


San Antonio, TX

Saturday February 28, 2004

     6:35am  The next day already. My mom bought me a box of cereal, a box of Total. I'm going to eat breakfast and head out for my morning hike to the Walmart. I'll start doing that again.

     7:22am  I am leaving the house. I woke up this morning and had a bowl of Total cereal. I'm glad my mom bought me cereal for breakfast. I'm all energized. I still have my Muscleblast 2000 ready for later on when I'm hungry. I even made me a peanut butter sandwich I put in my bag. I'm off. I want to do that hike to UTSA again.

                   I only smoked one cigarette yesterday. I feel all healthy this morning.

                   Today is the 26th. Let's see how long I can go without smoking cigarettes.

                   Oh yeah, when you walk a lot you have plenty of time to think. Everybody knows practice makes perfect.

     7:50am  Now crossing Bandera Road and entering the park.

                   Hehe, I remember when I ran out of Total cereal I thought, "Hmm, I'll make a couple comments to my mom. Let's see how long it takes her to buy me another box." Ha, she finally did. I knew it. Called that.

     8:05am  I got to my little platform. I'm going to rest my feet a little bit. No smoking. I'll just rest and drink some water.

     8:20am  I lied. I was actually able to scrape up a resin hit on my pipe that I had scraped really good. So I'm a little stoned right now. I rested my feet long enough and I just got down. I'm going to take off walking to the other side of Prue.

                  Why would I pay money to go to school when knowledge is free??

     8:35am  I am crossing under Prue Road. I'm going to keep going.

     8:50am  I just took a picture of this big dry creek-bed here. It looks all paved. Like one big giant rock. Just an enormous slab of rock. It's natural.

     9:02am  I am just now coming up on this sidewalk that's out here. Over on the side of this road over here, this bridge. I don't know what it is. Let me check.

                   It's Babcock Road that I'm going underneath or Old Babcock. One of the two.

                   I got to this cool little hangout with the bench. I'm going to eat my sandwich.

     9:34am  I was able to scrape up another good little resin ball, man! I'm all resourceful.

                   I'm all high, hehe. I'm going to eat my sandwich now.

                   Man, I love this place. It's so relaxing, this little pit out here.

     9:40am  I'm up and walking. I'm all stoned. I'm going to keep going.

     9:50am  Passing Sewer L-132.

     10:01am  Passing Sanitary Sewer L-136.

                      I'm over here about to go underneath Hausman Road.

                      There's a lot of graffiti under this bridge. Somebody wrote TYRANT.

                      Cool, there's a big weed leaf over here.

     10:10am  I'm over here by all these nice backyards on a slope. I'm going to take a picture of one of them. I need to find one that's worth a picture.

     10:12am  We have a winner.

                      I doubled back a bit. I want to get on the other side of this big pond. I've already walked behind these houses. I want to walk on the other side of the pond.

     10:25am  I see a church in the distance with all these cars at it. Maybe that's a sign. I should go follow that cross.

     10:32am  I can't find a way around this fence. There's a big fence behind the property of this church. I'm going to go walk up alongside it.

                     I'm going to go visit this church under the pretense of needing water.

                     Oh great, it's a Mormon church. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

     10:37am  There's like a big barb-wire fence. Damnit, I can't get on the other side.

     10:41am  Oh shit, I found somebody's purse. It's been here forever.

                      The person this purse belongs to is Kimberly Dawn Klein. A veterinarian, I think. At 11850 Sunset Ranch. SATX 78254. That's the same zip code my mom lives in. DOB 3-21-67. Oh shit, this license expired in 2001.

                      Man, this thing has been out here for years.

                      I'm going to return this purse personally.

     10:50am  I just went underneath the fence by this concrete washout thing. I'm going to go to the church and ask these people if they have a computer so I can look up this address and return this purse.

                     This Mormon church is at UTSA Blvd and Valero Way.

     11:00am  I walked up to the Mormon church. These people came out and I told them, "I just found this purse in the woods on my hike. Actually, right on the other side of your fence. I don't suppose you guys have a computer inside with Internet access so I could look up the address?" They told me no. I asked them for a trash bag because the purse is all falling apart.

                     Oh yeah, I'm going to hike up to UTSA and use their computers there. Even though I'm not allowed to, hehe. I'll explain to them the situation.

     11:15am  I am in UTSA now right in front of the library. Oh yeah, I got this great idea! I don't have to get on the Internet to find this address. I can just call VIA, the bus company and ask them to put the address into their computer and find it for me.

     11:19am  Man, UTSA is dead. There's nobody around to ask for a cellphone.

     11:30am  Not only did Travis let me borrow his cellphone so I could call about the purse, he actually listened to my story. I appreciate it, brother. And his fiancĂ©e Michelle. I appreciate it, guys.

                     Oh, and I found out Sunset Ranch is in Helotes. So I'm going to walk out to Helotes.

     11:35am  Man, I gotta wait until 15 for the 609 to pass which will take me to Bandera and Tezel. As far North I can get on Bandera on the bus. I'll start walking from there. I forgot I have to go get a tennis ball from the tennis courts here.

     11:41am  Score! There's tons of balls in the trash cans here.

                      I scored seven tennis balls! Awesome.

     12:00pm  I told some Middle Eastern dude my story. He wouldn't give me his email address. I asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" I mean, he agreed with most that I said, but he was all, "I wouldn't work." I told him, "Fine, if you don't want to contribute then be independent and don't rely on anyone else."

                     Oh yeah, some dude jumped off the bus and lit up a cigarette. I went, "Can you spare one?" He either ignored me or didn't hear me, but then I was all, "Oh yeah, I quit. I forgot."

                      You see, after getting rid of money, people won't have to work. They will want to work.

     12:10pm  To kill time for the bus to come, I've been kicking around this root that I pulled out of the ground behind the bus stop.

                      I'm just going back and forth in front of this building kicking the root.

                      And today's the 28th.

                      Hmm, there's a snipe on the ground. I'm going to smoke it, man. I deserve it.

                      Dude, I had my snipe in my mouth and everything. I put it back. The bus should be coming anytime soon. I am not going to smoke it.

     12:16pm  There's the 609. I'm going to jump on it.

     12:35pm  I just got dropped where Prue turns into Tezel at Bandera. I'm going to walk to Helotes and ask around for Sunset Ranch.

     12:52pm  I'm about to go underneath 1604. Four miles East to UTSA, five miles to I10.

     12:56pm  Hmm, I see signs for a Taco Cabana. I don't think they've built it yet. There's a Quizno's Subs over here. I'm going to go try my luck there.

                      Some kids drove by in a car and yelled, "Victor!" They gave me the peace sign. I don't know who they are.

     1:00pm  I went to the Quizno's and changed my mind. It's way too packed. I'm going to walk out to the Hickory Hut again. I got hooked up there last time(12-11-024-22-03).

     1:09pm  I've got an update to make. I changed my mind at the Quizno's and then I walked by the Blockbuster. I thought, "Hey, I'm going to walk in here ask these people if they know Helotes very well. I'll ask them if they can direct me to Sunset Ranch." I went in there and asked this girl, "Hey, do you know Helotes very well? I found this purse and it has an ID." The nice girl at the blockbuster called information and gave them the address. She told them, "I'm looking for a number for Kim D. Klein. Is she still at this address?" Oh yeah, and this Ms. Klein lady turns out to be a doctor! The only number she got was a business number. I called the number and said, "I'm looking for Kim Klein." The lady said, "Oh, well Doctor Klein isn't in today." I told her, "I was hiking in the woods and I found her purse." She's going to come over to the Blockbuster and pick it up. Awesome.

     1:27pm  Kim hooked me up with two dollars! Who are you in relation to Dr. Klein? Oh, you are Doctor Klein? That's your purse.

                   Man, this lady was soooo happy to get her purse back. It was Dr. Klein that came and picked it up actually. She told me, "Hey, do you want something?" I told her, "Not really, I just want you to listen to me."

                   Awesome, awesome, awesome. I'm having a great day. Thanks for the destination, Love.

                   Her email address is Oh, it might be DVM at the end, I'm not sure.

                   Oh yeah, she's a doctor of veterinary medicine. That makes sense. I get it, I get it. She's a vet.

     1:35pm  I am leaving San Antonio City Limits. I'm in Helotes now.

     1:37pm  Entering Helotes City Limits. Population 4285.

                   Oh yeah, earlier with Dr. Klein she was all, "Do you want something?" I told her, "Will you listen to me? I've got a good story." She listened to me.

                   She didn't have time for the whole odyssey story, though.

                   She got to the part where Rusty picks me up.

     1:54pm  I stopped by the Exxon and asked, "Hey, does a guy named Thomas still work here(5-18-03)?" He works ten to six. Graveyard. That's badass. At least I know he still works out here. Maybe I'll walk up here tonight.

     2:05pm  I'm still walking North.

                   Ahh, the beautiful Texas Hill Country. I just love it out here. Now passing Helotes Elementary School.

     2:10pm  There's the Hickory Hut. I'm going to try and score again. I think the girl's name is Shannon.

     2:30pm  Shannon still works here. I am surprised I remembered her name. She's going to hook me up again! Awesome. She's making me a burger. Kickass. I knew I could count on the Hickory Hut.

     2:22pm  I took a picture of Hickory Hut sign. It says, "If it's dead and you can drag it in we can cook it."

     3:25pm  Man, I had a good time at the Hickory Hut out in Helotes. I even took a picture of it. It was cool, Shannon still remembered me. I told her a lot of my stories. I told her my first attempt story. I didn't tell her my most recent trip.

                   Now I'm going to walk my happy ass back home. Down Leslie Road.

     3:35pm  Walking past The Lady of Guadalupe Church in Helotes, TX.

     3:42pm  Oh yeah, now that I've got two dollars I'm going to go downtown and buy me a joint. Oh yeah, this lady gave me a pen too. It says on it, "This pen was stolen from Hooves and Paws Veterinary Clinic 14528 Bandera Road, Helotes TX, 78203 210-615-4411."

     4:13pm  Passing 1604 again. I've been walking my ass off. I'm going to walk all the way to Mainland. To the Walmart.

     4:29pm  I walked all the way back to Prue Road. I walked to the bus stop here. Hopefully the bus will come soon. I walked my ass off. I was walking fast. Power-walking.

     4:35pm  Hooray, the 609.

     4:50pm  Got to the Walmart and jumped on the 88. going to go downtown.

     5:37pm  I just got off the bus over by Travis Park. I had gotten on the bus and at first it was me and this other dude, then some girl got on. I thought, "Hey, I'm going to go tell them my story." I get up and I walk to the back and I see that the girl is crying, oh no. I sat next to her and said, "What's the matter? Want to talk about it? I am a great listener." She said no, so I asked, "Then can I tell you a story?" I told her my story and she was all smiles during the whole thing. It was just great seeing this girl who had been crying with this big grin on her face all because of me.

                   It was awesome!

     5:52pm  I came to Travis Park and got stoned. Just like I planned.

     6:02pm  Man, those kids at Travis Park suck. They're lame. Dorks. Fuzzy's kind of cool.

                   Yeah! I got stoned in Travis Park for free! I still got two bucks. Umm, I'm going to go tell my story. I'm all high now.

     6:14pm  I just found out today was Saturday! It's prime-time. I'm going to go to The Riverwalk. Screw it. I'm going to stay up all night and ride the bus home in the morning.

     6:34pm  This dude Carlton I told my story to on The Riverwalk just gave me a badass drawing. I'll scan it and put it on my webpage whenever I finally put it up. Cool, cool.

     6:35pm  Carlton's website is I can reach him there.

     6:37pm  That was awesome how I ran into that Carlton guy. I was just walking down The Riverwalk and I asked this young kid if I could tell him a story. He said, "Sure, how long is it going to take?" I told him, "As long as it needs to take." He was all, "Come on, I need to know a time." He was all military. I asked him, "Well, how much time will you give me? Will you give me five minutes?" He said yes.  Dude, the first time I asked him, "Only if you're willing to listen," he was all, "Keep going!" He listened to a lot of my stuff. In the end he told me, "You take free shit, right?" He gave me a badass drawing. I'm going to scan it and put it on my webpage. I asked him, "What? You're not going to sign it?" He was all, "Well, then that would defeat the purpose of the generosity." I told him, "Oh no, everybody gets credit in my game, man. I give credit it wherever it is due."

                   Oh yeah, it's cool. Fuzzy loaded me a big fat bowl.

                   Oh, that explains why it was so dead at UTSA. Because it's Saturday. I'm dumb.

                   Nobody has a perfect memory. Except me. But you can too! They sell them for twenty five dollars at Walmart.

                   Oh yeah, that military dude told me good luck on my quest. He said he had his own.

     7:06pm  I had a badass presentation with these three kids that walked by.

                   One of the girls told me, "I'd like to see how far you get with this." I told her, "Yeah, me too. I just have to find out. I just gotta know."

     7:15pm  These old people are all walking on The Riverwalk. Just joking around I heard them say, "AIDS patient coming through, AIDS patient!" I said to them, "You dumbass old people. Ha, you think you're funny."

                   I just got to the Five and Dime. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I deserve it.

                   Oh yeah, I saw those kids I talked to again and asked them, "Hey, did I tell you guys to do me those two favors?" I asked them and they wouldn't do me the favors at all. One guy said, "I believe in you, man." I have some believers!

     7:34pm  I just had a presentation with this guy who wouldn't listen to me. He was some old dude saying, "No, no, no. That wouldn't work." I told him, "If you would let me finish, I could tell you how."

                   Nathan is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:42pm  I am cheating. I'm smoking a cigarette.

     7:45pm  I just talked to these cops! I asked them if they would listen to me. I gave them my intro and mission objectives. They were all, "No, no. We gotta work," and walked off.

     8:03pm  I had a good presentation with these bible thumpers. They told me, "We'll listen to you if you listen to us." They wouldn't listen to me and started babbling scripture and stuff. Oh well, nothing but the truth. Before I walked off I told them, "I guess it'll just be a surprise."

                   Haha, those cops are right here and I'm still standing here talking to people. I'm not going to go anywhere. This is my town. Three park police guys. I'm telling people my shit right next to them, man.

     8:32pm  I had a good presentation. These two guys walked up to me. They agreed with me. When I asked them what they thought would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed they said, "That would be awesome." One of the guy's email is Explicit4@hotmail.

     9:00pm  I just had a great presentation with Shauna and Tara.

                   I had a great presentation. That Shauna girl is so pretty too. They agreed with everything I said.

     9:03pm  Johnny hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Five and Dime. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:05pm  He gave me two!

                    I really shouldn't be smoking, but man, I am having some great presentations. I deserve it.

     9:44pm  Tyler hooked me up with a dollar! Badass brother.

                   Cool, another Tyler gave me two dollars! I appreciate it, man.

                    I got money! Just like that. I didn't even ask them! They just gave me money. They believe in me, man.

     10:10pm  I had a great presentation with these girls. Shit, I hope I can catch the last bus.

                     I had a good night. I got lots of email addresses. I just walked up to these two kids and said, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" I gave them my mission-objectives and asked if they would listen. One said, "Uhhh, no. We'll listen to the part about marijuana." Great! I told them, "Well, as far as marijuana goes . . ."

     10:26pm  I walked to Travis Park and the 91 to West just pulled up.

     10:41pm  I just had a great presentation with these girls in the back. I'm already in the Deco District.

     11:29pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I called my mom at West. I didn't ask her to come pick me up, just to leave the back door unlocked. She told me, "You didn't want a ride?" I told her, "No, I'm going to walk." She's going to leave the back door unlocked for me. Thanks, mom.

                      Dude, I ended up with six dollars in my wallet. And I didn't have to buy any weed. Fuzzy loaded me up a bowl.

                      Oh man, seven miles all the way home to my mom's. I am a walking-fool, man. Just look at all I walked today. I walked to Helotes and back today.

                      It all started off with that bigass hike to UTSA this morning.

                      I'm pissed off because I'm cheating on cigarettes. I went a whole two days without smoking a cigarette. I smoked like two tonight and now my tooth hurts. I'll stop for sure now.

     11:35pm  My mom just picked me up! Badass, how awesome! What a surprise!

     11:54pm  We got to my mom's house. Thanks, mom.

Next day..

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