


San Antonio, TX

Sunday January 18, 2004

     8:32am  Ruben gave me a cigarette here at the University Hospital Transfer Center.

                   Cool, got a courtesy ride on the 92.

     8:50am  Ruben had come up to me at the bus stop where I was. I told him about my plan and he said, "I got a little bit for a pinner." I told him I had my pipe. We got on the bus and I told him, "Hey, do you want to take a hit on the bus?" He said sure and I showed him how to hit it and hold your breath and get away with it, hehe. Then we got off, because he had to catch the 520. Now, we are smoking at the bus stop in front of the HEB on Fredericksburg. Deco District.

     8:56am  The 520 bus driver let me on. That's very generous of you, brother.

     9:15am  I'm still with Ruben on the 520. I gave him my recorder and told him to make an entry: "My name is Ruben Navarro. I'm about the most generous motherfucker you're ever going to come across."

                   Hehe, we're all taking hits on the bus. Ruben's all high. Fuck the system.

     9:20am  Badass! Ruben said he'd buy me a taco. Badass. I'm hungry.

     9:32am  That was awesome. This guy Ruben brought me to this Texaco here where they make tacos in the back. He bought me a taco!

                    I'm on the Southwest part of town. Zarzamora and Mayfield.

     10:00am  I was bored so I walked all the way down Mayfield. A long ass way. I am at some highway now. I don't know which one it is.

                     Interstate 35. I'm turning left and I'm going to walk up the highway a little.

     10:08am  I'm still walking. Oh yeah, it was cool. That dude Ruben left me a little bit of weed. We didn't smoke it all. He packed my bowl. I just stopped and took a hit. The wind was all strong right next to the highway. I'm wearing my warm shirt I had when I lived with Chasity. I put that over my head and hit my pipe underneath my shirt. Now, I'm going to walk. I see The Tower of Americas calling me. I'm going to walk to the tower.

     10:11am  Yeah, I decided I'm going to cross the highway because there is a very convenient footbridge here. There's a gas station on the other side. I took a picture right now.


                      You can see the tower in the background.

     10:18am  I was walking on the other side of the highway and I passed the Southwest Care Center. I walked by and I saw all these foam cups in the chain link fence spelling out something. When I walked up to it I saw it said, "PEACE ON EARTH." That's so awesome! I took a picture of it. Following my signs.  

     10:22am  I see a sign that says, "Camping Right." I am going to follow that sign and see where I end up. Maybe I'll go talk to some campers.

     10:25am  Rose, the cashier at the Shell gas station hooked me up with a cigarette. Thank you, Rose. That's very generous of you.

     10:31am  That dickhead manager. I was out here in front of the gas station smoking the cigarette that Rose hooked me up with. This dumbass manager guy comes out and tells me, "No loitering." I told him, "Umm, I am smoking a cigarette." He told me, "Get out of here, now. No loitering." I told him, "Why don't you make me? Go ahead, call the cops. Let's see if they get here before I finish my cigarette and walk off." He said ok and walked inside.

     10:36am  Haha, I came to the bus stop right in front of the gas station. The guy came outside and smoked a cigarette himself. He was all looking at me. I dare him to come tell me to get off his property. I'm not on his property. I am at the bus stop, sucker. Hehe.

     10:45am  Haha, I got up and walked right in between that dumbass smoking and the gas station. I'm going to walk the access road of the highway now. I walked right through the gas station and when I passed the dude I told him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can." I just laughed at him. He just stared at me as I walked by. Sucker.

     10:50am  Not that long after I walked past the gas station this cop pulls up in a car. I walk right up to his car and started digging through my bag for my ID. The cop tells me, "The guy at the Shell station said you were giving him problems. That you wouldn't leave." I told him, "Yeah, I was just smoking a cigarette outside the gas station and he comes out and tells me to leave, right when I spark it up." I told him, "No, make me. Let's see if I don't finish this cigarette and walk off before the cop gets here." The cop ran my ID and told me, "Word of wisdom, when somebody tells you to leave, you better run." I told him, "But it's a public place." He ran my ID and just let me go.

                     Haha, fuck the system.

                     That cop told me, "He told you to leave. That's trespassing. You can do forty five days in jail." I told him, "Okay, now I know. I will never go back there again, trust me." He let me go, hehe.

                     Fuck the police.

                     I walked over to another street a couple blocks away and I remembered, "Oh yeah, I forgot about the camping sign. I was supposed to follow that."

                     Let's see if I can score at the Bill Miller's.

                     I got to this Chevron. I was going to go inside and ask the girl for a cigarette, but I found a real long snipe in the ashtray outside. I was almost done with it and the lady comes out and tells me, "Move along. Quit spitting everywhere." Ahh, fine. I don't feel like going through this again. But, I'm going to go to the Bill Miller's across the street and see if I can get hooked up.

     11:11am  No-go at the Bill Miller's. I'm going to keep walking. Ooh, I see a Whataburger. I'm going to go try my luck there.

     11:15am  Nora at Whataburger is hooking me up. I appreciate it, Nora.

                     Scored at the Whataburger! I called that shit. At first she told me no, then I told the lady my story. I told her I was going to eliminate money and bring world peace and she said, "Hold on," and talked to the other manager. They hooked me up! Badass, man. Called that shit.

     11:26am  Mmm, they gave me a yummy biscuit sandwich with cheese and two orders of hash browns. Now I'm all full and I'm going to walk to the campsite.

     11:37am  I walked back up the access road. I'm going to cut across Commercial. I'll cut through the gas station where I was just at, where that dumbass told me to leave. The cop had pulled up at the ProLube of SA, right past the gas station. I am passing that again.

                     Dude, that cigarette just fell in my lap. I was walking across the street and some dude pulled up to the stop sign. I gave him the universal smoking hand signal. You know, the two fingers at the mouth(that conveniently turns into the peace sign with a flip of the wrist). He grabbed one and stuck it out his sunroof. Awesome. After-meal smoke.

                     I'm at Commercial and Southcross. I'm going to get some water from the Shop and Save, if they're open.

                     I've been walking down West Southcross for a while. I'm still going in the direction the camping sign is pointing. I think I saw that sign on Southcross. I don't know. I'll find out.

     12:05pm  I stopped at the Dollar General and took a piss. I'm still walking down Southcross. I'm going to keep walking this way. I don't know where I am going.

                     Just passed Adam Elementary.

     12:19pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Whoa, I was just waking down the sidewalk and got me a cigarette. I wanna stop and rest. My feet hurt. Hmm, on the lookout for a bus bench.

     12:20pm  I got to the 515 bus stop. There's a Harlendale Baptist Church right here. On the sign out front it says, "True love is patience." I took a picture of it. That's really true.  

                     They hit the nail right on the head.

     12:37pm  I'm at the corner of Southcross and Mission road. There's a thrift store here. I'm going to go ask them if they have a five foot stick anywhere.

     12:43pm  They didn't have anything good at the thrift store, so I'm going to keep walking down Southcross.

                     Badass, I see a sign that says, "Camping, Next left," and it has a picture of an RV.

     12:51pm  Now I'm on Roosevelt. Cool. I wonder where that RV park is.

     12:54pm  I kept walking down the street. I see the tower straight ahead. I am crossing the San Antonio River right now. I see downtown in the background. I'm going to walk there.

     12:55pm  I'm passing a sign that says, "San Antonio River Bridge, State Highway Commission, John Wood - Chairman, W.R. Eli - Member, D.K. Martin - Member, Dib Goldchrist - Highway Engineer, G.G. Wigline - Bridge Engineer, J.G. Rollins - Division Engineer, T.B. Notts - Resident Engineer, McKenzie Construction Company, contractors, 1934."

     1:00pm  I jumped on the 42 bus.

     1:01pm  I turned out to be in Elva's neighborhood. I'm going to go visit her. Awesome.

     1:02pm  Eddie is hooking me up with a banana at the Fruiteria. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Sweet, scored me a banana at the Fruiteria. Just like old times. I'm going to walk over to Elva's trailer and say hi.

                   Man, that was awesome. How I just ended up here. I had made it a point to come visit Elva. I haven't seen her downtown where she works at all. Maybe she'll be there at her trailer. I have to walk by this big golf course. It's a hefty walk. I have been walking all day. I feel great.

                    I got to the spot where Elva's trailer was, but now there's just a big empty lot. At first I wasn't sure what the number of the trailer was, so I looked through my old 2003 pocket calander for about five minutes. I found it. Let's see. The address to the trailer park is 1515 Mission. Mission Trailer Park. Hers was/is #70. Let me go see if there's an empty space at #70.

                    Yeah, her trailer isn't there anymore. That sucks. Some lady yesterday downtown told me Elva still worked there, so maybe I'll run into her again. Oh yeah, Elva works for the Centro people downtown. The people that walk the streets, sweep up trash and give out directions to tourists.

                     I was walking out of the RV park and all of a sudden I hear somebody making all these loud moaning noises. I stopped and turned around and the noises stopped. When I start walking again the noises start again. I said real loud, "Dumbass," and I heard some kid's voice say, "Yeah," and the noises stopped. Hehe. Stupid kid trying to freak me out, or something.

                     Oh yeah, I still got this banana. I'm going to wait until I have an after-meal smoke before I eat it.

     1:32pm  Jose me dio un cigaro en la salida de Mission Road y Roosevelt.

     1:40pm  I was walking down the street towards Roosevelt, right next to the golf course. Some guy comes up to me and I asked him if he could spare a cigarette. He hooked me up. He only spoke Spanish so I translated a lot of my scripts. Man, I need somebody to help me translate my scripts in Spanish. Maybe I'll ask my older sister. She's a linguist major.

     1:47pm  I'm at the bus stop in front of the Fruiteria again. I just ate the banana. It was good. I'm going to wait for the bus. I don't know what time it comes. Cool, I get an after-meal smoke too. Awesome.

     2:02pm  Here comes the 42.

     2:03pm  Mr. 970 wouldn't let me on.

                   The driver on the 42 failed the test. I showed him my bus pass and got on anyway, sucker.

     2:15pm  I just got to Travis Park on the bus. Oh yeah, on the seat next to mine somebody had left one of those Awake magazines. Those religious magazines. I found a badass article in it titled, "Are your taxes too high?" I'm going to transcribe all that shit. It's some good stuff.

                   Okay, it's 12-30-04 and I got tired of transcribing from the Awake! magazine. It got to the point where it said shit like, "Good Christians always pay their taxes." I spent all morning typing it up and the article is pretty informative. So check it out, at least. Here.

                    It's cool how I just found it. It fell right into my lap.

     2:20pm  I am still at Travis Park. I'm going to get me some spare change for a hotdog. I need $1.50.

                   Hopefully that guy will hook me up with a chili dog for $1.50. They're usually two dollars.

     2:29pm  Raul is hooking me up with some change for a hotdog here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:37pm  This big group of tourists just walked by and none of them gave me change.

                    Oh, Elva's friend who works downtown too, I think her name is Catherine, she told me, "Hey, Elva saw you. She's all worried about you. Here's her cellphone number." She handed me a card with it written down.

     2:57pm  Mariana, I asked her for spare change for a hotdog and she said, "I have all this food. You don't want it?" I told her, "Sure, I'll take it!" Awesome.

     3:05pm  I ran into Elva! She rode by and she yelled, "Victor!" She ran up and we hugged each other. She was all, "I've missed you. Where have you been??" Then Catherine, her friend who had told me about her walked up and Elva said, "Catherine's got two dollars for you." Badass! I told Elva, "Cool, I can buy a joint, hehe."

                   Oh yeah, that girl gave me all this food earlier! So badass. I've got food anyway, so I don't have to buy a hotdog. I got two bucks for a joint! Awesome. I'm going to fuel up, get a joint and then go smoke somebody out on The Riverwalk, yeah.

     3:07pm  I went up to the hotdog stand and asked the dude if he had any plastic spoons. He didn't, but just then this other guy who was at the hotdog stand told me he had a spoon I could have. Badass. Thank you, David.

                    Oh yeah, we have yet another bible thumper out here yelling scripture to nobody in the park. He was all Jesus Christ this, Jesus Christ that. I am going to have to talk to him too. Hehe.

     3:32pm  That bible thumper from earlier that I told you about, he walked by me and tried to give me one of his cards. I told him, "No thanks. Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" I gave him my presentation, but he did not let me finish. He listened to a lot of it in the beginning. He said, "I believe in God." He frustrated me in the end and I just told him, "You are not doing more than I am for world peace, but you could." He was just out there yelling into the wind. Nobody was listening to him.

     3:50pm  Grasshopper not only sold me a two dollar pinner, but he also gave me a cigarette.

                    I was just standing there on the sidewalk at the park. There's a church across the street. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. I saw some guy walk out there wearing a big red robe. Some young dude. We made eye contact, so I walked across the street and stepped into the courtyard he was standing in. I laid my scripts on him. He agreed with everything I said. Well, not everything. When I told him my mission objectives at first, he started laughing when I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized. I got through a lot of my scripts. The whole money part, the pirated software part. He was nodding his head up and down the whole time. Right when I got to, "Now, as far as marijuana goes," he goes, "I have to cut you off," and walked inside.

                    That was hilarious. I was talking to that minister guy and I'm all stoned, hehe. He's going to go tell all the other people in the church. Just like I want him to.

     4:02pm  Apok is hooking me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:15pm  I talked to that dude Apok in the park. The other kids in the park, who are always talking shit about me because they think I am crazy, but they never listen to me. Anyway, I had given them the rest of that food that lady gave me earlier. Because of the offering one of them said, "Okay, I'll listen to you." I said, "You will? You won't interrupt me?" I started my stuff, but she turned off her ears almost immediately. What a Liar.

     4:20pm  I ran into Loki, who I haven't seen in over a year. He remembered my name and everything. Loki hooked me up with a cigarette. Thanks, bro.

     4:24pm  Mr. Almenderiz is hooking me up with a courtesy ride to Crossroads Mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:07pm  I struck up a conversation with Jamie on the bus. She gave me two cigarettes! Awesome.

                   I liked talking to that pretty girl. We were walking and she couldn't take her eyes off me. She was transfixed. What a great day. I should go back to Sam's and get another layer. Then, I'll ride the bus to Medical Center.

                   We walked all the way from Crossroads, over loop 410 to . . . hmm, what was the name of this street? Umm, over by the Grand Central Station nightclub. Umm, the street that goes from Fredericksburg to Pin Oak.

     5:25pm  I am back at Sam's.

 Justcont3:  OK
 KitEntropy:  cool, give me a minute please..
 Justcont3:  K
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, read it when you have time.  if you like let me know at  i have tons more good, free, non-fiction.  nothing but the truth..this is my friend's sn by the way
 KitEntropy:  25mnw
 Justcont3:  OK ILL LET U KNOW 4


 Mortarman303:  nah
 KitEntropy:  fine then, you can just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 Mortarman303:  ok go head and tell me
 KitEntropy:  one minute please
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, read it when you have time.  if you like let me know at  i have tons more good, free, non-fiction.  nothing but the truth..this is my friend's sn by the way 


 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  um...ok    lol
 KitEntropy:  cool, give me a minute please
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  k
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  im curious why u wanna send it to me out of all these jackasses in here
 KitEntropy:  i asked everyone
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  oh
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  am i the only one who said yes?
 KitEntropy:  nope, 8 other people said yes too
 KitEntropy:  out of 36
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  lol...assholes
 KitEntropy:  it's ok, they'll hear it about it eventually..
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  people are paranoid and probably think you're gonna send them a virus or something
 Tat2dwhiteguy25:  i hope i get one that makes this damn thing blow up    lol  

Next day..    

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