


San Antonio, TX

Saturday February 13, 2005

     2:43pm  I haven't made any entries today. I haven't done shit today. I'm bored now. I played a lot of Tetrinet. I'm still waiting to hear from this guy Tim about him letting me work. So I can get my cameras developed and send my stuff to and get the ball rolling.

                   Oh yeah, my mom gave me five dollars. I'm going to go get some weed. I'm borrowing her car. I'm going to go to Santa Fe again. Hopefully Teo is home.

     3:25pm  I came over to Sam's to smoke him out because I just scored some weed at Teo's. Teo was all, "You can't come over without calling." Well anyway, Sam just showed me these beads that he chants on. He's going to hook me up. I like how they look on me.

                   Sam: "Yeah, these are just beads that you should never sell. They're supposed to be considered spiritual. A monk actually gave that to me. I'm giving it to Victor. This a real religious item. It's not just a look-good necklace. It's a beautiful chanting necklace that makes you happy when you chant on them."

                   Victor: "What was your religion, Sam?"

                   Sam: "Any religion will do. It's all about love."

                   Victor: "That's right. All we need is love."

     3:54pm  Man, I had an awesome time. Teo was home when I got there. I asked him, "Hey man, can I get a nickel?" He told me, "Yeah, come inside." He started copping an attitude. He was all, "Next time you gotta buy at least ten dollars worth." He's all acting like he has authority and shit. He said, "Here's my number. You can't just come by the pad." Anyway, I got weed. Thanks, mom.

                   Oh yeah, I did Sam the favor of taking him to go get some water with my mom's car. He bought like nine gallons of water at the Target.

     4:20pm  I'm at my mom's house.

     4:47pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I decided I was going to walk around the neighborhood. At my mom's house I told her, "I think I'm going to walk to the gas station and bum a cigarette." She yelled, "I gave you money!" I told her, "I'm not going to buy cigarettes with it." She said, "You're going to get one of your cameras developed, right?" I laughed to myself and told her, "Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do with it." I turned around and walked away. My mom is all ignorant. She knew I was getting marijuana the minute she leant me the car. She had told me, "Victor, I want you to do me a favor. Don't carry any marijuana in the car." I told her, "I promise, mom."

                   I want to find someone to tell my story to.

                   Right next to 9346, I asked some guy if I could tell him a story. He was working on his yard and he said he was busy. I asked him if he needed any help. He told me, "No, I got it. I don't think you're crazy, man. You do what you want to do. You're free."

     5:26pm  I never mentioned I came up to the Shell station on 1604. My friend Garry is working here still. Then there's this Cassandra girl. See, some dude that was hanging out outside right when I got here, I offered to smoke him out with my fake cigarette. Anyway, I tried hitting him up for my story, but this guy seemed pretty dumb. Then this girl Cassandra comes out to him and talks to him. Kisses him on the cheek and everything. She asked me, "Do I know you?" I told her, "No, would you like to know me?" I told her my mission objectives and asked her if she'd listen and she told me she would, just not then. Well after a while she came back and we came to her car for my story. Then that dude who had been there comes up to the car and they start fighting. He starts screaming, "Where is the heroin?? Where is the heroin??" She was all telling him, "Oh, you're just jealous!" and she made it a point to tell me that he wasn't her boyfriend like two or three times. This girl must've been flattering herself because I just wanted to tell her my story. Stupid junkie.

                   I'm talking to Mike in front of the Shell station and he has an email address. What is it?

     6:32pm  Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm walking home. I'm almost in the front of my mom's neighborhood on Braun Road.

     6:47pm  Oh yeah, I had been taking random turns in the neighborhood and up close to my mom's house I ran into Louie and Jason. He says I met him yesterday at the Exxon.

                   Louie: "Wait a minute, I don't know where it was at. We were in a van and there was a whole bunch of us. Like five or six of us. Somebody gave you a cigarette I think."

                   Victor: "Oh, so you guys haven't heard my story yet?"

     6:55pm  Just randomly walking down the street I ran into these guys. I already mentioned their names. What were your email addresses?" and

     7:02pm  That was awesome. I was almost to my mom's house and these two kids passed me. I offered to smoke them out and gave them a couple hits. They said they were waiting for someone. I got to the, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nuthin'," part and their ride pulled up. Perfect. The guy who pulled up in a van to pick them up ended up being the guy who gave me two cigarettes last night!

                   It was cool. I got to tell them my story and got them high.

Next day..

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