


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 20, 2005

     6:56am  Man, I woke up early today. About ten minutes ago.

     10:07am  Dude, that sucks. I was walking towards the Walmart and I ended up taping over some stuff on the other side of the tape. I walked all the way to the Walmart and got a cigarette from the ashtray at the smoking cabana. I went and smoked it at the buses. When I finished I just went, "Nah, I'm not going to catch the bus. I just might walk downtown. I wonder where I'm going to eat." All I had for breakfast was a big bowl of cereal and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Oh yeah, I'm going to call this Ashlee girl whenever I get a chance.

     10:19am  Armendina Peña me esta dando gasolina para mi estomago. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     10:25am  I scored at the Rodeo Rico Barbacoa Restaurant. Cool, cool. Called that. I'm going to walk down Bandera. All the way downtown.

     10:37am  Scored at the barbacoa place. I got four tacos. I'm stuffed. I'm going to smoke a cigarette right now.

     11:08am  I walked down Bandera after I got hooked up with those tacos. I walked by Leslie's Pools and thought I'd try to call Ashlee. The hip kid inside let me borrow the phone, but it didn't ring. The answering machine just came on. I asked the kid working if I could tell him my story and he said sure. I gave him my platform. He agreed with everything, especially the marijuana part. I asked him, "Got any weed? Smoke a brother out?" He sure enough hooked me up with the rest of his stash, not that much. Perfect. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Things happen for a reason! I went into Leslie's Pools just to borrow the phone. Ashlee's answering machine came on real quick. She sounded all slutty like a phone actress. I didn't leave a message. I hate talking to machines. Oh yeah, and I asked the dude if he had some weed and he hooked me up. Oh yeah, he told me he was starting a band soon and that maybe I could be in the show. I got his email address, so I'm going to keep in contact with this guy.

                     I've decided I'm going to go down Poss Road and hit Evers and walk all the way to the Planet K. Let's see what happens there.

                     The weirdest thing, I'm walking down Poss Road and all of a sudden I see this little squirrel in the street. At first I thought it was dead, but it wasn't. It was just sitting there. The squirrel was in the direct line of traffic. A couple cars drove by and I motioned them to go around the squirrel. If I wouldn't have been there, that poor thing would be dead. I wondered why it wasn't moving. Maybe it had already gotten run over. Poor baby. He was just sitting there. I got right next to him but he still wouldn't move. I was all yelling, "You gotta move!" He seems to be alright. I nudged him a lot with my stick and he finally moved. It would've gotten run over if I hadn't made him move. I wonder why he was just lying there in the street. That squirrel must've been suicidal or something. That was weird. I wonder what happened to it. I was really glad I was able to get him out of the street. Cars were almost hitting him and stuff. I had to push him with my stick. At first I thought his back was broken, but he was breathing in and out just fine. He seems fine right now. He was just lying there for no reason. I walked right up to him and he didn't run away or nothing. He must've been paralyzed in fear, or something. I got a picture of him.

                     Whoa, he just darted off and ran up a tree.

     11:19am  I'm on Eckhert now, almost to Wurzbach. Close to Planet K.

                     I'm giving all the cars driving by the peace sign. It's Sunday morning.

     11:45am  Oh, I got to Planet K and it doesn't open until noon. Since all I was going to do at Planet K was try and bum a cigarette, I'm going to keep walking.

     11:55am  Lynne hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the dollar movies. I appreciate it, Lynne. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Oh yeah, I've decided I'm going to watch a movie. Flight of the Phoenix.

     12:14pm  I bought my ticket for the movie. It starts at 12:45, so I've got half an hour to kill. I'm going to walk around the apartments behind here and try and find somebody to tell my story to.

                     Hehe, I hit this one guy up at Honey Hill, but he had to go. I did get my platform out, all the way to "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing," but he had to go.

     12:50pm  I just had a great presentation with this girl. She listened to me a lot. I'm over here in Rolling Ridge apartments. It was some tall girl who was in a running outfit, I think. She told me, but I forget her name. I'm late for my movie. Hopefully it's still on the previews. I should run.

                     I'm at the movie theaters now.

                     Sweet, they're still showing the previews. Perfect, haven't missed any of it.

     2:44pm  Ahh, it was an alright movie, I guess. I'm going to walk downtown now.

     2:50pm  I was just walking by the Sam's Club and some dude said, "Hey, what's up, man. I haven't seen you in a long time." It was this guy who knew me from high school. He knew my sister Laura. I told him my platform and he probably thinks I'm crazy. I jumped right in with my stuff. Now, I'm going to go to the Walmart and use the courtesy phone and call this girl Ashlee.

     3:10pm  I called this Ashlee girl. She told me on the phone that I was the cutest thing on two legs she'd ever seen. She asked me what my sign was and everything. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. I'm going to go downtown and meet her at Travis Park at four today.

                   Oh yeah, she's nineteen.

                   I thought I was pretty close to Crossroads Mall, I was going to walk there. It ended up being a bit further than I thought. I walked 410 to Callaghan, Callaghan to Babcock. I could've walked all the way to the hospital, but I thought I would wait for a bus right close to the intersection. Eventually, the 520 pulled up which took me to Fredericksburg. I got off by the Deco District HEB.

                   I was at the bus stop and I saw some black dude get off the bus. I noticed a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, so I asked him for one. He thinks for a second and goes, "A quarter." I told him I didn't have any money, even though I had some change. He turned around and got in line to get on the bus. I called him a greedy ass. Then, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a dime. I asked him, "Will a dime work?" He said okay and gave me a cigarette. Haha, I bet it was just because I called him a greedy ass.

                   I told him, "Money is the root of all evil. You know that, right?"

     4:18pm  Got off the bus downtown and I'm going to walk to Travis Park. I hope I'm not too late.

     9:32pm  Man, I haven't made an update in a long time. What a magical night I am having. I met this girl Ashlee. This beautiful Jamaican princess. I had asked her if I could take her picture, but she told me, "Oh, but I look like a blob without makeup." I told her she looked great. Yeah, and she's all lovey-dovey with me. Huggin' and kissin'. Whoa, what a good reward. She's very attractive. But, she made it a point to say she didn't want a relationship right off the bat, so I don't know. She lives at some elderly lady's who she takes care of, close to my mom's house. There was no way we were going to get to University Hospital by 7:15, when the last 610 runs. I was hoping Sam would let us crash at his place. We came to Santa Fe Place and Ashlee and I stopped at Teo's first. Teo seemed to be hitting it off with Ashlee. Halfway through at Teo's I told Ashlee I was going to go talk to Sam about letting her crash. I went up and told Sam the whole story about how I met her and he said no problem, being the good host that he is. I'm going to go tell her Sam said ok.

                   Hehe, Sam was all, "Okay, that's cool. You guys need a place to crash? I'm going to clean up since there's a girl coming over."

                   I told Sam, "Hopefully there will be enough room. Ahh, it'll be alright. Hopefully we'll be cuddling."

Next day..

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