

                                                                                                  Monterey to Berkeley, CA

Friday February 13, 2009

     5:45am  I should make an update. See, I woke up around four. It started raining hard. I felt pretty secure in my tent, but, it started raining even harder and water started seeping in underneath my portable floor. Luckily, the backdoor was open so I was able to put my stuff in the dry laundry room. All of a sudden Kevil pops out of Jay's tent. He had gone to Salinas to help with some cancer thing. I was hungry as hell so when Kevil woke up I asked him if he had any food. He gave me some almonds to chew on. He's trying to collect rainwater in a bottle right now.

     6:28am  I don't care how loud I am anymore. See, I had met Kevil the first night he got into town, but he left for Salinas the next day to help with some cancer thing(Gerson therapy). I just told him my story for the first time. I haven't even told him my Odyssey yet. See, he had, in fact helped Jay out with four hundred dollars for rent[2-12-09 : 12:09pm]. He emptied out his bank account. In the middle of my story he tells me, "I want to make a donation."  Kevil just handed me three hundred dollars for my cause! I really appreciate this, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:07am  It seems Sarah has gotten everybody on her side about me. See, this morning I woke up early and was telling Kevil my story in the laundry room while it was raining outside. He had a couple stories of his own too that I listened to. Like in the middle of my presentation he said, "I want to make a donation." Then I saw him pull out this big wad of cash! He told me, "Yeah, Jay had told me his story and it really inspired me and I gave him money. Same with you." Kevil has got his Karma-slingshot all charged up.
                   Anyway, I was kind of waiting for the sun to come up so I can dry off some stuff. Sarah sent one of her goons to tell me to get off the property. I don't know where I am going to hang my stuff. These pricks aren't going to let me dry my stuff off here. So, I ferried all my crap to the front yard and dropped it on the sidewalk. Some of them left for Salinas, but somebody is home. I had gone to bum a cigarette off of Jay but him and Kevil weren't in the back yard anymore, so somebody's home obviously. I guess I'll just let me stuff drip dry the best I can. I am waiting for the sidewalk to get dry so I can move.

                   I forgot to tell them, "Thanks for making my story so interesting." The people in that house are totally not ready for world peace. Thanks for proving me right, guys. They wouldn't let me talk, because all I had to tell them was my scripts. Damnit, Why would I ever want to waste my time and not say what I mean. I am bound to the truth, after all.
                   My responses address the point of the questions exactly. Maybe they're just mad because I am not as imperfect as them and they think I should be. I'm not as flawed, but only because I practice. Nothing is stopping them from honing themselves too. It's not rocket science. Anybody can do it. Duh. I am just proving some points, damn. And Sarah helped me. Everybody gets credit.
                   I want them to hear the same exact story I've told thousands of people for the last seven years. I want everybody to. I must remain consistent. My story is worth it to me. I know not everybody wants to hear my story. THAT'S WHY I ASK PERMISSION BEFORE I START TELLING IT! Everybody needs to hear the same story. Nobody wants to hear the truth, but I'm going to scream it at the top of my lungs!

                   Oh yeah, Kevil told me he believed in me.

     10:28am  Haha, the funniest shit. See, I had drug all my stuff and dropped it on the sidewalk in front of the house. Then I moved it all in front of the next door neighbor's house. I decided to just wait for the sun to come up and dry my stuff right there on the sidewalk. I wasn't going to pack it wet. I hung up my sleeping bag to drip dry on the No Parking sign. I sat down on the sidewalk and all of a sudden it started drizzling again. I realized I had a sewing project to do on my blue rain poncho. It stopped drizzling so I just sat there stitching my poncho.
                     Then these kids from the house walked by and yelled at me, "We want you out of here!" I told them, "Why don't you let the lady next door complain? I'm not on your property anymore. It's a public sidewalk. Call the cops or something." Actually, after I was already packing up and almost ready to go the police did show up. He asked me, "Were you one of the guys on the rooftop?" Yeah, that was me, I told him. I told him that the guys at 529 had let me camp in their back yard for three days. He gave me my ID back and let me go.
                     Those punks actually called the cops on me. Is that all you guys can do? Complaining won't do shit. Bunch of pussies. Those kids are all assbackwards. Hippiecrites, they are. Man, nobody wants world peace. I was just testing you guys, anyway.
                     I can just picture them looking out the window. "Is he still out there??" One of them actually came out and offered to help me with my stuff. They probably planned that maneuver out for a long time. "Yeah, go tell him you'll help him with his stuff. He'll get the hint." The dufus came out and told me he'd help, so I said okay and told him to hold the end of the tarp and help me fold it up. It was obvious he had never folded a tarp with another person before. He wasn't even holding it tight while I rolled it. Then it started drizzling again so I unrolled the tarp to cover everything I had painstakingly set out to dry. Then it stopped raining and the sun came out so I took my time and sewed up a rip in my poncho. Then I got up and started packing my stuff up to go. They all walked by and dude told me I better get out of here. One girl even said, "We never want to see you around here again!" I should've told her, "You will. I promise. I'm everywhere." Anyway, I am catching the bus into town. Oh yeah, and then the cops showed up and they didn't tell me shit. I got to tell them my story, actually. The police weren't nearly as ignorant as the kids from the house, hehe.

     11:20am  I walked down the street after the cops ran me off. I was ready to leave anyway. I was almost done packing. I didn't score anywhere last night and I was hungry. See, last night when I first got to the house nobody answered the door. I went around to the backyard and set up my tent. As I was setting it up I heard somebody inside the house. The window was opened and I said, "Is that you, Jordan?" He said, "No, it's Reggie." I didn't know who Reggie was. I walked to the front door and knocked, but he didn't answer. I figured I would just walk inside the house since I knew it wasn't empty. The dogs would have none of that and I quickly shut the door. I went back around to the backyard and got Reggie's attention and asked him if he would open the door for me. I told him the dogs wouldn't let me in. He unlocked the back door for me and I went inside and heated up a Ramen I had bought earlier. Then Jay and Jordan came home.
                     Last night when Sarah was scolding me she had said, "Oh, and we heard that you were inside the house while nobody was here." I told her, "That's bullshit. I got let in the house." I keep wanting to call her Carol because she's a fat girl with dreadlocks. She was all, "My grandma just died!" Like that's any fault of mine. Sarah doesn't see the world as it is, BUT AS SHE IS. I should've told her that. In the end I forgive you, Carol. Err, I mean Sarah. :]

                     So I came to the bus stop to wait for the bus because I am in pain when I walk. The first #1 that came, even though I have three hundred dollars in my wallet, I asked for a courtesy ride. He quickly told me no. My leg does feel better after sleeping. I shouldn't be walking until it's completely healed. I'm just going to wait for the next bus. I'm all stoned. I'm almost out, but I'm going to get some more because I have money. I'm not going to spend it all on weed. I need to find me an army surplus store so I can buy my CamelBak bladder. I also need to price some boots. The rest I'm going to spend on tee shirts. Kevil told me to use that money for whatever I needed…and to buy some vegetarian food and give it away. Umm, world peace needs some tee shirts. I'm going to get black shirts with white letters.

     11:35am  I am on the bus. The busfare is $2.50, crazy.

     11:36am  Cindy was nice enough to give me some change so I can get a transfer.

     11:39am  I am at the transit center. That three minute ride I just took costs two fifty.

     12:15pm  I just got off the bus in front of Big 5 Sporting Goods.

     12:47pm  I just got out of Big 5. Across the street they had Outdoor World, but all the boots in there were like a hundred bucks. At Big 5 I found me some badass camo hunting boots for thirty bucks! They're totally waterproof. I'll take pictures of them eventually. Man, for only thirty bucks I don't care if I wear these out in a month. I'll buy new ones.

     1:04pm  I am on the bus heading back downtown.

     1:16pm  Back at the transit center. I'm going to walk to this feeding they're having at the fountain. Jay and Jordan. They've got food, so I'm going to eat.

                   I love my new boots. I can walk again. My feet were killing me before.

     2:35pm  I ran into Kevil and Jay and Jay offered me two bucks! He said he was in a really giving mood. I felt like telling him no, that someone had just given me three hundred dollars. Since Kevil was standing right there I just took the money. Kevil even said, "I'm sure you can use two bucks."

                   I might go to the library. Kevil and Jay told me about the world's biggest pillow fight in San Francisco.

     3:03pm  I'm going to San Jose. Maybe I'll get to San Francisco for this pillow fight.

     5:50pm  I forgot to tell you I am already in San Jose. I got here about fifteen minutes ago. I came to the bathroom at the transfer center and layered up. I'm going to get something to eat at the snack bar now. I already paid for my ticket to San Francisco. Seven fifty again.

     6:25pm  I am on the train going to San Francisco. Station

     7:07pm  I am on the train still heading to San Francisco. When I first got on I felt really stupid. I should've totally evaded the fare. Stupid me, I forgot. I just put my money in the machine and walked to the train and sat down and nobody told me shit. I could've totally left out the first factor of that equation. Oh yeah, and right now this girl walked by and told me, "I like your shirt." I told her I had a website, to search Google for it. Then later this conductor guy saw my shirt and said, "World peace through marijuana? That could work, that could work." I gave him my website and he said he'd check it out. Awesome, welcome to San Francisco.

     7:22pm  I just got off the train in San Francisco.

     7:44pm  I walked Bryant Street to the Shell station and the cool black dude inside gave me directions to Golden Gate Park. It's not raining right now and hopefully it won't rain again. I figure I can go make my tent at the park.

                   Starry Plow, brewpub on Shattuck. Open-mic nights are Tuesdays.

                   Don't remember exactly where this is.

     9:03pm  Just got off the Bart in downtown Berkeley. I wonder if they still let people crash at UC during the rain.

     9:11pm  I got off the Bart in Berkeley. I'm going to walk to Telegraph.

     9:23pm  I just got back to Telegraph Avenue. Welcome back to Telegraph, Victor. I'm going to go expose my shirt. It's Friday night. It's not raining anymore, for now. Oh yeah, I got some weed.
     10:26pm  I have to tell you about the magic that happened. I walked all the way from the Bart station in Downtown Berkeley to Telegraph. I was walking down this street and this Asian girl saw me and asked me, "Where are you going with all that stuff you're carrying?" I should've told her my story, but I asked her where Telegraph was. She told me to walk Bancroft. Then I ran into this other dude Ted who scored me some dank ass weed and he brought me to this big hallway at this church where all the other Berkeley homebums are escaping the rain. He scored me some dank weed. Umm, sorry Kevil, but I, umm, need weed. I am living a dream.

                     I just counted all the money I have left. I only have $210 left. I was trying to total all the things I spent yesterday. I broke ten dollars right off the bat to get snacks. Then I spent like $40 at Big 5. I also bought a couple caribiners. $10 for bus fare to San Jose. $20 for weed last night. That's like eighty bucks so far. I guess I spent the rest on bus fare and stuff. Hmm, the train from San Jose to San Francisco was $7.50. Ahh, it's all accounted for. Oh yeah, I wanted to get a tee shirt made. Or some tee shirts. Maybe like five shirts made. I want to get a black one with white letters. I also want some more white ones made. I want to go buy a CamelBak bladder. That's thirty bucks right there.

Next day..

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