


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 15, 2004

     4:40am  I'm waking up.

     6:30am  Sunday morning and I'm walking off from my mom's house. I had a good morning this morning. I had a big bowl of cereal and got my vitamin C with that Tampico stuff I bought. I found that case number, I had it all along. I could've given it to the cop when he had asked me for it.

                   I'm going to do this shit every day. Walk my ass off in the morning. Get up early.

                   I can't believe everybody thinks I'm crazy.

                   Oh, and I had a really good smoking session this morning on the back porch.

     6:36am  I walked to the Exxon in front of the park. I'm going to put my thermals on. It's chilly.

     6:42am  I just finished putting on my thermals. seven minutes it took me.

     6:55am  I just took a picture of this little platform I came across. Right when I went in the park, I went on the right trail instead of the left one. This is where I wound up.

                   I hope I can find that tree that I saw yesterday with all the frost. Like I said I would. Then I can check it off my list.

     7:00am  Near that platform I stumbled onto this place with more buildings. There's a storage shed here with all this shit. It's unlocked. You can open the door. There's some water tanks. I think it's close to the baseball field.

                    I saw a soccer ball in there.

                   Okay, I'm on the entrance road. I'm going to keep going straight. I'm going to go find that tree.

     7:11am  Badass, I found the tree. I'll take a picture of it.

                   So just imagine this tree with white stuff all over it. It looked beautiful.  (couldn't find picture, sorry)

                   It was awesome. This random course I took through the trails brought me right to it. I didn't have to look for it at all. I was just walking.

     7:18am  I took a picture of the sunrise.


                    I don't know how it will come out.

     7:45am  I think I'm going to come down from the tree now. I think I'm going to go home and make some phone calls. I got a lot of phone calls to make.

                   Oh yeah, it's Sunday. A lot of places won't be open. I was going to call the dental school and the Walmart hotline about my boots. Today's the fifteenth. They started the Dental School at UTHSC yesterday. I want to actually go over there. I'm going to ride the bus out there.

                  Walk to the Walmart.

                  Random picture of the cliffs.  

                  I took a picture of the rocks that say "BAM" on them.  

     7:47am  All of a sudden this little dog comes up to me! I looked at the nametag and it says Sophie on it. I was giving her some lovin' and her owner walks up with two other dogs. He asked me how I was doing and I told him, "Excellent. I'm the happiest man in the world." He kept walking. Cute little dog.

     7:57am  I don't know if I told you already, but I'm walking towards the bus stop. To the Walmart.

     8:14am  Passing the thing that says Legalize Herb on it.


                   The cement water thing. I've taken a picture of it before.

     8:15am  I just took a picture of this cool natural rock wall.


                    It's cool with all the roots.

     8:27am  I just stopped and masturbated in the woods. I was thinking about that Heather girl and her tits. I thought, "Man, I would like to have some nice casual, uncommitted sex with her. She gave me a kiss, remember?"

                  Yeah, like I ever get what I want.

                  Hey, I'm only human. I think about sex all the time.

                  It's a declaration of independence, masturbation.

                  I'm just getting back to nature out in the woods.

     8:46am  I walked all the way over to Bandera. I didn't want to end up at Bandera. I wanted to hit the buses over at Walmart. I'm going to see if there is a way through this Guardian Self Storage place.

                  I've been walking my ass this morning. A good five or six miles.

                  I have to double back all the way around the apartments. That sucks. Oh well. I'm going on a different trail, though.

     8:55am  I'm walking up to the buses, by that wall I took a piss at that one day. I'm going to look around and see if there are anymore of those Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

     9:09am  I cleaned off my boots here by the bus stop. There's a bus here but I don't see the driver. I think he's inside taking a shit or something. I'm going to look inside the bus and find out what the letter of the day is for transfers.

                   Today it's Annie. Let me look through my transfers and see if I have any A's.

                   Sweet! I have four A transfers. I'm going to have a good day. I think I'm going over to Planet K and see if they have any rainbow beads for my walking stick. I want to ask them, "Who's going to see the application?" I heard I have to write a story for the application. I wonder if I am going to include my story that I tell everyone? Should I go full force? I've got to talk to that manager again.

     9:10am  Holy shit, I just realized something. My tooth hasn't hurt since I quit smoking cigarettes either. Wow. My teeth don't hurt. My gums don't bleed. I'm never smoking again.

                    I might smoke one like every week or so, hehehe. Never say never.

                   Okay, everybody learn from me. Stop smoking. Shit gets better.

                   Cigarettes, I mean.

     9:22am  Damnit, I just looked at the schedule and I have half an hour to wait for the 610. I've been sitting here long enough. I figure I can go into the Walmart and do some work. I have to go to the bathroom and take my thermals off and roll them up. Then, go get me some food, too.

                   I should probably go to my mom's house and make some phone calls. Maybe I can get those fifty dollars off of her from my grandpa. I only have like six dollars left. I'm sure I'll think of things to do. I do have to make phone calls though.

                   Damnit, no I don't. Today is Sunday. Shit.

     9:24am  I looked at my little list of things to do and there's pretty much free time until five, when I have to go to Bandera Road Community Church. I've got these two emails I need to write, but I want to do that tomorrow while my mom is at work. I won't even tell her that I'm going to use it, ha.

                   Let's see, I got that picture of the tree today. I checked that off. I got the case number, I got that. I got a bowl of weed last night, checked that off. I could call about the dentist today, but I'll do that tomorrow also. I got my film done and bought juice. And BRCC at five. That's all I've got to do today.

                   See how simple that was? Just writing stuff down.

                   Now, I'm just going to go into the Walmart. I might just get something to eat and not take my pants off. Ah, I think I will take my thermals off. It's going to get warm.

     9:27am  I just left the Walmart. Everybody was giving me funny looks. Hey, there's the hippie guy with his stick.

     9:52am  The 610 pulled up. We're leaving in two minutes. Decoy transfer worked.

                   Well, they never fail.

     10:17am  The 534 comes at 10:37. I think I'm going to walk to the dental school and see if they're open. If not I'll get some exercise.

     10:25am  The dental school is closed. I'm going to walk all the way back.

     10:31am  I walked back to the transfer center where the buses are.

     10:39am  Jumped on the 534. Going to Planet K.

     10:43am  I just felt like walking, so I got off the bus. I didn't even get like a block away from the transfer center. I said, "Screw it, I'm going to walk to Planet K." Also, my lungs are hurting. I'm getting worried about smoking pot. Maybe it's time to cut back on that too. I always say I'll smoke the last of my stuff and then I'll stop. Then I think, "What if I get a job at Planet K? I can't stop smoking pot if I work there." That's why I got off the bus. I figure maybe I can walk it off.

     11:00am  I'm on Wurzbach walking towards Planet K. I wanted to take a picture of this graffiti under this bridge here.


Oh yeah, the pocket my mom fixed on my shorts for me is open again. That sucks. It came undone. She did a bad job.

                     Cool, somebody tagged it with NOFX right here.


                     I took a picture of it.  

                     Haha, there's something here that says, "Dana fucks donkeys." That's hilarious. There's another one that says, "Jesus is a cunt." "Emily Hamilton is a slut." "Morrissey rides a cock." There's one that says, "Fuck the world." "Anti-heroes," whatever that is.

                     More graffiti.  

                     "I hate chicks"

                     "Beastie Boys" "Ken loves Sam" "Drink Fight Thugs"

                     "Santos sux dick"

                     "Rude Boy Will"

                     "Texas pimp"

                     "Kim Mangum is a slut/poser."

                     Oh yeah, and that bridge is over by the YMCA on Wurzbach.

     11:12am  I'm going to go in this Mexican restaurant right next to Planet K.

     11:30am  Oh man, the coolest shit happened. I went to Tia Loli's, the Mexican restaurant. And I had five dollars in my pocket. I was ready and willing to pay and everything. When I walked in there was some manager guy in there. The lady who always hooks me up saw me. I went up to her and said, "Hey, I've got money today." She said, "I know, but you don't have to." I told the guy I wanted two bean and cheese tacos and a coffee. He brought it out to me and I paid him cash. Then afterwards, when he stepped out she comes up to me and hands me like three dollars. She tells me in Spanish that when she's working by herself she can give it to me free, but when he is here he'll want you to pay. I told her, "But I was more than willing to pay, I have money." She goes, "No, no, no. I don't want you to."

                     I'm going to go into Planet K and see what I can buy. going to check for my rainbow beads. Damnit, they're closed on Sundays I think. That sucks.

                     They open in half an hour, at twelve. Sweet. Well, I have half an hour to wait. I'll just sit here and smoke some weed and be patient.

                     Mmm, I got a full belly.

                     The sun came out and it's getting kind of hot. My bag isn't big enough for all my layers. I think I'm going to go back to my mom's. After Planet K opens. I want to prep myself for my application. I want to know who's going to read it and what I should have on it. Should I tell my whole story? Should I tone it down a bit? Who's going to read it.

     11:40am  I just took a picture of Planet K.


                    The front of it.

                     Oh yeah, it was weird, the manager from the Mexican restaurant saw me outside while I was taking a picture of the big sign 

in front of Planet K. I then saw him go into Planet K. I wonder what he went to Planet K for.

     11:47am  These two people came up to the store and I told them it didn't open for fifteen more minutes. Then I asked them, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story to kill the time?" They said sure. I gave them my intro and asked if they'd listen and the guy shook his head, "No." Ignorance is bliss, I told him.

     11:54am  Phillip is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. I was just testing you. You passed.

     12:11pm  I'm looking at all the stickers in here. I want to get one for my bag. I might get the one that says, "Go ahead and hit me. I need the money."

                     Haha, there's one that says, "ABCDEFUCK."

     12:15pm  I'm walking away from Planet K now. No rainbow beads at Planet K. Anyway, I walked up to The Willows and just like last time the gate closed right after I walked through it.

     1:12pm  I just had a great presentation with Connie, this pretty girl who listened to me on the bus.

     1:33pm  David's hooking me up with two dollars! Out of the blue. I didn't even talk to him. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:45pm  I'm downtown. I'm going to walk to the police station now that I have the case number.

     1:55pm  Dude, I just talked to this cop and he told me, "For them to do anything about it you're going to have to press charges." He told me I had to go to some substation over by UTSA Downtown Campus. I'll do that tomorrow. Badass, badass.

     2:05pm  I'm having fun hypnotizing the squirrels in Travis Park.

     2:08pm  I noticed that someone left a book on the bench when they were getting up. I say, "Hey, is that your book?" They told me no. I went over there and it's called Dragon Tears by Dean Koontz. I read this book when I was in middleschool or high school. I'm reading the quotes in the beginning there's one that says, "A dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows. A dreamer is just a vessel which must follow where it goes. Trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store, makes each day a constant battle just to stay between the shores." It's "The River," by Garth Brooks.

     2:34pm  With those two bucks David gave me I bought a hotdog.

     3:09pm  Dude, I just ran into this dumbass couple. I walked up to them and I said, "Hey, can I tell you my story?" They said sure. Man, these bible-thumpers were ignorant as hell. They all asked me if they could pray over me. I told them, "You can do whatever you want. This is a free country." Idiots all praying over me. They were all, "Oh no, it's Jesus and Jesus only!" Just you watch, lady.

     3:40pm  I had a really interesting conversation with Water Snake in the park. His website is I'll be sure to check that out.

     3:50pm  I'm on the 92 going to Medical Center.

     4:05pm  Sonny hooked me up with a transfer, badass. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:42pm  Dude, this Mr. Ramos guy listened to my whole story. All the way from downtown to Medical Center. Killed time great. Now I have to wait until 5:05 for the bus to come. I'm going to take a shit.

     4:56pm  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:11pm  I'm on the 610 going towards home. I'm going to be late at Bandera Road Community Church. I'll walk to my mom's house from there.

     5:39pm  I just got off the 610. I rode the bus all the way to Old Tezel. I walked to my mom's house thinking that if she was there I would ask for a ride to the church. I thought, "Hmm, it'll probably be a shorter walk if I got off by the HEB And cut across the field to Braun Road. That way, I can see if Marko is working at the Donation Station.

                  It still amazes me how my mom showed up last night. If I hadn't forgotten my bread, I wouldn't have gotten off the bus to go back for it. That's when I saw my mom. What great synchronicity.

     5:50pm  I walked to the table by the Coke machine here at HEB. It didn't work, damnit. I put like three quarters in it. I lost the quarters. For some reason I wanted a soda. I don't know why. I don't drink soda usually. I went inside and complained with customer service. I told them how the machine ate my quarters. She told me to just go grab a coke and she'd let me have it.

                   I'm going to hike to the BRCC now.

                   Oh, and I could tell how I don't drink soda. I took one gulp of it and almost choked on all that gas. I couldn't burp. I gotta sip it.

     6:02pm  I cut through the field and came out on Pemberton. That's the street I used to live on back when we lived in Wood's End eons ago.

     6:22pm  I went to the BRCC and that dude Chris ended up being there. He hooked me up with this badass weather radio. It takes four AA batteries. Perfect for traveling.

                   Oh yeah, I talked to some girl on a skateboard earlier. I wish I could've talked to her. She had headphones on. I figured any chick on a longboard is cool. That's all California. I want to tell her my story. Maybe I should keep walking around the neighborhood until I talk to that girl.

                   I'm just walking around the neighborhood in circles now. I want to get that girl on the skateboard's attention.

     6:30pm  I'm walking around Wood's End. I see this little girl going around on a scooter all the time. She passed by like three or four times. I came over here where I want to cut through the field to Braun Station. I'm just going to sit at this corner and wait and see if she comes back around again. If she does I'll ask her if she wants to hear a story.

                   Then I walked back to another spot in the neighborhood and I see her again. I walked up to her and said, "Excuse me." She didn't even slow down. She just ignored me. For some reason she keeps riding around me spying on me.

                   I'm just kidding. I don't think she's spying on me.

                   She might think I'm crazy walking around this neighborhood with my walking stick.

                   Oh yeah, that dude earlier who gave me two bucks on the bus today, a long time ago he told me his name was Jesus. Now he told me his name was David. He was wearing all these pendants with dollar symbols all over his neck. I asked him, "Hey man, isn't that pretty blasphemous? You wearing all this money stuff around your neck and you go by the name Jesus? Don't you know it's the root of all evil?" He goes, "Oh, I don't think it's evil." Hypocrite.

                   Haha, he all gave me two dollars.

     6:40pm  I'm going to go on my little jaunt over to the powerline trail and cut over to Wickersham again close to my mom's house.

                   Man, I've been a walking fool lately.

     6:55pm  Man, I got these three kids to listen to me! I went up to some guy on the street and asked him if he wanted to hear a really interesting story. He said, "Wait, let me get my friends. They'll want to hear it too." It was an awesome presentation. They all shook my hand and stuff.

                   Sweet, impregnating the neighborhood with truth once more. Awesome. They're going to see me walking around again and go, "Hey, there's that guy who's bringing world peace."

     7:05pm  Damn, I've been walking around in Braun Heights forever, dude. I walked down Drayton Heights. I'm at Drayton and Murphy Heights. I'm walking down Murphy out of here.

     7:15pm  How could I have gotten lost in Braun Heights? It's like a little tiny neighborhood inside Bran Station. It's weird.

                   Damnit. I think I walked around in a whole big circle. I'm so stupid.

                   I'm going to go towards the powerline. I just saw them.

                   Back at Drayton Heights and Murphy Heights. God-damnit. I'm dumb.

     7:25pm  Dude, this is a badass little radio I got. It's just like the current weather any time. I'm still walking in Braun Heights. I think I'm going to walk back to Lavenham which should take me to Wickersham again. I'll keep walking.

                   When people first interrupt me I should say, "Hey, if you're not going to listen to me, I don't have to listen to you." Just like turn around and walk away.

                   I'll tell them, "It's very important what I'm doing and I hate wasting my time."

     7:53pm  Man, I am still walking to my mom's house. I'm almost there. Man, I walked so much today. A shitload.

     7:57pm  I am at my mom's house finally. There's no cars in the driveway but all the lights are on inside.

Next day..

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