


San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 22, 2005

     6:09am  I woke up around fifteen minutes ago and took a shit. It's cool because my mom was awake too. I saw her putting money on the table. She tells me, "Here you go, so you can make your way back." I told her I was going to walk downtown today. Ha, I didn't even have to ask her for bus fare. She just gave it to me. Hehe, like I ever pay bus fare. That's for marijuana. I need to find some batteries in case my batteries die today.

     7:05am  I was actually able to scrape up a couple hits of resin. I smoked a cigarette and now I'm walking. I'm going to walk downtown again. I'll walk the power line trail to start off with.

     7:09am  I realized I forgot my water bottle. I have to walk all the way back home. That sucks.

     7:13am  I went back for my water and I'm walking again.

                   Oh yeah, for breakfast I had some leftover pizza and a bowl of cereal.

                   You can look at all my walking as I am just training. Training for the apocalypse.

                   The clock is ticking. Will you be ready?

     7:47am  I'm almost to Mainland. I'm going to sit down right here where I've sat before and take all my layers off. Its getting hot.

     7:50am  I layered down and I'm going to take a drink of water and start walking again.

                   Cool, one of my old tennis balls is still in this ditch. That's funny.

     7:55am  Just passed Mainland.

                   On the hike over here I had stepped on a rock wrong and the ball of my right foot hurts. I might have to catch the bus.

                   It's hurting real bad now. Scratch walking downtown. I'm going to go down Mainland and catch a bus at the Walmart. I just passed Mainland, so I'm going to go back and walk it to Bandera.

     8:07am  I changed my mind again. My foot doesn't hurt that bad. I'm going to keep walking the power line trail.

                   I'm cutting through the construction yard. American Precast Company, I think.

                   I cut through and all these Mexicans saw me and one started yelling at me. I just gave him the peace sign and kept walking. He's probably seen me walking through with my goofy ass stick before. I'm over by where those penned up cows are.

                   On Low Bid Lane.

     8:22am  I'm on Buck Heath's property.

     8:29am  I just went through the hole in the fence in Buck Heath's property. I just went down the slope by that tree. I'm going to find somewhere in this natural ditch to sit and smoke a cigarette somewhere.

                   I didn't go up on Grissom by Elizabeth's and Yolie's. I'm going to keep going straight along the ditch. There's come cool trails out here.

                   Found me a good jeep trail to follow. Oh cool, it goes up this little hill right here. I'm going to go up there.

                   Man, there's some badass trails right here. I wish I had a mountain bike. I can't believe I didn't know all this stuff was here.

                   I think I'm in Devil's Den already.

                   Cool, there's a little hangout here with two chairs. I think there's a pond over there too. This place is cool.

                   Whoa, I see a Jeep parked over there.

                   There's like lots of cars over here. I wonder what I'm walking into.

                   I gave them the peace sign and walked passed them. They were all talking about cars. I heard them say camber or something. I gave them the peace sign and they waved back.

     9:44am  Passing Ingram Road. I'm going to stay on the ditch.

                   Dude, the creek I've been walking on is Leon Creek! It comes all the way out here. I'm over by 410 now. By Culebra and Loop 410. I'm going to keep going straight on the creek.

     9:52am  I just found somebody's purse. I'm going to look in it.

                   It belongs to Erika Lopez. I guess somebody just threw it out a car window driving on 410. I'm going to keep looking through it. Erika Lopez, or Jenny Lopez, one of the two.

                   Jenny E. Lopez-Osorio. She's from Florida.

                   Found her social security card in here. It's Erika Lopez-Osorio. Her social is 465-71-5708.

                   Her name is Jenny Erika Lopez. Phone number is 586-1146. I've even got her email address: Emergency Contact is Edward Rodriguez.

                   She might not be from San Antonio. She works at this Tropex place. Plant Sales. Erika Lopez, horticultural technician. In Sarasota, FL. Hmm. Cool, it's got an 800 number, badass.

                   I found a San Antonio address. 170 Cavalier #3. I should look that up and just deliver it to her myself.

                   There's a check-stub with the address 6403 Babcock Road. Plant Interscapes. Maybe I'll deliver that today. The date on the check-stub is December 10, 2004, so she probably hasn't left.

                   Here's her Florida ID card. She's got a picture of Jesus in her wallet. Also a picture of her with some baby.

                   I found it right here on Leon Creek and 410.

                   If I deliver it to her, that would be the second time I found a purse on one of my hikes and returned it. I'll put a link to last time(2-28-04, 10:41am).

                   Passing sign that says, "NO TRESPASSING VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED." Suck my dick.

                   I ended up at this damp marsh and when I stepped my foot went all the way in the mud.

     10:27am  I ended up at some street. I don't know where it is. I'm going to cross is and keep going on the ditch. On Leon Creek.

     10:42am  I'm going underneath another highway bridge. I wonder where I am. I'm still going South. Towards downtown. Going a little Southeast, actually. I still don't know where I am.

                     Man, this hike is just awesome. All this marsh I have to go through. It's cool. I never knew Leon Creek came out this far.

                     I ended up by 151. The creek is running parallel to 151 right here. I'm not sure where. I'm hungry.

                     I kept going straight on the ditch.

                     Cool, there's a paved road right here.

     10:53am  Leon Creek turned into a full-fledged river now and I can't walk along it's banks. I'm going to go South now. There's a neighborhood back here. I wonder where I am.

                     There's a huge lake out here. I wish I had a camera. I should get a camera now that I am walking so much.

     11:05am  I'm just going to cut through these woods right here. I don't know where I'm going to end up. If I'll end up anywhere. Maybe there's just country out here. I don't know.

                     I'll go wherever I end up.

                     You know me.

                     These woods are awesome. There's little lagoons everywhere. I can't find a place to get on the other side of this water and I don't want to get my feet wet. This water is all nasty. I tried hopping over to this little island in the middle. There was a log I was able to step on. But after that I couldn't keep going so I had to hop back over. I'm real lucky I didn't fall in the water. I wonder where I'll end up. I'm just walking North now.

                     I'm heading South in this marsh. There's nowhere to cross. There's these big birds out here.

                     I bet you anything I'll have all these bug bites all over my legs. I'm just wearing shorts.

                     I am exploring like crazy today.

                     Yuck, the water is all nasty. All these puddles have this iridescent orange crap in them.

                     I really don't think that's natural.

                     Hurt not the Earth. Neither the sea, nor the trees.

                     I am in some neighborhood now. On Pleasant Oaks and Swaying Oaks. This is a ghetto neighborhood. I'm going to score me a joint somewhere.

     12:14pm  I have an update to make. I ended up at, what neighborhood is this? I just walked Leon Creek far today and ended up in some neighborhood. Right now I am at Swaying Oaks and Middle Oak. I saw these three dudes talking outside and walked by them and asked them if they knew where I could buy a joint. One of the guys grabbed his crotch and told me, "I've got a blunt." I told them my story. DL has a story of his own. What's up?

                     DL:  "My mother purchased this house 22 years or somewhere in that area ago. The back bedroom on the outer facing of the house already had my name on the door when we moved in. For us, me, my mother and my stepfather, and my brothers, I thought it was ironic for my name to be on that door. Like it was meant for us to be there. Anyway, we were very comfortable here for a number of years. As time went on my mother passed away. My stepfather pretty much dissipated. After she passed away, I still had to uphold the house. At that same token, eventually I found out that I was the one who was going to have to juggle the tax, the property period. This property and the property she owns out on Foster Road. So, one day me and my daughter were in the living room. This is the weird part that started me believing. Because I didn't used to believe in spirits. But a flash went off in the bathroom, while me and my daughter were in the living room. I asked my daughter, "What was that?" She said she didn't know. I couldn't understand it. We pretty much have come to believe it was Grandma. I wasn't scared of her. I'm not scared of her now. I'll walk in there anytime. With lights or without. So, I didn't think much of it and I moved out of the house eventually. With a female companion which I have a baby by. I named my baby after my mother. My mom's name was Marie M. Francis. I named by Baby China Marie Francis. Semi the same as my mom's name, but there was already two little Marie's because my mom was that important and that much of an influence. And my play brother also named his baby after my mother. My race is black, but my mother had a lot of Cherokee Indian, so my play brother, like I said named his baby."

                     Victor: Your play brother?

                     DL: "A good friend of the family. This Caucasian."

                     Victor: It's all the same family.

                     DL: "Are you cold?"

                     Victor: No, I have a tremor from a head injury I had.

                     DL:  "My play brother, like I said named his baby after my mother. After she passed away my baby was concepted. So my baby was concepted afterwards, after the matter, after my mother passed. So, as I was saying. I have a house in Heritage Neighborhood. My mother raised my nephew. My nephew was with my mother for two months. At the age of 11 or 12, my mother passed away. So one day I tell my girlfriend that I think I should take my nephew because my sister has 8 children. Unfortunately one passed away. #8 passed away. D'monigo. She was 1 month and 2 weeks old. So, back to my nephew. I tried to take it upon myself to take care of him. I could take care of him financially, but he had an issue with taking other people's things. So I pretty much dislocated myself from my biological babies and got an apartment. Not knowing that I was not going to be able to deal with this like I thought I would. I could not. I couldn't take care of my nephew and my baby. The day I told my girlfriend about that, she said she saw a vision, an apparition. I was working in the back yard. I happened to catch a glance of the same vision at the same time she did. She stepped out and just look at me strange. I asked her, "Is everything okay?" She turned and walked inside. So I followed her. When I went inside I could loook at her face and tell that she saw something that was abnormal. I asked her, "Are you alright?" She began to tell me that she seen something. I went back outside and started to work. Next thing I know she came back in less than 5 minutes. She said, "The light in the kitchen, over the range just came on and shut off." I said, "Okay," and I went and checked the bulb and checked the switch. There was nothing wrong. I walked into the other room and sat down. I wasn't going back outside if something was abnormal. She came right back, "The light in the bathroom just came on and went off." I went in the bathroom and checked the bulb and the switch. Nothing seemed abnormal. But at the same time I felt this cool breeze cross me. I told my girlfriend, I said, "Something just crossed me. That confirms your story even more because I knew you was telling the truth because I know you very well to the point that I know you know what you know." By this time I turn and I walk out of the bathroom. The light that my brother in law had given my girlfriend came on by itself. That's when she began to tell me that light never worked. And it was a motion-sensor light. So at that same token, last weekend which was something around the 15th of the month I had to take a trip to Mississippi because my grandmother's sister passed. I was never fortunate enough to meet my grandmother. I went and when I got back from Mississippi. Actually, on the way there I almost killed my girlfriend and my 1 year old baby, because I fell asleep at the wheel. When I got back I went home. I got a call from my daughter. She's 22. She called me and said, "Today is your sister's birthday." I called and couldn't get in touch with her. So, I'm going to the store to go get some cigarettes, because I like smoking cigarettes and drinking soda. I found myselt getting in touch with her. I was by her house on the phone with her. So I told her, "Open the door, I'm outside." I went inside and she began to tell me, this is the sister that the baby passed away a month and a half after the day I got back. We was talking and I was illustrating stuff to her. I told her that I couldn't express my sorrow because she wasn't there. She had dislocated herself from the house because of her baby passing and she had issues. I was in limbo for Christmas. Christmas wasn't Christmas for me. Anyway, she tell me that on her birthday, earlier that day, before I came by, she had seen the same flash that I saw in my mom's house. I began to tell her, "Do you think that was Baby Gabriella?" She said, "I'm not sure." She didn't know what it was. I said, "That wasn't Gabrielle. It was mom" And that ends my story."

     1:30pm  What were your names again? Ray and Andrew. I'm telling them my story over at wherever I ended up. What were your email addresses?

     2:30pm  I forgot to mention, this dude DL, I just popped out of the woods in this neighborhood and made some friends. I just had me a badass presentation right now with these two guys. DL offered to buy me some grub. And I was hella-hungry too. We went to Church's and he bought a ten piece. I had a badass presentation with these two guys and one of them is going to give me a ride downtown. Perfect.

                     I got smoked out and I had a great presentation.


     3:10pm  I have to make an update. Oh yeah, I had asked Joel to point me downtown. I was going to walk. He ended up offering me a ride! I told him I was going to try and buy a joint downtown and he goes, "You want to smoke some weed?" We came over to his brother's house. Oh, Joel is his brother. Ray is the one who gave me a ride. We're at Joel's smoking weed. Perfect, perfect.

                     Everything happens for a reason. I am really glad I took that long nature hike this morning. Look at where I popped out.

     3:26pm  Dude, what a magical day I have had. Earlier when I had that awesome presentation with Ray and that other guy, the black dude, DL was all tripping out. He was telling everyone, "He told me that exact same story exactly how he is saying it now not too long ago!" I feel like I really moved DL. It's so cool how I just popped out of the woods and that happened. I am happy. Joel hooked me up with a blunt roach's worth of weed and I'm going to go downtown and spend three dollars on some more weed. Things are looking so good.

     3:28pm  Man, it's awesome how I ended up in this neighborhood downtown. It's all a little community. I've never been on this street in San Antonio before. There's a yard here with a chicken in it. It's so awesome. It' so San Antonio. I love it. I love it. Mi pueblo.

                   Joel's family owns like three houses here. The Guererro's. They've been in San Antonio forever on that street. On Rehmann Street.

                   Oh yeah, I almost got hit by a car today. This lady slammed on her breaks and everything.

     4:18pm  I was walking around downtown and I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I walked over by the Alamo and got some great publicity walking around with my stick. Tourists everywhere. I went to the Nix Hospital. I walked in and said hi to the doorman and gave him the peace sign. I asked him, "Hey, can I use the restroom on the sixth floor?" He said, "Go ahead, sir."

     4:24pm  Tommy hooked me up with a cigarette in the park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


                   I went up to those bible thumpers and said, "I have a story for you guys." I spat out my mission objectives and as soon as I said marijuana each of them stopped listening and started saying Jesus-this, Jesus-that. They said, "Do you want to talk about Jesus?" I told them, "No, I want to talk about what I am doing. Actions speak louder than words." Ignorant bible thumpers. Man, they didn't let me talk at all.

                   James wants to be on my tape recorder. What's up?

                   James: "How are you doing, Victor-man. I'm incredibly stoned. I'm having a happy day. I am glad that you're trying to legalize marijuana, man. You're going to be the mad mack-daddy of pussy, dawg, when you get your stuff together."

                   I started walking back home. I was walking down Fredericksburg. I was giving everyone the peace sign. All of a sudden this guy pulls up and asks, "Do you need a ride somewhere?" He said he turned around to ask me. I told him, "That's okay, I don't mind walking. Today is my exercise-day. Thanks anyway."

     4:52pm  I was on Fredericksburg over by that Cool Crest Miniature golf place. I was giving all the cars the peace sign and the bus just passed me and stopped for me! Nice Ms. Smith(5-22-04, 9:44pm) recognized me and she actually stopped her bus full of people for me in the middle of traffic just to pick me up.

                   The coolest shit. Ms. Smith pulled over for me and let me on her bus. I told her that I just might walk home from the hospital. She used to be a hippie, she said. We just got to the hospital right now and the 610 was there waiting for me. She tore me off a transfer and I thought, "Hmm, I guess all the signs are here for me to ride the bus home today." I have to follow my signs.

                   What a magical adventure I've had today.

     6:38pm  I am at the Citgo by my mom's. I'm going to stand out here and wait for a cigarette. Maybe I'll call my mom and have her pick me up.

                   Nah, I'm not that far.

     7:03pm  I just walked to my mom's house. I'm going to eat something. I'm hungry.

     8:14pm  Oh yeah, I just called my mom. She's in Houston. She said she told me she was going this morning.

                   Maybe I'll go to the Shell on 1604 and dig through the ashtray.

     9:50pm  Oh yeah, I don't think I ever mentioned it. When that black dude, DL took me to the Church's earlier today he told the girl working, "Yeah, I just met this amazing guy. He's got this cool idea. Tell her your story, Victor." She looks at me and says, "Oh yeah, I've met him before." She used to work at the Jack in the Box over by West Telemarketing and she's talked to me before. Haha, everybody knows me.

                   I'm going to bed now. I'm pretty pooped.

Next day..

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