


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 29, 2004

     7:45am  Sunday, the next day. I just woke up and I'm going to eat breakfast. Oh yeah, last night my mom told me that my grandfather on my dad's side died of lung-cancer! She said it ran in my family. Shit, now you tell me. I'm all worried now.

     8:15am  I forgot to mention. I'm taking off. I'm walking down to OP. I hope somebody smokes me out. It's kind of early right now.

     8:16am  I was walking down Wickersham, passing that power line trail. It goes up to the elementary school. But screw it, I'm going to walk it the other way. I've never been down this way. I've got all the time in the world.

                    I am so impulsive, hehe.

                    This powerline trail hits Braun Road eventually.

     8:23am  Passing Braun Road. The powerline trail goes to 1604 eventually.

     8:25am  I stopped and took my thermal top off. It's not that cold.

                   I'm going back to my mom's.

                   It's night-time now. I stayed at my mom's all day

                   I'm walking out of my mom's back yard. I'm going to Helotes. Oh yeah, this morning I got some peace of mind. I looked at my back molar in the mirror and it's like halfway gone on my left side. Now, I've had my other molar removed on my right side back when I lived with Chasity. I had been worried about this tooth. I never thought it was a rear molar. I thought it was one in front of it. I confirmed this morning that it was indeed my back molar. Which means I can afford to get that one yanked too. It'll match the other side of my mouth now. So I won't have a big gap, like I was scared I would. Then I want them to x-ray the rest of my mouth to make sure nothing else is wrong.

                   I feel better now because now I know that all I need to fix my tooth is to get it pulled. Just like last time. I can afford to lose it.

     11:50pm  I stopped and asked these guys on Autumn Storm if they wanted to hear my stuff. They told me no. I told them, Ah, I'll just keep walking and get some exercise. Ignorance is bliss."

     11:57pm  I am just now hitting Braun Road on Autumn Sunrise. The entrance to Oak Grove. I don't even think this neighborhood is called Oak Grove anymore. The sign has been gone for years.

     12:08am  Just passed over 1604. By the Zion Lutheran Church. I'm going to keep walking straight on Braun.

     12:13pm  Turning right on Leslie Road. I'm going to go pass O'Conner High School, I think.

     12:30am  Passing some Sedona neighborhood over here on Leslie Road.

     12:35am  Turning right on Old Leslie Road. It turns right here. Right by the Helotes Collision Center. Cool, there's a big school bus station out here to my left.

                     Yeah, there's O'Conner High School. I'm passing my little brother's school.

     12:48am  I am just now hitting Bandera Road(Hwy 16). I see the Exxon down there. Man, it's Sunday. I don't even know if Thomas is working at the Exxon. If not, I'll just walk back.

     12:54am  Hmm, there's a cowboy bar here. Maybe I'll go in and buy a shot. I've got six dollars.

     12:57am  I'm walking up to the Exxon. I'm going to see if Thomas works here still. Cool, there's a cop here.

                     I gotta take a shit.

     12:58am  I just found out that Thomas doesn't work here anymore. The guy said, "Who, Thomas from Lakehills?" He told me that Thomas works at the gas station across the street now. He works two to ten. The guy working here now, his name is Thomas too. Anyway, I'm going to use the restroom and take a shit.

     1:25am  Haha, I just told the Helotes cops my story. Marijuana and all. They didn't listen to me at all. I had asked them, "What do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?" One pig told me, "Oh, you get flashbacks! It stays in your system for weeks and weeks." I told him, "It's natural, just like my system." I told him, "I don't do drugs, I smoke weed. It is the human-intervention that makes it a drug. Look at alcohol! If the Indians couldn't have done it, I won't do it. You can't walk out in a field and get drunk." He all told me, "You can if you know how."

                    Oh yeah, I totally forgot about wine.

                    Anyway, Helotes knows my shit and Thomas isn't working. I'm walking back home.

                    Oh yeah, that cowboy bar. I'm going to go buy a shot of something.

                    I hope I don't get my ass kicked in the bar.

                    That cop was all sparking up a cigarette and he said, "Oh, I like bad health. I like all the shit that's in the air."

                    What a good role-model that cop is, huh?

                    Cool, I got a shot of something. At first she gave me a big 'ol shot-glass full of stuff. She said, "Something seventy five." I went, "Whew, that's a lot of alcohol. How much is it?" I thought she had said $1.75. She said it was $4.75. Screw that. I told her I didn't want to spend that much. She asked me, "Well, how much do you want to spend?" I told her, "Umm, two bucks." She emptied half of it.

                    So now I got a two dollar shot and I'm going to walk home. I'm all buzzed.

     1:52am  I walked all the way down Bandera to the Jim's on 1604.

                    I'm going to look in the window and see if there are any kids in the smoking section. I'm going to go in there and tell them my story.

                    I just had a great presentation with Ryan and Josh. I had told myself before, "I'm going to go to Jim's and tell my story." Cool, on my way to save the world.

     3:00am  I had a great presentation with these two girls. Awesome.

                    I was just over at Jim's and I saw these two girls sitting in the non-smoking section. I went up and asked them if I could tell them a story and they said yes. This one girl's eyes were fixated on me the whole time.

                    Now, I'm going to walk home.

                    I'm back in business.

                    I didn't bum a cigarette off anybody there.

                    I just walked 1604 all the way to Braun Road. I'm going to go home.

                    Oh yeah, and earlier one of the dudes who I talked to, before I talked to those two girls, told me to stop at Yonker's. Over on Tezel and Grissom. He told me he works there and he'll hook me up with free food. He works three to eleven or something.

                    I forgot his name.

                    Man, I just love how my project is evolving. My network is growing.

     3:50am  I am just now getting to my mom's house.

Next day..

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