


San Antonio, TX

Saturday February 14, 2004

     5:10am  I just woke up. Man, I am in this routine now.

     6:24am  I am leaving my mom's house. It's crazy, there's all this ice all over the grass. It's badass.

                   Whoa, my mom's windshield is all iced over. It feels like I am walking through snow. It's awesome. I haven't seen snow in a long time.

                   I'm going to go on a nature-walk through OP Schnabel to Babcock North and over to Carlos' house. I want to go to the Oxbow lake today. Yeah.

                   Oh, it's Saturday. Maybe Katie and Johnny are home. It's early though.

                   Oh yeah, this city shuts down with inclement weather. We don't know what to do. I'm not even sure if the buses are running.

                   The bus will be running today. I'm sure.

     6:29am  I just walked by this Ford Aspire. License plate VCH-Z0D. On the frost on the back window somebody wrote, "You got 420 snow." See, weed's everywhere. Especially in vandalism.

     6:55am  Entering OP Schnabel Park. I just noticed that they don't have the sign up that says, "OP Schnabel Park" anymore. It says Braundera YMCA, which is in the park, but there's not one that says OP anymore. That sucks.

                   I'm going to rename it to "Victor's Office," hehe.

     6:57am  I took a picture of the frost on the grass.  

                   The address to OP Schnabel is 9806 Bandera Rd.

                   I'm going to walk up to the pavilion and rest my feet and smoke some weed.

     7:05am  I saw another rabbit across the street that I'm hunting down. Hopefully I can take a picture of him. I never got that picture of one that I told myself I was going to get the other day(2-3-04, 8:54pm).

                   Damnit, I lost the son of a bitch.

                   The sun's coming up over the park now. That's cool. It's beautiful. I should take a picture of the sunrise.

                   Oh yeah, it sucks that that rabbit got away because I wound the camera up to my last picture now. I can't put it back in my pocket because the shutter might release on accident. I'm going to walk around holding a camera. Maybe I'm supposed to. Maybe something cool's going to happen.

                   Shit, I jinxed it.

     7:08am  I got to the pavilion. I'm going to sit down and rest my feet and smoke some weed. I gotta take a piss first.

     7:15am  I'm done resting at the pavilion. I'm all stoned. I'm going to go for a walk in the woods now. In my office.

     7:20am  Dude, I just passed up a good picture. I had taken my last one of some random shot of a trail, because I didn't feel like holding it. This bigass tree leaning over here. The top layer is covered in frost. That would have been a great picture. It'll be melted by the time I get back here with a camera.

                   It was really cool. Like the frost, some of it was on the ground where it had fallen off the tree. It's this long tree growing sideways. If it was dry I could like walk across the tree. It comes out at the ground and comes out almost horizontal. I wish I would've had a camera. That would have been a great picture.

                   Maybe I'll come back with a camera and take a picture of the tree, even though it will be all melted. And you can just imagine there being frost on the cool tree. That's what I'll do.

                   Let me write that down, "Come back and take a picture of the tree."

                   I walked the main trail to the edge, where the fence to the houses are, where the neighborhood starts. I'm going back around to the main trail.

                   I hope I'm able to find that same tree when I come looking for it again.

     7:29am  Damnit, do you know what I just realized? That my mom had bought me two cameras and they're sitting in my mission box at home. I should have the other one in my cargo shorts pocket. That sucks! Damnit. I am contemplating walking back up to my mom's. Maybe I'll catch the bus. That's right, I'm going to go to Walmart and leave this camera to be developed. Then I'll ride the bus home and it should be ready when I come back. I'll go home and get a camera and come take a picture of that tree. I'm going to Walmart first. It's a good hike. I'm going to go back through the park.

                   I mean, my office.

                   I'm over here by the antenna right next to the cliff again.

     7:35am  Man, it's beautiful outside. It's all crisp and cool. Maybe I'll drop some layers when I get home.

                   I doubt it, it's chilly.

                   Not paying for things and getting away with it is my sport.

     8:11am  I just had a great idea. The song I'll dedicate to my future traveling-partner/companion. My girlfriend. My mate. That one song that goes, "I'll stop the world and melt with you." Because in it, it says, "I made a pilgrimage to save the human race." That's what I'm doing.

     8:15am  I came up on Bandera Road, I forgot to tell you. I came out of the park. I forgot about the big billboard that says, "GRASS." That's hilarious. It has an arrow pointing down. GRASS.

     8:25am  Haha, I just had a funny-ass presentation at the carwash place. All these dudes were out there smoking cigarettes and shit. I went up there and tried giving them my presentation. When I asked them what was the world's greatest problem, one guy said, "What, weed?" Shocked, I told him. "Weed? Weed's the world's greatest problem? Man, you're crazy." I got all into my explanation, but they couldn't understand me. One kept saying, "I'm all poor. I don't have a computer." I said, "Alright, let me just skip to the marijuana part then." They all started walking off and shit. They'll hear about it eventually.

                   And, they think I'm crazy. They're going to go tell all their friends.

                   Just like I want them to.

                   I got them tied around my little finger.

     8:27am  I'm walking into the Walmart. I gotta get this film developed.

                   Oh yeah, the letter of the day is S on transfers.

                   Damn, no S's.

     8:30am  Juan hooked me up with a transfer for the 610. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Dude, I called that shit. I was sitting on the 88 waiting for the driver to come back. When he does I say, "Hey, bro. I don't suppose you could hook me up with a transfer in case the guy on the 610 doesn't give me a ride?" He said, "What, you don't have any money?" He tore it off real quick and handed it to me saying, "Here you go, brother." I told him I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and that he was in it. He's taking off, so I'm not going to explain it to him.

                   He proved me right. I told him, "Thanks a lot man. Thanks for driving the bus."

                   Hehe, on the bench out here someone wrote with marker, "Marriage sucks." That's hilarious, it does.

                   I don't want to dig in my bag to get a big bill and break my twenty to get some food at McDonald's, so I'm just going to eat some food at my mom's house. I'll have a bowl of her cereal or something. Thanks, mom.

                   See, pirated software, is allowed. Not everybody knows though.


     9:05am  Cool, the 610 is here. Patience paid off.

     9:24am  I just got dropped off in front of the Citgo. I'm going to walk to my mom's house and eat a sandwich.

                   Then, I'll walk all the way back to OP Schnabel Park and take that picture of the tree, like I said I would.

                   Oh yeah, my film will be ready at ten.

     9:34am  I just wanted to say that I love this weather, all this ice.

     10:06am  My mom. She pisses me off. Like yesterday I walked in and went to go talk to my mom. She was in the bathroom. I told her, "I had a great day. I walked so much," and that I was going to get a bowl of cereal. So I went to the kitchen to get my bowl and spoon, which she goes through all the trouble of labeling dishes so nobody uses other people's stuff. Anytime I would use my dishes I would always rinse them off right after. My dishes don't stay there all piled up like everybody else's do. All the lazy people who live here who don't wash their dishes every time they use it. Anyway, I went to get my bowl and it wasn't there! I look and see my little eight year old nephew sitting down eating a bowl of cereal. And he's got my spoon and my bowl. I got pissed off at him. I said, "Hey, that's my stuff! Don't be using my stuff." After I yelled at him he said, "Grandma made it for me." I told him, "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll go yell at her."
                   When my mom had heard me yelling at him, she said, "What's going on?" I told her, "I was yelling at him because he was using my bowl and spoon." My mom said, "Oh, I let him. I told him to use it." I said, "I know. When he told me that you gave him permission, I apologized and told him I was going to go yell at you instead." She started pulling excuses out of her ass. I went, "Mom, isn't that what the names are on the dishes for? So other people won't use them? I am the only person who washes their dish after every time I use it. Don't I have the right to get a little mad?" She just went off and bitched some more.
                   Then, I noticed I had tracked mud in the house on her tile floor. I went up to her and asked her where the mop was. She went, "I don't know. I don't think we have one." She's so unorganized. So I found the broom myself and went around sweeping up all the clumps I could. She walks around the corner and notices the mud. While I am standing there with a broom trying to clean up my mess, she freaks, saying, "Oh my god, look at this! Look at that over there! Look at all this mess you made!" I yelled at her, "I am picking it up as we speak, mom! I see that and I am trying to correct it." She just kept going and going. I yelled at her, "Mom, what else do you want me to do? I am cleaning it up." She just couldn't stop bitching. Ugh. It pisses me off.
                   Anyway, after I got through arguing about the dishes she tells me, "You know what? You go to Walmart and you buy your own dishes then." I told her, "Fine, I already use my own silverware." I asked her, "So why do you label all the dishes anyway?" Then she got real mad and said, "Well, if you don't like it here you can leave!" I laughed and told her, "Mom, we've already been through this. You let me stay here because you're scared you'll to go hell if you don't. Your my mother. It's your Christian programming. I dare you to kick me out." She couldn't say anything to that.
                   Then she said, "Oh, the police told me that next time you were going to jail." I said, "For what? For you letting me stay in your house? I'm going to go to jail for that? Mom, get real. When will you ever learn?"

                   I should've told her, "Mom, you really shouldn't resent your son for being happier and less ignorant than you are. You should learn from him."

                   "Don't you see what a big sin that is? You hypocrite."

                   Oh yeah, and she went to go exercise with my little nephew at the Racquetball and Fitness Club. I told her, "Mom, all you have to do is walk." Oh no, she's got a membership to Racquetball and Fitness. I told her, "What? Do you think you're going to get into better shape if you're paying money for it?" Hehe, she hates it when I talk to her like that. She's so dumb.

                   When will she ever learn? When will everybody?




                   Oh yeah, and another thing. Without telling me my mom had already hooked up her computer in the garage-room. She didn't want to come out and tell me that the computer was back, so she told Carlitos, my nephew, "When you come back, we'll check out for you." She made sure I heard that. Curious, I walked to the room and saw the phone cord she uses for the Internet. I thought, "That's cool. You know what, before she even tells me, I'm going to tell her, "Mom, about your computer. Don't worry about it. I won't use it one bit. The next time it breaks down, you can't blame it on me. Because it will break down. It's an old piece of shit." I told her, "I don't need it. I have other computers to go to."

                   Haha, she had all tried to inadvertently let me now. Haha, she didn't have the balls to tell me, "Oh, I got the computer set up." She must've been expecting me to go, "Oh, you got a computer? Can I get on?" She's all tripping.

                   Man, she's senile, I swear.

                   Haha, I just took a picture of my mom's dirty house. You guys ought to see it.   


                   It's her own fault it's like this.

                   Truth hurts, doesn't it, mom?

                   Sorry mom, nothing but the truth.

                   My mom was all, "Don't yell at him!" I told her, "Why don't you tell his mom not to yell at him!? Talk to her." My mom said, "Yeah, we need to minimize that." She should start with his mom.

     10:34am  I'm on my walk to OP again. I'm going to walk back to Walmart again.

                     Now I got my camera.

     10:43am  Aww, I just saw a dog with one leg missing just hopping along. He's missing one of his back legs. Poor doggy.

                      I'm walking down Wickersham.

     10:47am  Cool, I found me a little ball bearing.

     10:54am  Badass, I found a tennis ball along Braun Rd. It's kind of wet, so I'm just going to leave it here. I'll get it when I need it. Thanks, spirits. I am going to need a tennis ball.

                     I stashed it in one of these big cement blocks on the side of that road. In the fifth one.

     10:55am  I walked a little bit further and I found on the ground a box of Doral Lights with five cigarettes in it. I don't know how they got there. There's ice and rain. They should be wet. The spirit's must've left them there for me. I'm going to smoke one. Even though I haven't smoked cigarettes in over ten days now. I'm just going to smoke one. I'm not going to smoke the whole pack. I'm going to leave the rest of it. Actually, what I'll do is take the pack with me and give them away to somebody. Alright, I'm just going to smoke one.

                     I deserve it. I'm working on the mission today. Getting my pictures.

                     Thank you Love, that's very generous of you. I needed a cigarette. Well, I didn't need one, but thanks anyway. I appreciate it.

     10:58am  I haven't smoked a cigarette yet. I left the box here with the remaining four cigarettes. I set it on this construction machine, I think it's a backhoe. Wups, the wind just blew the box off. Let me see if I can find another spot for them.

     11:00am  I hid them in the center of this umm, digging thing. Digging apparatus. Big giant corkscrew that's here. I put them right there in the spindle of it. In the end of it. Maybe somebody walking by will see them and smoke them.

                    Alright, I'm going to go down in the ditch and smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. Yeah.

     11:00am  I took a picture of the big machine. It's on the big ditch on Braun Road.


                     Okay, now I'm going to smoke some weed.

     11:11am  That was a damn good cigarette. I'm tempted to go back and get the pack to give them away. Nah, I'll leave them where they are because I'm going to end up smoking them. So, I'm just going to leave them there. See how strong I am? Haha.

                     I'm just joking. I'm all stoned, hehe.

                     I didn't smoke a cigarette for seven days. So, I'm thinking one cigarette a week. That's serious moderation for me. Or else, no more.

                     Unless I find another pack in a week, hehe.

                     My mom's says I disrespect her. She disrespects the world by driving a car. Oh yeah, I'm up walking from the ditch now. I'm going to walk to Walmart now.

                     Shit, I forgot that case number at home for my complaint. Damnit, I'm going to write that down.

     11:30am  I'm in OP Schnabel now. I'm going to take a shot of Muscleblast 2000 and keep walking to Walmart.

     11:38am  I just looked in my bag and I don't have my twenty bucks. That sucks, man. That pisses me off so much. Argh.

                     I came back to my mom's. Did I ever tell you guys about that fortune cookie I got that says, "You will be called to fill a position of high honor and responsibility.".

     11:47am  Plot thickens, I'm going to walk back to my mom's house, get the money and come back.

                     Oh yeah, earlier my mom was all trying to point out all the things I'd messed up in the house, which is nothing. She told me, "When I bought you food at Sonic I had to throw away your trash." I told her, "Compare my trash to your trash, mother. It's all yours, the mess in the house. Nobody else did it. You just ignore it. And then you bitch at me if I don't throw my trash away? Come on mom, try and set an example. You have absolutely no room to talk".

                     Hehe, I should have told her, "Look mom, I took pictures of your house today. It's always a mess in here. It's the truth. You better be nice to me."

                     I mean, it's not like I have to to put them on my webpage. But why not? It's the truth.

     12:29pm  Damnit, my mom's home.

     12:57pm  My mom just told me that she's going to take my nephew, Carlitos, I like my little nephew. He's a darling kid. It's a shame he's getting the "rearing" and raising from my dumb sister. My mom told me she was going to take him to McDonald's. I asked her if she could take me to Walmart, which is not too far from McDonald's. She said yes. Cool, I've got a ride.

     1:14pm  My mom stopped at McDonald's to take my nephew to eat. I'm going to walk to the Walmart.

                    Oh yeah, and it's badass. I've got thirty dollars, I don't have twenty. That's awesome. Oh yeah, I had a big bowl of cereal before I left. I'm going to go buy some more.

                    Actually, I'm going to go play around on the bus. Then I'll come back and stop into Walmart and go home. I'll buy some milk, too.

     1:32pm  I think I'm going to do a little hiking. I'm not going to go to Planet K, as I first thought. I'm going to take a hike out in the woods. There will be some people out there I can tell my story to. The sun's out.

     1:34pm  I walked over by the wall where I took a piss the other day. I picked up another Yu-Gi-Oh card. Dark Cat With White Tail.

     1:35pm  I changed my mind. I'm going to go eat at McDonald's in the Walmart. I've got money. I figured that since I got money, I'll get a burger and then go for a hike.

                   Okay, I'm leaving Walmart again. I ate a double cheeseburger.

     1:55pm  Oh yeah, and I saw an index print for my CD, and you can indeed see where I wrote fuck on the street yesterday with my muddy boots.

                   I just took a picture of the graffiti 

someone drew on the back of the wall out here. I'm going to start walking the trails now. They just built this Walmart not too long ago, so this wall back here is new and it's already tagged up.

                   It has some dude hitting a joint.

                   I was going to take a picture of the golf course down below, but I changed my mind and just took a random picture on a trail. 

     2:32pm  I stopped here by the big creek bed. The big rocks down here in the creek. Someone graffiti'd BAM real big in bright orange spray-paint. It sucks. If you're going to mar the woods, at least have it be weed-related.

                   Deface my office like that. No respect, haha.

     2:54pm  I walked up the hill and I saw this couple sitting at the lookout point. I went, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" They told me no. I told them, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss."

                    Then I walked to the pavilion and I saw this guy and two girls and I hit them up for my story. When I was telling them my mission-objectives, that I was going to eliminate money, the guy said, "Oh, I don't like this." And when I said I was going to get rid of cars he said, "I drive the biggest truck there is." He didn't smoke weed either. They all ignored me after that. I told them, "You guys can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." The guy said, "I think we'll do that." I walked off.

                   One of the girls, when I asked them what the world's greatest problem was, said obesity right off the bat. And when I started walking off she said, "I still think it's obesity." I turned around and told her, "Really? Well, if everybody got out of their lazy cars and walked, don't you think that problem will go away?" She said, "Yeah, but not with marijuana." I told her, "Just watch it. Looks like it will be a surprise."

                   Ha, that's funny. They're going to go tell all their friends.

                   Just like I want them to!

                   Oh yeah, and I forgot to ask them to do me the two favors.

                   I shouldn't have to ask, They already do, hehe.

     3:32pm  I ran into some kids that actually listened to my story! We're going to go smoke some weed. What were you guy's names again? Chris and Bobby. Thanks for listening, guys. Chris goes to that new church they built across the street from the park.

     5:20pm  I just took a picture of this dog.


                   We're walking on a trail. I don't know where we are. I don't recognize this field.

                   Oh yeah! And this Chris guy told me that cleaning up at the church he found this cool walkie-talkie weather radio thing. He told me that since I travel so much he wanted me to have it. Nobody had claimed it.

     5:51pm  Tomorrow, I'm going to go to the Bandera Road Community Church.

                   Chris: "At five 'o clock go look for a guy named Andre. Tell him that Chris checked with the construction company and nobody is missing a walkie-talkie. And I said this guy could have it because we can't find the owner."

                   Oh, it's great what just happened. These kids I ran into they go to that Bandera Road Community Church in front of the park. I have a liaison for the BRCC now. I had been meaning to go in there and see if they were as ignorant as The Church on the Rock. It's awesome how my project is evolving. I was meant to stay out in the woods today.

                   Chris asked me if I had a cigarette and I told him about the ones I stashed earlier. We're going to walk back up there to get them.

                   Oh yeah, I got my CD's. I got my pictures.

                   Hehe, I kind of want to go back up to my mom's house and tell her, "Mom, I know I told you I wasn't going to use your computer, but I just want to look at my pictures."

     6:04pm  Damn, I'm stupid. I walked almost all the way up there and I realized I never went to Walmart to do grocery shopping. That's what I'm going to do. I changed my mind and turned around. I'm going to walk back to Walmart. I don't care. I'm going to get me another burger. I'm hungry. Gasoline for my stomach for my walk home.

                   Oh yeah, tomorrow at five I'm going to go to that church and ask Andre about some CB radio thing. Oh, I already told you.

                   Oh yeah, I took a picture of the GRASS sign.


I'm getting hooked up with a radio tomorrow from this church. It's going to be awesome.

     6:15pm  Sometimes I think I really am crazy. I walked all the way up Braun Road almost to my mom's house. Oh yeah, I was going to go to Walmart. What am I going to do at my mom's house? I'm turning back around. I'll go back through the woods, yeah.

     6:20pm  Maybe I am meant to go back. I should go by the HEB and see if Marko is working at the Goodwill Donation Station. The buses don't stop there anymore since they built the Walmart.

     6:32pm  The Donation Station isn't open. I'm going to walk to Walmart.

     6:37pm  I just passed by this place called Scrapbook Heaven. I want to look in there. Maybe I'll buy something. I don't know.

     6:39pm  I walked into that Scrapbook Heaven place and noticed my boots were caked with mud. I walked back out and scraped my boots off on the curb. I changed my mind. I don't want to go in that place. I'll go some other time.

                   Oh yeah, I smoked another cigarette when we went back to where I stashed them.

                   I told this girl who works at Walmart my intro and she thinks I'm crazy.

     7:41pm  Man, I've had a crazy time. I'll recap the night later.

     7:55pm  Holy shit, the weirdest thing just happened. I hiked all the way back out to Walmart. I wanted to do some shopping. Since me and my mom got in an argument and her petty ass told me to get my own bowl, I went and got my own bowl. I did some other shopping too. I bought two full boxes of Total cereal. I got some Iron Kids bread, some healthy bread. I got some peanut butter. A gallon of Tampico juice, like I used to have at Sam's. I got a gallon of milk too.

                   So if my mom wants to bitch at me, I did what she told me to. I am independent. This side of the tape is about to run out. Anyway, I'm home.

                   Oh, yeah, I have to tell you. When I was coming back, I was hauling my Tampico juice and my milk. I had some heavy shit. I called my mom from the courtesy phone and she told me she was on her way somewhere else. I told, "Alright, I'll make it home." I was going to. I even got on one of the buses I realized I didn't have my bread. My $1.60 bread. I had already put a dollar in and everything, but I asked the driver to let me off the bus. He let me off and I went and got it.
                   But oh yeah, right when I get off the bus I hear somebody honking at me. It's my mom! She shows up. Man, that's so crazy. If I wouldn't have gotten off the bus, like right before he got to Bandera I asked him to let me off. If I wouldn't have gotten off the bus my mom wouldn't have seen me and driven off. She came to pick me up. She was worried about me. I got my ride home with all my groceries. Badass.

                   That's so cool how my mom found me tonight. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm going to do my laundry. I've got some stuff to do. I have this big giant list of things to do again.

Next day..

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