


San Antonio, TX

Monday January 17, 2005

     5:52am  I woke up like five minutes ago. I'm going to walk today. I spent all day on the computer yesterday. I'm going to take off walking. I'm going to look for some spare batteries here in case mine run out today. I don't know if I'm going to walk downtown. Umm, I've been thinking about walking back too.

     6:32am  I scraped me up some good resin hits and I'm going to take off walking. It's all dark outside still. It's a little chilly.

     6:40am  I walked to Wickersham and now I'm on the power line trail. I'm going to take the same walk. The same way downtown and the same way back.

                   Oh yeah, I had a bowl of Total cereal for breakfast this morning.

     7:19am  I'm already over here by the construction yard on Low Bid Lane. Along the power line trail in some woods.

     7:26am  I cut through the construction yard. I'm on Low Bid Lane now. It's cool, there's these cows penned up right here. There's all these blackbirds on the street. I'm going to scare them away by raising my stick with the tennis ball up. Just like I do with the pigeons in Travis Park.

                   It's a beautiful morning.

     7:30am  I am on Buck Heath's property now. 6740 Low Bid Lane.

                   People that say we need money only say that because they live for it. They don't know any other way to live. They are in denial. They need to learn.

     7:57am  I am at Grissom and Timberhill already. I'm going to go to the Diamond Shamrock and see if I find a cigarette and switch out my tennis ball.

     8:05am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. At the Diamond Shamrock I realized I had left my universal socket tool that has a knife on it at home. I used it to scrape some resin hits. I borrowed a pair of scissors from the nice lady inside and was able to cut my ball.

                    Remember how I said there was a tamales place next to Yolie's and Elizabeth's? I'm going to go hit them up for some grub. Delicious Tamales To Go.

     8:07am  They told me no at Delicious Tamales To Go. Greedy asses!(hehe, I logged it right in front of the lady). She told me, "Oh no, I don't got anything." I went, "Oh, you don't? Well, I was just testing you. Your greedy ass failed."

     8:32am  I didn't tell you. I'm going to try and find that homeless camp again(1-15-04, 12:57pm). I hope he's got some weed.

     9:07am  I never found that camp. I'm just wandering around aimlessly in Devil's Den. I want to find a street and go downtown already. I want to go hit up a Mexican food place.

     9:15am  I'm going to hit up the Denny's here at Ingram.

                   Oh, forget it. It's packed with Babylonians. I'm not going to go in there now. I am sure I'll find some Mexican restaurant inside the loop.

     9:30am  I went right inside Loop 410 and in front of Holmes High School I'm getting hooked up at Tio Frankie's. I appreciate it, guys.

     9:35am  Gina, at Tio Frankie's is hooking me up with some tacos for my walk downtown. I appreciate it, Gina.

     9:36am  I scored me two tacos at that place! When I had walked in I saw some older lady sitting down talking on the phone. She didn't acknowledge me, so I just stood there waiting for her to finish. I stood there a long time so I made it a point to face the other way in hopes she would get a glimpse of the peace tattoo on the back of my neck. Eventually, this young girl comes out and asks me if she can help me. Some high school girl who goes to Holmes. I gave her my line and she asked the lady and the lady said yes. Oh yeah, they had a poster pinned up that said, "Pot mayks you stoopid." I had told the girl my mission objectives and when she handed me the tacos I told her, "And pot doesn't make you stupid. It opens your mind. Money makes you stupid." She smiled real big and I gave her the peace sign and left.

                   Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I'm going to follow through on what I started last time. Last time I caught the bus here on Ingram. This time no cheating. I'm going to walk all the way downtown.

                   I stopped in at the McDonald's on Callaghan and Ingram to take a piss.

                   I haven't eaten those tacos yet. I'm over here in front of St. Dominick's Catholic Church. I just walked in front of it.

     10:00am  I came over to this little field by this Educare place. I'm going to sit down and eat one of my tacos. I'm hungry.

     10:03am  I finished my taco and I'm walking again.

                   Oh shit, my water bottle is missing. I hope it came off when I was sitting down in that field.

                   Okay, I see it. Whew.

     10:12am  I'm passing Benrus.

     10:17am  Ingram tees at Broadview. I think I remember this being a street in Luis' neighborhood. My ex step-dad's neighborhood.

                     Left on Broadview and an immediate right on Freeman. I'm going to keep walking South. Southeast.

                     Oh yeah, I just got a cigarette off some guy who was talking on his cellphone in his driveway. I didn't get his name or anything because he was on the phone. I'm going to go sit down at this bus bench at the end of Freeman and smoke it. Freeman and NW 36th.

                     Cool, there's a building here that says, "The Center for Legal and Social Justice." I should come tell these people my story someday.

                     I ended up on Esmerelda. I'm on Culebra now. Turning left on NW 36th again. Going South.

                     I'm on NW 36th again. I'm going to hop this ditch over by these power lines. There's a big park right here.

     11:04am  Passing Fortuna. Over here by some ghetto. Some courts.

     11:07am  Oh, it seems like I'll be walking Commerce downtown today. It's cool. I ended up on W Commerce. This street goes straight to the Samm's Shelter downtown where I can score me some weed. Well, if I had two bucks. Maybe I'll get smoked out.

     11:10am  About to pass Zarzamora Creek.

                     I'm in front of Monterrey Park. In front of 5919 W Commerce.

                     I went into Rubio's Taco House to get some water and the guy in there told me I was walking the wrong way. Downtown is the other way on Commerce. That sucks. The other way is East, I looked at my compass. I guess that means I'm on the West Side. Orale, West Side!

                     Downtown is that way. I can see the Tower of Americas in the background. If I would have only turned around and saw it. I hate doubling back.

                     Passing over Zarzamora Creek again.

     11:36am  Jessica me esta dando un taco para mi camino. Te lo agradezco, Jessica. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                     I got hooked up with some tacos. This will be my prize for walking downtown.

                     El Zarape was the name of the restaurant. Over in front of the Edgewood independent School District Main Office, I think. NW 34th and W Commerce.

     11:50am  Now passing General McMullen.

     12:20pm  I stopped in at the Taco Cabana on Zarzamora and Commerce. When I walked in there some lady working there pointed at my stick and said, "Ah, what's this?" I told her, "It's my walking stick. I'm on a mission. I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace. Can I use your restroom?"

                     When I left I told her, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio. Yo soy San Antonio."

     12:27pm  I just came over to this big mural over on N Pinto and Commerce. It says, "Mano en Mano(hand in hand), the future is ours." It has two big arms. One says, "Understanding." The other says, "Communidad."

     12:38pm  Damnit, I caught a train. I'm right before Samm's Shelter. Right next to Bexar County Jail. Haha, they can all see me recording myself.

     12:45pm  The train finally passed.

                     Nobody had any weed at Samm's Shelter. That sucks.

                     Oh yeah, today is Martin Luther King Day. There's supposedly a big parade going on downtown. I'm going to make an appearance.

                     Weird, I just found another fortune cookie fortune on the ground. It says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a couple steps."

                     Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I ran into David and gave him one of my tacos. He didn't have anything to smoke. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and bum a cigarette.

     1:20pm  I have arrived at Travis Park.

     1:43pm  I just ran into Petri and Jay in front of the Greyhound station. They told me they saw me in California. Where did ya'll see me last time? Arcata. Cool, cool.

     1:50pm  What were your emails?

     1:57pm  Alejandro me dio un cigaro al frente del Greyhound. Te lo agradezco, señor.

     2:17pm  I didn't tell you. I've decided to walk back home. I'm at Cypress resting at that bus stop where I found those UFO pictures(4-20-04, 5:26pm). Cypress and San Pedro.

                   I'm just going to sit here and smoke a cigarette.

     2:43pm  Estaba caminando y Eddie me ofrecio una caja de comida China. Muchisimas gracias, Eddie. Gasolina para el estomago.

                    Right after I walked under I10, I walked by this shut down ice house right here. This bum was sitting there and he holds up this Styrofoam box of food to me. I was like, "Thanks, for my walking." It was some good Chinese food. Sweet and Sour Pork. I ate it with my fingers. I'm full now.

                    It was so awesome how I saw those kids who had seen me in California. I had shown up ten minutes before their Greyhound bus left too. It's weird how I just got the urge to walk home and left the park then.

     3:10pm  That's like the third car today that has honked at me and given me the peace sign. People recognize me everywhere I go.

     3:15pm  Cool, I saw my pretty bus driver friend Ingrid driving the 91.

                    Hopefully I'll score some weed at Santa Fe Place apartments. I'll see if Teo is there, or if Leo is.

                    Please Love, grant me some weed for all the walking I've done. So I can work on the computer tomorrow.

                    This guy at Luis' Tire Shop gave me a menthol cigarette. I didn't get his name.

     3:40pm  Oh, I knocked on Teo's door and some old lady answered. I asked her, "Does Teo still live here?" She was all, "I'm his mom." Teo's not home, so I'm going to go try Leo's. I was scared that I wouldn't find his apartment, but I recognized the ashtray he has in front of the door. I knocked on the door and he opens it. He had woken up not too long ago. He opens the door and invites me in and guess what I see on the floor. A plateful of weed! My prayers was answered! Remember a minute ago I made that prayer to Love?

     4:58pm  Leo is hooking me up with a little bit of weed. I appreciate it, bro. Oh yeah, this dude Freddy, this neighbor of Leo's was over and I told him my story. He wouldn't listen to the odyssey, but he let me get my platform out. He's a hardcore Christian and he was talking about Jesus and stuff.

                   I'm at the hospital now. Some guy just walked by me and said, "Hey man, you get around."

     6:49pm  Oh yeah, I've got an update to make. It's so awesome how my prayer was answered and I got smoked out at Leo's. Anyway, I'm at the hospital now. Oh yeah, my friend Ingrid, she was driving the bus that I took to the hospital. She for sure let me on. She knows me as Mr. Gratuity, remember. Even though I've told her tons of times it's Mr. Generosity. I told her how I crashed at my mom's and she was all, "Oh, does she cook you dinner and stuff?" I told her how she bought me boxes of Total cereal without me asking and she smiled, very approvingly. She said, "That's good she still does that."

                   It sucks. The buses are on Saturday Schedule since it's Martin Luther King Day so I have to wait until 7:15. I came to the bathroom and I'm standing here recording myself. I've decided what I could do to kill time is go look for tennis balls for my stick. I don't have another one after this.

                   I scored! Well, at first I found me an old one outside with some dried bird-shit on it. Then I walked and I saw this tennis player come up to the fence because some car had pulled up. Some car stopped to get a ball they had knocked over. I asked the guy, "Hey, can you guys spare a ball for my stick?" The guy told me, "Yeah, I've got a ball I can give you." Some Asian dude. I think his name was Ben. He walked off, came back and threw me two balls over the fence.

                   I'm walking back. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and wait for the bus.

     7:52pm  I'm home. Man, I'm pooped. Not really. The funny thing is that I could keep going. My feet don't hurt at all. My bodies a little tired.

     8:49pm  My mom just called. Oh yeah, I just took a great hot shower. I was bummed out that I didn't have any cereal to eat because there wasn't any milk. I tried calling my mom, but she didn't answer. She just called right now. She has to go to Walmart and buy food. She told me she'd be home in half an hour. That's cool, I'm going to eat.

                   I counted up all the email addresses I have. I don't know how many of these are going to be dead. In my non-AOL list I came up with 1823. Let me see how much are in my AOL list.

                   1155 for my AOL list.

                   So 2978 is my total for email addresses.

                   Man, my walk today has been great. Even if I averaged only three miles an hour, which I'm sure I did more than that because I am always hauling ass on my walks. I walked from 7 in the morning to three. I walked for about six hours. Approximately twenty miles I walked today.

Next day..

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