


San Antonio, TX

Monday March 1, 2004

     4:50am  Man, I cannot fall asleep. My tooth is hurting so bad. I am in agonizing pain. I don't know what I'm going to do. I think at the UT Health Science Center they have an emergency dental clinic. This is just terrible, man. My tooth is in agonizing pain. I only have four dollars on me and I don't know how much it's going to cost. I'm going to wait for my mom to wake up at 5:30 and ask her if she's got any money. I can't sleep. I'm going to stay up and go to the dentist. Ugh, it hurts.

     10:05am  I just left the house. I had to wait until nine for these people to get here and pick up some cleaning equipment that they brought. The water-damage people. I'm walking to, I'm going to take my nature hike to the Walmart. I'm going to go to the park. Maybe there'll be some kids smoking weed. Man, I'm going on like one hour of sleep. I stayed up all night and walked to Helotes. I only got like an hour nap because my tooth hurt real bad.

                     I'm going to go downtown. First, I'm going to go to University Hospital and ask at the dental school there.

     10:37am  I just got to OP It's March first today. I'm going to go see if I have the right transfer when I get to the Walmart.

                     If not I'll get a courtesy ride.

                     Man, it's such a beautiful day, man. The sun's out and shining bright. It's beautiful.

                     Okay, I'm going to go take my nature hike to Walmart.

                     Actually, screw that. I'm going to go check my treehouse, my platform. See if there are any weed smokers up there.

                     No stoners at the platform. I should've gone straight instead of turn around. I'm going to walk down to the creek and sit in the shade and rest my feet.

     10:57am  I'm chilling out at the creek here. By the big BAM sign. In the shade.

     11:00am  I am up from my rest. I'm going to walk to the Walmart.

     11:18am  Passing Snarlwood and the Legalize Herb sign.

     11:30am  I am at the buses already. At the Walmart. I'm going to go in the Walmart and buy me a deodorant. I forgot to put some on. And I'll call the dentist.

                     Letter of the day is the one on the top/right. I just glanced in the window when I walked past the bus.

                     Cool, I got one F transfer. Perfect.

     11:44am  Harris hooked me up with a quarter so I could get me my burger at McDonald's. I just had a dollar bill. The greedy asses needed their eight cents. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:05pm  We're headed to Medical Center. I'm on the 610. Good 'ol Mr. Perez is driving the bus. He doesn't like me, hehe.

                      He thinks I'm crazy, just like I want him to. He's an ignorant old man.

                      Oh yeah, I overheard these two ladies in the back. All they could talk about was money. Just bitching and whining. I felt like telling them, "Man, complaining won't do shit."

                      Hehe, I'm going to do this right underneath their noses.

     12:11pm  Megan hooked me up with a quarter for a transfer. I appreciate it, Megan.

     12:26pm  Got to the hospital. I'm going to walk to the dental school now.

     12:33pm  I'm at the dental school now. I'm going to walk inside and see what they tell me.

                     She told me to go to Oral Surgery on the third floor. They're out to lunch right now. Or I'll have to come in tomorrow and be seen as a walk-in and it will be thirty five dollars.

     1:07pm  I came to Oral Surgery. They told me that extractions cost twenty five dollars. I told them, "I got twenty two. I am short three dollars. I am in a lot of pain. I need some sleep." She said she would find out what she could do.

     1:15pm  Damnit, these greedy cocksuckers won't pull my tooth just because I am short three dollars! Stupid money, man. I can't believe this shit!

                   Screw the UT Health Science Center. Screw all these guys. I'm in pain and I have like 99% of the bill and they won't do it because I'm short three dollars!


                   Cocksucking bastards.

                   I'm in pain, damnit. This shit should be free!

                   Those coldhearted money-hungry bastards! That's all they care about!

                   I always thought these cocksuckers were here to help. Oh, but I gotta have money.

                   I hate wasting my time.

     1:30pm  I jumped on the 91 going downtown. I guess I'll go to the Brady Greene.

     1:42pm  I heard these two black girls on the back of the bus who work at West. I heard them talking about Jesus and God and salvation and all this bullshit. Like that Jesus was the only way. I went up to them and said, "Hey, can I tell you a story?" They told me sure. I told them my intro and mission-objectives and they just turned right around. "I don't even want to hear it," they said. I told them, "Have you always been that ignorant you bible thumping hypocrites. Practice what you preach, damnit."

                   Yeah, they told me that the world's greatest problem was salvation. Shit, like they're going to be saved, or something.

     2:06pm  I got off at W Quincy and San Pedro. I'm going to walk to the Brady Greene.

     2:18pm  Damnit, I can't find the Brady Greene Hospital. I'm walking through the Soap Works Apartments. This place is all ghetto.

     2:26pm  Walking into the University Health Center Downtown. The Grady Breene.

                   Haha, the Grady Breene.  I meant Brady Greene.

                   Damnit, the dental clinic is closed, I think. They only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have to have an appointment. I got the number.

                   God-damnit, this sucks. I'm not going to sleep tonight either.

     2:38pm  I'm standing outside waiting for the bus at Leona and N Martin.

     2:50pm  Philip hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. Driving the 89.

     3:02pm  Got off on Presa. I'm going to walk to Travis Park.

     3:15pm  Came to Travis Park. Couldn't find any weed. Damn.

     4:49pm  I told Officer Flores some of my story. Awesome, dude. 

                   It's going to happen soon.

                   He was this mountain bike cop. When I would pause he would say, "Okay, what happened next?"

                   When I told him my mission objectives he went, "Oh, I got some marijuana. Do you want some?"

     5:04pm  Man, that was awesome! I went to the bus stop and all of a sudden this guy comes up to me and says, "Hey man, do you remember me? You talked to me a long time ago on the bus." His name was Jonathan. He asked me what I was doing now, if I wanted to hop on the 14 with him. I told him, "Nah, I have to be at the hospital to catch the last bus to my mom's at 7:15." I hadn't told this guy my story in over a year, so I told him my platform and everything. When I mentioned the pirated software he was all, "Oh, but they're busting down on that stuff. Look what happened to Napster." I told him, "Man, have you ever been on IRC? Internet Relay Chat? The free global chat service that's been around since the birth of the Internet. You can get anything through it." He was all, "Yeah, I've played around with those." I go, "It's not a those, it's an it."

                   Anyway, that Jonathan guy, when his bus came, he told me, "Hey, Victor. I tell everybody about you. If I ever seen you again and have someone who will listen, I will bring him over. I know you think that I don't think you can do it, but I know you will."

                   I have some believers!

                   I gave that dude a hug.

     5:17pm  These girls listened to me for a bit. In the end one girl said, "Oh, we're not really interested." I asked her, "Have you always been that ignorant?" I had told them a lot of my stuff. They were laughing at the funny parts and everything. Then this one bitch said, "Oh, we're not really interested." I told her, "Maybe you are not interested. Don't speak for everybody else."

     5:25pm  Lawrence, I told him my stuff. I told him, "It's because not everybody has a perfect memory . . . except me. But you can too," and I pulled out my tape recorder. This dude ended up having the same exact kind as me too. I told him how I am months behind on my typing but I can't type my stuff up because the playback is broken. He gave it to me! 

                   The universe provides! Awesome, I can go home and type my stuff up now!

                   I can go to SAC and do it there.

     6:00pm  Man, I am having a badass time at Travis Park today. I am talking to so many people. I didn't get any weed though. That sucked.

     6:37pm  Lemme see if I can get a courtesy ride on the 92.

                   Cool, the guy on the 92 gave me a ride.

     7:06pm  I don't think I'm going to make it to the hospital on time. I was telling this really pretty girl on the bus my story. She listened to me. She's hot.

     7:26pm  I just got to the hospital. It sucked, right when he was at Babcock and Merton Minter, I saw the last 610 taking off. Man, this sucks. I'm tired, I'm pissed off and my tooth hurts. Now I have to call my mom. Damnit.

                   Found a transfer on the ground.

                   Mr. Raul won't give me a ride. I was just testing you, man. You failed.

                   The bitch-ass driver driving the 91 wouldn't give me a ride.

     7:33pm  Lynn is hooking me up with change for a phone call. I appreciate it.

     8:11pm  Man, it's so rad that I got another tape recorder! I needed something to listen to my stuff on, dude. I couldn't type it up.

                   Whoa, I see a cute girl. I'm going to go talk to her. I'm still waiting for my mom.

     8:14pm  I asked some girl if she would listen to my story and she shook her head at me. "No, No. I don't want to listen to it."

     8:16pm  Jason hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jason.

                   That dude who gave me a cigarette, I told him I was just testing him and gave it back to him. He was waiting for a cab.

                   When the taxi got there the driver saw me and said, "Hey man, I remember you from West."

     8:29pm  David hooked me up with some change for a phone call. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:31pm  This bitch ass security guard here. All I did was ask this dude if he had a cellphone. He told me, "Nah, I don't have one. Do you need change for a phone call?" He offered me some change! Then the security guard comes up to me and says, "Oh, you can't be asking people for change." I said, "I didn't. I asked him if he had a cellphone." He told me, "You can't be asking for anything." I looked him straight in the face and told him, "When I give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision."

     8:54pm  Man, I've been having the best presentations all day long. This guy who had given me change for a phone call came back up to me and said, "Hey, I saw your Nalgene bottle." Dude, this guy was open ears for my story. He said he was a journalist too. I got his email address and everything. Let me see what it is.

Next day..

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