


San Antonio, TX

Monday February 21, 2005

     1:10pm  Earlier Sam took us all to eat at the Taco Cabana across the street. Umm, I think I've got a girlfriend. She gave me a handjob last night at Sam's, like in front of the bathroom sink while Sam was asleep. What a great prize for this Victor. After Taco Cabana Sam went to work and Ashlee and I are going to catch the 92 to Medical Center, then we'll get on the 610.

     3:42pm  The lady who's house she lives at is at a stop after the Citgo, so I got off first. I'm going to walk to my mom's house and take a shower, shave, cut my finger/toenails and then go meet Ashlee. She told me she'd call me at 4:50 today and we'd meet up and she'd smoke me out.

     5:47pm  I'm having the weirdest time right now. See, like at 4:50 she was supposed to call me. Since she doesn't have any minutes left on her phone, she just uses it as a pager. I was supposed to call her at 4:50 and she'd call me back at my mom's. I called her and she didn't call back. I got a bit down thinking maybe she was skipping out. She finally called like five minutes ago. It turns out that the old lady she lives with had been on the phone and that's why she couldn't call me back. I was all trippin'. This girl is pressing all the right buttons for me. I think I'm falling for her. Anyway, she just called me and we're going to meet at the Citgo. I asked her, "Where do you plan to sleep?" She said she didn't know. I'm going to see if I can get her in my mom's house.

     5:58pm  I just walked to the Citgo right now. I'm going to meet Ashlee when she gets off the bus. She said her bus was due at her stop at 6:04. Right when I walked to the Citgo I saw Bo(1-27-05, 8:49pm)! I told him I had met a girl and he told me we could stop by his house in about an hour. Around seven we're going to go to his house. Something to do with Ashlee. He told me, "Stop by. It'll be your loss if you don't." I've got a date already. A place to take Ashlee. Perfect.

                   Cool, there's the bus.

                   Umm, Ashlee wasn't on the bus. Hmm.

     6:49pm  I came all the way back home. My mom told me that Ashlee had called. That she was at the Citgo on Bowen's. She said she had missed her bus. Then I tried looking for Ashlee's phone number, so she would know to call my mom's, but I couldn't find it. I asked my mom, "Can you take me over to Bowen's?" She told me I had to wait for her to get ready to go to church. I couldn't find Ashlee's phone number so my mom ended up taking off without me. I got the idea to call the Citgo. I asked the lady working, "Was there a black girl named Ashlee there?" This lady seemed like she knew who I was. She told me yeah, that Ashlee had borrowed the phone there. She told me she was supposed to go meet me. The cashier knew me already. I had told her my story a long time ago. The cashier asked me, "Oh, you don't have her cell number?" I told her I had lost it, but luckily she was able to give it to me! I called Ashlee and now I'm waiting for her to call me back. What a roller coaster.

     6:53pm  Ashlee called. She rode the 610 to the Citgo down the street. I'm going to go get her. We're going to go to Bo's.

     7:05pm  I sped-walked to the Citgo. Where's Ashlee?

     8:17pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We walked all the way to Bo's. We're smoking weed and everything. All these people are over. I had a captive audience. Bo and them revved me up for my story good. He got his two friends all interested and I unleashed with my scripture. Then Ashlee just walked away. Oh shit, I don't want her mad at me.

                   Umm, I thought about it for a bit and stopped telling my story and asked to be excused. I went over to Ashlee and she was looking at one of Bo's fishtanks. I was all stoned and I told Ashlee, "I think you're my catalyst." I do believe I have told my story enough. I have enough emails. I think I can stop telling my story now. She's talking on her cellphone now. Hmm, that's weird. She told me she was out of minutes.

     11:35pm  Oh yeah, I'm back home already. I just ate a bowl of cereal. I think I started to get on Ashlee's nerves. She seemed a little uncomfortable at Bo's. See, I am getting all these signs from her. All the affection, the kissing, umm, the hand-job last night. From the start she told me she didn't want a boyfriend, but that conflicts with her actions. This girl has really grown on me. She's just great eye-candy.

Next day..

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