


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 13, 2005

     7:27am  I just woke up.

     8:00am  I am sitting here in the bathroom taking a shit. All signs are pointing to that I should start meditating. I'm reading this Powers of Mind book. I've had it in the bathroom forever. I read it once in a while. I flipped to some random page and it was talking about TM, Transcendental Meditation. I've just been getting these word cues. Like at Sam's the day he gave me that bead necklace, he mentioned the word transcend just joking around. I want to try this meditating thing. I mean, it seems like all I have to do is sit there and do nothing. Just open my mind and let it come.

     11:28am  I'm going to start meditating, I think. I'm all stoned right now. I don't know if the weed will have an adverse effect on meditation. On the computer I found I found a meditation walkthrough. Instructions.

     2:07pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm leaving the house finally. I got bored at my mom's. I'm going to walk to the park. I'll go to the Walmart and find out what the letter of the day is.

     2:55pm  Just walked in the park. Left hand trail.

     3:25pm  I'm going to stop and see if Dana is home. I'll smoke her out. I got some weed. Maybe I can talk to her grandma again and tell her more stories(2-16-04, 3:29pm).

     3:46pm  I told you that last time I passed by the Legalize Herb 

thing it was all broken and shit. I always wondered, "Hmm, I wonder if the broken parts are on the ground." If they are I'll put them back on so it says Legalize Herb again.

                   I never mentioned I'm at the Walmart already, finally.

     4:05pm  David at the Walmart hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:10pm  John, the 88 driver is hooking me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Look up what on the internet? Space Corp? United Earth Space Corp.

                   What was your name? Leticia Curtis. I'm here at the bus stop.

     5:11pm  I just took a picture of Maria Martinez. She's black, Puertorican and Mexican. Orale.

     5:18pm  The 610 came to Walmart and we're leaving now.

     5:34pm  University Hospital.

     5:37pm  Maita hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:44pm  The guy I got the cigarette from, I told him my story. What was your email address?

                   Wow, I just found out that they are going to have all the transfer centers open until midnight. Somebody got attacked and there wasn't a security guard, but that means David, my friend who always gives me the thumbs up, can't work here. He doesn't have a car and the buses don't run at midnight. I'm going to miss David. I got a picture of him the other day on the wall. It was cool.

     6:40pm  Oh yeah, I didn't mention Ms. Smith was driving the bus. She gave me a courtesy ride. It really sucks that David isn't going to be working there anymore. Well, at least I'll have another security guard to tell my story to, hehe.

                   I've decided I'm not going to go downtown, I'm going to see if Olivia is working at the thrift store on Sunday. I'll crash at Sam's tonight.

                   The thrift store closed at six, so she's not there. Umm, I'm going to walk downtown.

                   Success may be a number's game, but money doesn't have to count. The only things we should be counting is our blessings.

                   Like I am.

     6:52pm  I walked up to the Deco District HEB. I am going to walk in there just to make an appearance. I've got plenty of time to kill.

                   I am leaving the HEB.

                   Oh yeah, tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

                   It's stupid how the bus company, what David's been living for for years, it's funny that the bus company is making him lose his job because he doesn't have a car. He can't ride a bus home at midnight. That ain't right.

                   It's damn evil.

     8:02pm  I'm over by Cypress/San Pedro. Walking by that trashcan I found the UFO pictures in(4-20-04, 5:26pm).

     8:12pm  I'm walking on San Pedro some more. Just walked underneath Interstate 10, or whatever highway that is. This Mexican dude walked by and I gave him peace sign. He said, "Hey, what's up? Got any weed?" I told him no, but I should have told him sure if he walked to Travis Park with me. Oh yeah, and I found me two good transfers. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and try to give these away.

     8:32pm  I was talking to what's your name again? He didn't give me his name. Anyway, he suggests I look up NLP.

     8:54pm  Man, what synchronicity. This guy I just met in the park, he just got into town. He's traveling with a guitar and stuff. His name is Kai. He just got off the bus over by Greyhound and I'm going to show him San Antonio. We're going to go to The Riverwalk. I'm going to show him my statue. This is going to be cool.

                   Kai had asked me, "Who does your advertising? I can do your advertising for you."

                   Behold that synchronicity. Originally I thought I was going to ride the bus downtown then walk to Sam's. I got off over by China Harbor because I wanted to see if Olivia was at the thrift store. It was closed, so I said, "Screw it, I'm going to walk downtown." I went right to Travis Park and I met this one dude Kai who just got off the Greyhound from Canada. He told me he would do my advertising for me. I told him, "I'm going to do my own advertising. Thanks anyway."

                   What's your email, Kai?

     9:59pm  Kai said that he'd been meaning to come to San Antonio, because he had a dream, or something.

                   Kai: "I had a dream of coming to San Antonio. I read a book by James Michener. I can't remember the title. Anyway, it was about a big group of people drifting around Europe and North Africa. At one point there was this poem. Right now I am coming to San Antonio to break the ignorance barrier by showing this poem to somebody. It will have value. Saying it in San Antonio will do everything. Otherwise, I'll just go back to my successful normal life. But I believe that life is short. Actually, I think life is long because we have lots and lots of opportunity to do everything you want. What's lacking is organization of the people to agree on just a couple simple things. Or maybe just one simple thing. So that all the other distractions kind of fade away. I appreciate a lot of what guys like Michael Albert say, or Chomsky, Michael Moore. I believe the world on drugs is a costly failure. The real issue should be remedied as fast as possible, because it's just making a few people rich and denying the opportunity to use this wonderful planet. The more that this can be grown, the better this world will become. We can transform the raw materials of nature to the things we need and use. It's a bad thing when somebody tries to take that away from you. I don't think enough people recognize that."

     10:34pm  I came up to the 92 lineup at 10:30. Guess who's driving, Ms. Smith. Cool, cool.

                     I got to Sam's and he asked me if I could buy some cigarettes for him with his ATM card. He gave me his pin.

Next day..

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