

San Antonio, TX

Friday February 4, 2005

     10:08am  I just woke up again. I crashed out hard.

     10:57am  I was just able to scrape a hit of weed from my pipe. I am so surprised I keep pulling hits of weed out my ass like that. I'm going to go out and try to get more weed. I've got a dollar in my pocket my mom gave me for bus fare. I'm thinking about walking all the way to the Walmart to see what the letter of the day is so I won't have to pay bus fare. Then I'll still have half of what I need to get a joint.

     11:25am  I just walked to the Exxon on Braun Road and Bandera. I scored a snipe out of the ashtray.

     11:30am  I just walked into OP Schnabel Park.

     11:54am  I'm passing the natural wall and the Legalize Herb thing and Snarlwood. I never mentioned that when I got back after five months the Legalize Herb thing was all broken up. Some construction guys came and took the cement cap off the sanitary sewer and cracked it. I've got a picture of it.  

     12:09pm  Andrea hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Walmart. I appreciate it, sister.

                     The greedy ass on the 88 wouldn't give me a transfer.

                     The 609 guy told me no too. I might have to actually use this dollar. I'm waiting for the 610 to Medical Center.

     12:58pm  The nice driver on the 610 hooked me up. He asked me, "What happened to your pass?" I told him, "I've barely been riding the bus anymore. I've been staying home on the computer working on my webpage that's going to bring world peace." He told me to have a seat.

                     Good 'ol Mr. 733.

                     The Walmart next to my mom's house is #5146, by the way.

     2:32pm  I'm downtown.

     2:48pm  I just had this good presentation with these bible thumpers who came and tried to hand me this Outcry in the Barrio bullshit. I told them a lot of my stuff before they got ignorant.

     3:07pm  Carlos hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Carlos.

     3:08pm  Pedro hooked me up with a rolling paper Apok had asked me for. Apok said he was going to smoke me out.

                   Oh yeah, Apok told me he just got out jail. That he was in there for twenty nine days. All for having a little roach of weed. That is so messed up.

     3:40pm  Haha, me and Thomas were all playing with the cannon. This dumbass mountain bike cop, fuck the police, comes up and tells me, "Move away. I'm going to arrest you for public delinquency." I told him, "This isn't your park." Then Lola insisted I move away, so I did. Haha, that little piggy is all watching me record myself.

                   The kids are taking over soon!

     4:32pm  Nobody smoked me out at Travis Park. Apok told me, "Wait until tomorrow." That was my cue to leave so I jumped on the bus. I'm aiming for Santa Fe Place.

     5:05pm  Just got off the bus by Santa Fe.

                   I went and knocked on Lorenzo's door and he was actually home! He's never home when I come around. He smoked me out and gave me a fat roach!

     6:27pm  Mr. Hernandez is hooking me up with a ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Sweet, right when I walked up to the park and ride.

     6:36pm  Oh man, I'm having a good time. I just got to the hospital. Right when I walked inside to refill my water bottle, I spot a transfer on the counter. And it's good! I grabbed it and pocketed it. Sweet, I am meant to go home.

                   Ms. Smith(1-22-05, 4:52pm) was inside waiting for a bus herself. She saw me and told me, "Oh, I'm not working today so I can't give you a ride."

     6:39pm  Liz hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, Liz.

     6:42pm  Mr. Smith is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I told him, "Psyche! I've got a transfer." I handed it to him and told him, "I was just testing you. You passed."

                   Oh yeah, and I had seen Ms. Smith at the bus station.

     7:14pm  Man, I just had me an awesome presentation with Liz, the girl who had given me a cigarette at the hospital. She saw me logging the bus driver's generosity. I was talking to Ms. Smith up front, I think Ms. Smith is beautiful, then some girl in the back asked me, "Is there a website? Is it on the internet yet?" I told her, "Not yet, but pretty soon. Do you have an email address?" Ms. Smith told me, "Go get her, Victor." I walked back there to talk with her. At first I thought she was someone who had heard about me, or I had told my story to before. Then I remember it's the girl I got the cigarette from. Cool, fresh meat. I just dove in with my story. She actually listened to me over all the noise the bus was making. I even stayed on the bus way past my stop to be able to finish the story. In the end she told me, "I am really glad somebody's doing it." She gave me four cigarettes.

     8:08pm  I'm at my mom's house. I walked all the way over from Weybridge.

     8:17pm  I had another magical day. What an excellent presentation on the bus ride home.

     8:34pm  I'm feeling kind of tired. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.

Next day..

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