


San Antonio, TX

Monday February 23, 2004

     7:25am  I just woke up. Well, I didn't just wake up. I woke up and took a shit and read my Future Shock book. I'm going to go eat some breakfast.

     8:02am  I am leaving home. I'm going to walk my little trail to the Walmart and catch the bus.

     8:07am  I have a busy day ahead of me. I gotta go to the Nabi, to the plasma place and go get some money. It's going to be weird. See, I've been holding off on donating plasma until I found out for sure that I didn't have an STD. I got my results back and everything was negative. It's only been like three months. I'm all paranoid that it might be dormant, I don't know. I was thinking, "Hey, if I go donate plasma, then I'll know for sure." At first I was thinking if I did have something I wouldn't want the people at the plasma place knowing about it, but I don't care. I haven't been there in over a year.

                   Umm, if I do have an STD the whole world is going to know. I'm going to go and see if I can get some peace of mind today.

                   I'm walking down Braun almost to Bandera. I took a picture of the intersection. The GRASS sign.

     8:30am  I'm going to look through the ashtrays and see if there are any snipes.

     8:36am  I am entering OP Schnabel. I smoked a snipe at the Exxon. I gotta quit smoking already.

                  Oh yeah, this morning I asked my mom for a dollar for bus fare. She said, "Oh, I don't think I have it." When I went to leave on the kitchen table there was a dollar on top of it. Aww, thanks, mom. That was sweet, mom.

                  Now I'm going to use that dollar for a burger when I get to Walmart and get a courtesy ride, hehe. I'm hungry.

     8:43am  I stopped at the pavilion. I'm going to shed my thermal top.

     8:45am  I'm going to go to my hideout and smoke some weed. I'll have a good hike.

     8:55am  I got to my little hideout. The little platform in the tree.

     9:05am  I got down from the platform. I'm going to walk to the Walmart now.

     9:13am  I walked down to the creek and I heard someone calling out, "Chica, chica!" When the girl saw me she asked me, "Hey, have you seen a little collie running around?" I told her no, but when I walked off the collie showed up. I went, "Oh, can I take a picture of you guys?"

                   I considered telling her my stuff, but ahh, they can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

     9:26am  I finally got a picture of a rabbit. Well, I hope it comes out.

                   Man, I've been speed-walking today. Like raising both arms and everything. Well, not both of them. One of them is holding a stick. The weight of the stick helps to exercise that arm.

     9:29am  Passing Snarlwood.

     9:45am  I just walked to the Walmart where the buses are. Let's see what the letter of the day is.

                   Damn, the driver on the 88 didn't have his transfers punched yet. I don't know. None of the letters had a hole in it.

     9:52am  Deborah at the McDonald's won't hook me up with the eight cents I need for tax. Greedy bitch.

     9:55am  This guy I couldn't understand his name on the recording gave me a whole dollar! I just asked for eight cents. I appreciate it, man.

     10:00am  The 610 guy wouldn't let me on. He was all, "You do this every day, man." I told him, "I know, I told you what I'm doing, right?" I said, "I was just testing you. You failed." Haha.

                     "I'll just ask the next guy."

                      I went back and told him, "It's a full-time job. I don't get days off."

     10:28am  Right when I got on the 610 this guy was in the back and said, "Hey, how's it going?" He had messed up teeth. Dude, I talked the hell out of him. He agreed with everything I said. I'm having a great day already. I ate at the Walmart. I'm going to find me a cigarette somewhere. After-meal smoke.

     10:24am  The security guy, Adrian at the hospital. He asked me, "Hey, you still getting rides? They still let you on?" I told him sure and he just hooked me up with a student ID card and a Big Pass for the month! Badass, man.

     10:41am  Dude, this guy I just told my shit to gave me three dollars! That's awesome! To the victor go the spoils!

                     That was so awesome. This big tall black dude, about my height. He came out of the transfer center and he said, "Hey, man. Do you know who you remind me of? David Blaine." Some magician guy. I talked to him and told him all my shit and he agreed with everything. He told me, "I got some dollars, you want some?" He gave me three bucks!

                     Today is my lucky day! I just got a buss pass from Adrian and now three dollars.

     10:46am  Branch is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother

     11:10am  I just came to the back of the bus and met Antoinette and Lydia. I told them my ideas. They think I'm weird. Just like I want them to.

     11:11am  Some guy just called me a narc on the bus. Because I have my tape recorder.

     11:35am  I walked in the plasma place. Man, everybody recognized me! It's been like over a year. That's awesome. I walked in and this girl said, "Victor Gruber."

     11:37am  Jesse is hooking me up with a cigarette in front of the plasma place. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:40am  I just went to the Mexican Restaurant, the Taqueria Puro Jalisco. When I walked in I told them, "Ah, I've got money this time." I got me a fajita taco and a bean and cheese. I'm going to eat before I wait to donate. Smoke a cigarette.

     11:50am  That sucks. I gotta have proof of residence for them to let me donate. So I can't donate today. Shit.

     11:57am  In the front in the parking lot I found me two good O transfers.

     12:00pm  I'm going to come back here behind the plasma place and see if that little homeless village is still back here. The trail behind the plasma place. I'll take a picture.

     12:05pm  I just took a picture of this little homeless village back here.

                     Dude, that student ID that dude Adrian gave me is good all year! That means I can get ten dollar bus passes all year long. Badass.

                     Oh, I forgot to tell you. I jumped on the 92. I'm going to go down to SAC and type my shit up.

     12:28pm  I just got off the 92. I totally passed the stop for SAC. I gotta walk back now. I got off over by Poplar.

     12:34pm  I'm going to go to the tennis courts and look for tennis balls. On on my last one.

     3:58pm  I am leaving SAC. I typed up like four days. I'm going to go see what happens.

     4:01pm  Larry hooked me up with a cigarette here at SAC. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:20pm  I got on the 91 when it came. Oh yeah, look what time it is. I gotta get off. I'm going to get off the bus and go celebrate.

     4:32pm  I crossed the street and jumped on the 91 again. The first 91 I had gotten off was all crowded.

     4:40pm  I just got off the 91 over on Woodlawn and Fredericksburg. I see the 90 on the other side. They have to wait for the train to pass. Which means I have time to take a hit of weed. Awesome. This train is going to take a long time. Oh no, it's already done.

     4:41pm  I got on the bus. I'm going to go to that gangster's house. Nanos'.

     4:45pm  I just got invited to a birthday party! Awesome. At Nanos' place. He wasn't home. They said he would be back in like fifteen minutes. I'm going to chill and find some place in the shade to rest for like fifteen minutes or something. She had told me, "You can come back by if you want."

     5:02pm  I was looking around for some place by his house to sit down and smoke some weed. The sun's out. It's getting hot. I saw by this house a Green Dodge Caravan SE. It had a Boricua, a Puertorican sticker on it. I decided I would just sit down right here and smoke.

                   ¡Soy boricua de pura cepa!

     5:23pm  I came back to Nanos'. He came home finally. He's going to show me how to make some tortillas.

     5:36pm  I'm at the bus stop at Woodlawn and Blanco. Close to Nanos' house. I'm going to wait for the bus whenever it comes. The 90.

     5:48pm  I'm on the 90 going to Ingram.

     6:17pm  Man, I had a great talk with this girl Kelly on the bus. She listened to me the whole time. We're almost to Ingram already.

     6:20pm  I just got off the bus over on Callaghan and Sloan. I just got the impulse to get off. I saw some guy walking and thought, "Maybe I'll go tell that guy my story or just walk through a neighborhood and look for people." I've got a dollar and there's a Diamond Shamrock right there. Let me go see what I can get to eat for a dollar.

     6:32pm  I looked at all the calories on all the snacks they had. The apple pie was like six hundred calories and it cost $1.19. Two Honeybuns(.69) would equal more calories than the pie, so I go that. Anyway, I'm stoned. I'm going to go take a walk. I'll see if I can get to Ingram so I can catch the bus to my mom's.

     6:38pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I told some kid at the bus stop over by Nanos' place my stuff. Oh and when I left Nanos he told me, "Victor, if I'm locked up I'll see you in twenty months." I had shown the kid at the bus stop my pipe and he asked me, "What do you have in there?" I told him, "Umm, marijuana."

     7:05pm  There's the 90 bus coming. Cool

     7:15pm  Casey gave me a cigarette at Ingram. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:20pm  I'm on the 610 going home.

     7:44pm  Man, tonight was weird. At Ingram I was all, "Man, should I get on the 610 and go straight to my mom's? Should I ride the 534 to the hospital and catch the 91 to West and walk home? This dude listening to headphones on the bus right now, he saw me pull out my tape recorder. He asked me if it was digital. I told him, "Nah, I type it up." I told him about how much I walked and he went, "I was thinking about walking home right now." I told him, "So was I!" We just got off the bus over on Heath and Grissom. We're going to walk down Heath. I think this is the right way to go.

                    This is where there was a really bad car accident when I was little. We're walking North.

                    This brother's name is Anthony. Remember that.

     8:38pm  We're having a pretty good walk. Man, we just hopped off at Heath and Grissom and said let's walk. We're already on Tezel. We walked Heath all the way to Mainland. I don't know. We walked up some other street before Mainland. We're walking up to Mainland right now. We're walking up Tezel. I wanted to go in the gas station and get a cigarette, but nobody had one in there. I'm going to take a piss on the side of the building.

                    Anthony: "The Red Room, March 5 at night. My name is Anthony. Ariel and Squato and my other true homies. That's my squad right there. I make beats and all that. My name is Anthony. My number is 682-9835. That's where you can catch me. My folk's."

     9:00pm  We stopped in this little park, that I remember I stopped at before and made an entry. I ate some Muslblast 2000. We're going to smoke some weed.

     9:40pm  Dude, I had a badass little magical session with this Puertorican dude named Anthony. It was crazy. He was all, "You think exactly like me." He's still in high school. Man, good things are going to happen very soon. I can just feel it.

                   Man, it is really, really crazy. Really, really insane. The chances, the coincidences that this was. At Ingram I was just thinking, "Hmm, what should I do? Should I take the 534 or what?" I was talking to the guy I bummed a cigarette from. Then his bus came and I realized it was the last 610 going out towards my mom's house. I didn't think it was passing anymore. So I jumped on the bus. I got on and looked and didn't see anybody I wanted to tell my story to. Anthony had put his headphones on, so he couldn't listen to me. He saw my recorder and asked me if it was digital. So he started talking to me so I asked him if I could tell him what I was doing. He goes, "Yeah, sure." He listened to me and he turns out being a Puertorican kid! He's some eighteen year old kid and he does music and stuff. We have a lot of parallels.

                   It seemed like this guy believed in me. He was all impressed that I had over two thousand people who would actually listen to me.

                   Oh yeah, and he told me about some free show March 5.

     9:57pm  Oh wow, and to top of my little magical adventure. When I got to the Citgo that's down on Dover Ridge in New Territories I walked inside. This girl pulls up in her car and walks in the Citgo and sees me. She goes, "Oh my god. I was just talking about you with my friend right now." Man, that blows my mind. This random girl who pulls up in a car at the Citgo was just talking about me with her friends! I am famous! The cashier knew about my stuff too. I had told her my story. She told me, "Yeah, you haven't been in here for a while." I was meant to come here tonight. What a magical night.

                   I want me a cigarette.

     10:00pm  Sue hooked me up with fifty cents so I can call my mom. I appreciate it, Sue. I got her email address.

                     Ha, I told Sue, "Everybody gets credit in my game." She tells me, "Go get it, Victor." What a great night I am having.

                     That girl had told her friend, "Remember that guy like three years ago from West that walked everywhere?"

                     Oh and this lady who came overheard my mission objectives and said, "I'll vote for you."

                     I am so stupid that I didn't buy any cereal with those three dollars I got from that dude at the hospital today. I'm stupid, I bought tacos by the Nabi. I didn't even get to donate. Damnit, I was counting on that money.

                     Ugh, stupid money!

                     Yeah, this Anthony kid believes in me.

                     I walked down Bowen quite a way.

                     That Citgo I was at is over on Dover Ridge and Weybridge, I believe.

     10:44pm  I just got to my mom's house.

Next day..

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