

                                                                                                             Monterey, CA

Thursday February 12, 2009

     7:15am  I just woke up in my tent. It poured hard last night, but I'm all dry. It's raining again this morning. It's drizzling. And I'm all dry! It's awesome. I already waked and baked. I thought I was going to get up and take down the tent so the grass wouldn't die, but it's raining again so I'm not. I'll just smoke some more. Screw the grass, hehe.

     12:09pm  Jordan woke up earlier and we had a good talk this morning. He's ready to go traveling too. He told me that some guy named Kevil just gave him four hundred dollars so he could get his rent paid and take off traveling. What a blessing. Jordan is loving life right now. I let him read Fawn's Message to All and it certainly moved him. He said he wants to meet her. I'm just going to walk into town and see what happens today. I don't know. I even let him keep the copy of her message.  He was grateful.

     1:08pm  I was hiking around town trying to score some weed somehow. I walked to the transit center and saw CJ, this guy I can't remember when I met him. He told me to walk to some park and that there was a house in the middle of the park and that they would sell me weed there.

                   I never found that house. This other dude told me about some park and I walked to it. I forgot the name of it. There was absolutely nobody there. Man, I am limping. My right leg is aching. I found the high school they told me it was near and I hiked around the creek on the other side of the fence of the school. I'm just going to limp back to the transfer center and sit down and rest and wait for the weed to come to me. In my search I walked by the public library and tried to get some printouts, but the computer all sucked and wouldn't let you make a document. The beautiful librarian helped me a lot.

     4:02pm  A weird little turn of events. I found these kids who scored me a twenty sack. We climbed up to this rooftop to smoke a bowl. All of a sudden this owner guy came up and started yelling, "Get the fuck out of here! If I see you up here again I'm going to kick all your asses! All three of you! I'll take you on right now!" Hmm, I'm going to go to the Turtle Bay Taqueria and see if they hook me up.

     4:05pm  La gente amable en Turtle Bay me estan dando comida. Muchisimas gracias. Todo el mundo recibe credito.

                   Javier was the guy's name.

     4:19pm  I'm going to celebrate right on time. I got hooked up at the taqueria! It's like a block away from Alvarado Street. I took a picture of the food and the front of the restaurant.

     5:05pm  I had a great presentation with these two Navy girls. Amanda and Lucy.

     5:46pm  Man, I am in immense pain. My back hurts, my leg hurts, my feet hurt. If I didn't have my walking stick I would be totally immobile. I really need a good day of not walking. I've been walking my ass off every day for a long time now. I'm going to talk to Jordan. I really need a day of typing. He's got a computer in his room. I'll ask him if he'll let me type on it.

                   Oh yeah, I could've tried and scored a courtesy ride, but I'm going to go to another taqueria and get dinner. I can't eat at the house.

                   Center for Spiritual Living. Carlton Hall. I wonder what that's about. I am really thinking about skipping town. I'm going to eliminate some options. I'm going to find out if I can do some typing. Now I want to come to this Center for Spiritual Living place and tell them my story.

     6:18pm  I walked up Lighthouse Avenue. I'm going to go hit up Pelican Pizza. There's Taqueria Del Mar where I scored before too.

                   The girl inside told me no real quick.

                   Papa John's told me no too. Oh well. They just hooked me up last night. I was pushing my luck.

     6:39pm  I am back at the house.

     8:22pm  I have a good little update to make. Right now I am in my tent I made again in the backyard. Sarah, this overweight dready girl who reminds me of Carol, her and another girl came to the backyard and told me they needed to talk to me. Sarah started barking at me about tracking dogshit in the house. Right when they started I told them, "I really appreciate you giving me this haven, but I will leave whenever needed.  I am as flexible as they come." See, last night I got to try and tell everybody in the house my story. Well, Sarah felt like I was talking down to her. She got offended at my scriptage. I asked her, "Why would I change it if it's the truth?" She got all butt-hurt and started putting words in my mouth. She got mad because I took a picture while they were playing music inside. Got something to hide, Sarah?  Hippiecrite.
                  So, I am leaving tomorrow, gladly, since nobody at this house wants world peace. The other girl was there supporting Sarah and she hasn't even heard my story or know what I am about at all. Sarah couldn't handle scolding me all on her own. She was all telling me, "Oh, you're not going to do it." People don't see the world as it is, BUT AS THEY ARE! Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible! I won't stop until I'm done, Sarah. She was all, "Not everybody smokes marijuana." There is enough that it will make a very significant difference. I felt like I was being scolded like a schoolchild in the backyard. Like I was on time-out or something. I wonder if Sarah has always been this ignorant, hehe.

                   Like it even matters to me. I'm still having fun. Remember I was already planning on skipping town anyway. Sarah was just the icing on the tie-dye cake.

                   Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Next day..

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