


San Antonio to Helotes to Pipe Creek, TX

Sunday May 18, 2003

     2:06pm  I woke up around noon thirty. I crashed out around twelve thirty last night, so I got a full twelve hours. I walked around so much I slept all day. When I woke up, my mom was still asleep. She locks the door to her room when she sleeps, so I couldn't go take a shower(the front shower hasn't worked in years). She's so paranoid.

                   I remembered I had some laundry that needed drying so I put it in the dryer.

                   Now it's a little later. I'm hoping I can wake my mom up and go take a shower.

                   Oh yeah, today was the day I rode the bus up to Planet K, the headshop where they sell weed stuff. I was out of weed, so I was going to stand in front of Planet K and just ask people leaving if they would smoke a brother out. It's worked twice before so I was going to give it another try. I stood out there for like an hour. Then, I see this dude pull up in a truck. He was wearing a Pantera shirt and made eye contact with me and said what's up as he walked in the store. I usually wait to ask people when they come out. Because if I were to ask them going in they might tell the workers inside that there's someone out front asking for weed. But, this guy seemed cool enough to ask him going in. I asked him, "Hey, I don't suppose you could spare a couple of hits? Smoke a brother out?" He was like, "Sure thing, bro. Just give me a minute to get something in the store." His name is Dustin. I smiled and told him to take his time.
                   After like five minutes, he came out. I asked him if I could tag along and he said sure. I climbed in the passenger seat of his car and we went driving around. He loaded a pipe and handed it to me. Ahh, marijuana. I immediately started telling him about my ideas and plans. He agreed with everything I said and was clearly impressed. He seconded every idea of mine and even finished my sentence a couple times. We drove up and down I10 for a little bit. I asked him what he was doing tonight and he said just driving around for now. He told me he was supposed to meet up with some chick on Beverly Hills Street in Helotes.
                   Whoa, my mom doesn't live too far from Helotes. I asked him if he could just drop me off in Helotes and I would walk home from there. He said cool and we drove to Helotes. It was already dark. I told him to just drop me off at the Texaco right there so I could bum some cigarettes. I got his email address and phone number and he took off. I think his name was Derek. I walked into the Texaco and asked the cashier if he could spare a cigarette. The dude looked in his pack and told me he only had three left. I told him thanks anyway and walked out the store, a bit bummed.
                   I walk out and behold, two other gas stations across the street. Cool. Odds are in my favor. I walked across the street to the Exxon and asked the cashier, Thomas for a cigarette. Thomas says sure and gives me a Doral. I pull out my pocket calendar and tell Thomas, "I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read and you're in it." I wrote down the time and his name. He smiled really big and I shot my scripts at him about how I plan to save the world. I told him a little of my California story, too. He was all smiles. I walked outside to smoke the cigarette and after his customer left Thomas came outside and told me, "I get off in an hour. I live like thirty minutes away North, so if you're headed that way I can give you a ride." I told Thomas that my mom lived a little South, but thanks anyway.
                   I took off walking South. I didn't have anything to do at my mom's whenever I'd get there, so I changed my mind and took off walking North again back towards the Exxon. I had slept late today and decided I'd walk all night and see what happened. I walked back to the Exxon and told Thomas, "You know, I think I might take you up on that ride. What town do you live in?" He told me Pipe Creek. He also told me there were a lot of hippies out in that country. Cool. I need to find me some. At that point I thought I'd just get a ride out there and start walking around. I would walk all night and then try to find some woods to crash in or something. In the morning I would go walk around and look for hippies.
                   Well, the guy who was going to replace Thomas finally got there and Thomas got ready to leave. Since Thomas is being so cool with me, I ask him, "Hey, is it cool if I grab a donut?" He told me to go right ahead and I grabbed an apple fritter. Mmm, I still had like three two hundred and sixty calorie drinks in my pocket, but I needed some solid food. When Thomas was ready I got in the passenger seat of his car and we drove off. We headed North and as we were traveling I got this sinking feeling in my stomach when I realized how far the walk back home would be. I asked Thomas if he wanted to hit my peace pipe and he said sure. He told me he had some to smoke at home, also. Cool. On the way over there I asked Thomas if he had a garage or backyard I could crash in. He said he had a carport. Cool.
                   We eventually got to Thomas' house. This little house out in the country. Pretty small place, but hey, it's all he needed. He lived there with his girlfriend(or wife) who wasn't home right then. She's nineteen. Oh yeah, Thomas is twenty seven. Right when we pulled up his dogs came out and greeted me. They are adorable. We went inside his house and I sat down in the living room. He brought out some weed and rolled a joint. We puffed it and we were happy. Afterwards, we started talking about computers and I asked Thomas if he had one. He said yeah, in the bedroom. He asked me if I wanted to see it and I said sure. Whoa, he had a 2700mhz system in there. It was his girlfriend's. They had a shitty dialup internet connection, but when we tried signing on it never connected. Wow, what I could do with a machine like that. He told me a friend of his put it together real cheap.
                   Just then, Thomas asked me what kind of music I liked. I told him I could tolerate most anything. Then I asked him if could put something on, that I had my CDs with me. I asked him, "Do you like country?" and he grinned real big. "Damn straight," he says. I pull out my Ween, 12 Greatest Country Hits CD. Ween is crazy music, hehe. They've put out a crazy country CD. I told him to put it on track #4 and told him to come listen to it. We walked out into the living room where the CD player was and he cranked it up. When he heard the lyrics he couldn't stop laughing. Here, let me show you:

My dinner's on fire while she watches TV
And if you've ever wondered what it's like to be me
She takes all my money and leaves me no smokes
Yells at my buddies and insults my folks
I'm breaking my back doing the best that I can
She's got time for the dog and none for her man
I'm no dope, but I can't cope
So hit the fuckin' road and piss up a rope

You can piss up a rope
You can put on your shoes and hit the road, get truckin'
Pack your bag, I don't need the ag
On your knees you big booty bitch, start suckin'
You ride my ass like a horse in a saddle
Now you're up shit's creek with a turd for a paddle
And I can't cope
Piss up a rope

You can piss up a rope and feel the pissy dribble
You can piss up a rope and watch me giggle
For the last 6 months I've been packing your bag
You can wash my balls with a warm, wet rag
'Til my balls feel smooth and soft like silk
I'm sick of your mouth and your 2% milk
And I'm no dope, but I've lost all hope
So hit the fuckin' road and piss up a rope

                   Thomas fell in love with the song. Right before we listened to it his girl came home. She was in the shower while we were listening to it. The whole time the song was playing he was all, "That's her!" and pointing to the bathroom. He was all stoned and giggling. When his girl had come out to join us Thomas put the song on again. His girl(shit I can't remember her name) told him she had heard it while she was in the shower. Thomas played it again anyway, hehe. He started pointing at his girl while the song played again, just joking around. His girl told him, "Just remember who pays rent."
                   Haha, I had tons of fun. Anyway, it was like two in the morning and they wanted to get to sleep. Thomas told me there was a big chair outside I could crash in, but I would have to kick the dog off it. I went outside and kicked the dog off, told Thomas goodnight and tried falling asleep. There were a couple bugs out there, so I pulled out my rain poncho, undid the fasteners and put it over me. I was laying all awkward on the big chair, resting my neck on hard wood. It was really uncomfortable and after like thirty minutes I considered lying on the cement floor. I saw a light on inside the house and I wondered if Thomas was still awake. I saw him through the window and gently rapped on the glass. He came outside and I asked him if I could crash out in his van. He said of course, so that's what I did.

                   (Damnit, damnit, son of a bitch. You see, I did it again. It's May twenty fourth and I'm just now typing up this day. I skipped a whole lot of my recording, thinking I hadn't recorded that part and typed it all the way up from memory up until the last paragraph. I was reviewing my tape and I found the missing chunk of time. So, I'm going to continue to log it from the recording. Let's see how close it matches my memory. Umm, I can do that later on tonight. I'm going to walk to the grocery store to catch the bus, the 605. Hopefully something really cool will happen. Oh yeah, I need to go to the library and email Franklin.
                   And I also want to go to the Southside today. I'm going to go exploring there today and call up this writer girl I met on IRC in the San Antonio channel. She told me she wanted to interview me and we were supposed to meet yesterday. I called her and she told me there was an emergency and that she would contact me, that she had my mom's phone number in her email. I'm just going to go down there today, without telling her. Hopefully my chances will increase by being on that side of town to begin with. She lives near South Park Mall. This could be my big break.

Next day..

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