


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday February 18, 2004

     10:18am  Let's see, this morning I woke up and my feet hurt. I'm going back to sleep. I went to bed around three. I woke up at like nine this morning. Anyway, my feet still hurt since I walked so much yesterday. I'm going to go over to Heather's house today. It's kind of frustrating. We're kind of into each other. I feel like when I go over today I'm going to tell her, "Listen, we have to have a talk. I am very attracted to you. You scream sex appeal and you know it and do it on purpose. I'm all about being honest. I really think we are too incompatible for a long-term boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. I'm just being realistic." Now if she doesn't get put off by that, I'm kind of hoping she'll hit the ball back with maybe, "That's Okay, we can just fuck." Hehe.

     11:03am  I'm taking off from my mom's house. I woke up late today. Now I'm going to walk over and meet Heather.

     11:20am  I'm just walking down Old Tezel. All of a sudden someone pulls over for me in a Kia. I didn't recognize him. He said his name was Mike and he just saw me wanted to see if I needed a ride. Cool, Mike picked me up. Some guy I've never talked to. I smoked him out. Thanks, brother. He gave me a ride over to Heather's.

                     That was awesome. I just randomly got picked up again and delivered to Heather's doorstep. Thank you, Love. My feet are tired too. Awesome.

     11:21am  I'm already at Heather's house.

     12:04pm  I just took a picture of this God sign Heather's mom has on the covers. I'm going to take a picture of this really cool bandana she made. Heather draws great!

     1:47pm  I am leaving Heather's now. I like Heather.  Even though all these idiosyncrasies exist between us. I think she's beautiful.

                   The letter of the day is B.

                   Damn, no B's.

     2:03pm  Oh yeah, I hung out with Heather for a long time today. The whole time I was just so tempted to just grab her and touch her and hug her. She's just hot. She'd be one good prize for this victor.

                   Ugh, I am so torn.

     2:05pm  Cool, the nice lady bus driver let me on again. I appreciate it, sister.

                   Sweet, called that. She was all, "Again?"

     2:36pm  I am already back at my mom's house.

     7:06pm  I have had a very productive day. I went through all my pictures and put them in order. I changed the filename from the number it had assigned to it to a description of the picture. I spent all day doing that. I got a lot of stuff done. I'm going to go smoke some marijuana outside.

Next day..

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