


O'Brien, OR

Tuesday January 28, 2003

                   Okay, today is the twenty eighth of January, I think. Tuesday, I believe. I woke up in my trailer. This little room is badass. I got all my stuff. I got a lantern, water bottle and even extra blankets to keep warm. Anyway, when I woke up I had to take a shit bad. So I went outside and there's a flat pallet with a wooden stall built over it. It's got a plastic tarp on top for when its raining. I took a shit.
                   Actually, let me tell you about the first time I took a shit out here. The very first morning I was here, I asked Fawn where I could go to the bathroom. She told me to grab a paint bucket and take it back to the "outhouse" by my trailer. She then gave me a plastic bag and told me to put a lot of sawdust in it. She then instructed me to sprinkle a little sawdust in the bucket, take a shit in it, then cover it up with some more sawdust and I'm ready for my dump the next morning.
                   So that's what I went to do. It wasn't that uncomfortable. I had my privacy with the stall. I had brought toilet paper with me so after I finished taking a dump I stood up and wiped my ass. I dropped the paper into the bucket and gave it one more layer of sawdust. The sawdust serves the same exact purpose as cat litter does. It just absorbs a lot of odor. So every morning after that, I've just been shitting in the bucket, on top of my old shit and putting down some sawdust. When I eventually fill it up I have to go dump it all out in some big wooden container that they have. Then, they'll use it for compost or something. Oh yeah, it's eight fifty in the morning.

                   Okay, I have to tell you about Fawn. Fawn is this half white/half Indian medicine woman at the camp. She performs healings there. She channels the spirits and they do their repairs at the molecular level, so I'm told. She has a ninety percent success rate. This guy Nate had come to the camp with clubbed feet. He went through one of Fawn's healing lodges and came out with new feet. Toes and all. I shit you not. Fawn had asked me if I wanted to go through the healing lodge. I told everyone about my head-injuries and how I have that pesky tremor in my right arm, so I just might give it a shot. Hey, you never know.
                   Fawn has this strange power. A lot of times, electrical devices malfunction when she comes around them. She doesn't know what it is. She usually drains batteries when she gets close to them. I had been given this warning when I first got to the camp, but today I brought my mini-cassette recorder to her trailer, on accident. Just to try my luck I tried to record Fawn. Here is the little I was able to record before I felt I was pushing my luck and shut it off. Fawn is talking about Aquarians, which I am, and how they are prone to head-injuries(I've had two):

                   Fawn: "Sometimes the children of light like you end up with a lot of head injuries. That's why I was going to ask you why you kept hitting your head. I don't know if it holds them back from developing or maturing faster in these other ways of the world, or what. But, the children of light get a lot of head injuries. If they're going to fall, they land on their head." I asked Fawn what her Indian lineage was and she told me she was Shawnee and Mandan. Mandan's being a band of the Crow. I asked her what part of the nation Crow's were and she said the Northern Plains. She said there were a lot of Crow in Canada as well. Weird, the tape recorder started messing up all of a sudden.

                   Okay, time is now about ten twenty five in the morning. You know that shelter I found when I was walking down from the mountain? I found out they call that Nate's Lodge. Remember Nate is the guy who had the clubbed feet before he went through Fawn's healing lodge.

                   Well, today Fawn asked me if I wanted to go through her healing process. I said sure. Now, it was still early and I had this crazy urge to go hiking in the mountain again. I asked Fawn if I could be healed after my walk. She agreed whole-heartily, telling me that was a great idea. That a walk in the wilderness would calm and relax me, which would would make me more receptive to the spirits.

                   Here I am hiking through this beautiful mountain. Oh wait, I see somebody's dome tent out there. I'm going to go check it out.

                   It's not a tent that I found. It's like a structure with stuff draped over it. It's made out of wooden poles. There's an empty bottle of water out here. There's a T-shirt that says Humboldt Redwood Marathon and a pack of American Spirits tobacco.

                   Okay, I'm inside now. It's like one big hut. There's a little pit in the middle with some rocks in it. They look like porous rocks, like from a volcano. The frame is just lots of wooden poles tied together with some string and there's all these covers and blankets over it. Weird, there's something over yonder that looks like a big black water tank. There's a hose that runs not too far from where I am now. I just walked up to it and I knocked on it and it seems full of water.

                   It just occurred to me to check that bag of tobacco. There might be some in there and I could sure go for a smoke right now. Let's find out. Yeah, it seems to be full of tobacco. Wow, this is Tony's stuff. There's like a satchel out here and I found my Smurf's lighter which Tony had last. I'm going to stop looking through his bag now. I shouldn't be snooping through things that aren't mine. I hope the spirits don't get mad at me, hehe. I don't want to get in trouble. Ahh, I guess I should go back now. I'm ready to be healed.

                   Okay, the time is now three ten. I just woke up from my healing. After I got back from my hike, Fawn brought me to my comfortable travel trailer. She asked the spirits to heal this child of light and soon I fell into a deep sleep. I had slept plenty last night and was not tired at all, but I fell asleep anyway. I feel well rested and very good. Now, I can't tell if anything is different. I don't feel bad or anything. I was asleep for a long time for having gotten enough rest last night. That's pretty weird.
                   Now, my right arm isn't tremoring at all, but it never does it that bad anyway. It's a minor, random tremor. I'm right handed so my handwriting has been impaired permanently, so I should try to write something to test it out. Wow, what a weird experience. It would be so awesome if it really worked. Well, it's not really weird. I don't feel any different at all. I am really hungry though, but I doubt the spirits have anything to do with that. Hmm, I should really try writing. I'm going to go to Fawn's and ask to borrow a pen. Alright, later on.

Next day..

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