

                                                                             San Luis Obispo to Morro Bay, CA

Wednesday February 4, 2009

     8:22am  I am all packed up and ready to go. I am breaking free from the peach house. These were some badass accommodations I had here in San Luis Obispo. I might catch the bus to Morro Bay and start walking.

                   It was beautiful. Andrew told me, "Thank you for your presence."

                   I gave Blake a big hug too. He made me some stick-to-your-ribs oatmeal. They were good.

     8:32am  I walked to the transfer center and I have to wait a whole half an hour for the bus to come.

     8:45am  I'm still waiting for the bus. I have twelve minutes to go.

                   I forgot to tell you, I took a picture of the time-display 

clocks they have at the transfer center here, which tells you when your bus is coming. It scrolls the routes and how many minutes until they are here. It's awesome. San Antonio should have that.

     9:57am  The coolest shit just happened right now. I am leaving from Prado Day Center. I went and had breakfast there. I didn't get to say goodbye to Sunshine. I wish I could've given her a big hug. She's so beautiful.
                   Anyway, when I got off at Prado I went to make an entry and my tape recorder was missing! I figured it must've fallen out of my pocket on the bus. I went in the day center and ate breakfast. I prayed to San Antonio to help me get my recorder back. I really hoped that somebody found it and turned it in.
                   I went to the bus stop and started writing in my little book. Eventually, when the bus pulled up again it was a different driver. I asked the guy if this was the same bus the lady was driving and he said yes. When he pulled up I asked him if anybody had turned in a tape recorder. He told me no, so I just got on the bus to look around. Maybe it was on the floor somewhere. Lo and behold. It was right there.


It had fallen out of my pocket slid down the wheel-well and was just sitting there snug and secure. I took a picture of it. Praise LOVE!

     10:22am  I have landed back at the transfer center on Osos. I'm going to go to the other side of the street and see if I can get a courtesy ride to Morro Bay.


     10:34am  The greedy ass driving the 12A won't give me a ride. Nobody wants world peace! Good little slave!

     11:11am  The first driver told me no. I came over by the RTA stop and had an awesome presentation with this girl. I took her picture.


I'm going to walk to Morro Bay, fuck it. I'm going to walk to the Mexican Restaurant I got hooked up at the other day and see if they'll fuel me up for my walk.

     11:25am  I'm going to go hit up Taco Roco.


Let's see what they tell me. I am walking Santa Rosa Street.

                     El señor amable en Taco Roco me esta dando comida. Te lo agradesco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     11:28am  Called that. I've got some gasoline for my stomach. I'm going to start walking the 1.

     11:46am  I'm walking over by the main entrance to Cal-Poly. I'm walking up Santa Rosa Street. I figured I should take my shirt off since I'll be walking. I'm going to walk all the way to Morro Bay.

     12:01pm  I am leaving from my break. I sat down in the shade close to the entrance of Cal-Poly


in front of some apartments. I took a smokebreak and ate a little. This burrito is damn good. I'm going to keep walking now.

     12:02pm  I'm walking now. I took pictures of the mountains in the background.  

     12:25pm  I took a picture 

                      of the distances to Morro Bay, Monterey and San Francisco. I'm walking. I will rest again at one.

     12:35pm  Walking in front of the California Men's Colony. I took a picture.  

     12:48pm  Crossing Minini Ranch Road.

     1:01pm  I came to some avenue and I am going to sit at the bus stop and rest. I'm not going to catch the bus. I'll wave him on if he comes.

     1:35pm  I walked by Camp San Luis Obispo.


The original home of the California National Guard. I took a picture 

of all this military stuff there. I think I have enough water in my CamelBak.

     1:38pm  I took a picture of the eagle on the side of the mountain. 49th. 



                   Cuesta College, left turn, half a mile.

     1:40pm  I'm walking in front of Camp San Luis Obispo and there are all these military guys outside doing drills or something. I gave them all the peace sign and they all gave it back.

     1:47pm  Coming up on Hollister Road/Dairy Creek Road in front of El Toro Regional Park.

     1:48pm  I took a picture of Cuesta College. The entrance.  

                   I don't think I mentioned, but I've been waving at cars like crazy on this walk. Every single one. My arm has been flapping up and down. A lot of people ignore me.

     2:17pm  It's gotten eerily windy and cold. It might start raining pretty soon. I've got my poncho.


     2:27pm  I'm walking in front of this shooting range. Action Pistol Range. I'm walking around the mountain I took a picture of earlier.

                   I could keep going, but I want to smoke some weed.

                   I just had a stroke of brilliance. All the pictures I'm going to have on my website, I should have them on my MySpace so people can comment on them! I'll make different folders for the day they are on my website, so people will know where they are on my MySpace and be able to leave comments. It's a big project.

     2:57pm  Ha, that's funny. The same bus driver that I called a greedy ass because he wouldn't give me a courtesy ride, I've seen him like two or three times already. I always give him the peace sign. See, I told you I would walk it if I had to. He knows exactly who I am.

     3:08pm  Coming up on Canet Road. San Luisito Creek Road.

     3:11pm  Crossing Canet Road.

     3:32pm  I'm almost to Morro Bay and I just met Tom the Volunteer.


                    I walked up to some guy who was picking up trash on the side of the road. He didn't look like an inmate or nothing. I didn't see any car anywhere. He was just picking up trash. I asked him if I could take his picture and he said, "Sure, but let's go over to my sign." I asked him for his story and he told me it was just something he wanted to do to help and be nice. The back of his shirt said Adopt a Highway Volunteer. He told me I'm not that far from Morro Bay. He goes, "You can see the rock from here."

     3:35pm  I just groundscored me a towel.


It seems pretty clean, but I should wash it. I guess I'll need a towel soon.

     3:42pm  Passing billboard that says Discover Your Better Nature.  

                   San Bernardo Creek  


     3:55pm  A little bit after the pedestrians prohibited sign 

                    I stopped and rested. I am way past my hour mark and I am kind of hungry. Man, this burrito has lasted me a long time on this walk. I am right before this big uphill part. Maybe I'll be in town by 4:20, hehe.

     4:19pm  Guess what! It turns out that I am going to walk over the Morro Bay City Limit 

line at exactly four fuckin' twenty!


                    That's so awesome how in all my random rests I cross the city limit right now. No accidents!

     4:30pm  Morro Bay Boulevard next right, gas station.

     4:35pm  Morro Rock, next right. I'll take pictures when I can.

     4:39pm  Wow, welcome to Morro Bay. I'm not even to town yet and I found me a good Nutrigrain bar on the side of the road! It was a little flattened, but it was still good. What a nice treat. I'm just about done with that burrito and I've got about three oranges. Pretty soon I'll be hitting places up.

     4:45pm  I just walked into Morro Bay. Crossing Quintana Road.


I took a picture of the gas station. I'm going to see if they have water on their soda fountain.

     5:17pm  I just walked into town at four twenty!, hehe. I walked to the ARCO gas station and Angie is being nice enough to let me fill my bag up with ice. I am telling her and Sean my story in front of the ARCO. Oh yeah, she gave me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:24pm  I'm coming up to Morro Bay Park 

where the buses stop. I took a picture of the rock.


                    I'm walking down Main Street right now. There's an Albertsons grocery store I see.

     5:52pm  Hell yeah, I came over and sat at this bench in front of the Touch-N-Go Massage. All of a sudden this lady parks in a white Hyundai in front of me and comes and talks to me. I am telling her my story right now. Actually, she just went inside and told me to hold on for just a second.

     6:21pm  I am having the most awesome presentation with Gloria.


                                 She's got some numerology that I want to get on tape.

                   Gloria: "Your birthday is February second, 1978. If you add the month and the day, which is two and two, that's four. Then you add one plus nine, plus seven plus eight, so four and ten which is one plus nine is fourteen. Fourteen and seven is twenty one and twenty one and eight is twenty nine. Two plus nine is eleven.
                   You don't break down master teacher numbers. Numbers one through nine you break down to a single digit. Numbers eleven, twenty two and thirty three are master numbers. Eleven is revolutionist, which my dear friend here is doing. Twenty two is evolutionist and thirty three is Jesus Christ evolved. I am blessed by having this precious conversation with Antonio, who is a master teacher."

                   Vinyl Isle is the name of the store she had gone into. It's right next to Touch-N-Go Massage.

                   Oh yeah, Gloria gave me a twenty dollar bill! She said I'm a master teacher. Why thank you. I do try.

     7:07pm  I bailed on Gloria. She told me she would be right back. I took a hit of weed. I came across the street to Foster Freeze and ordered a burger for three dollars. It's so awesome how she gave me twenty bucks. I'm going to go in the bathroom and put on my tights. It's gotten chilly.

     7:35pm  I'm taking my time and I'm dumb. I should be hunting for a dry place to squat. The rain is on its way. I'm going to walk into town. I'll go to Main Street. I just got here.

                   I hung out in front of the Fosters Freeze and smoked a cigarette and a couple hits of weed. I want to tell my story to somebody. I want to find a coffee shop.

     8:40pm  It's weird. There are no clouds in the sky and it's supposed to start raining soon. I came to the highway, the 1. There's a bridge, but I can't sleep under it. It's just a sidewalk. I figure I'll find a place in the bushes nearby to crash. I found this walking path and a trail. I got on the other side of the fence and found a perfect little isolated spot. I'll take pictures in the morning. I made my bed and I'm going to crash out pretty soon. I'll take a hit of weed and smoke a cigarette and drink some water.

                   The magic was awesome this morning how I got my tape recorder back. It fucks my mind.

Next day..

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