

                                                                                      Big Sur to Carmel to Monterey, CA

Tuesday February 10, 2009

     6:30am  I just woke up. I got a lot of sleep. I didn’t set my watch, but I got a shitload.

                   Picture of creek

     8:17am  Up and at ‘em. I am ready to go.

     8:45am  Oh man, the magic. See, it took me a long time packing up my stuff. I walked up to the Ripplewood store I was at last night. Despairingly, I thought, hmm, let me see if I can thumb it out of here. Dude, within ten minutes, Taylor offered me a ride. She’s riding with her beautiful baby Olive. Taylor asked me, “How far North are you going?” She’s giving me a ride to Carmel.

                   Oh yeah, and she smokes weed!! How perfect. No accidents.

     10:00am  I should’ve made an update by now. I’m getting lazy. I just got dropped off in Carmel. This is the town I was hitching from when Seymour picked me up and took me to Esalen. I always tell people it was Monterey, but it was Carmel. I’ve got a five dollar bill. I should go buy a pocket atlas. No, I need to do laundry. I got dropped off by beautiful Taylor.
                     See, I tried to tell her my story in the car and she said she wanted to listen to it. Thing is, she wasn’t reacting to any of the key points. At first I was a bit perplexed, thinking that she wasn’t really listening to me. Then it finally occurred to me. See, I usually don’t solicit my story to people with babies, for the sole reason that I can’t expect them to give me one hundred percent of their attention spans when they have a life to care for. We drove to the Safeway and she went inside to buy baby formula. When she came back I apologized. I told her, “That’s what my website is for. Whenever you get the chance.”  She totally understood.

                     She smoked me out though, two bowls and she kicked me a little for later. She told me that she picked me up because I was wearing a marijuana shirt.

                     I noticed that my face was all scaly and shit. I started picking at it and it got tons worse. I’m going to use the bathroom at the grocery store here and wash my face. I took a shit this morning underneath the bridge. I was going to shave, but people started knocking on the door. I’m all stoned. Oh yeah, some guy just told me there’s a laundromat nearby.

     10:25am  I just had an awesome presentation right now with this one guy in front of the parking lot. He saw me and asked me how I was doing. I gave him the usual happiest-man-in-the-world line. I hit him up for my story, but he said he was in a hurry. But, he just stayed standing there so I asked him if I could tell him something else not nearly as long. It’s kind of funny. He said sure and I unleashed the Note From the Rich on this rich guy, hehe. I’ve got the biggest balls of them all! He told me welcome to Carmel.

     10:52am  I've got my stuff in the wash. The Asian lady working wouldn't let me put anything in the dryer unless I washed it there too. Therefore, I've got my stuff laid out outside on the bushes in the sun, for free.

                     Man, I am using my time so wisely while I do my laundry. I've got all my stuff drying in the sun, I am charging the battery for my camera, I even started cutting out more havethisbook.coms.

     12:53pm  I have to make an update. See, all my stuff that was damp that I couldn't dry in the dryer, I have draped on top of the bushes in the parking lot, letting the sun dry them. Bea Evergreen came up to me and asked me who's red blanket that was. I told her it was mine and she said, "Wow, that's a good idea." I thanked her and gave her my website and then she offered me a ride to Monterey! Thanks, Bea. Let's see what happens there. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.
She said she had some business to attend to next door, but if I was still out there when she was done, that would be a sign for her to give me a ride to Monterey. Needless to say I scrambled and packed up my stuff quick, even though it was still a little bit damp.

     1:03pm  I am in Monterey! I just got dropped off at the McDonald's by Bea. Then I'm going to walk back to this Sports Complex and see if they'll let me take a shower. I'm not hungry. I have two bucks in quarters left over from laundry. Good thing I got hooked up at Big Sur yesterday at the store and only had to use three dollars. See, I had asked Bea if she knew of a public pool anywhere I could take a shower at. She directed me to the only pool she knew about at the Sports Complex. I just need to go in the McDonald's and fill up my bag with ice and get some water. I just ran out right now.

     1:36pm  Emma was nice enough to help me out at the McDonald's. See, I went inside to fill up my ice. I asked the nice Mexican lady if I could fill up my ice and she said sure. I asked her for a vasito and she gave me a little cup. After I filled up my bag with ice, the water dispenser wouldn't work, so I went to the counter to ask for a cup of water and the manager lady tripped out on me, asking me if I was going to buy anything or not. She barked at me, "You have to move your stuff!" Even though the place was dead. In vain I asked the lady, "Do you have any water?" Just then Emma handed me a cup of water. She had seen me trying to get water from her greedy manager, and came to my rescue. Emma works the drivethrough so when I left I walked up to the window and told her, "Gracias por ayudarme, Emma." She smiled. I'm sure she had seen my shirt inside and when my CamelBak isn't on my pack the WPTMJ on it is exposed too. I just asked this other homeless guy if he thought they'd let me take a shower at the Sports Complex and he said probably not. I'm going to try anyway.

     1:50pm  It costs $7.50 to take a shower here. I'm going to walk downtown. This might be a fun place to spread my word. Oh, I did get a warning about the cops.

     1:52pm  Oh yeah, on the way over here with Bea I saw a bum posted up at an intersection flying a sign. Hell yeah! Maybe I'll put on my show here. Maybe that's how I'll get money to take a shower.

     1:53pm  I just ran into Bryan. Bryan: "I met you in Santa Fe, NM. I definitely remember the recorder and the internet plan to overthrow all this shit."

                   I don't remember that dude at all. He said he remembers me crashing underneath some bridge in Santa Fe.

                   It was cool, just right now this cool black dude walked up and smoked everybody out! I'm all stoned.

                   Portola, some plaza

                   Maritime and History Museum



     2:42pm  I walked to the public wharf and was distracted by the Pirates of the Caribbean movie playing in some pirate store. I'm going to keep looking for the shower place. Somebody told me they had showers over by the Coast Guard place.

     3:02pm  I came and I took a smokebreak at the old fisherman's wharf sign. I have been directed to the Coast Guard station. I'll try and get spare change from people to take a shower.

                  Boats at Marina

                  Santa Rosalia

     3:09pm  I just took a picture of the sea lions hanging out on the rocks. They're adorable.

                   Cute girl with red rose

                   I am walking the bike path to the Coast Guard station.

     3:30pm  Ah, I changed my mind about trying to find a shower. I got to the Coast Guard station. It's a Homeland Security station. I don't know where you can take a shower. I didn't cross the street to check or anything. Ah, I'll just walk the walking path back the way I came. I'll go back downtown. I washed my face real good in the Safeway bathroom in Carmel. I don't really need a shower. I did all my laundry so I've got clean clothes.

                    I'm all stoned, hehe.

     3:44pm  Remember that day in San Luis Obispo where these hippies came up and gave me a hug? Jay was his name. He's hanging out with his friend Jordan who's from Monterey. Well, I just met him again in Downtown Monterey. What a small world. He said I inspired them. Awesome. That's music to my ears. It just so happens that they are having their big farmer's market tonight. I should take pictures.

     4:41pm  All these kids are playing guitar. Natasha and her friends. Somebody asked, "Is anybody hungry?" I walk for a living. I can always eat. Thanks for feeding the peace machine. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   529 Hawthorne Street, I'll find it. Jordan.

     4:57pm  Tonight is the party night here in Monterey. Tuesday night is the party night. The night farmer's market. I'm going to set up shop in front of Jamba Juice and plant my seed here. I am on my very last I have to cut out more first.

                   Kids I told my story too.  Came out blurry.

     5:53pm  Oh, I forgot to tell you. I already have a crashpad for tonight. Jordan said I could camp in the backyard of his place with Jay. I hope it doesn't rain.

     6:02pm  I'm talking to this dude who said he stormed the Pentagon back in October of 1967. What do you mean storm the Pentagon? Dude: "There was 500,000 people there." Oh, a protest. Those things don't offer answers, I do.

                   Marielle: "I want to contribute to world peace." Right now as I was talking to the guy who stormed the Pentagon, Marielle just walked up and gave me a bag of popcorn. I appreciate it, Marielle. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                  Girls I told my story to.

Next day..

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