


San Antonio, TX

Monday February 2, 2004

     5:37am  I woke up around five at Maggie's. I slept on her futon in the living room. She's gotta go to work.

                   Gabbie: "Did you say Maggie's?"

                    I sure did, I meant Gabbie though. I'm all stoned. I just said Maggie's, I feel dumb. Anyway, we're going to catch the bus. I'm going to see if I can get to my mom's house before she leaves for work so I can take a shower.

                    I'm almost ready to leave again. Yeah.

     6:05am  Mr. Villa is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:06am  I just took a picture of Maggie, hehe, Gabbie,


I'm kidding. We're on the bus. She's got my scarf on.

     6:11am  Me and Gabrielle got off at Huebner and Fredericksburg. We're going to catch the 91. She's going to go into town and I'm going to University Hospital. Hopefully the guy will give me a courtesy ride.

                   Oh yeah, today's my birthday. It's February 2nd.

     6:20am  Mr. O'Santos hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:35am  I just got off at the hospital. I just parted with Gabbie. Man, she is just the coolest girl I have ever met. It was so awesome how I got me a place to crash last night. I crashed on her futon. I didn't even bother getting her phone number. We will see each other again. She's always riding the bus. I just think she's just really cool. Nothing kinky happened or nothing. Everything was just really cool. She bought me this eleven dollar dinner at the Texas Land and Cattle. Happy birthday, Victor. Thank you, Love.

     6:43am  Kevin hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:50am  The greedy ass driving the 610 wouldn't give me a ride. I told him, "I was just testing you. You failed."

     6:52am  Mr. Quintera is hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:02am  I'm on the 92, I forgot to tell you. I'll get off at Crossroads then go to Ingram. Then I'll get the 610 from there.

     7:15am  I woke up this morning at Gabbie's. I slept on her futon. We rode the 603 to Huebner and Fredericksburg. The 91 gave me a courtesy ride to Medical Center. The 610 guy wouldn't give me a ride to my mom's house. I jumped on the 92 to Crossroads where I'll catch another bus to Ingram and see if I can get a courtesy ride from the 610 there.

                   *I just ran into this part that doesn't go with everything else on the tape. See, since I record over tapes after I type them up, I might have these misplaced gaps like this one.

     11:37am  I was walking down Carlos' neighborhood and I noticed these girls walking behind me. They told me, "Hey, I like your hat." I told them thanks, that I had gotten it in California. I told them, "Hey, do you guys want to hit my peace pipe?" They told me no, so I asked them where they were going. They told me they were walking to their mom's daycare center. I asked them if they were willing to hear my story and told them my ideas. I got into the odyssey story. We finally walked over by the place I got hooked up with a while back, Antonio's Pizza. I told them, "Hey, I have all these stories documented. If I could get your email addresses I could send them to you." They said Okay, they had to go to work. That was awesome. I told them, "Thanks for listening to me." They told me, "It was a good story." I told them, "It's all true."

     1:40am  Oh, the coolest thing just happened. I walked all the way over here to Springtime to catch either the 91 or 604. I asked some girl what bus she was waiting for and she said the 91. Cool, I can go to West Telemarketing. Or, I could take the 604 to Medical Center and catch the bus downtown. I get to go to West. I got my pineapple. I asked the lady if she knew what time the bus came and she said like in eleven minutes. Alright, I'm going to go bum a cigarette. I came into the Habib Mart, which just had a car blown up in it the other day, but it's all fixed now.

                  *Okay, back to my birthday. I have no idea when that excerpt was from.

     7:24am  Joe is hooking me up with a cigarette here at Crossroads. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:36am  I had some great sales here at the bus stop. These two girls walked up and listened. The bus came right on time. I got to finish and everything. I ended up with, "What do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?" They all agreed.

                   Peace is coming. It's coming soon. Happy birthday, Victor! This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius!

     7:44am  I'm having some great sales at Crossroads. I'm talking to everybody. There's a girl over there sitting down. I'm going to go see if she'll listen to me.

     7:46am  That girl I walked to was reading a bible. I went up to her and asked her, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I guarantee it's more interesting than what you're reading right now." She went, "Okay, ok!" I told her my mission objectives and asked her if she would listen and she went, "No, that's Okay," and kept reading her bible. Hypocrite. When I had asked her what the world's greatest problem was she said, "Satan's influence on the world."

     8:27am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm at Crossroads talking to so many people here. This big group of thug-lookin' kids and this dude from Puerto Rico who smoked me out here at Crossroads Park and Ride. I'm having a good birthday so far. I'm just talking to so many people. I'm even contemplating not even going home.

     8:30am  Lawrence is hooking me up with a ride on the 92. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I am talking to so many people today it's crazy.

     8:47am  Messiah hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:51am  Mr. Yarder hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:37am  This sucks! I just realized I misplaced my little green book I keep my email addresses in. But, I am so proud of myself. I knew I was going to lose it someday, so for a while now, I have just been tearing off all the pages of it and putting them in my more secure little stash of stuff in my little bag in my backpack. I did that so in case I ever lost it, I wouldn't lose all my addresses.

                    I maybe lost like two or three. Whew.

                    I'm going to ride the bus to UTSA and see if I can get on a computer anywhere. If not, I'll see if I can get a courtesy ride on the 610 to my mom's. I need to go get some more layers. I'm cold.

     9:40am  Donald is hooking me up with a cigarette here at UTSA. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:46am  Today I am making an appearance at UTSA. I'm just standing there smoking a cigarette letting all these brainwashed students look at me and my walking stick. I'm going to go ask if you need to be a student to use the computers in the library.

     9:48am  I just found out you don't need to be a student to use the computers! That's awesome. Kickass. Let me find a restroom.

     9:58am  I'm taking a smoke break. I'm at the John Peace Library at UTSA. That's so cool that I can just come and type up my shit here. There's a big plaza of students everywhere sitting down. College life, for free! All these other people have to pay. Suckers.

     1:21pm  I had a pretty productive day on the computers today. I typed up like three days. Awesome. I'm back on track. I've got this beautiful campus at UTSA. The library is real close to the bus stop. Now, I'm going to go to my mom's house and eat. I'm hungry.

     1:35pm  Elizabeth gave me a cigarette here at UTSA. I appreciate it, Elizabeth.

     1:54pm  I just had this awesome presentation with this girl I bummed the cigarette from at UTSA. At first she was all, "I believe in God!" I told her my stuff and her jaw just dropped. She was amazed. I blew her mind.

     1:58pm  Great, that story time with Elizabeth killed a lot of time. I have to wait for 15 for the 609 to come. I hope he gives me a ride. I don't have any spare transfers with the letter of the day. It's V, I think.

     2:05pm  That girl Elizabeth I just talked to, her email address is She gave me a slip of paper with it on it.

     2:10pm  I just ground-scored me a cigarette. 

     2:13pm  The nice bus driver gave me a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:17pm  I was sitting in the back of the bus and asked these guys if they would listen to my story. They told me they were getting off at the next stop. Then this girl sitting up at the front turns around and asks me, "Excuse me, are you an artist?" I told her, "Well, I guess you can call me that. Can I tell you what I'm doing?" She said, "You gotta hurry up, because I'm getting off at the next stop." I only got through the mission objectives. When I told her I was going to bring world peace she said, "Yeah, if the driver wouldn't have let you on, I was going to offer you some busfare." When I told her I was going to get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out, she gave me two thumbs up. Badass.

     2:35pm  The bus driver just let me off on Braun Road and Tezel. He told me, "Next time you better have your pass. I'm not going to let you on again. It's already twice now." I told him, "Thanks a lot, drive carefully," and got off the bus. I'm walking to my house.

                   Hopefully next time I'll have a transfer with the letter of the day, hehe.

     2:52pm  Yeah, access granted. Awesome.

     4:26pm  I'm walking to OP Schnabel Park. I'm going to go see what happens there. I'll smoke somebody out.

     4:29pm  I just realized I left my water bottle. I'm going to walk all the way back.

     4:37pm  I just got to my mom's house. I just realized I have misplaced my Nalgene bottle. I can't find it anywhere. I don't have my Nalgene bottle. Where is it? That sucks. I'll keep searching the house.

     4:38pm  Whew, found it. It was on the kitchen table. I'm going back out.

     5:04pm  I just got stopped by a cop walking down Wickersham. He told me, "Put your stick over there, please." He wasn't rude at all. He told me that somebody called on me. They said I looked suspicious. That they'd never seen me in the neighborhood. I told him, "Man, I've been here since 1990." I gave him all my information. I offered my ID and everything. He told me, "I'm just going to do a quick search of you. You didn't do anything wrong. You're just walking down the street." I asked him, "Well, what was the nature of the complaint?" He said, "Oh, they just said you looked suspicious." Just because I look like a hippie, geez. If they haven't seen me walking down these streets for over ten years now, they need to get out of their house more often. In the end, he let me go. Everything's cool.

                   I think that cops name was Dick Preston.

                   Oh yeah, he asked me if I had any tattoos and I showed him the peace tattoo on my neck, haha.

                   He all told me all apologetic, "You're free to go. I was just doing a little contact-work. I really appreciate your cooperation." I told him, "Hey, it's no problem. I have absolutely nothing to hide." I told him, "You drive carefully, officer."

                   He had asked me, "Oh, you don't own a car?" I told him, "No, car's are death machines." He said, "I couldn't agree with you more."

     5:27pm  Josh hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Exxon. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:55pm  I got to my little hideout. The platform up in the tree at the top of the cliff. Nobody was up here. I guess I'll just smoke by myself.

                  Check out the view.

                  Those tall buildings in the background are Medical Center.

                  Oh yeah, I have to remember to include in my odyssey story, "And they told me about this guy Nate who he used to have clubbed feet and after going through four hours in her healing lodge came out with toes. He's got regular feet now."

     6:19pm  I just got down from smoking at my platform. I'm all stoned. I smoked a cigarette I bummed off that guy at the Exxon in front of the park. I'm going to go walk around in the woods and see if I can talk to people.

                   I should approach people with, "I want to tell you a story. Now, I give you full permission to interrupt me whenever you want . . and just turn around and walk away. But, if you're going to interrupt me and expect me to keep going, then I'm going to be the one that's going to leave. I'm going to go find somebody who will listen to me. My story is that important and I hate wasting my time."

                   I'm going to give people a choice. A little disclaimer for my story. It's that important.

                  Cool, with that disclaimer I have an exit for every ignorant person I run into. That'll make them think.

                  After I give them my disclaimer and they stick around for the story, I'll tell them, "Now that you are aware of the parameters, you can choose to stop my presentation before I even start."

     6:48pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm walking home.

     7:27pm  I'm at my mom's.

     9:10pm  I'm tired. I'm going to crash. I only got five hours of sleep last night. Happy birthday, Victor.

Next day..

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