

                                                                                                             Point Mugu, CA

Friday February 2, 2007

     5:42am  I woke up early this morning. Today is my birthday, dude. Carol got me a birthday present yesterday. She surprised me with a new microcassette recorder! I had already filled up my digital voice recorder. I hadn't been logging for a while, like a whole week. That's usually the key to my happiness. Now I've got a tape recorder and I am logging again. Thank you, Carol. I love you. Me and Carol we've had our ups and downs, trying to break up like I always am. Another one of my bipolar moodswings, she says. Man, I can't wait until I get all my shit typed up. I have so much stuff to type up. I really want to go back to San Antonio and do it by myself. I don't know what's going to happen with me and Carol. We are having such a fun time here at the Thornhill Broome Beach. We landed at this place. It's awesome. We've got friends. It's only eleven bucks a night. Anyway, I'm going to read or something. I don't know. I woke up early like at five and shit. I crashed out around seven thirty. I drank a little last night and I got all sick and crashed out.

     10:28am  I am now recording on my new tape recorder Carol got for me. My birthday present. We've been at this campsite for like over a week now. Like five or six days, maybe. We have such a badass camp. I wish I had a camera. We're still going up to Santa Barbara every day almost to get buy weed at the weed store. That's what we're doing right now. We're on our way up there. I apologize for the big gaps I am going to have in my story. I haven't been logging, but I will be logging a lot more with this new recorder. Plus, with my digital voice recorder it was difficult to log people's generosity quickly. Because I have to hold down the menu button for like three seconds to unlock it. I wasn't even recording a lot of times. I was just using it as a visual aid and pretending to log. Sorry to everyone who didn't really get credit in my thing. You know who you are. Email me and I'll add you in. Right now we are diving to Santa Barbara. I'm going to wait to get glasses, because the nigga-rigged pair that I am wearing now will suffice. I'm going to get glasses somewhere else. We're thinking about going to the Gem Shows. I thought we were going to go up North. Maybe not just quite yet. What exactly are the Gem Shows, Carol? Is it worth it going so far East? Then come back and head North? We should head up North already. Did you still want to stop in that place in Klamath? We'll see what happens. Wherever we go I can tell my story. I can work anywhere. The truth shall set us free. Alright, over and out.

     10:57am  Not too long ago we pulled up to the Ralph's in Port Hueneme. Carol's going to go make an "exchange." I'm going to go to Carl's Jr. and get me a ninety-nine cent spicy chicken sandwich.

                      I'm going to go look for cigarettes now while I'm waiting for Carol.

Next day..

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