


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday February 10, 2004

     7:20am  I'm up already. I woke up at 6:30 or something. I already took a shower and did all my morning stuff and ate breakfast. My mom's being real nice to me. I told my mom, "Thank you for being so nice to me lately. I feel like you finally accept me." She said, "I think that's what I have done." I shouldn't be having too many problems with my mom anymore." I mean, she sees me waking up and going to school every day. I'm not just wasting my time. It's really cool. I came out on the back patio and I'm going to smoke some weed. Do my morning session, you know. Do my stretches. Then I'm off again.

     7:40am  My mom just called me from her cellphone. "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye this morning," she told me. She called me from her cellphone. Man, my mom's all being nice to me now. That's cool. I can relax now and work on my mission.

     7:42am  Oh yeah, I forgot. I need to praise Love more for my mission box that fell into my lap yesterday. My footlocker that I found on the sidewalk. I've got my whole life in it now. I feel great. I had my shit scattered around my mom's dirty house. It would eat it sometime. I've got all my shit in there now. I've got my head-injury news footage from 2000, I got all my receipts. Oh yeah, I've been able to take a lot out of my mission bag, so it's like barely anything now. It's all lightweight now. I've got all my pictures. I've got all my CD's of my pictures I got developed at Walmart. I've got the Ziploc bags I just bought. My Gold Seal foot powder stuff I got for my boots. My Future Shock book. I can't find my Third Wave book. I think my mom's dirty house ate that. I've got razors. I've got that cheap digital camera that I bought. I've got batteries. All my receipts. I've got everything. It's awesome. It's all I needed. This army box. My mom even bought me two disposable cameras. She's all kissing my ass and being a mother.

     8:02am  I'm walking to the bus stop. I'm going to start my day. I'll go to the library and type up my stuff. I don't know what else to do.

                   I don't know if I told you, but it's drizzling. I've got my rain poncho on.

     8:21am  There's the bus finally. The 610. I'm going to ask for a courtesy ride. I've got a dollar backup though.

                   The 610 let me on. He even gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:30am  The bus dropped me off by the Walmart. He's going to the garage. It's all drizzling. That sucks.

                   On the bus I actually put my dollar in and told the driver, "I was just testing you. You passed." He even gave me a transfer. He was all, "Why are you testing me?" I told him, "Because you're proving me right." He was all, "Oh, if it wasn't raining . . ."

     9:30am  I just had a great presentation with this guy at the bus stop at UTSA. I was at the bus stop and I wanted to take a hit of weed before I went in to type my stuff up. I was all loading it up behind the big glass thing at the bus stop, so it would block the wind. He comes over and starts talking to me. He tells me, "Nice walking stick." I told him what I was doing and he agreed with everything I said! It was awesome. I got his email address. 

     9:32am  I was walking into the school and this black girl passed me and said, "Good morning. How is your project going?" I smiled and told her, "Every day is a new chapter."

     11:29am  I just got kicked out of the library at UTSA! Some staff worker guy came up to me and told me I had to go. I told him, "This is a public resource, like all the other universities across America. I've been coming here for like a week now, straight." He told me, "Not when it's real busy." Dude, there was an empty terminal on either side of me. I told him, "If there's a demand for my workstation I would understand and leave, but there isn't." He left so I just sat back down and kept typing. He came back and said, "You need to get out of here." I told him, "Man, there are enough computers here to go around. This is a public resource." I'm leaving just because it's a good time to leave, but I'm going to come back and if they tell me some shit again I'm going to have it out with them. Dumbass staff worker guy. It's just because I look like a hippie, man. They're discriminating.

     11:42am  I'm going to go back to that library and put my foot down. Stand up for my rights. It's a public resource. If you can do this at any other state school anywhere else in this country, why can't you do it here? What makes them special?

     1:00pm  I just got kicked out by the cops. They came and banned me from the school. So no more UTSA. I've got to find somewhere else to type my stuff up at. Fuck the system, man. Fuck the police. Fuck all these people, man. I didn't tell them what I was doing, how I was logging my life and everything. I told him, "It was just really fitting that my whole world peace project was being done at the John Peace Library." Screw this place. So I have to go find another place to type my stuff up at. Big deal.

                  That campus police bastard told me, "If you come here again you are going to get trespassing charges." Discriminating motherfuckers. Just because I look like a hippie.

                  Oh yeah, the cop complimented me on my walking stick and everything, haha.

                  It's cold.

                  Perfect, I got some damn good publicity at this school. I told my story like crazy at the bus stop. I have to find another college to do my work at now. It was just cool that it was close to my mom's house and I could take the 609 straight there.

                  Oh yeah, if I wouldn't have had weed on me I would've told that cop exactly what I was doing.

     1:14am  I got on the 609. The driver was cool and he let me on with some pocket change I had.

                   I got 86'ed from UTSA today. Oh well, I'll find another school. Northwest Vista, maybe.

     1:37pm  I got off the 609 at Braun Road and Tezel. I'm going to walk to my mom's.

     1:55pm  I'm at my mom's house. I'm going to go in through the back door and eat. I'm hungry. I'll get some more layers and my scarf. It's chilly outside.

     2:48pm  I just got all stoned in my mom's backyard. I'm going to go jump on the bus and go see what happens. I'll talk to people. I want to meet a pretty girl and tell her my story. Let's see if that happens today. I got a dollar left. I'll use that for bus fare if the driver doesn't give me a courtesy ride. I'm on my way.

                   I'm all layered up. I got my thermal bottoms on. I've got my scarf. I'm all ready.

     2:53pm  I was walking down the street close to my mom's. I walked by some branches and this twig flung my glasses off! I can't find my glasses now. They're in the grass now. I don't want to step on them and I can't see without them. I don't know what happened to them. It might've even flung them over the fence. Oh shit, I hope they're not in the street and a car runs over them. Damnit!

     3:05pm  I have lost my glasses. Man, I was just walking down the street. These branches were hanging down at eye level and one of them snagged my glasses off my face. I can't find them anywhere. I'm blind without my glasses. I feel like a fool standing here on the side of the road staring down at the ground looking for them.

                  Well, it looks like I'm not meant to wear glasses. This sucks! I can't find them anywhere. I don't see them.

                  Maybe they flung off into this backyard right here.

     3:25pm  The tree stole my glasses! I'm blind now. I can't find them.

                    I don't think I heard them hit the ground. They might have jumped over the fence.

                    I'm pretty sure they're not on the street because I would've heard them hit the ground.

     3:35pm  Some old dude in a truck turned around and talked to me. I told him, "I lost my glasses." He just wanted to know what I was doing. I saw him drive by, turn around and come back. Shit, I need to find my glasses.

     3:54pm  Man, my glasses just disappeared. That's weird. I've been out here looking for my glasses for a long time.

                   Well, I'm giving up. I'm going to go around to the person's house and ask them if I can look in their backyard.

                   Okay, nobody's home, so I came in these people's backyard. I'm going to look for my glasses.

     4:09pm  I didn't find them in the backyard. Shit, I gotta go back out on the street and scan the ground again. This pisses me off so much.

     4:13pm  I'm back where I was looking before. On the side of the road. Please Love, help me find my glasses.

     4:14pm  Hallelujah, praise Love, I found my glasses! See, all I had to do was ask. Ask and thou shall receive.

     4:18pm  Alright, back on track. Got my glasses and I'm going to walk to the bus stop. I'm going to catch the bus and go play in the city. Damnit, I killed a whole hour looking for my glasses. I guess I'll just go hang out at Medical Center until 7:15pm and catch the last bus back over here. I'll go talk to people. I'll see who I can smoke out.

     4:20pm  I saw the 610 going towards Medical Center just pass. Damn. I'll jump on the one to Ingram. Oh wait, I gotta celebrate. Let me ask these kids over there if they want to celebrate with me.

     4:26pm  Those two guys I was going to ask to celebrate with me ended up being these bible-thumpers. These Mormon dudes. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They were missing their bikes. I went up to them and asked, "Hey, have I ever talked to you guys before?" I had, at some garage sale on Wickersham some time ago. I gotta look that up. I already had told them my story. They asked me, "Hey, can we get a picture of you?" They took two pictures of me.

     5:06pm  Got to Ingram. Going to transfer to the 534 heading to North Star Mall.

     5:57pm  I got off at Medical Center. I just talked to some dude with a Jesus hat on. He wouldn't listen to my story. He's ignorant as hell. He should practice what he preaches.

     5:58pm  Sam, who listened to my story hooked me up with a Snickers bar and another candy bar too! Badass! Gasoline for the stomach.

     6:08pm  I had a badass presentation with that guy! Cool, let's see who else I can talk to. I've got until 7:15 for the last bus to my mom's.

     6:33pm  I had another badass presentation with this one girl R77 something( was her email. This girl had a huge smile during the whole story. She was cute as hell. She got on the 607 and went away. She listened to me all bright-eyed and everything. Thank you, Love. I needed something like that to lift my spirits.

     7:36pm  I just had the greatest presentation with this girl Vanessa on the bus. She listened to me all the way from the hospital. She laughed at all the funny parts. Another pretty girl. She had a kid.

     7:45pm  Just got off the bus and I'm walking home. My tooth hurts.

                   Damn, my twin sister is a hateful mother. She's always yelling at her kid. She's all making him stay inside the car. Why can't he come inside if she's going to take a longass time. She's a bad mom.

Next day..

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