


San Antonio, TX,

Wednesday December 11, 2002

                   Okay, today is Wednesday, the 11th of December, 2002. I've been lazy lately. I haven't been recording my days. I really haven't been having any interesting ones. I've just been staying home on the computer sending out my ideas all day. Today I figured I had to get out of here and do something. I want to go walk up to this town called Helotes. Just for fun. It's not that far from here. I want to go explore the town and see what I can learn. I'm going to put my thermals on, eat something and get the hell out of here.

                   I'm taking off walking now. The time is about ten eleven. I'm going to cut through the neighborhood up to Braun Road. I'll keep going on Braun Road past Loop 1604.

                   I walked all the way down Braun to Leslie Rd. I took a right on Leslie and ended up all the way over here on Bandera by O'Conner High School. I'm going to keep walking North. I see a Texaco with some concrete benches where I can stop and smoke a cigarette. I also need to find a place to take a piss. Oh hey, there's a dumpster. I'll just go piss behind it. Ahhh, that's how I spell relief.

                   Okay, here I am at the Texaco. I can see a sign that says "Bandera - 32 miles," but I'm not going to Bandera today. I'm just going to sit here in the shade and smoke a cigarette and a little weed and I don't know what I'm going to do afterwards. Oh yeah, I can change out my CD.

                   Singing NOFX: "How money ruined my mind. Dough, what our lives are lived for. Rae, just a crazy Aussie. Me, the generation forges on. Farther the corporation. Sew-ing a list together. LA, such a nice place to get shot. But don't forget the tee, it follows liber in the constitution following the part about pursuit. Of happiness, the byproduct of colonial precious little mining strips which brings us back to dough. Don't believe the fairy-tales of million-dollar happiness, Los Angelistic lifestyle extraordinaire. Happiness was killed, we watched it bleed. Some say it died from hate. Some say from bleeding heart disease."

                   I finished this cigarette and I'm going to get out of here.

                   Okay, I walked a little up Bandera Road and I saw the beautiful hill country. Man, it's just great. There's like all these houses built on top of this big hill up there. I'm going to cut through and see if I can climb one of these hills. I hope there's like a big road up there. I'll find out.

                   There wasn't a fence and I saw a path where a truck had been through, so I just started walking towards the hill. I looked up ahead and I saw a building and a person, so I quickly turned around. Man, I don't want to double back so I cut through where the water runs down the hill. I ended up on another road where I saw a fence and some cows. I found this jeep trail running along the side of the hill, so let me walk that. Okay, I'm cutting through the woods without a trail and I came upon a barb-wire fence. I'm contemplating jumping it. Nah, I'll just roam around in the woods right here. I walked around some more and came upon yet another fence with dogs barking. I was like I guess I'll cut back through the woods. All those who wander are not lost.

                   I'm having a blast out here, let me smoke a little weed.

                   Okay, I've made my way back to Bandera Road. I'm going to get out and keep walking North.

                   I just walked over Helotes Creek and I saw that there were these cool rocks down there. I'm going to walk down there, sit at the rocks and smoke a cigarette. Hmm, there's a sign that says Scenic Loop Road, which I know goes through Grey Forest. I might just end up walking there today just for fun.

                   Singing NOFX again: "Never understand it. Try to buy and brand it. I win, you lose, because it's my job to keep punk rock elite. This music ain't your fucking industry."

                   After hearing that NOFX song on my CD player, I based a good quote on it. "It is my job to make humans elite. This species ain't your fucking industry."

                   Okay, I think I'm going to head back home now. I've done enough sightseeing for the day. Maybe I'll get home before someone is on the computer. It's twelve forty five right now. Let's see how long it takes me to get home.

                   Okay, I passed the BBQ Hickory-hut of Helotes. I'm going to see if I can get me some free food.

                   Wow, that was totally badass. My line worked like a charm. I told the cashier, "Hey, my name is Victor and I'm a long-distance walker. I'm just walking through Helotes today. I was wondering if you could donate any gasoline for my stomach, so I can make it home." She told me she was going to go ask the manager. She walked to the back and the manager came out to talk to me. She was this young girl around my age. She smiled really big and told me of course. She kept asking me what I wanted and I told her, "Surprise me, I cant be picky if I'm not paying for it." She told me she hated making decisions for people and asked me what I liked. I told her, "I like not being hungry anymore." She offered me a burger and I happily agreed. I'm going to get me a badass burger and fries, for free. Yay!

                   Mmmm, this burger looks gooood. Heehee, I just got free food! Singing Weezer: "Please, please, please let me..get what I want. Because lord knows that it would be the best time."

                   Okay, her name is Shannon and she's cool. She hooked me up with a yummy burger and fries. I'm good for another ten miles or so.

                   Okay, I've walked South on Bandera all the way to Loop 1604. I'm just going to keep walking until I get to a point where I can catch the bus. I have to go to a cobbler, a shoe repair guy and ask him how much it's going to cost to fix my boots. I'll see if he'll do it for free. I'll tell him it's one of the things holding me back from leaving to California to save the world. If I can't convince him to do it for free I'll at least know how much money need.

                   Okay, the time is now two twenty four and all the buses leave the grocery store at fifty. I've got about half an hour to walk over there so I can catch a bus to the medical center. I don't know where there's a shoe place nearby, I'll find one.

                   Okay, I'm coming up on Bandera where Tezel turns into Prue. I know the 622 is supposed to be there at thirty six of the hour, which is the time-point I check when I catch it at the elementary school. Hopefully I'll catch it to the grocery store then I can catch the 605 to Medical Center. At Medical Center I'll transfer to the 534 and find a cobbler.

                   Okay, when I got to the bus stop it came so I'm on the bus now, cool.

                   I'm at the hospital. The time is about two twenty one and I checked the 534 schedule, which will take me to where I think the shoe repair shop is. It's coming at thirty four. Hmm, that doesn't leave me enough time to go up to the 6th floor and try and snag some liquid nutrition stuff from the nourishment room. Hmm, I could wait till the next 534 at three seventeen a whole hour later, but I don't want to. I'll just go at thirty four. Alright, later on.

                   Whoa, that was weird. I'm at the transfer center at the hospital and this black guy with a beard told me hello. He asked me, "Hey, how's it going, man?" I told him, "Great, I'm the happiest man in the world." He said, "Really man, do you smoke?" I asked him if he needed a cigarette and he told me, "Nah man, I was going to give you one." He gave me a cigarette, even though I had cigarettes on me, which he saw. A good 'ol Marlboro Red. I shook his hand and said thanks. He told me, "Yeah, my mom always taught me to be as generous as I can. That's the only way to be." I said, "And on that note, let me tell you about my mission." I told him all about my stuff. He got on the bus all happy. Happy day, happy day.

                   Damnit, I looked at my watch wrong so It's like an hour later. Did I ever tell you it finally turned up at my mom's dirty house? It's like three forty five right now and the bus was due at forty one. I did have time to go up to the sixth floor and snag some Boosts. Damnit. Goes to show nobody's perfect and everybody makes mistakes.

                   Damnit, this bus is already five minutes late. I hope it's late and I didn't miss it.

                   Okay, the bus driver told me he knew of some boot repair place. I'm over here on Lockehill Selma and Blanco. The driver dropped me off right in front of the place. I walked over and all the lights were on inside and it looked connected to the business next to it. I went inside through a different entrance and asked the people inside if they fixed shoes there. They told me the shoe business had moved to Blanco and Oblate, which was inside Loop 410. Where I was, I was right outside the loop. It's about a mile away, so I'm just going to walk there. The time is four twenty. Hehe, 4:20.

                   Damnit, I walked all the way to the shoe repair place on Oblate. I went inside and told the lady, "Hi, I'm going to walk to California soon and I need these boots fixed." She looked at the stitching that was coming undone on both heels and said, "Oh no, we can't fix that here." I told her, "Umm, it just needs to be stitched up again. That doesn't seem too hard. I would think a shoe repair place could repair these shoes." She said, "Oh, it looks like those are just too small for you and you've grown out of them." I asked her if she thought any other place in town could fix them and she told me she didn't know. I asked her if she had ever heard of a place called 'Cobbler is Shoe Repair".
                   I went next door and borrowed a phone book and the phone and called the cobbler. He answered and I told him that the lady at this other shop said she couldn't fix my boots and all they needed was re-stitching. He was shocked and said, "She told you she couldn't fix them?" I wasn't too sure exactly were he was located so I asked. Surprisingly, he was right across the street! .
                   I went across the street and showed him my boots. I asked him if he remembered me from like a year ago when I brought in my eleven year old Nike sandals which he brought back to life for ten dollars. He was honest and told me he had so many customers it would be impossible for him to remember. He was a cool dude, just like I remembered him. He told me he would only charge me four dollars to fix my boots. Badass, it's only going to cost me four dollars to get my boots fixed. He said he probably wouldn't have time to fix them anytime soon and that I'd have to leave them overnight. I'm wearing them so I'm going to have to bring them by tomorrow or something.
                   I already have two accomplishments done for today. Before I left the house, I had written down 'walk to Helotes' and 'price boot repair' and I had gotten both done. Happy day. Happy day.

                   I caught the number 2 bus in front of the cobbler to Rector. I looked at the schedule before I got there and the 534 which goes to University Hospital from the mall. It leaves the mall in like half an hour, so I have time to walk. I got off there and I walked all the way back to Lockehill-Selma and Blanco and I'm waiting for the 534 now. The time is about five thirty two.

                   I rode the 534 over to Chasity's apartment to see if she wanted to hang out or something. Since Chasity gets mad when I just show up without calling, I thought, "Hmm, where can I use the phone." Then I remembered the other day when I got weed from Rita(12-4-02), that there was a phone in the Baker Street Pub I could use. The pub was next to Chasity's apartment. I just walked in, picked up the phone and called her. She was home and I asked her if she wanted to hang out and smoke some weed with me. She told me she was going to go get a drink with her friends, so I didn't hang out with her. I walked up to Fredericksburg Road, I'm going to catch the bus to Carlos'.

                   The time is about six fifteen and I just saw the bus coming. It says Babcock North on it so I'll get to ride it all the way to Carlos'. Maybe I'll walk all the way home from there. I don't know, I'm bored.

                   Okay, right now the time is six thirty four. I'm riding on the bus to Babcock North to go Carlos' house. The last 605 that goes to the grocery store closer to my mom's house doesn't pass for another hour at seven thirty six. I guess I'll hang out at Carlos' until then. Carlos has all this body-building stuff that he doesn't use because he doesn't work out anymore. They say meal-replacement on them so I was going to ask him if I could have one. If he wasn't going to let me I'd catch the bus home, but if he did give me some I would walk all the way home through the woods. Let's see what he tells me. Hehe, it's so cool when you can live your life on impulse like this.

                   Cool, I walked to Bob and Carlos' and told him my little deal and he said sure. He asked me what I was going to do with my computer when I was gone. I told him he could borrow it, but it needed a hard-drive. He asked me how much a hard drive was and I told him, "I don't know, like fifty bucks or something." He said he couldn't afford that and must've thought I was lying because he tried to strike up a deal with me. He told me, "I'll give you all my meal-replacement things if you can somehow find me a hard-drive." I told him unless I paid fifty bucks for one I won't find one anywhere. He went, "Come on, I got a whole week's worth of supplements right here." I told him that I really didn't know where I could get one for free and that maybe the hard-drive fairy would leave him one under his pillow. Anyway, I drank one of his meal-replacement thingies and he gave me a little ziploc bag with some rice-krispie treats that I'm going to take to my hideout in the woods and throw a munch.

                   Today's been another damn good day. Hmm, I'm going to see if I can set up a free Angelfire webpage so I can post all my days up on the web. Okay, I'm going to smoke a cigarette because I just ate.

                   Okay, the time is now seven fifteen and I just left Carlos' house. I'm going to walk all the way home. Hmm, I could catch the bus right now, but it's still early and if I went home my mom would be on the computer or something.

                   I got lost in these woods right here close to the bus stop. I was walking through it and I got to a small body of water. I was looking for a way around it and ended up walking in a circle. Let's see what I'm going to do.

                   Shit, I should've caught the bus. I just went in a complete circle and I'm back over by the bus stop.

                   I just looked at my watch and its only seven thirty seven. The bus is due up the street close to here at thirty six. Maybe I haven't even missed it. That would be so awesome if I didn't.

                   I just got to the bus stop and lit up a cigarette. Oh cool, there's the bus right there. Badass, the bus driver was a little late. Just my luck. When I get to the grocery store I'm going to catch the 622 and then I'll just have a ten minute walk home.

                   What a great day. Everything's just gone right. I've caught all the buses right. Everything's just kind of fallen into place. I haven't planned any of it. I've just been playing it by ear. Kickass.

                   Cool, I'm on my ten minute walk to my mom's house. I just got to the main road and crossed the street. I found me some little scissors on the street. I'm going to put them in my bag. I might need them.

Next day..

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