

Morro Bay, CA

Thursday February 5, 2009

     3:55am  I woke up around three thirty. I don't know how much sleep I got. I crashed out at nine, so like six hours. It started to drizzle a little. I hope the sun comes out soon. Shit, it's like four in the morning. I'm going to wake and bake.

                   I only got a little damp, but I scurried over underneath 

the highway here on that sidewalk 

I told you about. I'll just sit down at the sidewalk until the sun comes out and hopefully it stops raining. I'll smoke some marijuana. I don't have that much left though. That walk was cool yesterday. I had fun on that walk. I walked into town exactly at 4:20! That's so awesome.

     6:37am  I've had a delightful morning sitting on the sidewalk. I've been sitting here since like four in the morning. I could've sworn I had put my one hitter in my sidepocket of my frontpack with my lighter, but when I got to the bridge it was missing. I only had my lighter. It must've fallen out when I was walking through the woods to the highway. When it was light out I put my poncho on and left my bags at the sidewalk and went to backtrack to see if I could find it. Then I came to this low water crossing, this stream that had formed with all the rain. I said screw it and came back to my bags. I've been sitting here waiting for the rain to stop. I rolled the last of my weed I had into a joint and I smoked it right now.

                   This Turtle Wisdom book is great that I am reading. I scored it at the Prado Day Center. It's like some self-help book, but I can harvest lots of good quotes from it. It's right up my alley.

     7:20am  Alright, I'm all packed up and it stopped raining. It's bright outside. I'm going to walk away


from underneath the bridge.


     8:18am  I stopped by some bakery out here over by the towers, the tall smokestacks.


I bought a cinnamon roll and overheard all these people talking about money problems. I'm going to walk around. I don't know. I've got like twelve dollars. I'm going to get some weed somehow.  


     9:16am  Five minutes ago I walked to that Quota Club bench 

in front of the massage place and smoked a cigarette. There's a thrift store right here I haven't been to. I am waiting for nine thirty for it to open.

     9:22am  I came over here and sat on the bench to wait for the thrift store to open. Josh, the architect who lives behind the buildings here, I told him my mission objectives and he just offered to smoke me out! It'll bring the story to life, trust me.

     9:55am  Josh:


"This is the actual story of how marijuana became illegal in the United States of America.

                   The greatest capitalist ever to live was Henry Ford. Back in the turn of the century when the automobile was just invented Henry Ford came up with several concepts, which is I why I call him the greatest capitalist ever to live, concepts of mass-production. The automobile assembly line. And the fact that he had the first viable vehicle to be mass-produced.
                   At this time in the country history tells you what's called Big Pocket Politics, the Carnegies, the Rockefellers, all these massive families basically owned a certain number of politicians. They all worked with each other. Ford was new money. And what he realized was that to make his money he had to work with every other family. He had to work with all these people and give them a percentage of his profit. He hated that. So, with all the money he was making he started buying his own railroads, his own steel plants, and steel mills and production lines. He started producing rubber in the Caribbean. He had every single thing, raw material, all the way up to finished product for the Model A.
                   All of a sudden all these families started looking at him and saying holy shit, he's making all this money and we're assed out. He's not using us anymore. He's not using our railroads, he's not buying our steel or out rubber. But, the one thing he couldn't get was oil. Ford was the first person to start exploring for oil in the Middle East. He has also sent search parties out to Alaska to find those oil fields. All the oilfields in the United States were all locked down. He could not find reliable oil here, so he sent his greatest scientist to find him the solution to this problem. What is my alternative to oil for fuel for a vehicle.
                   What they came up with was the oil from the hemp plant when extracted, that is the only organic oil on the planet that you can fry a French fry with and then convert into gasoline. Now, the composition of the oil out of the hemp plant can literally be refined to gasoline, solide rocket fuel and everything. The byproducts of hemp are identical to petro-chemical byproducts. In other words rubber, plastic, every product that we associate that they say that we can't live without due to actually available through hemp oil.
                   Now, what happens is that at the time he owned one fifth of current day Maine as a private ranch. In that part of the country there was nothing. Nobody lived out there. He had a top-secret operation running. What he did was he planted millions of acres of hemp and started putting in his processing plant. I forgot the exact year, but it was like nine months before an election he started popping up Ford gas stations everywhere. All the families were all holy shit, he's got it all now. We're not making a penny off any of this. So they went to a man called William Randolph Hurst, who at the time had just invented a concept called yellow journalism.
                   The Bay of Pigs invasion, that never happened, the war that he told America had happened, he owned seventy percent of the newspapers, sixty percent of the radio stations and like eighty percent of the printed publications. America believed that we had this war. It never happened. So they went to him and said we need a solution to this problem. So, William Randolph Hurst went to the greatest journalists and some manipulative thinkers to the task and this is what they come up with. They find out that Ford is using the marijuana plant and at the time marijuana was the number two prescribed drug in the country. Hash was number one. The term Legal Tender meant to pay your taxes in bushels of hemp. If you were in agriculture, for every ten acres of product you grew regardless you had to grow one acre of hemp and give it to the government for military use in ropes and sails.
                   So, what William Randolph Hurst comes up with is, "Well, what we have to do is make the marijuana plant made illegal. It's our only option. We can't stop them from producing it." So, they come up with the term MARIJUANA.
                   Before that point that name did not exist. What it was was a Mexican slang term for a verb, for the act of smoking. At that time in the country immigration was a massive problem. It's when the Irish were coming on the docks and people were beating them back into the boats. It's when everyone was convinced of a Mexican invasion of the U.S.
                   So they did this massive smear campaign the likes of which you really see very rarely of marijuana, "Evil immigrant drug destroying the fabric of American society. And again, William Randolph Hurst plasters every ad campaign within three weeks of a national election. No one had ever heard of marijuana before. Nobody knew what it was. No one realized it was hemp. No one made that association.
                   Again, in three weeks, this Blitzkrieg campaign of this evil drug passes legislation by eighty percent approval. It really tore apart the American economy. And, they were successful in locking him out of what he did and made him dependent on petro-chemicals again for fuel and then he had to work with all the families again.
                   In order to work for your future you must know your past. You must know why when and where. The only reason weed isn't legal right now for industrial use through the country, or for medical or personal use is not because it's a drug. It's like you said. It's ignorance. It's people refuse to look back and understand history and see what happened. The only reason why this planet, again, no fatalities ever recorded, people don't get stoned and go murder and rape people. People get drunk and murder and rape people. The only reason this is illegal is because of the American greedy corporations. Marijuana open people's minds.
                   I hope that I can live my life how you are, trying to show people an alternative way to live. That is, again, where I came on. Carbon footprints. The impact you have. Now, I'm an architect. I design big fancy homes for people. The way I look at it, it is my personal responsibility, is I preach what I call economical living. Why does a sixty-year old couple need eight thousand square feet? Why do they need to heat and cool that much square feet? Why do they need to use planetary resources to build that much? They've been programmed by our society falsely to say they need more. You don't need more. I'm an architect who lives in a four hundred square foot apartment.
                   Look where this philosophy of I-need-more has led us. It's led to bankrupting our way of life. Americans used to work eight hours and then go home and enjoy sixteen hours. Now if you look at it with all the single moms and they way the economy is right now, the way our society is built on all these false beliefs and all this greed. I agree with you one hundred percent."

     10:29am  It was cool, I got smoked out! Josh is the architect here. He had a big story of his own. After a while I told him, "Well, can I finish with my story now?" He thought I had finished and busted out with his. His was really interesting. We went upstairs and smoked some weed. He gave me a couple cigarettes and a nugget. I'm going to go back to that bench. Oh yeah, the thrift store is open. I'm going to see if they have any boots.

     10:56am  I was walking up Morro Bay Boulevard and I met beautiful Rachel.


She sells coffee with a big tricycle. She volunteered me a free coffee when I walked up. I appreciate it, Rachel. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.  Guess what.  Rachel has a peace tattoo 

just like mine but under her ear.


     11:44am  I went inside the Castaways Thrift store and they have some size thirteen boots. They're totally waterproof and I think they're steel toes too. I'm going to walk to another thrift store I haven't checked. If they don't have anything better I'll come back to Castaways.

     12:03pm  Man, I was so happy. I thought I had found my replacement boots. They fit me perfectly. The price tag said $12.95, but when I took it up to the counter the guy said, "Let me check the heel of it." On the heel it said thirty bucks. That's total bullshit that he didn't let it slide. I know you guys don't pay for any of this shit anyway. Greed shall be your downfall. I guess I'll go and try and manifest twenty bucks so I can buy these boots. Nobody wants world peace! Greedy ass.

                     Dude I told my story to.  I think he hooked me up

     12:35pm  I'm going to try and manifest these boots somehow. Dude, I could buy those new for thirty bucks. I want to talk to the manager.

                     This guy just told me, "Auto Zone is hiring if you need a job." Greedy ass. Good little slave.

     12:48pm  I just had a great presentation with Officer Rick. I am sitting in front of the thrift store trying to spare change for boots. He told me that people had been complaining that I was asking for marijuana. These punk ass kids who had walked by, I hit them up for change for my boots and they called the cops and told them I was asking for marijuana, which I wasn't. It's the tee shirt.

                    Officer Rick didn't search me or nothing. I got to tell him a little of my story too.

     1:00pm  Miguel just gave me a dollar for my boots. Nineteen to go.

     1:02pm  Eric just hooked me up with a dollar for my boots. I appreciate it.

     1:22pm  John is being nice enough to give me four dollars for my boots.

     1:29pm  Sweet, I just got a ten dollar bill towards my boots. This guy Charles. He had walked up to me and said, "Hey man, I saw your website." He was on his cellphone talking to his friend and he told his friend, "Yeah, I'm talking with the website guy." I hit him up for spare change for my boots and he hooked me up with a ten dollar bill. Almost there already.

     1:35pm  I just had a great presentation with Vintage Dyetopia.

     1:38pm  Mission accomplished. I got my new boots. I went in there with twenty five bucks and they guy said, "That's closer," and he let me have them.

     1:57pm  Scott just volunteered me some money. I took his picture. He came up to me and said, "Hey, are you the guy on the website?" I told him how I had just gotten some new boots and he volunteered me some money. Sweet.

     2:02pm  I came over to the pizza place to look for Ethan. He's not here right now. He comes in at four. I asked Courtney, "Do you guys ever make any mistakes here?" She hooked me up with a fat slice of pizza. I appreciate it, Courtney. Everybody gets credit.

     2:23pm  Ah, I've had a good day so far. My powers of manifestation astound me. I got some new boots. I've got some weed. I walked all the way over to where I crashed by the highway. The low water crossing over the sidewalk should be crossable now. Hopefully I can find my one-hitter. Hopefully it fell out when I was putting my bags down over by the tree I crashed behind. Right now I was walking back here and there's a tree with a peace sign on it. Sweet.

     2:29pm  Yay! I just found my one-hitter! It was under the tree. I knew it had to be around somewhere. Everything is going right today.  View from behind fence.

     2:48pm  I'm going to go hit up Taco de Mexico.

     2:50pm  La gente amable en Taco de Mexico me estan dando comida. Muchisimas gracias. Gracias, Juana. Todo el mundo recibe credito.

     2:52pm  Sweet, scoring. Called that. Welcome to Morro Bay. I've had such an awesome day. Juana asked me what I wanted and I told her to surprise me. She asked me if I wanted it to go and I told her I'd eat it there. I quickly changed my mind and asked for it to-go, that way I could save half of it for later. To my delight Juana tells me to just sit down and eat. That she would give me extra food to-go too. I swear, I've been treated like royalty.

     3:42pm  I just had an awesome presentation with beautiful Carla. How old are you, Carla? Twenty. Just checking.

     4:00pm  I got everything I needed in Morro Bay. I'm going to walk to Los Osos. I've been directed there by beautiful Rachel with the peace sign behind the ear. It wasn't that far from where my peace sign is. She told me to go there, that the hippies in Los Osos would like me.

                  Dudes I told my story to.

     4:37pm  A different beautiful Rachel just listened to my story right now.  She has the coolest tattoo.  I wish she would do me for the cause, hehe.  She's remarkably beautiful.

     4:45pm  I'm walking Main Street headed to Los Osos.

     4:54pm  Entering Morro Bay State Park. I took a picture.

     5:12pm  I forgot to tell you. I stopped and sat down to eat.

     5:24pm  I am up from my rest. My feet are aching. I have to break them in. They're steel-toes, so they're a little heavy too.

     5:45pm  I'm all stoned. I came to where the road turns and I can see the road in the distance. I'm just going to cut across this big field diagonally so I won't have to walk all the way around it. It's been a little challenging. It's perfect that I have these waterproof thick boots on. The ground out here is all marshy. I could've never done this with my old boots. These are completely waterproof and my feet are nice and dry. They're perfect. Anyway, I am sludging through the water. I came to this difficult creek crossing and it was a real bitch because it's so muddy. My feet were sinking in almost knee-deep. I just waddled over to another water crossing. I need to see if there is a way around it.

     5:50pm  Just crossed that second water.

     5:55pm  This has become a little challenging for me. I can't believe I actually thought I could cut through this field diagonally towards the road, to conserve time. Ha! I haven't gotten wet yet. My boots are kicking ass. I am about to jump this one part right here. It might take some time to muster up the balls.

     6:38pm  It took a while but I finally cleared it. I'm going to take a smokebreak right here.

     7:20pm  I officially gave up about ten minutes ago. I'm not going to keep trying to cut through the marsh. There are huge tributaries I cannot cross. I've been breaking my boots in good though. I've been flying through this marsh with dry feet. I am now doubling back to get back on the road. Hopefully I can find some place to crash. I'll walk to Lake Osos in the morning.

     7:58pm  I found a place to go over this big tributary. My feet got a little wet. I'm by the highway. I'm going to camp somewhere on the side of the road. What a huge waste of time. Well, not really because I got great exercise. I'm pretty tired so I should go to bed quick wherever I camp.

     9:17pm  I made my camp. It's a badass little camp. I hope it doesn't rain tonight. Plesae LOVE, don't let it rain tonight. I've got my tarp over my just in case. Goodnight everybody.

     1:07am  I should make an update right now. Around twelve thirty I woke up with only two and a half hours of sleep. It was raining. I loaded up my stuff. A cop even slowed down and shined his light on me and kept going. I'm stoned. I'm going to keep walking. Man, I wasted so much time yesterday trying to walk through that marsh. I'm going to smoke some weed now.

     1:32am  It started raining again. I had sat down to smoke and took my poncho off, but it started raining again so I scurried. I'm walking again.

     1:42am  I walked a little more and I found me a bridge! I am underneath it now. It's raining some more, so I'm glad I found the bridge. I'm going to get some sleep.

Next day..


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