

San Luis Obispo, CA

Tuesday February 3, 2009

     7:17am  I just woke up. I got about seven hours of sleep. 6.54 I'm going to take a shit and then go to the Prado Day Center.

                   Garden Waste  

     8:10am  I should make an update by now. I've had a pretty good morning. I walked all the way to the bus station. I'm going to go to breakfast for sure. Remember I found a dollar when somebody dropped their change yesterday? I've got a dollar for bus fare. I have fifty cents for the way back. I need to go. I'm not getting another courtesy ride in SLO. Tomorrow I'm going to leave. Wednesday morning I'll wake up and my boots will be done ShoeGooing. I'll start walking Santa Rosa Street all the way to Morro Bay. It's only twelve miles or something like that. I will get there during the day. Alright, later on.

     8:36am  I just got off the bus at the Prado Day Center for breakfast. I had a dollar fifty total in change. I paid a dollar to get to the day center and I was hoping the driver would be cool and accept fifty cents to get back downtown. Right before the bus at the transfer center came this guy walked by and asked me if I needed a transfer. Perfect, now I'll have some change to get some printouts at the library. I'm going to eat breakfast now.

     9:52am  Shane just gave me his leftovers at Prado. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:58am  I went to Higuera bored and was asking for spare change for marijuana. Tor: "I would've given you a little more for marijuana, but I only have a twenty." Thanks anyway. Thought that counts.

     12:28pm  Colleen hooked me up with some change for the cause. I appreciate it, Colleen. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:34pm  Did I tell you I came to Higuera and I am spare-changing for traveling funds.

     12:39pm  Ralph hooked me up with a couple dollars for weed. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:29pm  I walked all the way to the headshop on South Higuera and bought a new one-hitter. This one is quartz glass. I have to be careful. It might break if I drop it. I had five dollars from Beverly. I also had like three other dollars I made from spare-changing for marijuana earlier on Higuera. I had enough to buy my one-hitter. I am whole once more. I even have two bucks for cigarettes too.

     2:35pm  I had a stroke of brilliance. I walked by some computer shop and I got to thinking. See, I have two digital camera SD memory cards. Since my digital camera they fit in broke and they're a different kind than the ones my new digital camera uses, I don't need them. I've gotten all the pictures off of them and onto my website. So I just walked in this Computer Stuff shop on Archer and Pacific and asked the dude if they were worth anything to him. A 1gb card and a 2gb card. He gave me twenty bucks for them! He said he was going to use them right then. No accidents.  I wasn't sure how much they were worth. I probably got a good deal.

     2:55pm  Let's see, I got twenty bucks. I've got my one-hitter. On my list of things I need is boots, a CamelBak bladder, which is forty bucks here at the army surplus store. Boots I can get here for thirty bucks. I don't know what to do. I want to buy some weed. 

                   Oh yeah, earlier when I was downtown some guy told me, "Hey, I saw you earlier in Santa Barbara." He hooked me up with a joint in Santa Barbara. I can look that up[12-27-08 : 11:25am].

     4:38pm  Awesome presentation with Roz 

right now. She had to go. She was delivering something. She walked by and I hit her up for my story. When she came back around she asked me how long was my story, because she might have to go. The first time I asked her if she was willing to listen she said go on, but the second time she had to go. I told her to just check out the website. I told her, "Let me close it out," and I asked her to do me the two favors and gave her my website.

                   That lady just told me, "Man, if Jesus were alive today he'd be in jail." That's a good quote.

     5:03pm  I had an awesome presentation with Alicia.


                    I gave her a big hug in the end. Beautiful girl. I took her picture.

                   I just loved telling that girl my story. I need some weed now. She was all smiles.

     5:42pm  I came back to the house on Peach Street. I'm going to sit down on the front porch and read my book. My Maiden Voyage book.

     7:22pm  I forgot to tell you. I left the house and came down to Higuera Street. I'm just sporting my shirt and passing out my website. I'm trying to manifest some leftovers somehow. Please LOVE, feed my belly. I'm hungry. I'm leaving tomorrow. I've got twenty bucks for weed.

     7:48pm  I just got some leftovers, sweet.

                   Thank you LOVE, for feeding my belly. You answered my prayers.

                   Now I am praying for some marijuana.

                   Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins. I'll download it for free.

     8:12pm  I had an interesting conversation with these ignorant bible thumpers. They were all, "Why do you smoke? Why do you smoke?" I laughed and told them, "Your car smokes a lot more than I do." They were all, "Well, a car is a machine." I told them, "Yeah, a machine that will end up giving everyone else cancer. Not just you." They wouldn't listen to me at all. When I asked him what was the world's greatest problem he answered correctly, ignorance. People are so ignorant they can't see when they are being tested. They were all, "Can I pray for you?" Talk is cheap!

     9:22pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked to Peach Street and right when I got to the house Andrew was coming home. I went next door and Sarah might find me some weed. I have twenty dollars. I might ride the bus to Morro Bay tomorrow. I'll ask the bus driver for a courtesy ride. I'll tell him I'll walk it if I have to. I will walk it if he tells me no. Right now I am walking back home in the cold. It's freezing. Andrew and them went to the Frog and Peach Pub. I'm on Marsh Street right now.

     10:55pm  I forgot to tell you. After all the running around town I did looking for a twenty sack, I came back to the Peach House and Aureliano, the cool Mexican dude here weighed out twenty buck's worth for me. I got my traveling weed! Then he asked me, "¿Tienes hambre? Are you hungry?" Hell yeah! He fed the peace machine! I'm all happy on the front porch smoking a cigarette. I'm going to take off tomorrow. I'm going to wake up early and go to Prado for breakfast. I've got a dollar for bus fare.

                     Be sure to copy the email I got from that girl who asked me if I was the dude from the free hugs thing. I'm not.

     12:30am  I'm crashing out. This is my last night at the Peach Street House. What a magical house this was.

Next day..


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