


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday March 2, 2004

     8:02am  I just woke up. I have to call and make my appointment at the dentist.

     8:06am  Oh shit, check this out. The phone line doesn't work! My mom must've not paid the bill or something. I am not surprised at all. I'm going to eat breakfast.

                    I'm going to get dressed first.

     8:32am  I just found a note by my mom. In Spanish she put, "Last night I tried to use the internet. I disconnected the main phone line in the room you sleep in." So I'm hooking the phone back up. The phone does work. I'm going to call and make an appointment.

                   Man, if my mom hooks up the Internet again everything is going to go to hell. This house is already a mess.

                   Oh yeah, I called the number for the Brady Greene. I called like three times and it gave me the same message. Screw it, I guess I'll just take off walking. I'll call them later on today. Damnit, I need to make an appointment. I keep calling the San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic, this number my mom gave me, but they never answer. This pisses me off.

                   Looks like I am going to have another free day.

     8:55am  I'm off. I did some really good stretches in the back. I didn't smoke at all yesterday. I'm proud of myself. I'm going to walk to OP to the Walmart. I don't know. Oh yeah, I don't have anything to do today, so I think I'm going to go look for this Taylor Street, where this Christian Dental Clinic is. I don't know where the hell it is.

                   My hopes may seem false to you.

                   But my happiness is real.

                   That's a NOFX inspired quote.

     9:25am  I just walked into the park. OP Schnabel.

     9:52am  I just took off my thermal shirt. Since I am walking so much it's getting a little hot.

     10:08am  I think I went a different way this time. I'm over here by Smokestone again. I haven't been out here in a long time. Good 'ol Smokestone.

     10:11am  I just took a picture of Smokestone. 

     10:15am  Somebody strung a rope up by Smokestone with a tire rim at the end. I was hitting it and swinging it with my stick. Propelling it back and forth. I'm bored now. I'm going to go walk to the Walmart and take a shit in the bathroom.

     10:21am  Oh shit, I missed the trail back to the Walmart. I'm all behind the apartments. I gotta go back now.

     10:24am  I just took a picture of the creek back here behind the Walmart.

     10:27am  I got to the buses. The letter of the day is the bottom, left-hand corner.

     10:29am  I came to the bathroom to take a shit at the Walmart.

     10:39am  I just finished taking a shit at the Walmart. Man, I had this complaint back when I was at the state hospital. They got these toilets that flush by themselves as soon as you stand up. How wasteful is that? I mean, who doesn't stand up to wipe their ass? And then what? I wipe my ass and throw it in the toilet and it's going to flush it again? What a waste of water.

                     Yeah, I had the same complaint back when I was at Big Spring State Hospital. I was going to write Mr. Mouhon a big list of suggestions but I never did. That one was going to be at the top of the list. "You need toilets that you can flash manually."

                     Plus, sometimes I am curious to see what my shit looks like after I take a shit.

                     Oh yeah, I don't have any transfers. I'm going to have to get a courtesy ride.

                     Mr. Ariaga didn't give me a ride.

                     He was all, "Last time I gave you a ride." I told him, "Well, you passed that time. You failed this time." He was all startled and said, "Excuse me?!" I told him, "I am writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read . . . and you failed. Everybody gets credit."

                     Oh yeah, I brought me a couple peanut butter sandwiches. I'm going to eat one right now at the bus stop.

     10:54am  Mr. Garcia hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                     The 610 to Medical Center had pulled up. I noticed it was some old white guy driving. I thought, "Nah, he's not going to give me a courtesy ride." The 88 pulled up and some Mexican dude was driving. I went up to him, "Hey man, can you hook me up with a transfer in case the 610 doesn't let me on?" He hooked me up. I called that.

                     I hit some black dude going to UTSA up for my story and when I asked him he he would listen he told me no. I asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" He told me no. I told him, "Well, practice makes perfect." I asked him to do me the two favors. I laid it all on him. Then right after that I went and got hooked up with a transfer.

     10:55am  I just got on the 610. The driver's inside the Walmart. I thought, "Hmm, I wonder if I have any change." I checked my pocket and I felt two coins. I thought they were only two pennies because I had two pennies yesterday. I pull them out and they were a nickel and a dime! Exactly what I need for a transfer.

                     I don't know how those two pennies turned into a nickel and dime. I probably bought something and got some change, I don't know. It's just a really cool coincidence.

                     Oh wait, my other pocket is full of pennies. That's where the pennies are.

                     Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time.

     11:00am  I just lost my nickel and Tanya hooked me up with one. I appreciate it, Tanya. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:05am  I just told that girl who gave me the nickel my platform and stuff. I got her email address. She told me, "I'll see you around." I said, "You will, I'm everywhere."

     11:25am  Got to the hospital.

     12:00pm  Mr. Ross driving the 91 is hooking me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Like I said, you can count on it. I called that shit.

                     Oh damn, it's raining. I gotta get my rain poncho.

                     I just got off the bus. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and see if there is anybody smoking weed. It's not raining that much anymore.

                     I'm going to walk into the Brady Greene and just go in there. I don't need to call them.

     12:11pm  Oh yeah, I had asked this dude if he knew where any weed was and he told me to go ask around at the day-center. I came to the day-center here at the church. They have all this stuff here. They've got free food. You can take a shower here and get tested for stuff. Why pay?

     12:21pm  I'm over here at the Travis Park Church day-center. Helen is hooking up people with food. We appreciate it, Helen.

     12:41pm  Oh shweet, guess what. I might be able to get a referral for my tooth at that care-center. I've never hit the resources here in San Antonio. I've got twenty dollars my mom gave me for my tooth and if I don't have to pay for it, I can buy me some weed, hehe.

     1:11pm  I gotta wait until 1:30 because I'm getting this dental referral. It's not going to cost me anything.

     1:47pm  I ran into Josue(1-12-04, 11:19pm) again!

     1:49pm  I asked this girl who was walking down the street, "Hey, can I tell you a story?" She wouldn't listen to me. Pretty girl.

                   I forgot to tell you. I cheated. I took one drag off of somebody's cigarette. Now my tooth all hurts. It's that cavity, man. Oh yeah, they told me at Travis Park that if I am in pain they would just pull it out for free. So I got twenty dollars!

     1:58pm  I'm at the corner of 4th and N Alamo at the First Presbyterian Church. There's a plaque there dated 1909. Damn, this shit is old.

     2:05pm  I went inside the Oasis Mexican Restaurant and asked them if they knew where Taylor Street was. She told me no, but that I should go to the First Presbyterian Church and talk to the receptionist there. I hit them up for my story and they said sure. I told them my intro and mission-objectives. I asked them if they were willing to listen and she said, "Well, we're kind of in a hurry." I asked them if they had an email address. They said, "We do, but we're not going to give it to you." I told them, "Why not? It's just harmless text. Ignorance is bliss, I guess."

                   Oh yeah, and when they started walking across the street I ran up to them and said, "Hey, but I want you to do me a couple favors . . ." I even sung the NOFX song to them. She told me good luck. I said, "Peace, sisters. Victor Antonio from San Antonio."

     2:08pm  Mr. Menchaca pulled up in a trolley. I asked him if he knew where Taylor was and he said, "Yeah, it's right over there. I'll take you there." He hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was great! He took me right where I needed to go!

                   So here I am at the San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic.

     2:13pm  I just found out that today is Texas' Independence day.

     2:20pm  Michelle and Josie are going to yank my tooth for only ten dollars! I appreciate it, guys.

     2:25pm  This is badass! I'm going to get my tooth pulled tomorrow for only ten dollars! That's awesome. I told this old lady and this other girl in there what I was doing and they listened to me.

                   Cool, the dentist is right across the street from the Municipal Auditorium. I'm going to take a picture of it.

     2:30pm  I took a picture of the Vietnam Memorial here. A big sculpture of a guy and his dead partner. The caption says, "Permanently encased within the memorial is an airtight compartment that contains a complete list of the names, serial numbers, branches of military and dates of service of the men and women from the San Antonio area who served in the Vietnam War. Over 60,000 fine young Americans from our community served in Vietnam. This memorial is a tribute to all of them."

                   On the other side there's another one that says, "Hill 881 South. On April 30, 1967 one of the bloodiest hill battles of the Vietnam War took place at Hill 881 South. Over 50 United States Marines and over 300 North Vietnamese regulars lost their lives. This scene was taken from that battle. An incident vividly recalled by the artist. On January 3, 1986 John D. Baines, commissioned Austin Duel to sculpture Hill 881 South as a lasting tribute to all Vietnam combat veterans. Dedicated Sunday afternoon November 9, 1986."

     There's a poem over on this side. It's called Death at My Door.

     Day is over as danger hastens,
     Young marines at their battle stations,
     Instruments of war outline the sky,
     Means of death are standing by,

     Can it be true on this high hill,
     Forces will clash only to kill?
     Silence fills the near-moonless night,
     Restless thoughts of a bloody fight,

     Endless memories for those awake,
     Meaningful discussions experience would make,
     The silent world in which we live,
     Permits only God's comfort to give,

     Somewhere, through the darkness creeping,
     A date with death is in the keeping,
     Alone I sit and question why,
     Life itself to be born to merely die.

     David G. Rogers First Lieutenant U.S.S. Marine Corps April 30, 1967
     Hill 881 South Republic of Vietnam

     2:37pm  Adrian is hooking me up with some change for a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. That's very generous of you. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Adrian is a girl. Remember that.

                   Oh wait, I don't need spare change for a hotdog. I've got a sandwich. I'll eat that.

     3:16pm  Dude, I just blew some guy's mind. I smoked him out. Some old dude on a bike. He's from California. He was just captivated during my story. He listened to the whole thing. That was awesome. He's going to tell everybody.

                   What a great day. What a great day.

                   It's going to happen soon!

                   I made an appointment to talk to people at the care-center tomorrow at nine.

                   I have to come back downtown to go to the dentist too.

     3:17pm  I'm going to go tell my story.

     3:25pm  I just saw this crazy guy in the park. He had all these thorns tattooed on his forehead. I told this wacko my story. He was just nodding his head up and down the whole time saying, "Yeah, uh-huh, yeah." I didn't want to tell this guy my story. I just told him, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing," and just turned around.

                   I'm going to go look around for some squirrels to play with. With my stick.

                   Man, I can feel the power! All the pigeons flew up when I swung my stick in the air. Everybody saw me.

     3:30pm  Haha, I'm having so much fun playing with these two squirrels! One came around the other side of the tree. He was all curious. I could've smacked him hard.

     3:41pm  Dude, I just blew some girl's mind. She agreed with everything I said. Nodding her head up and down the whole time. Then her boyfriend got all pissed off that I was talking to her. He came and said, "We gotta go." She had two kids and everything.

     3:54pm  Matt, from the Shell station over by my mom's house walked up(11-20-02). He walked up and said, "Wow, you're still talking?!" I'm famous. Awesome.

     3:56pm  Chris just came up to me. He was all, "What, you don't remember me?" He told me that I was on The Riverwalk talking to people. We smoked some weed together.

                    The whole world is going to hear me!

     4:30pm  I deserve a cigarette, damnit.

     4:48pm  Virginia is hooking me up with some change for a hotdog. I appreciate it, Virginia.

     4:57pm  Michael is hooking everybody up with a cigarette, man. That's very generous of you, brother.

     5:04pm  4030 won't give me a ride. I was just testing you, brother. Your greedy ass failed. I had a great presentation with these kids who just got on the 14 bus. In the end they told me, "Keep going, man. Keep going."

     5:16pm  I just asked this girl if she would listen to my story. She told me, "No, don't worry about it." Have you always been that ignorant?

     5:24pm  Adam just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:26pm  Jessica DeVille is hooking me up with some food. Some pizza. Excellent. I appreciate it.

     5:57pm  Charlie just hooked me up with a hotdog! I was just sitting here talking to Lisa, telling her my stuff. He's proving me right as I speak.

                   And Lisa just gave me a dollar! How awesome! The universe provides.

     6:37pm  I just asked this girl to listen to my story and she said no. Looks like she would rather sit there and not do anything than listen to my story.

     7:18pm  Ms. 6486 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:32pm  That Lisa girl just got off the bus. I was telling the bus driver my story and Lisa kept interrupting me. She was telling me, "Are you sure you don't want to get off the bus with me? Are you hungry?" She was all offering me food. She wanted me to hang out with her. I told her, "I'll get off if you smoke some weed with me." She was all, "No, I already told you I don't do that." I told her, "Then sorry, I have to finish telling the bus driver my story."

     8:03pm  Susan hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Susan. That's very generous of you.

     9:05pm  I didn't tell you but earlier I asked this black guy if he'd listen to me. At first he was all, "Yeah, I'll listen." He seemed like a really articulate guy.

     9:54pm  I got on the 91. I told the driver, "Hey, it's either ten miles from the hospital or seven from West." Oh yeah, the other 91 who I just hit up ran over to this one and told him, "Don't let him on. He always rides for free. He stole a transfer from me earlier."

Next day..

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