bus. It's 40 right now. I'm going to stick my thumb out at the bus stop and see if anyone picks me up. Oh yeah, I'm at the bus stop on Wurzbach.

                     The guy from Planet K's email is

     10:57am  Nobody picked me up, but the bus is coming. I can see it.

     10:58am  Jason on the 534 hooked me up with a courtesy ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:04am  I'm at the hospital. That was cool. When the 534 pulled up I asked the driver, "Hey, can I score a courtesy ride?" He said yeah and waved me on. I pulled out my recorder and told him what I tell all the drivers who let me on, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it. Everybody gets credit in my game." I waited for a little bit, pulled out my wallet and told him, "I was just testing you. You passed," and I showed him my buss pass.

     11:05am  Leonard hooked me up with a cigarette at the University Hospital Transfer Center.

     11:20am  I got on the bus and made eye contact with some pretty girl. She smiled at me. I went back there and told her and her friend my story. Now, I'm going to go to her house and they're going to smoke a brother out.

                    Whoa, and the dude who's with the girl just gave me a cigarette. Awesome.

                    After hearing my stuff they go, "Man, if you do that you will be awesome." I asked them, "Don't suppose you can smoke a brother out?" He told me he didn't have any on him, but he had some at his house on the Southside. I told him I had nothing to do and he invites me over. Sweet. We're at Crossroads Mall now.

     12:27pm  Mr. Spridle told me no, but I showed him my pass and now got on anyway. I told him, "I was just testing you. You failed,"

     12:31pm  We just got to the Kel-Lac Park and Ride. It's brand new. They just built it.

     12:37pm  We got on the 614, which goes by their house. What were your names again? Milvia and Charles. They're my friends.

     12:47pm  We got off on Five Palms. We're on the Southwest side of town. SW, smoke weed, hehe.

     12:55pm  We came over to Charles' and I met his parents. He asked me if I wanted a shot of whiskey and I told him sure, why not. Everything in moderation.

     1:17pm  We are walking around the hood smoking a bowl. Awesome.

     1:33pm  Man, I'm having another badass day. I'm all stoned and kind of drunk. I took a shot of Jack Daniels. Oh yeah, Charles might be the source for my new stick. He said he had a wooden stick lying around. My third one.

     1:47pm  Dude, we were walking down these railroad tracks to the woods to go smoke a joint. We walked by this dead carcass and Clovia(I think that's her name) walked by and noticed, "Hey, it's head is over there." It's this dog who has gotten his head chopped off by a train! I took two pictures of that shit. Dude, that's weird. Umm, how did that happen? Man, what are the chances of a dog crossing the tracks just perfectly so his head got chopped off? That's crazy.

                   Here's the first picture I took. See if you can find it's head, hehe.  

                   Here is the money-shot, rawrrr.     

     1:51pm  We are walking in these woods under the railroad tracks. There's a pretty stream running close by. I'm going to take a picture.  

                   Oh yeah, and we saw a dead dog without a head, haha.

     2:45pm  We're walking again. Now, I think I have a theory on the dog. I think it was already dead and some sicko put it on the tracks so it would get his head cut off. I think that's what happened.

     3:18pm  I am having such a great time today. I'm at the 416 bus stop. That was cool. We went for a walk with one of their friends. Three people actually listened to my story. I don't think I left out any part of it. Well, I'm sure I did, but I told a lot. I didn't tell them my first-attempt story. I got into my six-month journey, the most recent one. I finished it. That was awesome. I love people who listen to me.

                   I wonder if the bus is going to come. It's already late. It's supposed to pass at 3:20. It's already 19.

     3:25pm  There's the bus. 614.

                   Damnit, it turned the other way.

                   That's right. Charles told me to turn right when I got to the main street and I turned left. I'm dumb. That sucks.

     3:28pm  I'm going to stand here at the bus stop and stick my thumb out.

                   Oh yeah, that stick ended up being way too short. It was a pole. I didn't like it.

                   I want a cigarette. I'm just going to sit here by the stop sign and I'm sure someone will drive by smoking.

                   Haha, I'm hitch hiking on Five Palms. Hitch hiking in the ghetto. That's so funny.

                   It's funny, to entertain myself I've been giving everyone the peace sign.

                   They all think I'm crazy.

                   Ahh, I got tired of sticking my thumb out and flying the peace sign.

                   I'm hungry. I hope the bus goes by a taqueria or something. I'm on the Southside. There's tons of Mexican restaurants here.

                   I see a bus. I hope it's mine.

     3:45pm  Mrs. Lujana won't give me a courtesy ride. Good thing I have my pass, sucker.

     3:48pm  Mrs. Lujana surprised me. This lady ran out to the bus and told her, "I'm short on cash." Mrs. Lujana is letting her on. How very generous of you.

     4:20pm  I'm talking with Maggie at the Kel-Lac Park and Ride. She used to be a cab driver. She's telling me stories of her own. I talked her ear off on the bus on the way over here. She told me that she had picked up the band Korn before. What's that story, Maggie?

                   Maggie: "Monkey asked me, "Have you ever driven celebrities? I said yeah and he asked me what's it like. I said, "I hate it. Because if I wreck and kill them the whole world is going to hate me." Monkey said, "Yeah, I never thought of that," and I told him, "Yeah, I would hate to be known as the person who creamed Korn, hehe." So, I hung out with them all night, and yes, I ended up creaming Korn(wink, wink)."

     4:25pm  Mr. Diesenbach hooked me up with a courtesy ride downtown.

     5:06pm  That was awesome. I came downtown with Maggie. We got on the same bus. I told Maggie so much stuff. I am having such a great day. I'm telling so many people my stories. It's awesome.

     5:11pm  I am walking downtown. Haha, I love my town.

     5:16pm  I just took a picture of the Hard Rock Cafe.


On the roof it says, "Save the planet."

     5:27pm  Brian is going to hook me up with some change for a joint. When I asked him for spare change for a joint he said, "At least your honest."

     5:32pm  Dude, that was an awesome presentation with that guy who gave me a dollar. He told me, "You be careful, man. I appreciate your intelligence."

     5:50pm  Dee hooked me up with a hit of weed. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:54pm  That was badass. I only had a dollar and I went up and asked the guy at the hotdog stand, "I only have a dollar. Will you hook it up?" He gave me a chilidog! $2 worth.

                    I got half off at the hotdog stand.

                    Remember to go to that legal aid thing Monday at the Travis Park church.

                    The dude who gave me the hit earlier said, "Yeah, I've seen you around."

                    I asked at the Walgreen's if they had a public restroom(because I can't use the one at the damned Greyhound station anymore). They said no, but to try at the hospital.

                    I went to some motel and took a piss.

     6:11pm  I am down on The Riverwalk. It's packed. Damn tourists.

     7:00pm  Juan me esta dando un cigarillo. Juan Amaya. Te lo agradezco.

                   I traded that guy a hit of weed for that cigarette. Awesome.

                   I'm just chilling on The Riverwalk making myself known with my goofy outfit. I'm over here by the Five and Dime smoking a cigarette. I'm looking around and I see these two girls sitting at some coffee place up these stairs. I'm going to go ask them if I can tell them a story, hehe. I am hunting my prey.

     7:27pm  I have a little update to make. I was just smoking a cigarette on The Riverwalk by the five and dime. I look up and I see these two girls sitting outside at the espresso place. Dawn and Debbie. 


                    I saw them just sitting there eating ice cream. I walked up and asked them, "Do you want to hear a really interesting story? I don't want anything. The only thing I'm asking for is your attention." They said, "Yeah, sure!" I blew their minds. Cool, cool. Debbie's going to get my word out. Awesome.

     7:42pm  Man, this cop just drove by and almost hit me! The walk signal was showing and everything.

     7:54pm  Ghasem gave me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    That was sweet. I asked these two guys for a cigarette and neither of them gave me one, then some other guy passed by and handed me one. How awesome.

                    The universe provides.

     8:21pm  I told these two sets of kids my stories. They were all listening to me. In Travis Park.

                   I was thinking about going to Sam's and seeing if he'll cook me dinner. The night's still young, though. It's only 8:21pm I'm going to go down to The Riverwalk and talk to somebody.

     8:23pm  Marge is hooking me up with a cigarette in the alley at the St. Anthony's Hotel.

                   That was badass. That lady Marge listened to me. I am having the greatest night. And I thought I was going to go home, ha.

                   It was cool, I was walking by the County Line at The Riverwalk and I stopped next to one of those warmers. Some girl came up to me and asked me how I was doing. She tells me, "Hey, I think I've met you before." I tell her, "I don't know. Maybe. I've probably talked to you." Dude, it was Cheri! This girl I knew when I was living with Rafael at Deer Oaks. Like right before I got together with Chasity. Like 1998 and shit. That's so cool. This is my town. Everybody knows me. I told her a lot of my stuff. She had to go to work.

                   I walked back thinking, "Oh man, maybe Cheri can hook me up with some gasoline for my stomach."

     8:47pm  Cheri hooked me up with some bread! Honey butter too. I appreciate it, sister.

     8:55pm  Danny is hooking me up with a cigarette by the Five and Dime.

                   Man, I had a badass presentation! This guy I bummed a cigarette off of in front of the Five and Dime. I told him what I was going to do and he gave me his whole pack of cigarettes. Marlboro 27's. I'm going to give a lot of them away.

                   Oh yeah, Cheri's email address is and the dude who just gave me the cigarettes was

     9:15pm  Man, cool shit happens to me in front of the Five and Dime. Coby, James, Blair and Lacy. Coby smoked a blunt with me. I was in front of the Five and Dime and some dude came up to me and said, "Do you want to smoke this?" I said sure and we all walked to some parking garage close by and sparked it up. I told them my stories.

                   Dude, what a happy time I am having tonight.

                   I love downtown. This is my town.

     9:20pm  Man, I'm going to go back to the Five and Dime.

     9:21pm  I love this town.

     9:22pm  I walk down some random street downtown, Navarro and Crockett and I see the 91! That's my ride home. Badass.

     9:24pm  The driver wouldn't give me a courtesy ride, but I got on anyway.

     9:44pm  I got off the 91 at Williamsburg. I have to walk to Sam's apartments now. It's cold. That's why I came home. I don't have enough layers.

     9:55pm  I forgot to mention that earlier, when I got on the 91, there were these two thugs and a Mexican girl sitting back there. I started talking to them about my ideas right off the bat. I unloaded with my scripts. They wouldn't listen to me well. They're eyes would just trail off and it was obvious they weren't paying attention. It got to the point to where I just told them, "Forget it. Just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss." Then, this one dude got all pissed off at me. I told him, "Man, if what you believe makes you happy and you're not hurting anyone else, I don't want you to think anything else. Just bear me that same respect. We're all different." He yelled, "Stop talking to me!" He was getting all aggro and shit. Damn.

Next day..

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