


San Antonio, TX

Monday January 19, 2004

     4:43am  I am already awake and out of Sam's apartment. I woke up early this morning. Well, I went to sleep early last night. Like around eight. I woke up and couldn't think of anything to do. Sam woke up and got pissed off because I was scraping my bowl with his knife. Dude, I see Sam mix dough for bread on his dirty kitchen counter. I know. That's no excuse. Sam got up and asked me, "Victor, can you wait until 5:30? He got all pissed off because I got on his computer while he was sleeping. I told him I wasn't going to type on it, I was just going to read my stuff. He told me, "That can't wait until 5:30?" I told him, "I'm sorry Sam. I woke up early." I told him, "I don't feel like going back to sleep, so I'm going to go walk around."

     4:52am  I walked across the street to the Taco Cabana. I had a pocket full of change so I bought me a bean and cheese taco.

                   I walked all the way to the Crossroads Park and Ride. I hope the buses are running this early. I doubt it, though.

                   Man, I can't believe those kids in Travis Park. Yesterday I asked them, "What do you think the world's greatest problem is?" They told me, "Homelessness." Boohoo, you don't have a home. The less you have, the less you have to worry about, damnit. What? You think homelessness is a bigger problem than war and ignorance? Dumbasses.

     5:35am  John hooked me up with a cigarette outside of Crossroads. Appreciate it, brother.

     5:40am  I just had a badass presentation from the guy I got that cigarette from. Some gay dude, I think. He listened to me, but his bus came so he had to go.

     5:42am  Frank, the nice bus driver is hooking me up with a ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He passed the test.

     1:42pm  I'm waiting for the 92. Let's see. I went back to Sam's and did a lot of stuff on his computer. Well, not that much. I typed up like four or five days. I am back on track typing my stuff up. Man, I forgot about all that cool stuff that happened. All the people who talked to me and hooked me up on Telegraph in Berkeley. It was awesome. All the crazy stuff that happened to me. Getting popped in the mouth by Slim. I love having my memory refreshed like that.

     1:47pm  I jumped on the 524 to Crossroads. Let's see if I can bum a cigarette anywhere and wait for the 92. It should come any second now.

     1:50pm  Will Bean hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:02pm  I forgot to mention I got off the 92 right in front of the Jack in the Box in front of Crossroads. I'm going to buy a burger.

     2:12pm  I finished my burger and I walked outside. I saw a 92 pass, so I have to wait another twenty minutes for the next one. That sucks.

     2:18pm  The funniest thing. This guy pulled up to the stop light in front of the bus stop. He had his window down so I asked him, "Hey brother, do you got a cigarette?" It was Mark, who used to work with me at Papa John's years ago. When I realized who it was I said, "Hey man, give me a ride." He told me to jump in. Awesome.

                   Cool, Mark's giving me a ride all the way to West Telemarketing. Badass.

     2:36pm  I'm already at West. Mark gave me a ride all the way. Shweet. This is so awesome. I'm famous. I end up knowing this random guy who pulls up to the stop light and he gives me a ride all the way to West.

     2:39pm  Rita hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana here at West. I appreciate it, Rita.

     2:48pm  Jeremy hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana. Thanks, brother.

     3:07pm  Just like I called it. I saw this dude Miguel. I told him, "I'm going to go bum a cigarette and go to The Rocks and see if somebody will smoke me out." I went back there and before I knew it, like a minute passed and these two dudes walked back there. The good 'ol rocks.

     3:27pm  Christian just hooked me up with the rest of his cigarette. I appreciate it, bro. He had just lit it.

     3:35pm  I am having some great presentations before work, man. I told this one kid and he listened to all my shit.

     8:13pm  Henry hooked me up with a cigarette on my break. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:07pm  I just got off work. We were supposed to get off at eleven, but we got out early. I had a pretty good day. I'm on an easy ass project. You just have to read the script. The client's liking me a whole lot.

     10:15pm  Greg, who I've talked to before, is hooking me up with a Mexican cigarette. No filter.


 PsycheStilSleeps:  Hi! You IMed earlier asking if you could send me a story.
 PsycheStilSleeps:  That'd be awesome
 KitEntropy:  yes, may i?
 KitEntropy:  great..
 PsycheStilSleeps:  Sure!
 KitEntropy:  one second..
 PsycheStilSleeps:  okay  
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, read it when you have time.  if you like let me know at  i have tons more good, free, non-fiction.  nothing but the truth..this is my friend's sn by the way
 KitEntropy:  enjoy..
 PsycheStilSleeps:  okay, thank you
 KitEntropy:  thank you for not being ignorant..
 PsycheStilSleeps:  no problem.
 KitEntropy:  open-minded people are hard to come by, these days
 PsycheStilSleeps:  yeah, true.
 PsycheStilSleeps:  well i have to go, but i'll definately read and respond
 KitEntropy:  hehe, you're gonna start a revolution, eh?
 KitEntropy:  wanna race?
 PsycheStilSleeps:  mmhmm!
 KitEntropy:  :P
 PsycheStilSleeps:  hah, you're on.
 PsycheStilSleeps:  talk to you later, bye :D
 KitEntropy:  peace, sister
 Auto response from PsycheStilSleeps:  How To Tell If You Are the One for Me (version 2.0)

Are you...
a.) articulate
b.) intellectual
c.) green- or blue-eyed
d.) always wearing a suit
e.) a romantic
f.) a musician (bonus points if you're a singer)
g.) all of the above
h.) none of the above

If you picked h.), you don't stand a chance.
 KitEntropy:  b, e, and that's about it..
 KitEntropy:  oh, i'm a 25m, by the way 

Next day..

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