

                                                                                                       San Luis Obispo, CA

Monday February 2, 2009

     7:25am  I just woke up. I got six or seven hours of sleep.
     8:38am  I've had a good morning so far. I think I made an entry when I woke up. I may have not. I woke up and I could've sworn that Andrew had taken off this morning. I wanted to say bye to him. I couldn't find my pipe and I was searching for something to take a hit of weed with this morning and wake and bake. Andrew had taken off and I knew his weed-jar was still upstairs. Roadie was still sleeping upstairs. I just went up there and procured a little bit of weed out of the jar. Then I couldn't find my pipe. I lost my one-hitter this morning. It's missing. It's not in my pocket. I went outside and tipped a cigarette with a hit of weed and smoked it.
                   Then I walked out into the front yard and I hear Andrew calling out from his little loft in the attic. He poked his head out of the window and said hi. I told him, "I totally thought you had left already." I confessed for taking the weed and he told me not to worry about, to just see it as a parting gift.
                   Anyway, I'm already late for breakfast. Hopefully I can get there before nine thirty so I can eat. Then I'll come back to the house, load up and spread my wings and fly. Hopefully he'll be there again. I'll miss Andrew.

     8:44am  I just walked Mills to the transit center. The route two bus I need to take to Prado comes in about fifteen minutes. I have until nine 'o clock until the bus comes. I don't think it takes a whole half hour to get to Prado. I think that's when breakfast is over at. I'll still make it.

     8:53am  I was a little bummed because I have to wait so long. Hopefully I'll make breakfast. At the transit center Beverly,


my friend I know from San Antonio from Travis Park, she came over and said hi. She asked me if I needed any money and handed me a five dollar bill! I appreciate it, Beverly. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.  Her and her friend.  


                   Another view of the transit center.  

                   Higuera Street  


     9:02am  The greedy ass bus driver won't give me a ride to breakfast. Nobody wants world peace!

                   The greedy ass driving the #2 won't give me a ride to breakfast. I told him I would walk it if I had to, but I was hungry. I'm going to see if anybody can spare any food. Well, Beverly gave me five dollars so I could probably go buy breakfast. I need traveling funds. I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll just walk around downtown or something. Greedy ass driver. He was all, "No, I'm on camera." That's right. Be afraid, be afraid. Good little slave.

     9:45am  The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a courtesy ride to the day center and I was hungry. I was walking along Higuera and Evan and Corey, these traveling kids, I asked them if they could spare any food and they hooked me up with some peanut butter and crackers and stuff. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     10:55am  Recommendation from Andrew to download Angela Kramer. Abolition Democracy.

     12:00pm  I never told you, I changed my mind about taking off today. I came back to the house on Peach Street and I told Andrew what happened, how I went downtown and couldn't get a courtesy ride to breakfast, how I got the five dollar bill and I got hooked up with some food by traveler kids. I came back home and he was still home. I had told him about taking the weed this morning and how I had felt bad. He didn't mind. I suddenly got a hair up my ass that I want to start walking Highway 1. Morro Bay isn't that far. It's only like twelve miles from here. I can walk there and tell my story. I'll have fun. I'm going to start walking as soon as the ShoeGoo on my boots dry on Wednesday. I'm all stoned.

                    This pretty girl I told my story to now. I took her picture. I got a good charge from telling that pretty girl my story. Note From the Rich and everything. I got some good reactions to my Thank You For Pot Smoking shirt I have on.

     8:45pm  I forgot to tell you, I'm on Higuera. I got bored at the house. I tried to take a nap but I couldn't. I went downstairs to try and find something to eat and didn't. I walked down Higuera Street. I've had some good presentations already. These 

two pretty girls. This 

couple from England right now too. I took their picture too. They didn't have time for my story, but they've got the website.

                   Right when I was telling my story some people dropped like a dollar in change on the ground. They just kept walking and I picked it all up.

                   Be sure to look up

     12:12am  Ah, I've had a pretty good birthday. I feel like I am with family here. Blake and Andrew 

even made me a little dessert with a candle in it and sang me happy birthday in the dark. They're really nice guys. I'm going to miss them. I'm going to miss them a lot. I got this hair up my ass that I'm just going to start walking Highway 1 tomorrow. I am sure I can get further north on the bus, but once my boots dry I'm just going to take off walking from here.

Blurry pictures inside house.  

Next day..

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