


San Antonio, TX

Friday February 11, 2005

     9:00am I woke up about fifteen minutes ago. I just got out of the bathroom. I don't know what I'm going to do today. I think I'm going to go out.

     9:37am  I look good, man. I got my Don't Mess With Texas shirt on. I love my outfit today.

                   Oh yeah, I have to do my stretches before I leave.

                   The other day when I was in the car with my mom, after she got me something to eat the other night, the day I sent my stuff out, she had been bragging in the car about how much she recycles. I told her, "Mom, you also pollute." She got taken aback and she said, "Everybody pollutes." That's what they all say. Ugh, I'm trying to make her see how not everybody pollutes. It is not a reason to continue doing it. Why help? She might as well be telling me, "If other people can be lazy, I should have a right to be that lazy too. This is America, right?"

                   I don't know where I'm going to go. I've got nothing planned. I'm going to take my hike to OP Schnabel. I'll walk to the Walmart and see what the letter of the day is. I've got a dollar in my pocket for backup.

     9:52am  I just walked Wickersham to Tezel. I turned left and right then a UPS truck was driving by. I gave them the peace sign and I heard that lady say, "Hey, I've seen that guy somewhere!"

     10:02am  I walked by the Camino Bandera Tennis Courts and I see a stray ball. There's another one over there on the other side! I'm going to go get them. Two tennis balls this morning. Perfect. I had one in my pocket.

                     Shweet, scored me two balls. There was one on the other side of the fence and I was able to bring it close with my stick and pull up the fence a little.

                     I just walked to OP Schnabel and I'm taking the left trail.

    10:29am  After I took the left trail, first I came out to the soccer field. I had seen this dude playing with his dog in the playground. I walked by and he came up to me. Turns out I've met him before. What was the last time we met?

                     Les Marshal: "I believe we met downtown by Travis Park. About two and a half, three years ago."

     10:32am  I'm getting Les' email. What's your email again?

     10:51am  I had a magical meeting at the park. I gave that guy my presentation. He even told me, "This is like the third time I see you. Next time I'll have a bowl to match." I smoked him out.

                     Sweet, I would not have had that little encounter if I hadn't gone on the left trail right when I got in the park.

                     Be sure to check on my webpage if I have that, "Do you ever tell the same story the same way every single time" disclaimer at the beginning.

     11:29am  I'm through the woods towards the Walmart and Pat gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

                     Sweet, right when I walked up close to the fence I spotted a guy in his backyard and he looked back. I noticed he was smoking a cigarette so I asked him for one. He sure enough gave me one. Some old guy. He has an awesome landscaped backyard on a slope. Cool, I got seen in the woods. These random paths I'm taking.

     11:56am  I'm at the Walmart already. I never told you. I was going to ask the 88 guy for a courtesy ride, but I have a dollar. I'm going to wait for the 610 to Medical Center.

                     I was at the Walmart and right when the 610 pulled up, I said screw it. I'm going to take off walking. I should be walking. I've been vegetating on the computer lately. I need to stay active. I'll walk to Medical Center. I'll go get hooked up at Horacio's on Eckhert.

     12:15pm  Took the shortcut through Woodchase to Eckhert. I have to walk a little bit towards Bandera to the Horacio's Mexican Restaurant.

     12:21pm  Marta en Horacio's me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, Marta.

                     I got my tacos at Horacio's and came over to the Citgo. I'm going to try and bum a cigarette. I asked this one guy who had just bought two brand new packs. I asked him, "Can you spare a cigarette?" He said, "Nah, I just bought them." I said, "Yeah?" He just walked off. I called him a greedy ass.

     1:19pm  I had a great presentation with this Mexican lady. I walked down Eckhert past La Carreta, where they sell all this Mexican pottery and stuff. They have the falsa blanket I want. I told the lady my story in Spanish. What I could of it. My mission-objectives. She wouldn't hook me up with the blanket because she said she wasn't the boss and that they count everything. That would have been perfect. It's a beautiful blanket. At least I know I need to save up fifteen dollars now.

                    Oh yeah, I'm cutting through Huebner Creek. I want to end up at that old house with the wishing well again. I don't have my camera. That sucks. I'm just going to keep going.

     1:34pm  I'm over here by the back gate. I really wish I had a camera. It's an old ass house back here. It's got an awesome yard. I wish I could take pictures. I'll be back though.

                   I just saw seven deer. I ended up at some other pocket in the woods I've never been to.

                   Whoa, there was a shitload more. Like five other deer.

                   I found a swing back here! That's awesome. I'm going to swing.

     1:54pm  I walked around for a while. I did a complete circle back to Huebner Creek and Eckhert. I'm going to walk to the road now. Hehe, there's little bunny rabbits jumping around.

                   The old house, it's address is 6160 Eckhert Road. It says, "Las Cordova."

     2:27pm  I stopped by Plaza de Ville Apartments, where my sister Laura works. Kendra just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kendra.

     2:52pm  Victoria gave me a cigarette at Laura's work. I appreciate it, Victoria.

     3:57pm  I had a great presentation at Plaza de Ville. My sister was there and I got to eat some cake. I told this lady Kendra lots of my stories on the back porch. Blew her mind. She gave me a big hug. Awesome.

                   Umm, I'm thinking I'm just going to walk back home.

                   I walked over to these apartments by Walnut Hill and Villas of St. Moritz.

                   Oh cool, I see like eight or ten deer. I'm going to follow them into the woods. Wow, they're letting me walk real close to them. I wish I had my camera. There's like tons of them.

     4:43pm  In all those woods I cut through I ended up at Chapel Ridge Apartments. I used to live here with Chasity.

     5:06pm  I'm having a good time. I walked all the way to University Hospital. I went over to the field by the UT Health Science Center. By the running track. I couldn't find anybody to play Frisbee with, so I just threw it to myself. I would throw it at an angle so it would come back. I would like have to run and dive for it sometime. I used to do that when I lived at Chapel Ridge in the field next to it. I stopped and walked over to the transit center. The first cool dude I spot I ask him, "Hey man, there's a big grassy field over there. Wanna throw a Frisbee around?" He told me, "Ah, I gotta get home." I told him, "Just catch the next one." He told me he wished he could. Then I went inside and saw David, my security guard friend. He came out and I faked him out with the Frisbee. He told me to toss it to him and we played catch right there for a little bit. I asked this one girl if she wanted to play with me, but she told me she had to catch the bus.

                   Man, I had a blast. For like half an hour straight I just went out in the field and played by myself. I was getting good at it. I finally got tired. Nobody played with me.

                   That's okay, I'll go play by myself. I don't need you.

     7:07pm  I just got off the 610 by Citgo. I'm going home.

                   Darryl hooked me up with two cigarettes at the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I had a good presentation on the bus on the way over here. First I talked to the bus driver, Mr. Smith. Then some cool-lookin' kid got on the bus and I told him my story. He listened to me. He agreed.

     7:22pm  I'm at my mom's house already. She's home.

                   I think I'm going to try and call this guy Tim again.

Next day..

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