


San Antonio, TX

Friday January 30, 2004

     7:46am  I woke up. I'm off for the bus stop. I've had a good morning so far. This morning I woke up early around seven. I ate breakfast, a bowl of cereal and some peanut butter sandwiches. I'm off now. Oh yeah, today I'm going to buy some Muslblast 2000 and another recorder.

     8:05am  I am out here waiting for the bus. I don't think it's going to come for like an hour. Until 47, or something. That sucks.

                   I want a cigarette. I shouldn't smoke, though.

     8:20am  The bus is coming, 610.

     8:28am  The bus dropped me off at Mainland, over by the Walmart. I should probably buy my recorder since I'm at the Walmart.

                   I didn't buy my tape recorder. I won't until this one dies all the way.

     8:40am  Leo is hooking me up with a cigarette outside of the Walmart. I appreciate it, bro.

     8:51am  I forgot to tell you that I decided to jump on the 609 and go to UTSA. Spur of the moment decision. I'm going to see if they'll let me type my stuff up there at the library.

     9:17am  Wow, it's so cool I got on the 609. I told this guy on there my whole story. It was kind of hard to hear me over the noise of the bus, but I had his eye-contact the whole time. I'm at UTSA. All these students just got off the bus. I'm going to walk to the library and see if I can use their computers. If not, that will be my definite sign to leave.

     9:20am  Tashina hooked me up with a cigarette here at UTSA. I appreciate it, Tashina.

     9:44am  I just had some good presentations here at UTSA. There's a lot of ignorant people here. I swear, they wouldn't let me finish. They listened to me at first, but then they started interrupting me. That Tishina girl. They wouldn't let me finish my scripts.

     9:53am  I changed my mind about typing my stuff up. I jumped on the 94. I'm going to go to Crossroads.

     10:24am  I am at Crossroads Park and Ride. I told this other girl my story on the bus. She listened to the whole damn thing.

     10:28am  I just got on the 92. I'll catch the 534 at the hospital and go get some liquid nutrition.

     11:07am  I am on the 534 headed to North Star Mall. The bus driver was nice enough to stop for me. I ran out and was all, "Hey, hey."

     11:09am  Oh yeah, I forgot that when I was waiting for the bus inside the transfer center at the hospital this lady stepped out of the elevator. She had a big brace on her leg. I smile and tell her, "How are you doing, sister?" She goes, "Great, how are you?" I tell her, "I'm the happiest man in the world." She goes, "Oh, you're still working on the book?" Sweet, I had talked to that lady before. I pulled out my recorder and told her, "Yeah, every day is a new chapter."

                     That's so awesome how people know me.

                     Okay, I'm off in front of the GNC. I have eleven dollars in my wallet. I'm going to see if Phyll will hook it up with the rest. I'll get me some Muslblast.

     11:30am  Jamal hooked me up with a cigarette over by the GNC. I appreciate it, Jamal.

     11:52am  Nope, Phyll didn't hook me up. I gave her my big update and she still didn't hook me up.

     12:00pm  Mike is hooking me up with a dollar for my Muslblast 2000. In front of the HEB. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:02pm  Badass. I walked up to the HEB and knew I was going to score from here. I saw some guy smoking a cigarette and asked him, "Hey man, do you have another cigarette?" He told me, "Yeah, if you've got a lighter." I told him, "Actually, I have two. I can spare one. Here, you can have this one." Surprised, he said, "That's really cool. I was just sitting here waiting for someone with a lighter and it just falls in my lap." I told him, "Ask and thou shall receive." Anyways, his friend gave me a dollar, too. I need three more for my Muslblast. I'm just going to stand in front of the HEB and ask and talk to people. I'll ask them, "Can you spare some change for traveling food?"

                     Oh yeah, and afterwards this girl who had been out here earlier ended up buying that guy a lighter. I didn't get her name, but that was mighty generous of her.

     12:23pm  I went and took a shit at the HEB.

     12:35pm  T hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Cool, the guy I got the cigarette from is going to go in and get some coffee. Then, he's going to come back and listen to my story. Maybe I can get the three dollars I need for my Muslblast 2000.

     12:55pm  Mariana is hooking me up with some change for traveling food. At the GNC.

                     I saw some guy go into the GNC. I'm going to ask him when he comes out.

     1:27pm  Tyrell hooked me up with a cigarette. In front of the GNC. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:32pm  Cool, I ran into some hip dude.

     2:17pm  I ran into Tyrell. He's an applications programmer. A system's management operator. He is going to provide me some resources. This guy's a hacker. He told me he could get me a domain name for ten dollars. I want Awesome. Sweet. We're going to go to his apartment.

     4:27pm  Dude, this Tyrell dude. I can't believe I've found this resource. He just dropped me off in front of the GNC again. I finally figured out what the ten dollars I got was for. For my webpage. I still have ten dollars on me. I thought I was going to get my stuff from the GNC, but I don't think so. Anyway, I gotta tell these people my story real quick.

     4:52pm  Joey is hooking me up with a dollar for traveling food. I appreciate it, Joey. Outside the Quizno's.

     5:07pm  I think I'm going to go try and score at Fuddrucker's again.

     5:09pm  I am getting hooked up at Fuddruckers again! The manager was all, "I remember you. From like six months ago, right?" I told him, "Yeah, that was me." Awesome, awesome. Score.

     5:46pm  That was awesome how I scored at Fuddruckers. That burger was gooood.

     5:55pm  Robert hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the HEB. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:14pm  I just took a picture of all the birds flying around the HEB parking lot.


                    It's awesome.

     6:21pm  Louis just gave me two bucks. Out of the blue. For traveling food.

     6:29pm  Edwin gave me a cigarette outside of the Starbuck's. Thanks, brother. That's Okay, I have a light.

     6:32pm  I am on the 534 going to Medical Center. Man, today has just been a great day for me. Plenty of evolution on the mission. I followed through on my plan of getting some MuslBlast. At the last second some guy at the HEB gave me two bucks. I went and got my Muslblast. Oh yeah, they told me it was $15.99. I was like, "What? Since when did they start charging tax on it?" He told me, "It's not tax, it just comes out that much." I pointed out how the price-tag on it says, "$14.99" like it always has. He told me, "No, it's $15.99." I went, "Don't you guys have a policy that says you will give it to me for the price that's marked on it?" I just handed him fifteen. All I had. I got it. Anyway, I am heading home. To my mom's house.

                   I was thinking maybe I shouldn't have gotten the Muslblast. I thought maybe those ten dollars I got were meant for my webpage. My mom said she was going to give me something for Christmas. I'll tell her, "Just give me ten dollars for my webpage." She's got a credit card, and Tyrell told me I needed one. Later on.

     7:49pm  I just got off the 610 at the Citgo. I'm going to walk to my mom's house.

     8:00pm  I am walking up to my mom's house now. I'm going to knock on the door.

Next day..

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